Monday, December 7, 2009

First real snow

Saturday the first substantial snow of the season fell. For some, snow means wonderful things. Snow signals sledding, snowball fights, snowmen, and outdoor frolicking followed by warm dry clothes and a mug of hot chocolate. For others snow means shoveling sidewalks and driveways, driving in hazardous conditions, slipping and falling, and puddles on the floor from melted, tracked-in snow.

What does snow mean for you? What are some of your favorite aspects of snowy days? What are some of your least favorite aspects of powdery precipitation?


Anonymous said...

Johnny Zhang Period 2

To me snow is fun outdoors and it doesn't have any affect on nature plus it fun to play in it. My favrite part of snow days is that we have no school and can go outside for 2 hours playing in the snow instead of watching Tv and playing videa games. The bad new about snow is slipping I mean i fell 1 time and i couldn't feel my Knee for a half an hour and when my grandma slip she broke her arm. even though many things have happen I say that snow is alsome!

Anonymous said...

I love sledding and playing in snow its so much fun to do and its even better when your having the fun with your friends

Jasmine reed 1 period

Anonymous said...

what snow means to me is that whenever i see snow i really want to go sledding so last weekend when it snowed i went sledding the whole 2 days i also went skiing too. i love just being outside when it snows. i don`t like when you are freezing the whole day when you are trying to enjoy the snow!!
Jennifer Snyder period 1

Anonymous said...

my favorite aspects of snowy days are jumping of roofs into it when it is deep enough. Snowboarding and falling. Doing flips of my deck, and shoveling snow of my roof. My least favorite parts are when the snow cant pack well. When you wake up early and it isnt enough snow for a snow day. During snow storms waking up every 2 or 3 hours to snownlow and shovel. My favorite part of snowy days is watching and playing bball.

Jack period 3

p.s. The orange are going all this year

Anonymous said...

I like snow. I go outside and have a snowball fight with my cousin Caitie. We get soaking wet and go inside for hot choclate.
But I always have to shovel the driveway in the morning before I go to school.

Emily Murphy
Period 1

Katie K said...

My favorite aspects of snowy days is the fact that I get to stay home all day and sleep in a little. Also that there is NO SCHOOL!!! I think that sledding and things like that outside are fun, but I normally sled by myself so I get bored easily. I love snow and hot chocolate I think that the snow is very pretty and that hot chocolate is very good after you have been outside in the cold.

katie kleban

period 2

Anonymous said...

I love the snow. For me the snow means happiness and fun. Every year my friends and I go sledding. Also, on Saturday I got my own snowborad. I have been snowboarding before but now it will be really fun because I have a lot of friends that snowboard. Also, I love making hot chocolate and eating mints. On the weekends in the winter my friends and I walk downtown and buy Christmas presents and then have a snowball fight. I don't like shoveling the snow. Last year I had to do it a lot. I love winter and snow and I don't really care if I fall or slip.
Bella Period 5

Anonymous said...

Some of the things i like about snow are:snowball fights, snowmen and recking snowmen, snowboarding, sliding
some of the things i dislike about snow are:i cnat see my cousin because of road hazzerds, wet dressing differently.
William abrams period 1

Anonymous said...

I LOVE THE SNOW!!! its so much fun to go outside and slide dow a big hill!!! the mess and the shoveling is kind of annoying but the bright side of it is that you can pile it all up a and sled down an even bigger hill!!!

Brittany period 1 :)

Unknown said...

The meaning of snow to me is fun and awesomness because we can get snowy days and i love to go snow boarding. Some of the best parts about snowy days are the pile up of snow which makes it great for sleding and SNOW DAYS! Some of the bads things are how cold it gets and how you have to stay warm alot. But besides that i love the snow.

period 1 tom

Nate Wilcox said...

Snow means that I can go sleding if it is deep enough and having snowball fights with my sister. One of the favorite things to do on snowy days is to look outside through a window well I am drinking hot chocalate and reading a book in front of our fire. I don't like when the snow is really thin or when it goes down my coat.

Anonymous said...

Snow means fun and spending alot of the day outside.I go sleding, snowball fights, sometimes going ice skating, and going to a mountain to go snowboarding. There are many different things to do outside. Snow also means that Christmass and new years is coming
kevin period 2

Anonymous said...

