Often when a decision that will affect lots of people needs to be made (greasy small burger/delicious steak with fresh peas), those who will make the decision do a cost - benefit analysis. What would the extra cost be of serving some of the delicious dishes that were suggested? For example, what might it cost to set up a seafood buffet? We could start by figuring the cost per student of a certain amount of seafood, but that might not give us accurate figures. Sometimes students go for bigger portions of food that they love, especially if they only get to have it occasionally. So the costs of providing a seafood buffet to middle school and high school students could be exorbitant.
What would the benefit be? The students might really enjoy the buffet, but what is the real benefit to a school of having students enjoy their lunch? Do happy students work any harder? Do they behave impeccably? Do they even tell their parents how wonderful lunch was?
It seems possible that the school doesn't care whether students like lunch - the school just needs to make sure that the students have an opportunity to eat a certain amount of nutritious food. Beyond that, any extra cost incurred doesn't result in any benefit, so it would be a waste of precious money. Is this a fair way to look at things?
no because if we have to eat at the school cause we forgot our lunch or something I would like to eat something decient!!!
Helen Powers
I think they should have different food because if us students love it and we run out of money on our lunch acount then we tell our parents.Then our parents would give us more money to buy the dulishis food. So then the shool gets our money and buys more yummy food.I also don't think its fair that the school doesn't give us this food because some of it can be nutrisus for us, like how stake has proten.
Sarah heneghan
I think that a lot of the school food is greasy and not really healthy for us to eat. Like the soup when I look at it, I see like big and small grease bubbles in it and some of the meat in the soup is hard and cold. I would also like a bigger variety of food choices. Katie Franck
In my opinion i think its important to give a healthy lunch to kids because it may help them focus more during the day. who knows, but its also important to not waste tons of money on things that arent needed....
i still want my sea food... hahaha
~{Kara A.}~
I think that mr.Abts is right. i think that the school does not care what we eat as long as it has the right amount of nutrigents it does not matter. I think that the school should start trying to make better qualiy lunches. I also think that it is great that we are having two guest chefs come in. one chef is making butternut squash soup and the other one is giving us a menu to choose from.
Eden Griger
i think that kids deserve a healthy lunch.or should have the option of getting something healthy to eat instead of junk food. this may also help with the obeesity problem that some kids have. this could be an issue (u know )
Ithink it whould be fair because kids need healthy food so they wont get sick or weake because fruit gives us the stragth and abillity to work and do things they could not do before.
J.P. Gertz
No that is not a fair way to look at things. I think we could have more of a veridy of nutriches foods.
I think that we should be able to eat something that people would serve at a restaurant at restaurant quality like seafood or steak.
Andrew Burnham
I think that its very fair that we need to get our nutrients because we need it to keep heathly for sports....I think that I would rather eat the steak with beans...it looks a bit more apitizing if you know what I mean,you can never be too heathy but you can be very unhealthy....you can also get out of shape and not be able to run or sprint in everyday life..( soccer, gymclass)
Sarah S.
I think that either way you serve the cafeteria food, someone else is going to end up unhappy. If you raise the cost and get a seafood bar, some people will not be willing to pay extra money, especially if they don't like seafood. However, I and many others don't buy the cafeteria's food because it does not appeal to us. It would be nice to not have to lug around my lunch box, but I would only do it if the food was reasonably tasty. I would tell my parents about the state of the food, too.
I think the school has to buy very cheap food because were a small town. also i think that the school does care that the food is heathy for all of us. I usually get lunch from the school because my parents dont have alot of time in the morning to pack it. i am bad at making food too.
Jack Donnelly
2nd period
In my opinion, this would be a narrow and limited way of looking at the issue. A more fair way would be to have a poll of the students to determine what the benefits would be. It might also be interesting to find out if the students would be willing to contribute or trade existing food items to get the additional benefits.
hey mr.abts i would eat the second meal becuse the first meal looks discusting
kenny eldred
Eden are you serious??!?!?!iIthought that guy was only coming in for the Elemetary school.ANyway I think that there is a happy medium.For instance some school food is okay,but some like no one likes .if they took some sort of survey to find what most kids like then they would sell more stuff and earn more money and then we could buy the seafoodbuffet and we would have a good reputation for having good food and seafood helps your brain.Becca Odell
I think that the school actually tries to serve us stuff that we would actually eat at a reasonable price. (low cost of food and benefit to the most people ) WE should be thankful that we are able to have lunch at the school. In other countries they have to go to a market and buy their food. Even if you don't have any money on your account the school will still give you a lunch but you can't have a snack.
