Click on the link above to learn about the effect of the Flu Epidemic of 1918 on upstate New York (and the world). Are you at all concerned that the Swine Flu will be as serious as the Spanish Flu was almost 90 years ago? Why or why not?
Make sure to use some specific details to support your opinions.
Right now I think that the swine flu is all not that serious. I already knew that the Sapnish flu killed over 20 million people and that now in the USA it has only killed like a few people. But now that it is declared as an pandemic, I am more concered about it than when it wasn't a pandemic. But over all I am not all that worried that it is going to kill us all. Also, I think that with a lot of schools closing in our district, like Cherry Valley, it will come to us. But with most people staying home because they think they have it I now think that the flu won't have it's big strike won't happen for a while or never, hopefully...
Tae Livermore
Period 2
I don't think that H1N1 is that serious as the Spanish Flu because today we have a lot of reaserch in medicine that we did not have when the Spanish Flu broke out. Also not as many people have died as whemn the Spanish Flu was. Most people have had H1N1 and they did not die like when the Spanish Flu killed 20 million people.
i do not think that the swine flu will be as bad as the Spanish flu.at this point in time we will most likely have that many deaths because we have better antibiotics to live with. if we happen to run out of all the vacines we might have more deaths than we currently have had. but if we make a new vacine that works better we would have a better chance of not having as many people dieing.
Katie Kleban
Period 2
The Swine Flu DOES concern me but its not something we should obsess about in our everyday lives. Its only making people very sick because we have never been exposed to this type of virus before and our immune systems arent prepaired for it.
I don't think the Swine Flu will be as bad as the Spanish Flu because, the only people who have died are eather very old.
they are also young and usually have some sort of diseases such as Diabetes and other diseases.
I do not think that the swine flu will get that bad now, because most people have been exposed. And those who have not caught swine flu yet, probably wont. Also, we have better technology than 90 years ago.
Robert 5
Christina P5
I'm VERY comcerned about the Swine Flu!The regular flu was worse at first. It was that only babies and old people and sick people. But now Anyone can pretty much get it even CATS. There is olny a limited amount of vacinne, and only people that need it get it. Someway we will find a cure for it like other things. 'Till then we hove to hope that we don't get it.
Christina P5
Grace period2
No i am not really concerned about the swin flu becouse i had the mild case over the summer and i was not that bad.(not that any flu is good) Plus for the Spainish flu in less than one year there were more deaths than World War I caused. the swine flu cased 36 deaths for the USA.Influenza killed over 20 million people world wide.So it dose not bother me so much.
No I am not as concerned about the Swine flu because if you all ready had it then you are most likely to not get it again and if you do it will be a small case. Plus the Swine flu has not killed very many when the Spanish flu killed over 20 million people world wide, including 500,000 in the United States, making it the worst pestilence to hit man since the Black Death of the 14th century. Also the 1900s they did not have any med. to cure the flu so many people died.
Haha we were just learning about that in 20th Century History. The Bird Flu was a very deadly disease and was so bad. One morning you would have the symptoms next morning your dead. It was very seroius and very deadly.
The last comment of 20th century world history was barclay's by the way.
I don't think that the swine flu will be as big as the
Spanish flu. Because the united states has advanced very much in discovery of new medicines. Also I heard from many people that the swine flu is not as deadly as they say if you treat it right. So many cases of swine flu can be prevented which is why it is not as bad as the Spanish.
Thomas period 1
I do not think that it will be as bad as the Spanish Flu. I think this because now in this day and age we have shots that can help us. Also we are good about if there is a flu going around we close schools and things so other people will not get it. I think that the swine flu will be worse in some countries than others but maybe before that happens it will settle down. I think that is why I thnk the swine flu will not be as bad as the Spanish flu. Bella preiod 5
Johnny Zhang period 2
i am worried that the swine flu might be a epidemic cause we were just hit with the minor amout of swine flu not like the people in mexico who really died. My concern is how much longer would it take for the us to get the major swine flu that what I'm worried about. There is another problem is that the vaccine is not working that well cause I heard that in mexico the vaccine is what killed the most people and up her the vaccine only makes people even more sick. this is one vary big problem.
