Monday, December 20, 2010

Let's reflect.

The Hall of Mirrors in Versailles is a lot like a break; it is great for reflection. A few weeks ago, I asked you to write out some specific things that you could do to maximize every day between the Thanksgiving and winter breaks. After re-reading your comment to that post, write how you did. Did this plan help you have a great month? Was it an easy plan to follow? Did you set measurable goals for performance (for example "I should participate in every class" instead of "I should participate more")? If you were to re-do the past month, what one thing would you do differently?

Monday, December 13, 2010


I absolutely adore a mug of steaming hot chocolate on a cold winter day. Especially when snow is slowly drifting down, creating a peaceful, gray-toned, soothing scene I love to read and relax in front of the fire with hot chocolate by my side. In the past I have also found that hot chocolate is a wonderful tool for warming up more quickly when coming in from the cold on a blustery day. Fingers frozen to the bone regain their feeling much more quickly when wrapped around a piping hot mug of heavenly hot chocolate.

What is your favorite winter treat? When do you enjoy it the most?

Monday, December 6, 2010


Snow means many different things to different people. Snow causes me to drive more slowly, which means I have to get up earlier in the morning. It means that I have to shovel out my driveway and keep walkways clear around the house. I have to wear boots around outside, and bring shoes with me if I don't want to walk around in wet shoes all day.

However, I still enjoy snow. I look forward to seeing it filter down across gray skies, drifting through pine boughs and gently coating everything. I look forward to going sledding with my family, and playing with my dogs until the cold drives me in. I look forward to seeing the familiar scenery shrouded in a white blanket. I even look forward to the occasional snow day, although I hope that we don't miss any school during wrestling season.

What does the snow mean to you? What do you like or dislike about it?