Lots of people have seafood allergies and seafood is very expensive. It wouldn't be fair to exclude people by making a lunch expensive and if people didn't order ahead of time there could be alot of waste in terms of food and money. Also without preorders some people might not get a lunch if all the food was gone by the time they got there.
(High cost with questionable benefit)
I think that the people working at the cafeteria are very nice and try as hard as they can to reach our reasonable expectations and make the most people happy. You can ALWAYS bring your own lunch if you don't like it.
Jacob Russell
Christina N.
The steak looke soooooooo good (my fav. food).The burgur not so. I think the steak looks like it costs more because it more gourmet than then the burgur. Don't get me wrong I like burgurs but the steak looks better. I would LOVE to have that steak for lunch!
Christina N.
befor you bye somthing you should think about the cost and if it usfull because if you bye somthing thats no worth paying for then you just wasted your money on bad stuff.
Jasmine Reed
broc gilbert
no becaus if we have to eat at the school cause we forgot our lunch or something i would like to eat some food that is good.
i think hat the school food is kind-of disgusting and really greasy. I think that the school should have more food choices, and more drink choices. They only have milk, water, powerade, and juice. The soup is greasy too, how do you make soup greasy? But that's just what I think. Emily Murphy
I think that we need food that the students can be happy for and like.But I dont think sea food is the best idea.But we shouldent be paying for food that we dont even like.-bella anania
We should have healthy lunches not lunches that stick to the plate or r greasy and disgusting.We should have different food so we can actually enjoy it.
Jen Snyder
i think so. It's not like the school could ever afford to get that food. i guess as long as we eat.....people need to suck it up and eat it. i do. so everyone else can. if you really want something good make your own lunch. and if you forget it..oh well. the food's not going to kill you. it would be nice, but seriously never going to happen
Aisling McGoldrick
Andrew lobdell
No! beause I do not like to wasting money. An I would like to have a bad meal.
i think they should have a better variety of food so the students would have more chocies and maybe more would buy. but the school would have to pay more but they would get money from the students who buy lunch.and i think they should make the food better because most of it is nasty.
I think that the school should serve us different choses of food we like. I think this because the school should start serving better qualities of food not just greasy food because then more kids will keep coming back with lunch money to buy the lunch. I think the school does serve greasy food so they have something to serve for the day. The school should look into yummy but nutricus food that everybody likes!
Elizabeth Russo
I havent fallen in love with the food that school provides us, but there job is to give us food not
feed us like royalty, plus they only have so much money
Ian Robinson
no because if we forget our lunch or something i would want to eat something delicious.
I do think they should have different food because we are growing and need to have a varity of food. exspecially good food and like sarah said it bennifits everyone, us and the school.
I think this is almost fair but the school should try to make the students happy with the lunches but good food can also be very expensive and if the students don't eat much of it, this could be a waste in money.
Sophie Miller
I think that this is a fair way to look at cost analisis because if kids like the food they eat they eat more of it. However, if parents thought that seafood was healthier than the alternitive then it would be worth the cost.
Patrick Dewey 9/28/09
Well if you only buy a lunch once and a while then i would like to have it as a treat.
McKenna Hage
i think that a chnge in the lunch menu would be great especially if we got seafood. some kids dont eat alot of luch cuz its gross but if they served good food the we could pay more attention to our work and not our hungry bellies. :)
brittany marino
Yes i think it is fair to get our newtrishion......I would choose the steak instead of the burgur because i think it looks way more appitizeing and it also looks way more healthier, another reason i would choose it is beacuse it looks like it would fill you up and get you motivated for the day and if you take sports like aka.....Soccer rock on
I think that as long as the food they serve at school is healthy it should not matter what they serve also I think that the school should not waste money on buying things just because some of the students like it better than the lunches they serve.
-Rebecca Morosko
the food is not the best around. but i think that the good food will make kids happy if they got food that dident stick to there plate.
Ryan van deusen
no because we ask whats for lunch to day and it some thing that looks and tasts bad but we some times dont have enough time at home to make a lunch so we get to school and relise o i dont want that for lunch but we eat it any way
Rachel Stone
No because people need a healthy lunch so they can stay strong for sports and outher activities after school also kids need there protiean and calcieam and outher nutrence so we can stay healthy and not eat as much greese food.
Quentin Powers
I think the school shouldent wastet there money on exspensive food. They should just buy healthy inexpensive food so people dont become unhealthy.
will cadwalder
Good point,but if kids buy the sea food from the lunch room, the prices would probably cost alot more than the normal lunch. Also it would cost more for the school too.
I think they would be better off with normal lunch- cost wise, dont get me wrong, it would taste awsome though!!
