Monday, November 16, 2009

Arguing or bickering?

One character posits that an argument is a connected series of statements intended to establish a proposition. In other words, a group of thoughts should work together in order to persuade somebody of something. However, bickering generally consists of just disagreeing with whatever another person says.

When you disagree with friends, classmates, siblings, parents, and teachers, do you tend to argue or bicker? How does that work out for you?


Nate Wilcox said...

I usually argue and most of the time I win but when I argue with my sister I usually lose because she beats me up because I am the younger brother so I am smaller then her.

Anonymous said...

I say that if I am aguing against a friend, classmate, or a sibling, I am usually bickering because I usually just like to get an argument over with and go with one side although I just like to win most of the time when i'm bickering against my sister. Although when i'm doing it with a parent or teacher i'm usually arguing because i'm stating my point.

Tae Livermore
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Argueing and Bickering seem like the same thing. I don;'t think they are making any progress in there arguement. Why fight for no reason.

Dylan Snyder Period 3

Nathaniel Miller said...

I usually bicker with my family and I often lose my bicker. It is very dificult to win by disagreeing with somebody because you have no specific things to say that support your bicker.

Anonymous said...

THAT WAS BICKERING IF IVE EVER SEEN not is too that is not aruging.


Anonymous said...

that bicering was funny because they were bicering about the money at the END

michelle zeh

Timmy G Per. 1 said...

I think that the 5 minuate argument was a very good example of a 5 minuate argument. It was pretty funny and the part where the man with the glasses gave the man without the glasses about 20 dollars and then they started to argue about if he gave the money or not. They did a lot or bickering and they did a lot of arguing . But they went from one topic to another topic. It was very funny.

Kara said...

Usually i argue with people instead of bicker. i always come up with something to say back to the person besides just disagreeing with them.


Anonymous said...

That was bickering, because all they did was yes it is no it isnt. I usually bicker because it is quicker and easier to do. This only works against my sister because shes six but against my parents it doesnt work.

Jack P2

the third doctor whoof said...

^that guy period 3

I tend to argue with logic in an effort to get my way. I still sometimes lose as my parents and brother argue very well.

Anonymous said...

I usually argue differently depending on who I disagree with.I bicker with my sibling and don't care what the other one says because I just want to make them mad.When I argue with my friends its kind of a mix of bickering and arguing,because I don't try to make my friends mad and have a reason to fight with them.When I argue with classmates it would probably be more of an argument because its usually about learning.When I disagree with my parents I think I would bicker and kind of argue.When disagreeing with teachers I would argue rather than just disagree with them.That is because I would have a reason to argue with them,because teachers can send you to the office.Usually I will "win" the argument more often when argue rather than bicker because I have more reason behind the argument.
(ps I love Monty Python!)

Anonymous said...

Grace 2

I tend to argue and try to give points and facts thay can't beat.It works out well, when im really fighting it turns out to be on behalf.Most of my siblings don't give relevant anuff facts about what were fighting about.They just end up trying to kill me.

Anonymous said...

When I am just having fun and everyone is in a good mood then my sisters, friends, and I are just bickering. Since it is usually nonsence no one wins and we just gradully stop. But when my sisters, and me are really mad at each other than we are really arguing. When We argue most of the time the other person wins because I hate when we are in a real argument and are really mad at each other. But when it comes to debates I'm not that bad.
Eden Period 2

Anonymous said...

Sarah- Period 3

When I disagree with friends, classmates, my brother, my parents, or teachers, I either bicker or argue. If I have a good reason to oppose something, I tend to argue, giving good facts and opinions. But when I'm upset or frustrated, I'll bicker, saying only "'Cause I don't feel like it," or "I did not.. did not.. nuh uh, etc." When I argue, normally I tend to get my way with things. I don't get anywhere with bickering. I've noticed that when people bicker, neither side gets anything accomplished.

P.S. Funny movie!

