Thursday, September 25, 2008

Thoughts on the book Crash

What did you think of Crash? Give specific reasons for your opinions. For example: I like Crash because I love the idea of Crash making such strides toward being a mature adult from being an impulsive, reckless, and rude child. I also enjoy reading about Penn Webb because there are so many similarities between his childhood and my childhood.

Thursday, September 18, 2008

Fall is Football Season

Adam suggested that we provide a forum for talking about football while it's in season. So here goes: what team(s) do you root for, and WHY do you root for them?

In college football, number one took a tumble this week. How could a team with so much talent lose to an unranked team? What lessons can we learn from them?

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

What do you look for in a friend?

We have read about some of the character traits of Crash, Penn, Mike, and Abby. If you had the opportunity to go hiking and camping for the weekend with one of them, which would you choose? What leads you to believe that this character would be an enjoyable person with whom to spend time?

Friday, September 12, 2008

"I want to talk about . . ."

What would you like to talk about? Post a comment to this response, and I might create a post based on your suggestion!

My favorite thing about the fall is . . .

The middle school is so great!

The best book I've read recently

I couldn't put this book down. I hope this author has written a sequel!

The BEST summer ever

This summer was the best summer ever! I got to do so many cool things . . .