I am concerned about the swine flu, but the influenza was more dangerous because it killed 20 million people. The swine flu could get more dangerous and kil more people and it could be as worse as the influenza. Swine flu isnt afficialy considered a pandemic yet and the influenza was.The influenza killed more people than world war 1 and the swine flu hasent killed that many people
Kevin period 2
Yes, I am concerned becuase flus like the spanish influenza, and swine flu can be leathal and will be very bad if a big strike like it happens again. I think that there is a shortage of of kinds of flu shots and it is not the best thing. Becuase the damage infictied on people was terrible when world war 1 was going on it could very well happen again despite the 10 times better medical research and medicine that we have today. The real issue that I beleive will be a debate and problem is that we may not be able to make batches of the flu shots.
Ian Period 2
No I dont think it will be as bad as the Spanish Flu. I dont think it will be as bad becuase we have more tectnology then back then and we have a vacsene for the swine flu.
will period 1
yes and o but are knowledge has grown alot since 1960 and we have a good idea of how to treat the swine flue so im not to worried thatt its gonna get out of control.
brittany 1 :)
I am not very concerned that the swine flu will be as serious as the Spanish flu. I think this because the scientists now will probably find a cure to the swine flu because we are alot more advanced then they were in 1918.
i think it will be as serious because it has already killed alot of people and alot more people are dying and alot of people have it.
- -
krista 1 @ @
No because i already had it and it wasnt that bad. if youve had it once you cant get it agian.
McKenna 1
I am not concerned at all that swine flu (H1N1) will become a pandemic. Just because it is a new virus, about the same number of people have died from the normal flu. The problem is that there are many different kinds of flu's every winter that no one even checks to see the virus. Swine flu is just the same. People are way too nervous. I think swine flu is just a way for doctors and media to make money.
The Spanish flu 90 years ago was huge back then but if it were to arise now, it wouldnt be such a big deal because of our advanced medicine. I also believe the swine flu vaccine will not do anything more for you than eating healthy, staying active, and washing your hands regularly.
If people freaked out about every single new virus that comes up, we might as well be living in a box. Why is swine flu any different? I bet most of the people who have died from it were not as healthy who have gotten it and recovered.
At the end of the school year last year, a few people at our school got swine flu or so they thought. everyone was completely fina after it. Doctors now arent even testing for the virus anymore. That means half of the people who say they have swine flu could just have the normal flu or a cold.
period 3
i dont think it will be that bad the spanish flu because the spanish flu killed more than world war 1. there is no way that the swine flu will kill that much.
William Abrams period 1
No because a lot of people are geting sick, but there is not a lot of deaths.
-♥Serena♥ Period3
Yes i think the Swine Flu is going to be as bad as the Spanish Flu in the 90's.
I think this becuase The Swine Flu has already killed people. The Spanish Flu also has killed people. Matter or fact the spanish Flu has killed 20 million people world wide.
Back then they did not have anyway to get rid of diseases. Or they did'nt even have no way to get ammune to fight the diseases either.
Today we have ways to get ammune and we have ways to be aware.
Alyssa Period 3
Yes i am conserned about how swin flu will become so serius. i want to help it stop making people sick. i wish i could do something about it so i could help. is there some way i could help? i know there is a way i can help but at what exstant would i go to help. so i wish i could help and i am consernd about the epademic. i am so afrad of it how can i stay away from the epademic.so i am veary consernd about the swin flu.
broc gilbert 11/10/09
The Spanish flu was a very serious empidemic because it was so widespread. Upstate New York was affected because of 404 recorded deaths and many more infections. General Electiics had to shut down because of so many cases of the flu.I dont think that this season of flu will be as serious because we havev more technologyu and we can leatrn from our expiriences.
