Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mind the Gap

In this context, "mind" means "pay attention to".  Every time we tackle a new concept in class, there is a gap between our current base of knowledge and the knowledge we'll need in order to show mastery of the topic.  For examaple, when we began studying adjectives, you might not have known much about them.  On the other hand, you might have had some background knowledge.  In either case, there was some information on adjectives that you needed to learn - a gap. 

How do we mind the gap?  What specific things can we do to gain knowledge?  If you knew that there would be a test on prepositions in only a month, what might you do in order to close the gap between what you currently know and what you might need to know in order to pass?

Extra fun:  Where are "Mind the Gap" notices most commonly seen?

Tuesday, January 24, 2012


Read this article by Rick Reilly

Once you have finished, tell me what you think the purposes of playing sports are.  What is the most important thing about sports?  What is important to some, but not important to you?

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Make a connection

Martin Luther King, Jr. Day is coming up on Monday.  Write about the importance of his work in creating opportunities as it relates to the three pictures below.  Feel free to use the googles (or the asks, or the bings) to add to your base of knowledge on the subject.

                                              1950 team photo, Indian Head Rockets

1950 team photo, New York Yankees

2011 National League All-Star Ballot

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Snow days

Soon we are likely to get a day or two off of school due to snow.  What do you think the greasers would do on a snow day?  What do you think the Socs would do on a snow day?

Make sure to expand on your answers, explaining why you think each group would engage in the activities.

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Writing briefly

Write a main idea statement based on any character in The Outsiders other than Darry.  Support your statement with three details, listed as bullet points below your statement.  Below is an example using Darry.

Darry is under a lot of pressure in his daily life.
   - He has to work two jobs to support himself and his brothers financially.
   - He has to make sure Ponyboy does well in school, so that Pony can reach his potential.
   - He was unprepared for this role, since it landed in his lap when his parents were killed. 

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Projecting an image

Some people love their hair.  Others don't.  Some people change their hairstyle as styles and trends change, rendering their old hairstyle less fashionable.  Others still do their hair the same way they have since high school.  Some people try to make a statement with their hair.  Others make the statement, "I have more important things about which to worry than how my hair looks".  Some play with, style, twist, turn, braid, fidget with, ruffly, shake, or otherwise manipulate their hair almost constantly.  Others only touch it when they wash it.  Some maintain their hair at a high level.  Others choose a style specifically because it is low maintenance.

What does your hair say about you?  How do you think others perceive your hair?  Do you care about what others think about your hair.  When getting your hair cut, do you think about what others might think when choosing your style?

Monday, October 24, 2011

The future

Typically when we write a story we write about something that has happened; naturally when doing this we use the past tenses.  Write a five sentence story about a day in the life of a student 30 years from now.  Try to imagine how schools and learning might change.  Keep in mind that some things will remain the same; for example, 30 years ago students sat at desks.  Students today sit at desks.  It's entirely possible that students 30 years from now will sit at desks.  Be creative, have fun, and write about how things WILL BE.