As good readers, it is important for you to make predictions as you read. You use the information that the authur gives you, make inferences, and build a prediction. It is equally important for you to check on the accuracy of your predictions, and think about why they were accurate or inaccurate. Sometimes the author includes misleading information so that he can surprise you later on. Sometimes you will mis-infer. Sometimes, though, your prediction will be spot on, a wonderful reward for the time and thought you have put into making the prediction.
What was one prediction you made while reading Treasure Island? On what did you base this prediction? Knowing what you know now, was it a good prediction?
What is your current PR book? Make a prediction about something that will happen in the book, and tell me the information and inferences on which you are basing this prediction. Finally, tell me how many stars you would give this prediction, and why.