I personaly love snow. I get to go sledding and most of the time after snow comes ice which means ice skating, which I absolutly love. I also like Christmas which would not be the same with out snow. some time I go out and play with my goats in the snow. Its funny because they will some times eat the snow. After I come inside I love to sit by the woodstove and read.
Eden Period 2

Anonymous said...

For me, snow is usually a good thing. I enjoy going outside in the snow, snow days, and the reminder of the holidays, which means my brother is coming home soon. However the diving is unpleasent because that usually means that I will be late for school.

-Vaughan 5

Anonymous said...

i kind of like snow. its terrible when we go to bed the sky is clear and in the morning there is a foot of snow on the ground. me and my dad have to move all the snow off our driveway. its about a 1/2 a mile long. I LOVE SNOW DAYS, NO SCHOOL!!!!


Anonymous said...

When it snows falls it makes me think of building forts that can be 7 feet high and 5 feet in for playing snow ball fights with my budy's but befor I have any snow ball fights I half to help chop wood for the fire and also shovel our drive way so my mom and dad can get to work so that is what I do on snow days.
Q.P P:3

Nathaniel Milller said...

Snow means heppy holidays, fun times with frinds, and steaming hot coaco next to a fire for me.

Some of my favorate aspects of snowy days are that you can make snow tunnels and you can make forts and have snowball fights.

The few bad things about winter and snow are that you have to pay for heat in your house, and get winter tires. And when ever you come in your house you get a tingiling feelng when you thaw out that i don't like.

Anonymous said...

Snow to me means NO SCHOOL. Which is fun for me because when there is a lot of snow my brothers and my sister and I go outside and make snow chairs with TVs and side tables and it is so fun. Then we have our anual snowball fight. Then we go sledding off our roof. Then when we get to cold we go inside to warm up. Next our mom makes us hot coco, but i dont have any.Finaly my favorite part we make jacks-wacks. Yummy and that is when i tend to go to sleep for another big day is ahead of us.

Anonymous said...

For me snow mostly makes me think of days off from school. It also makes me think of Christmas time. However snow also makes me think of cold and windy days.
Patrick PD 3

Anonymous said...

I personaly think that snow is wonderful. Whenever I think about snow so many things come to mind. First I usually think about big fires and nice steamy mugs of hot chocolate. I also think of comfy blankets. Then one of the greatest parts about winter and snow, skiing and sleding. I love to cross-country ski and sometimes skate-ski. My family also loves to cross-country and we usually go on trips to ski resorts. One of my favroites is a resort called Craftsberry. I own a toboggan and a runner sled(ment for ice). My tobboggan is partly old but it is really fun riding down the steep slope next to my house. My runner sled is fun to ride in also. I really do not have any least favroite aspects of snow exept that you have to wear heavier clothes to school.

Max per 3

Anonymous said...

Snow for me is a time for reflection. I remember times as a child of sledding, fort building and snowball fights. Skiing which I still do today was learned on a small hill just outside of town.

Snow also causes me great distress. It can delay my plans to do things. I don't like to drive in the snow but I have lived in the snowy northeast all my life so you think I would be used to it.

Snow also makes the world look beautiful. Covering the earth in a blanket of white. It silents the night.

Making snow angels and catching snowflakes on your tongue are the best things you can do during a snowfall when the big flakes flutter down from the sky.

I enjoy winter and would love it even more if I had a chauffeur.

Anonymous said...

There are many things that I like about snow.The first one is that if therers enough NO SCHOOL!!!I go out and plaay with our neighbors and go sledding down the incredibly steep hill ion my backyard.Snow also means snowball fights and snow forts.some aspects of snow i dont like are when theres not enough sonw for a snowday and so I have to walk or ride my bike to school.And when i ride my bike and theres snow I usually wipe out and its not fun.

Becca per 5

Anonymous said...

I like just about everything that comes with the first real snow. except the slipping and falling.I even like shoveling driveways! but, My favorite part of snow by far, are the cold days spent having snowball fights and the cold nights spent by a fire.

Robert 5

Anonymous said...

