Monday, November 30, 2009

Three and a Half Weeks

Three and a half weeks from today, we'll be taking our Winter Break. What important events will happen between then and now? Will you be busy with family obligations? How will this potentially frantic time of year impact your ability to do well in school? How will you make sure to do your best to focus on performing magnificently within the classroom with so many distractions?

Finally, three and a half weeks from now will you look back on the time with pride and excitement on what you've done, or will you regret opportunities lost?


Anonymous said...

I will regret the painful time that spent with my grandparents and appreciate the extratime that I spent on my school work and hope fully paysoff. I have regreted not doing bonus in English class once. I am exited and hope that there will be lots of snow days, but mostly school being closed.


Anonymous said...

Sarah- Period 3

Over the next 3 weeks, I will be doing some exciting things. I have a very busy schedule, so this should be a chaotic time for me, but enjoyable. I will be focusing on fitting academics into my crammed schedule. I will be participating in the Middle School Spelling Bee, and studying for that makes my schedule more hectic. I also have several volleyball games and practices to fit into my daily life. I'm in three bands out of school, in chorus and band in school, and I take piano lessons. Finding time to fit these into my schedule is hard. My biggest family obligation is to find gifts for them that they will like and use. This takes a lot of my time. I don't think that this crazy time will impact my academics, because I will handle my schedule well. I've never had trouble putting vacations out of my mind until after school, so I don't think that this will be a problem. I believe that three and a half weeks from now, I will look back on these few weeks, and feel like I have done well and accomplished things.

Anonymous said...

Grace period 2

Some important thing that will be happaning between now and winterbrake are tests, home work and other things.For me the exitment of the upcome vacation can be distraction for me becouse my mind will probibly wonder.Hopefully i will be able to do my work with out a problem.I will focuse on my work and not get sucked in to what other kids are doing that could distract me from doing my best.

Anonymous said...

Johnny Zhang Period 2

In this 3 week in a helf what would probably happen is that we will get a lot more homework form school and at home I'll just have fun and wait for Chrismas vacation to come and hope there tons of snow days so we don't have too much school. I will also go to crop sometimes after school.

P.S not much new going to happen

Anonymous said...

I will be busy with my family visiting for christmas. Doing your homework is the only thing I can think of that has to do with winter break. I will do my best on focusing by not thinking about the distractions and thinking about the school work.
I will look back on the time in three and a half weeks and might be happy with what I've done since the begining of the year.

Emily Murphy
Period 1

Christina Period 5 said...

I am very excited for our next break, but I also excited for school! My grandma and grandpa will be coming to my house they are really old which makes tham REALLY funny. I think I will still do good in school even thought I will be REALLY excited,. I'm really happy that we have school untill 2 day befor Christmas, beacuse it will keep me busy and not thinking about Christmas!

christina 5

Anonymous said...

I'm sure that kids whould do fine over vacation because some kids could study over break so they will know more on what the topic is about also I am going to have a busy winter helping my dad but I can still look at my notebook to know more.

Quentin Powers P:3

Anonymous said...

Kate, Period Two

I do not keep track of how much time there is between now and Winter (or Christmas) Break. The important events that will go on over the week will be primarily associating academically. I do believe that our house will not hold any other than us four and our three pets. I will likely be somewhat distracted from my school work because we just recently had Thanksgiving Break, and it is only Monday when it feels later in the week. Drama Club was canceled this week, so today was a free day to have more time to work, but I have art club on Wednesday, and Chamber Choir on Tuesday... I do not have an entirely hectic schedule, but I know I do waste time while doing my homework at times, so I should try to relax and simply complete my work as calmly as possible.
I usually look back on the work I have done over certain periods of time with regret, always worrying on how awful I did on one subject or another...worry, worry, worry.

Kate, Period Two

Anonymous said...

In 3 and a half weeks I know I will try my hardest in school. The only time it might affect me would be 2 or 3 days before brake. From now till then I will go to Long island to see my cousins. Then go to New York City. Finally I would go to Long island once more. Then it will be time for vacation.
Sarah h 5

Anonymous said...

Most of the time upcoming vacations don't distract me form my school work.I always do my best in school no matter what time of the year it is. Some people my think that I do get worked up over vacations. Sure I annonce that they are comming but they don't effect my school work at all. However some things that go on in between might. For instence my great grandmother is sick and could possibaly die before winter break. Or other things like that. Also I would love some snow days, it's great to wake up in the morning in the middle of the week and find out you don't have to go to school.
Eden Period 2

Anonymous said...

i am very exited for winter break because i also cant wait for christmas and until winter break i am going to stay focused in school and work hard

krista period 1

Anonymous said...