Anonymous said...

i usually argue with the other person and i usually win.i always ardue with my brother and i normaly always win

katie p2

Anonymous said...

sometimes i argue with my siblings.
i usually win.
Jennifer Snyder p.1

Anonymous said...

Often times when you think that you need to get your way in a discusion you will tend to argue, and when everybody is yelling at each other people dont care if there right they just want to win the arguement,so I just think about what I'm getting myself into while I'm argueing and I just walk away.

Ian 2

Anonymous said...

not so well but i eather get in school suspention or i dont always win. Period 5 McKenzie slatrer

Anonymous said...

Well i tend to bicker with my family but i argu with my friends so yah

JR period1

Anonymous said...

Johnny Zhang Period 2

When i argue i always end up losing cause my sister keeps saying i older than you. she even does it when i watch tv she always bugging me if she comes down and wants to watch tv she takes the remote and change the chanall to watch her own shows. if i were to go on the computer she would kick me off it so she can go on g-mail. Main thing is that i hve bearly any power or say in my house it sucks.
P.S. i hate being the younger brother.

Anonymous said...

when i argue with my friends it usally gets out of control and some of us take it to serously but some times we bicker to, we usaully do both.
Kevin frevele

Anonymous said...

I always agree with My peres because some times if you dont lison you can get in troble and that would be bad.If it is my frands I agree if it is a good qweston or if I like the qwestion.

Andrew Lobdell
period 5

Anonymous said...

I think that arguing is pretty much bickering. However, I think that bickering is usually when you say the same things over and over again and its usually a less serious topic instead. I don't really like to argue because if my friends and I disagree they get really mad and upset, so I just agree to end the problem.

Bella proiod 5

Anonymous said...

i usally do both because when im with my freinds i usally bicker because its kind-off fun and when im with my parents i usally argue because argueing works more efficintlly.


Anonymous said...

Yes i do tend to do that with most people it doesn't work, however with my friends i wont give up and it tends to work.

-♥♥Serena♥♥ Period 3

Anonymous said...

i usually argue and not bicker because its easier to say what you want instead of just disagreeing what they say

brittany 1

Anonymous said...

i am usly the one who is bickering with a friend or family but sometimes i dissagre with teachers but i dont try and argue back.

Raachel Stone peroid 1

Anonymous said...

i argue but not like the really bad argueing.yes when i argue with my parents i loose because im the kid and there the ant
argueing and bickering the samething.

William abrams period 1

Anonymous said...

I normally don't argue but when I argue I normally think of a way that we bolth agree on so for one reason I whould argue with my sister on what to wach on the telavision so we whould split the time to watch the T.V.

Quentin P:1

Anonymous said...

When I argue with my siblings and friends I usually bicker, but when I argue with my parents, I usually whine and argue. I think that people bicker because it is easier just to deny what the other person says rather than provide supporting details. People can also be very stubborn when they have a point to prove. People love being right. When I bicker I usually dont get anywhere but arguing I usually win. A good arguement is hard to find with younger people but older people involved in polotics for example give a good arguement.

period 3

Anonymous said...

I guess i do both. I don't really see the diffrence in bickering and arguring. I can usaully win the fight but when I'm fighting my older brother it's hard.

Emma P1

Anonymous said...

When I disagree I tend to bicker. Usually I find out that what the other person said was right.
When I argue I tend to get emotional and I don’t listen to what the other person has to say I just tend to contradict.

Patrick pd 3

Anonymous said...

I usually bicker but with some facts or proof that someone did something so that I win or get whats fair. But with a parent i would argue because bickering wont work with them.
Jimmy p3

Anonymous said...

i think they were bickering because they were not supporting their argument. they need suporting detales! jolie5

Anonymous said...

I usuall argue with my parents about non serious thing. My paresnts usually win becausew they no moreand they are bigger than me. I alo argue with my brother but he wins also. He wins bedause he is alot bigger than me and he is 3 grades above me and he beats me up when we get in an argue.
Sara.b per.1

Anonymous said...