I dont think so because we have more tecnology than before. Also now we have medicine for the swine flu. Per2 Lyman Townsend
no i dont think the swine flu will be as serious as the spanish flu because the swine flu has not even killed over 1000 people and the spanish flu killed over 20 million so the swine flu is not that serious.
kenny per 3
I am not concerend because the real risk is for babies.....and senior sidisons i am only slightly at risk/ i think ??
jordian period 1
i think there is not going to be a seccond killer flu. but the swine flu is taking a lot of hits on people. i dont think there is a vacinne for swine flu yet.
Hey Mr Abts
Long Time No Blog
As for me I am not as concerned as much as last year for swine flu because yeah alot of people get sick and stay home but its not going to kill them now that we have more knowledge about H1N1.
Christopher Gould
PS We miss you at STC
p3 ^ that guy
I'm not very concerned about the flu because A. the only deaths from Swine Flu were people with very weak immune systems. B. Joe Biden blew the Swine Flu pandemic way out of proportion. C. the Spanish Flu killed 20 million in one year whereas Swine Flu has killed only a fraction of that.
P.S. I might just not care because my immunity from the vaccine goes into effect today :)
Sarah- Period 3
Although I am concerned that the swine flu will make more people sick than the seasonal flu, I don't think that it will be as bad as the Spanish Influenza was. Back in 1918, medical research and cures for diseases were not as advanced as they are now. We have two new great tools to fight the swine flu. Doctors and scientists are working very hard to come up with a vaccine that really works. Plus, we now understand he power of good hygiene; it's the best way to ward off unwanted germs.
A lot of adults are able to fight the swine flu off because, in the past, there have been some influenza viruses with similar characteristics. Some adults compare it to the seasonal flu, like my mom. She says that it is just like having the regular flu. I think that our major concern is that kids (and adults) who have bad immune systems or asthma will get very sick and possibly die. That is why they're priority for the limited amount of vaccine out there.
I think that now that we do have a vaccine, more people will be protected against the swine flu, so I don't think that the U.S. will get hit as hard in another possible wave of it. People were not very protected against the Spanish Influenza, and now we are much more protected against the swine flu. In other countries, I think that more people will get killed, so we are very fortunate to live in the U.S. (I was unable to load a research site, so I could not find the number of swine flu deaths in the U.S., however, since my mom is a pediatrician, she told me the number of pediatric deaths.) 500,000 people were killed by the three waves of the Spanish Influenza in the U.S. (one of them was my Great-Great-Uncle), whereas only 129 pediatric deaths have been reported during the two waves of the swine flu.
Eventually, I think that the swine flu will be more like the seasonal flu than the Spanish Influenza. The vaccine will be available and easy to get, and there won't be that many serious cases. It will be a regular threat that people can be protected against.
I am concerned about the Swine flu, but the Spanish flu seemed a lot worse. The Spanish flu killed about 20 million people world wide and was very dangerous pandemic to people. The Swine flu has killed a fair amount of people but it hasn't killed anyware close to the amount of people the Spanish flu has. I don't believe though that the Swine flu will be as severe as the Spanish flu because scientists have advanced their technology so they will have a stronger vaccine. In some ways I don't see the difference between Swine flu and the regular flu as long as you stay very healthy so you don't catch either of them.
Elizabeth, Period 2
I am not concerned about the Swine Flu because even though it is dangerous we have more technology and we can get a shot so we can a little ammune to it.Also I don't think that the Swine Flu will get as deadly as the Spainish Flu was. It is pretty amazing that it killed more people that world was one!
Eden Period 2
I'm not that concerned about the swine flu. The Spanish Flu killed more than 20 million people! I don't even like the vaccine that they put out. It hasn't been tested that much, and who knows, it could lead to something much worse than even the Spanish Flu. I had the swine flu last year, and it wasn't that bad. It was just like a regular flu, with stomach bugs, headaches, bad fevers, etc.
I am concerned about the swine flu because my sister has it and so does my brother and my mom is getting it to. It doesn't seem that bad there are worse things out there. I don't think it will get as bad as the spanish flu. I just think its new its not that bad my sister has throw up (according to her) six times but nothing really bad yet.