I think I will probably have a pretty good time. We have a dance Friday, and the 15th is NPOC day! I'm hoping the school work wont be too much, and we've got some good projects coming I think.

-Vaughan 5

Andrew said...

IZ usually would regret with all the travelling we do to see family in other states but, we don't need to travel this year so i will be able to have more time for homework Andrew B. per.5

Anonymous said...

i love winter brake because its fun to get off of school so we can play in the snow

Jasmine Reed period1

Anonymous said...

i think im going to get a ton of homework between now and then. i hope there will be a ton of snow days.


Anonymous said...

in this time to christmas break we will probably have lots of english quizs, math tests, and science tests every friday. i will be excited for christmas break to see all my relatives. i will also be excited because there is no school for 10 days!!
Jennifer Snyder

Anonymous said...

I am doing bad in english so im staying focused. I have set a gol for a b or aboce. Im also excited for snow days.

Jack P2

Katie K said...

Between now and then i will be having soccer practice, as normal, on wednesday and having basketball games until the 18th of december on thursday and friday, as usual. i will also be having a soccer game in binghamton on the 19th, just before break starts. I always have time after school for homework. i will look back and be happy at what ive accomoplished.

Katie Kleban

Period 2

Anonymous said...

Between now and christmas brake I will be prity bissy with school and geting all my work out of the way so I can injoy the brack.I also will be bissy with family things because every year all my cousins meet at my greanmas house and we do secerit santa its fun because theres 14 other cousins. Also I have spotrs and I have to get christmas presents. Some inportin things that are happining between now and then are test, homework, all the school work. I will make sure I foucus on school because when I get home I do all my work and I seperat the time with homework and holiday time. Bella period 3

Anonymous said...

Over the next three weeks I will very busy. I will probably have a few tests because the teachers like to test you before you leave so you don't forget what you have learned. I will also be doing swim team 4 days a week and will have swim meets every Saturday. While these next three weeks come by very fast, I will be working very hard to stay on task with my school work.

Elizabeth, period 2

Anonymous said...

ill will be looking foraward to the new year! an new start i think but i do regret the bad homework grades i could have been beter.


Unknown said...

In three weeks i will be busy plannig with my family to go on vacation. also my grandma might be comeing up to see us so it will be busy from now till then. This is frantic cause we are trying to get our tree up get presents and just do everything right. Even though it will be hard to focus during class i plan to work hard and get through the weeks and wait for break.

Anonymous said...

some important events that will hapen is i will get to see family. i will be buys with family i have to spend time with my 2 grandparents. It will impact my abilty in school by letting me focaus more on school insted of counting down the day till chrismas.

Rachel Stone preoid 1

Anonymous said...

Between our winter break and now, I will probably be bombarded with school work and studying for various classes. Before school gets out the teachers will want to finish up most units we are studying. Not only will I have alot of school work, I will also have studying for the middle school spelling bee, and swim team and volleyball. Sometimes it is hard to manage with such a packed schedule but hopefully this break will help me have some time to relax with my family before I have to go back to school. I have to think about gifts for my family before the break comes though, and it will be hard to find time to do that. I always try to focus hardest in school because I know that it is most important.

period 3

Anonymous said...

i think in the three weeks coming till vacation the teachers will keep the homework at the same paste ontill the last day i hope they dont give any homework so we can all have a nice Chrismas.

william abrams period 1

Nate Wilcox said...

I think we will have a lot of hamework and tests soa we willl have to study everyday to keep up. When we reach break I am going to go to my grandmothers house after Cristmas and I will enjoy being with them because they live far away and we dont get to see them that often.

Anonymous said...

From now until winter break I will have my winter concert for chorus.
I will be helping my parents choose and decorate the Christmas tree. Also I will be helping to make cookies at home. When break starts I will regret not focusing enough during the weeks before break.
Patrick PD3

Anonymous said...

I do have a lot of things I have to do over winter break but I don't think I had a oppertunity lost because I am doing my best in school and that is what matters so I don't think many people are losing a oppertunity aswell since ther doing there best so I think that people are not losing a oppertunity for school work.
Quentin P:3

Anonymous said...

To tell you the truth around this time there are not that manny desetractions.I am looking foward to the vavation and spending time with my family and friends over the vacation. Im not that exited that it will distract me from school work. Aslo I will look back on the thingsIdid over the past
year but i will not look back on the negatives like regreting things.

will period 1

Anonymous said...

In the times from now and then nothing much will happen like a holiday. The only thing that will be happening in my family is that we will have to plan out some things to distripute troughout my family. There will not be many things that will distract me from school except that I might be excited. Finally I will forget the not less important thing out of school and I will probably not regret anything.