I tend to argue with them because it is easier and im good at it when im in a fight with my sister i win but with my brother i dont win so i argue most of the time

kenny per 3

Anonymous said...

I do usually do bicker in an argue. With my friends and classmates I win because I know if I don't give up they will. However with my parents and teachers I dont bicker because i might get in trouble. And I really dont want to get into trouble. So half of the time bickering works for me and the other half I doesn't work. So to answer the question "How does that work out for you?", it really all depends on the whole situation.

-♥Serena♥ Period 3

Anonymous said...

i usually argue when i disagree with somebody. They will probaly try to bicker because they think that their answer is right but i will support my answer and i might look it up and print up a page about it to prove to them that my answer is right. When i bicker i will try to make it last as long as i can enless i find out that my answer is wrong.

Grant 5

christina noto said...

Christina Period 5

I think they were arguning they were because the whole reason that guy was there was to argue. When I am in a argument with some one I argue. If you bicker in an argument you would be in a called a bickerment. Usually I agure with my sister.

Anonymous said...

Kate, Period Two

When I disagree, it is almost always bicker: the back and forth "it is" "it isn't". I get so frustrated that someone is trying to contradict something that I say, that I usually talk over them to get my way. (This happens a lot with my sister.) I usually do not have proof to support my side of my argument because I do not usually research it in school prior to the prattling, and my bickers are almost always based off of something I saw or heard. (This also applies to my friends.) With my parents, it is almost as if they are built in with patience because they sit and think and then return with a supporting opinion while I am next the one to say, "Oh", and then shuffle away. The same thing applies for teachers, but I do not like to argue with my teachers, because it would be very likely that I would go back to my desk with the same response. With some of my friends I continue to bicker, but my sister always goes into these large explanations after she has proved her point, so it is useless to say anything further, if not ridiculous.
I don't really like getting into real arguments because a lot of times, all the people arguing get really frustrated and annoyed, so there are times when I try to stop a few of my friends from arguing because there are times when they don't seem to be happy or joking.

Kate, Period Two

Anonymous said...

I bicker with my brother and some friends, but with my brother he would bring up something I did before that was not good and tell which most of the time meant I lose. With my friends sometimes I win but its kinda 50/50 with us. With my parents, we dont really bicker maybe in the being when we dont agree on something, than it goes into an argument and I dont win.

Anonymous said...

I usually try to "present my case" to my parents instead of arguing or bickering. I know that if I "argue" starting with a tone of voice to my parents I end up bickering and then I get in trouble. There is a fine line between arguing and bickering. If I am in a debate I try to argue so much that the opponet runs out of ideas. My younger brother always bickers. When I was 3 yrs. I was watching a Giants game with my dad I was rooting for the Giants because I was and still am a Giants fan. They were playing against the Eagles. My brother decided that he would root for the Eagles. Ever since he has been an Eagles fan. He likes the opposite of me or he likes the same thing when he knows that doing so will get me mad.

Jacob R per 2

Anonymous said...

Renee - Period 3

I both argue and bicker. If whatever we are disagreeing about is not that serious, I usually tend to bicker. It doesn't work that well. First, someone will say an opinion. Then, if I disagree with them I will say no. They will say yes. And so on and so on. It gets louder and louder until you are practically screaming in the other person's face. Nothing gets accomplished and nobody gets a point across. If it is a more serious topic, I tend to argue. I get my point across. The more details both sides have, the better the argument is. I think agruing works out much better than bickering. Arguing is also more thought out than bickering. Bickering is more like screaming nonsense in people's faces.

Anonymous said...

I usually bicker with my family and i bickerr with my brother before he becomes violent because he is wrong

Andrew B.

Anonymous said...

I usally argue and bicker depending on the situation. I usally bicker with my sister and just try to get her mad. I probably agrue more with me parents but I do bicker with them. When I argue with friends it is kind of a mix because I try not to get them really mad at me and I only agrue with them if there is a reason to. I don't believe that I usually "win" the agruments, sometimes I do but I am not really good at coming up with facts right away to support my agrument.