Grant 5
I do not think that the swine flu will be anything like the Spanish Influenza. First of all, we are in the twenty first century and we have a vaccine. They are all ready giving the vaccine to people. Back then, if the doctors thought the person was not going to make it they just left them to die. We have better communication today, so people are more aware of what the symptoms are and how to get treatment. They are also aware of the availability of the vaccine. We have better transportion today to move the vaccine and people from place to place. We have better technology today so the vaccine can be produced more quickly (at least in theory). We have better hygiene today, so people can keep germs away more. Hand sanitizer is everywhere. We are more aware of how disease is caught, so we take better precautions. The medical care today is better, and more available than it was back then. Nowadays when there is one sickness going around, people tend to over-react to it. Parents keep kids home from school for fear of catching something (however, its selective as they still go to sport banquets:-) )
The press feeds on such things making people more scared. There has been many illnesses going around so we are almost getting immunity to alot of illnesses. Be careful but don't be stupid. Live long and prosper.
Jacob R Per 2
Renee - Period 3
I am not concerned that the Swine Flu will be as bad as the Spanish Flu was almost 90 years ago. The Swine Flu has killed many people, but most of the people who died from the Swine Flu already had another condition. Any type of flu can kill somebody. The Spanish Flu killed over 20 million people! I think that is because there wasn't a vaccine for the Spanish Flu back then so the vaccine probably would have helped prevent the spread of the Spanish Flu. Also, medical care is a lot different now than it was in 1918 and 1919. Even if people do get the Swine Flu now, there are medications that people can be put on to feel better. There probably could have been less people who died from the Spanish Flu in 1918 and 1919 if there was better medical care back then.
No im not that concerned about the swine flu even though it has killed some people. I do not think it will be as big as the influenza because we have vaccine for the swine flu and techlology is also better than it was in the early 1900s. So i dont think it will be a pandemic.
Jimmy period 3
Yeah i was really concerned with the swine flu, especially how fast it spread. One week it was in Mexico, the next week it was up here, in the Northeast. I'm at least glad they're getting the vaccine distibuted. I havent gotten it yet, so hopefully it will soon either blow over, or the vaccine will be distributed to everyone. Then again the vaccine still does'nt keep you 100% safe, so i guess we'll just have to deal with it and stay healthy.
-Vaughan 5
I do think if we are not careful the swine flu could be as bad as influenza . About 500,000 people in america died from influenza. People are already calling out sick we don't know how big this flu is. Hopefully soon enough we will have enough vaccine for everyone to be immune. Until then we will have to hope for the best.
Alex per.2
Johnny Zhang Period 2
I am Concern that the swine flu is coming back and I sure that it going to be bad as the Influenza.but the thing is that the swine flu is not as dangerous up here. the main thing is that you get sick for about a week with a fever and headach so it not that bad.
Im not very concerned about the swine flu. I jush had it and I didnt take any medicene and I got better in 1 week. The only people I worry about with this flu is babies and people over 65. When I went to the doctor thats what thet said also you can take this medicene called TamaFlu it cures you right away. My parents took it. Also when you get this flu once you immuned to this flu.
Jack Period 2
Johnny 5
I am not concerned that the Swine Flu will be as bad as the influenza. The reason I think this is because it says in the article the influenza killed over 20 million people including 500,000 in the United States and the Swine Flu hasn't killed nearly as much as that. Also, some of my family members have had it and it is no different than a stomach bug with a fever and a cough. That is the reason I am not concerned about the Swine Flu.
I'm NOT concerned about the Swine Flu!! I'm not because all I've heard about it is that it's a mild case of the flu. The only reason people were freaking out about it is beacuse we didn't have a vacinne and know that we have it that we have a shortage of it.
Ken Stahl
Period 5
I do not think it will be a thretining as that flu because so far they now have a shot for the swin flu and they did not back then so it wont get as seris.