Dylan Snyder
I think we should have different food because most of our food is not nutrisus. We have to be healthy and be strong. Some people bring there lunches to school because they dont like the food and there parents have to go by lunch food avery week.
By Sara Bowen
yes and no because we need to have healthy foods in our diet, but if the kids dont like the meals, they might complain to their parents, who will complain to the school. so I think there needs to be a balance between health, and taste.
Robert Iversen
I would want to have the better food because if you don't like all that greasy junk, you might not eat it. But if you have high-class tasty things such as chicken and garlic bread and other delicious things like that, they taste good and they're usually more filling for the people who like them. Stale bread doesn't fill me as much as bread that's not stale.
I think that the cafeteria should serve nutritious foods that are tasty to everyone. I don't think it's a waste of money to have better food because what's the point of buying yucky food if no one eats it?
The cafeteria should take more time in choosing their recipes and putting food together. They should take more time in preparing their food.
Grace heneghan
well i dont like sea food soooo.......but i think the school borad dose try to find food that is nutrishius
(how ever its spelled)and that we like.well they could prepare it better but i do appericiate it.if you dont like their food< bring your own.
I also think that the school food is not that healthy and it could be healthier and when I look into the chicken noodle soup it is all greyish which doesn't look very appealing at all. I also wish that the school would come up with different for a change!
Tae Livermore
Renee Friedman
I think it is a fair way to look at things. However, maybe once in a while, it would be nice to have a buffet of some kind of food that people don't have that often. The cafeteria could have it maybe once or twice a year. That way, it probably woulden't cost that much. The benefit would be that the students will look forward to getting different food and they will be really happy.
well i think that the school should give each kid a chance to have a opinion on what they want yah i get its expensive but if they give us a chance to ask for a serten lunch then maby some people would eat more of the school lunch and less of the food we bring from home i just think there sould be better food???????
I do not like the cafiteria food because it is not cooked well enough and its all frozen food wich can not be healthy. I think it is greasy and disgusting. We only get the choices of snack, salad or regular lunch. It would be nice to have fresh steaks and peas and other deliscous food but like that is ever going to happen.
Alex D
Most of the cafiteria food is greasy but I like it mmmmmmm mmmmmm. I think that it is unhealthy and a waste of money. If the cafiteria food was more healthy with non iceberg lettuce I would pay $4.00 for the lunch. I think that if we got more tasty food then my parents would give more lunch money.
Max Ofer
The class before lunch period we students think of lunch and what we will eat like it is the most important thing in the world. But then after lunch period, we think no more of it and instead think of other things, like homework and whether we did it, not if lunch tasted like a gourmet meal.
Claire Dohner
I think it's not a fair way to look at it because I belive that the money spent on good food they would eventully get back by the people buying the good food.I also think that more people would buy lunch if the food was better. It is still important to have food that is healthy. It does not have to be healthy all the time but should be most of the time.
i think we should have two mane food choises and then soup and snacks in stead of just one because people dont always like the first choise i also think it would be good if we had higher quailty food
Grant 5
No, because I think the school lunches should be choosen by the kids because we eat it not them. I would love to have somthing decient once in awile not some discusting sticky macoroni!
~P@!G3 H3W!TT
Johnny Zhang
GROSS-A-TATING! The bun looks like it has teeth so gross it makes me sick just looking at it
and yah they have to get way more decent food unless they like food poisoning.
No i do not think that this is not fair because lunch is supostibe a choice in which the student sould pick because i don`t think we would wha`t to eat something tha`t we don`t like it sould be a nice veritye.
Lucas Busse
i think it wood be aussem ifwe had beader lunch
I think it's not a fair way to look at it because I belive that the money spent on good food they would eventully get back by the people buying the good food.I also think that more people would buy lunch if the food was better. It is still important to have food that is healthy. It does not have to be healthy all the time but should be most of the time.
Jimmy Anania
I think eating is up to you on the healthy things and bad things.So choose heathy things cause if you dont it can come up laeter and give you a heart atack.
Austin period 2
I think that it is a fair way to look at things because as you said the school does not care what they feed us because it needs to make money to buy more food.
nate period 2
How is y'all's cafeteria in comparison to ours(STC)
-Ranny Burke
period 4
I do not think we should add a seafood bar to our cafeteria because we need other things for our school that we don't have yet and we shouldn't waste our money on a seafood bar. Also, most people are already stisfied with the school lunch.
that thing people call a chese burger is nasty!!!!!!!!!!!
i think the school does tests on what food students like the most and serve it more often. the food we dont like (mack and chese) they dont serve very often.
that stuff looks nasty. it would be sweet if there was an all you can eat buffet.
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