Tae Livermore
Period 2

Anonymous said...

i thikk im going to have a ton of homework between now and then. its great there are 3 weeks of school left until christmas.


Anonymous said...

i think it afeects students because they start to get excited about the break and start to care less and forget about school work. some students will wait till the day before they come back to school to do all there home work from the so thats why they shouldnt give hoework on breaks

kevin period 2

Anonymous said...

i will be happy with what i have accomplished and i dont know if i will regret anything because i cant prexict the future but hopefully i will do good and have a great winter break!!!

brittany period 1

Anonymous said...

i will be happy with what i have accomplished and i dont know if i will regret anything because i cant prexict the future but hopefully i will do good and have a great winter break!!!

brittany period 1

Anonymous said...

Im going to study my brains out and no i dont think that thinking ahead 3 and a half weeks from now will my grades because i now my obligations!


Anonymous said...

Hello i am going to be snowboarding at my aunts resort, playing volleyball,and playing indoor soccer in binghamton with katie k. I will focous on doing well because if i get bad grades there will be no presents so i will act like it is an ordanary 3 and 1/2 weeks or else some of my favorite privalges will be taken away. jordian period 1

Anonymous said...

I be joyful because Christmas is coming, and thankful that my family is doing well. Iwill also be thankful that i have 2 new cousins,and that the upcoming vacation will boost my grades. i will regret that i cant see my new cousins until after flu season. But still, CHRISTMAS IS COMING!!!!!

Robert 5

Anonymous said...

Many things are happening to me between now and Winter Break. My family will be coming up and I will have to find presents for all of them. I also will be helping out delivering orders from the fair trade fundraiser, and performing at the Christmas Ceili for Irish Dance. I have always had a busy schedule and I have always done well in school. I am confident that I will be able to continue to keep my school and social life separated.

Anonymous said...

during the next three and half weeks not to much will be new. My family and I are going to get a christmas tree soon and then we are going to put up decoratios but we do that every year so its not really new. I think that we are going to have the same amount of work to do. It might be harder to do the work because I am exited about the vacation and getting decorations up but I don't think it will be that much harder.

Grant Period 5

aisling M said...

The only thing that is really exciting( that I can think of) is that we are getting a new dog sometime this week which is really exciting!It is going to be hard to keep up especially because Christmas is my favorite season, and we have to go to school till christmas eve which is not fair. Get ready for Christmas getting all the presents, and getting the christmas tree( which is always very fun) As for school, I'll do what I always do: just scoot by and try to keep focused. The thing I am most worried about is probably the long term projects like: history day, portfolio, and the geobee!! (which i am really scared about)

Anonymous said...

my cousets will be coming and they will distroy my homework and my backpake.

broc gilbert 5

Anonymous said...

I have no idea what we are doing i normaly go to my cusens house but i dont know if im going there so agan i have no clue but im excided for vaction i know were going to get lots of homework esplaty in math when there is vaction she gives us alot of homework.
JP Gertz

Anonymous said...

Johnny 5

For the next three weeks I will try to focus more than ever during school and while doing my homework. The reason for this is because it is hard for people my age to focus when winter break is coming up soon and when snow is on the ground. Between now and winter break the Clark's Sport Center seventh and eighth grade basketball playoffs will be taking place and I am on one of the teams. Also, I might go to Vermont before winter break on the weekend depending if it snows because you can't ski with no snow! If I stick to focusing for all the school days between now and winter break it is likely that I will be proud of myself.

giterdonesh said...

Most likely not much will happen. So i can study more and get better grades. I will have pride in my grades if i studdy. I will regret my grades if i do not study.
♥Serena♥ Peri☺d 3

the third doctor whoof said...

^that guy period 3^

From now to Christmas Eve (first day of vacation),I have the possibility of my aunt and uncle coming from Batavia and the certainty of my brother coming home. I will probably have to keep focused and work harder to get my stuff done early. I will probably regret missing some time with my brother because of the calendar.

Anonymous said...

I will try hard befor break and not be distracted so I will not regret it. I can see why people will not pay attention with school because they may be going places or famly are comeing so they are excited.

Lyman Townsend Per2

Nathaniel Miller said...

I have already had to manage my time due to athletics. I will have to continue to manage my time wisely.

During Advent and Christmas, I will go to special church services. I will also be making traditional gingermen and creatures with my family. I will be making He, She, and It gingerbread men and painting costumes, faces, and things on them with colored royal icing. I've already made an advent wreath, and I will be setting up the tree and decorating it with many ornaments and lights with my family. My cats will mostly break at least five ornaments.

Anonymous said...