Al period 5
Kate, Period 2
I am not convinced that the Swine Flu will be as serious as the Spanish Flu, the reason for that was because I quite possibly had it, and not many people have died. If any, how old were they? Depending on if they were old or young, it would not be immensely serious because their immune systems would have likely been new and not accustomed to sickness, or the immune system would be failing. If neither of these ages, how many sicknesses had they had when they were younger or recently? Were they prone?
I do not think the Swine Flu will be as serious as the Spanish Flu 90 years ago. Yes, it has spread, and yes, there is no cure. But so far, there have not been many serious, heavy cases.
Kate, Period 2
I am concerned about the Swine Flu but I do not think that the Swine Flu will be as bad as the Flu of 1918 because far fewer people have died from the Swine Flu. I think there is a shortage on the vaccine for the Swine Flu so most people will not prepared if they get the Swine Flu. Are Hospitals and research facilities are much more advanced than they were in the early 1900's so I think that we will be able to handle the Swine Flu if we can make enough batches of the Swine Flu vaccine.
Max Ofer p3
I'm amaized that even a cold could turn into a cold that can kill. Im conerned about the swine flu but not nearly as concerned about the Spanish flu that killed 20 millon people. I also try to remember people have to die but anyone would probly hate knowing they to have the Spanish flu. That cold is nasty! I feel bad for the people who died who were brave people to atleast try to fight off the flu and live they're lives again but that didnt happen. Katie F. Per 5
just learned about influenza. i think influenza was much worse because there werent as developed medicines and peoples hygine and personel health werent as good.
Well I think the swine flu is bad, but not as bad as the spanish influenza. I think this because well this weekend my mom said i might have had the swine flu or a little bit of it. that's why i haven't been here in a week. But these days we have modern medicine on our side, and scientists think they might have discovered a vacine. While it may not work for some, it is keeping the flu under control. Plus not that many people have died from it. The Spanish flu wiped people out by the millions world wide. I personally have better things to worry about then swine flu. You get sick, you get sick you'll most likely get over it. It's kinda like the regular flu ( which by the way has killed many more people then the swine flu)
I am concerned about the swine flu. It is very deadly all around the world. There is not alot of vaccations of swine flu and thats really bad. Every one around the world is getting it and people are spreading it too and many people are dieing.
Jennifer Snyder p.1
We are woried because we don't no if we will get it or not so I think people are stating to get worried that they might die if the case of it is seveir.
P:3 Quentin Powers
I think the swin flu wont be as bad as the spanish flu because we have tecknolgy to make vacknations so if we get the flu it wont be as bad
JP Gertz
Swine flu is bad and I do think that it could get as bad as the spanish flu if we dont wash our hands!!
Dylan Snyder
right now i do think it is very import to worrie about it onless u are sick or at hight risk to get it ..and no i dopnt think it is like the lu in 1918 ....and h1n1 is very differnt that that other flu ad we have better health cair now then we did in that time ,we also have a vaccine for h1n1 unlike the spanish flu and the sapnish flu had killed over 20 millon people unlike the swin flu that has only killd only a 100 or so ... so no i would not worre abotu it
alicia mcardle
period 3
the spanish flu was worse because it killed over 20 million people and swine flu has only killed about 2000 people. PANDEMICS CAN BE PREVENTED!jolie5
The swine flu has been around since the 1800's, and the dath rate is considerably less than the annual flu that kills thousands each year. So the swine flu, while it has mutated from its original strain it is unlikely to become as serious as the Spanish flu as we have advances in medical science.
Serena Period 3
i agree because the suine flu might get to us and we might loose population of our state. The suine flu migght kill most of our solders and we might loose.
McKenzie slater period 5
Well Im not seriouse about the Swine Flu because I have never gotten it and the people that do get it should wash there hands constantly. Ex.Washing hands after using the bathroom,Washing you hands before you eat.Wash your hands if cough or sneezed into your hand,Wash your hands if somebody sneezes and or coughs on you.If you did this than you wouldnt most likely get it.
paige period5
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