Elizabeth, Period 2

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that when I disagree with friends,classmates,siblings,parents and teachers I do not bicker I listen to other persons idea or fact and think about what they are saying and then react to what they say in a calm way so that everything does not lead to bickering. Rebecca 1

Anonymous said...

I usually argue with my brother and my family and I dont make out to well(I loose).My brother always used to win our arguments but sence I have lost so many times I am getting better at it.

Max Ofer period 3

Unknown said...

I think that they shoodent be arguing because everything they say will turn intosomthing els to argu about and who wood pay to argu.

Anonymous said...

yes I do biker, and it dosnt work out usually because my apponet or I just end up yelling and getting mad...sooo no it never works out!


Anonymous said...

I have seven brothers and sisters, so I know a lot about arguing, though in my house we just call it quarreling. Usually I just bicker, since the quarrels I have with my family never are anything you can actually say something intelligent in.


Anonymous said...

I usually argue with my family members. But argueing usally turns to bickering just because we're tired of argueing and I know bickering will end it.
Ken Stahl Period 5

Anonymous said...

I have to admit I do bicker at my friends and family.It does not tend to work out as well as I would think. Or wont to think. If it's with my family my two brothers sometimes would pick me up as a joke but with my that is a different story we would bicker until a parent would stop us.

Sarah h 5

Anonymous said...

All I do is bicker. Especially with my sisters. It drives my mom crazy. She gets REALLY mad because she says we bicker to much. My fights are usually bickering turned violent.( with my sisters) When I want something, or when I am trying to prove that I didn't do something, I might argue just to get my point across and to prove that I am right.

aisling 5

Anonymous said...

I only bicker with friends and siblings because its easy to win and because all your say is no it isn't and yes it is. But I would not bicker with my parents I would rather argue.

Per 2 Lyman Townsend

Anonymous said...

Most of the time I argue. The only time I bicker is if im just joking, although I try to avoid arguments alltogrther if possible.-Vaughan 5

Anonymous said...

i bicker and it dose not work out for me becase the person sais you are wrough and i leave.

broc gilbert period 5

Anonymous said...

Johnny 5

I think they are bickering becease they are disagreeing on everything. I usually argue with my friends sometimes but I usually bicker with my family.

Christina said...

Christina P5

I think it is both because agruing and bickering are the idea. Usually I fight(agrgue/bicker) with my sister. I usually I win the speaking part, but when she get phyical she wins. I love debating which is like agruing, because I love sharing my ideas and I take alot.

Per. 5

Unknown said...

i usually fight with my brothers about stuff that i dont agree with, But most of the time i just go with the flow.

Anonymous said...

i usally fight with my brother its more like you win i win thing. but i try to avoved argueing with my frends.

ryan VD

Anonymous said...

I tend to argue with my sister a lot. In fact we have been arguing so long we have be come masters at it. We do bicker and usally tend to see what we don't like what they did and argue why they did it. Then after the argument we laugh and ask ourselves why we got in the arguement.

Alex p2

Anonymous said...

That was opartly arguing, when one of them made a statement, but it was mostly bickering.I usually argue when i am trying to state a point to my friends or other people, but I often just bicker with my sister.usually neither of us win when I am bickering with my sister because our parents tell us to "Stop bickering and be quiet!". it usually works until the next day.
Robert 5

Anonymous said...

JP Gertz

the 5 min argment was allitle point less its like a argent people in grade 2 would have.

Anonymous said...

i usually argue with my parents but i never win, the vidio was funny hahahaha

krista period 1

Anonymous said...

The two men in the video are simply bickering because they arnt arguing 1 big topic but they are bickering about anything that comes to mind, bickering just to talk. Jordian period 1

Anonymous said...

I thought it was a little bit of both because they argued a small amount but then they bikered and kept changing the topic!

Paige Period5