Renee - Period 3

I think we will have quite a few tests and quizzes between now and holiday vacation. The spelling and geography bees are coming up in a week or two. We will also start our history day project. We won't have many Christmas obligations because we are Jewish and celebrate Chanukah. We might go to a holiday obligation, like a Chanukah party, though. This frantic time could effect my ability to do well in school because I am very excited to go to Florida over break. I will make sure to do my best to focus on performing magnificently within the classroom by remembering that I need to focus and that I will still have a lot of fun over break. I will look back with pride and excitement because I will have had such a great time with the spelling bee and the geography bee and everything else that will happen over break.

Anonymous said...

There really won't be any new and exciting happenings at my house except trying to put up the tree without it falling on one of us like last year. My grandparents might come over for Christmas, and definitely my brother Eric and sister Mia will come home soon, though it seems like they were just here (Thanksgiving Break).
I don't think the coming of Christmas will really impact my ability at school since Christmas is(thankfully)never a really frantic time of year for me.


Anonymous said...

Before winter brake i won't be distarcted from school work and homework because what i get excited for is what happens when the breake starts like for christmas and new years.The only regrets i may have is not doing my home work until the last second.
Jimmy period 3

Anonymous said...

I think I am excited for Winter Break. I will try to acomplish all I can during the three weeks. i will try to also stay on task and hope that we will have lots of snow!! Jolie per.5 Happy Holidays!!!

Anonymous said...

Over the next three weeks I have alot going on. I have the geography bee, tests, the winter concert, wrestling practices and matches, fencing, guitar lessons, homework, and lots of holiday preparations. I am also going to be very busy with family obligations. My brother plays hockey which means hockey games both days of the weekend in New Hartford or further. In fact next weekend he has a tournament which means games Friday and all weekend. Plus, we have tons of holiday preparations that we do together as a family.
I am concerned that all these activities are going to impact my studying and school preparations. I am trying to get alot of the school work done earlier so I don't have to worry about it later, or have it all build up. I have lots of tests coming up, and I also have the geography bee. I am going to have to budget my time in studying and study more. Luckily, since it is hard to study for the geography bee, I go on line for review. I can even use my dad's blackberry to do this when we aren't at home. I already do work during my brother's hockey practices and games. What I think will suffer is the holiday shopping which I am already trying to delegate to my mother. I hope that this will help me do well.
Whether I will look back to this time as excitment or opportunity lost, I can't tell now, only time will tell. But I do know I tried my best under the circumstances.

Jacob R Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think the teachers will be more stricter because people will not be paying attention in class, they will be looking out the window at the snow. I really think the teachers will pile on the homework from now until then. My family dosen't do many things from now until then. I think this time of year will make me get really excited about the break coming up but I will still pay attention in class as much as I usually do. Even though some other students may not pay attention in class during this three and a half weeks I am still trying to get my G.P.A. higher than it is. One thing that I think will help me is in your room (Mr Abts room) has no windows to the outdoors.

MAx Ofer Period 3

Anonymous said...

During the Christmas vacation I think we will have a tiny amount of homework so we dont forget what we've learned. But the weeks before that I think we will have alot of homework to make up for the days we will miss. Also I will not be distracted in school because when I am in school I TRY to consentrate on school and school work all the time. Anyways during the days right before Christmas, my family and I will walk up the road and pick out a tree, then cut it down. All of us will drag it down the hill heading to my house and into the porch, because it's wet, we will let it dry for a day. Then the next day we will bring it into the living room where we will set it up and put decorations on it. But before we do all of that we will go Christmas shopping for my friends and family. Finally,I do not think I will regret missing the opportunities to hang out with my friends during that time because I will be hanging out with my loved ones instead, which is always a good time. Alexandra Williams period 5

Anonymous said...

In three weeks our Off time might affect our abillity in school the same way like summer. The holidays Christmas and new years happens during that time wich is a lOt for just one break. We will be getting presents and a whole new year over that short period of time. Maybe a break from all that would be good for just one person.

Alex p2

Anonymous said...

my family will be coming and they love to play in the woods. it will be so cool to be with my family and it is fun to play in the woods.

broc gilbert period 5

Anonymous said...

in 3 and a half weeks it will be my brothers birthday (he will be 20), i will have my christmas tree up, and hopefully it will be SNOWING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

McKenna 1

Anonymous said...

I am going to be busy with my chours around the house and also keeping our fire going but I don't think it will effect my grade because I always reveiew my work on vacation so I don't forget anything on what I am doing in school so I don't think it whould realy effect my grade at all.

Quentin P:3 ELA Mr.Abts

Anonymous said...

for christmas i will be busy playing with all of my new things not worringing about my school grades at all. vacation is a time where you dont think about school AT ALL. i will regrete having to have to come back from break.

McKenna 1