Some of my favorite aspects of snow are throughing snow balls at my brother, going sleding and then going inside for some hot cocoa, and wrestling with my brother which is always fun because we can't get hurt. When it snows a lot on the weekends or when we get a snowday I usally have to shovel but sometimes I get to snowblow and that is fun. I think it is fun when it snows because there is so much activites to do in the snow. The only bad part for me is shoveling and not being able to go on my trampoline.

Grant 5

Anonymous said...

Snow means the beginning of winter and holiday fever to me. I like snow when there is a good amount. For alot of years Cooperstown got over three feet of snow. That is fun for a while but sometimes it is just too much. Yes, I know it means snow days but I want to enjoy the snow, and not be stuck inside.

I like the snow because My famly LOVES hockey. We love it so much that we are going to New Hartford for a hockey leauge because that is the closest place to have it. Ice skating is really fun and I try to skate and play hockey almost every time I can. In Cooperstown we don't have a rink that is open that much and we don't have any league that involves ice. We have atleast 5 month that the weather is very cold. I also like having snow because it is very fun falliing and jumping and not getting hurt because we have cushion from our snow gear and the snow. I also like being able to dig and build huge forts. Last year my brother and I built a trench city that also had forts, snowball artillary, and we tried to make tunnels. I love skiing because its really fun when you are almost gliding on snow. I also like snowboarding, but I prefer having something to hold on to. I like sledding too. I have a country house by Cherry Valley and we have huge hills there. During the winter I always sled down them. Its fun to come back to a big fire and hot chocolate.

I dislike snow when it snows for too many months and goes into seasons when we should not have snow. At the end of November, snow may start. Everyone has holiday fever. Not like last year when we had a snow day two weeks before halloween. Then, everyone was just depressed. Also, I don't like it when we still have a foot and a half of snow in April. When I was in fourth grade it was late April and baseball season was starting, and for the first couple of practices we had to have baseball practice inside due to snow. What I really don't like is the ice on the roads and sidewalks, but I do like it on ponds. I don't like when snow cancels things I want to do.

Overall, I love snow when there is not too much and not too little. (1 1/2 feet) Also its snowing from late/mid November to late/mid February.
Jacob R Period2

Villanova #4 in the Nation!!

Anonymous said...

Kate, Period Two

For me, snow symbolizes a season of pretty little snow flings that fall from the sky and encase the house in a cozy little cocoon. It also induces a special feeling that only it can bring, and for me it can give me a different feel towards my writing material. I love looking at snow. The first snow of the season is always the most beautiful: the way it falls so gently and the way the afternoon light brings out different reflections and sparkles on the surface. After a while, mud and glop from cars just dirties it, and the season is no longer a wonder. I have not taken part in many outdoor activities over the last few years of winter. I would like to have a snowball fight! It is something I do not normally take part in when it occurs, but I would like to! But now I am excited...
My dad usually is the one to shovel our driveway. I may have helped once (which makes me feel awful), but it was not terribly hard work, and could have been considered fun, if, of course, one knows how to make work fun. Slipping and falling is a big part of snow that is fun.. slightly... Although it hurts often... and is embarrassing when you land on your back and scuttle like a turtle flipped over. But slippery ice means ice skating--an activity of which I have not yet looked into--and what can compare to starting your day with a laugh at your feet being pulled out from under you by an inanimate object? Oh, but I do very much dislike the puddles in the house--I hate stepping in it and getting a soggy sock. One of the negative affects of our kitchen floor: you can never tell if the floor is wet.

Kate, Period Two

Anonymous said...

Sarah- Period 3

To me, snow means merrymaking and doing grueling work. I can enjoy the fact that I either have no school or a delay. If I still have school, I know that once I get home and clear my homework out of the way, I can go outside. I LOVE to Cross-Country ski behind my house. Sometimes, when I come back from skiing, I go sledding. Skiing is good exercise that makes you very tired, but it's lots of fun. The hard part of sledding is coming back up the LONG hill that took 30 seconds to sled down! My least favorite part of snow is shoveling and ice hacking my driveway when the frigid cold seeps through the many layers of clothing that I have on. I also hate driving in the snow, because it is so slow and slippery to get to places. Snow brings both enjoyment and disappointment to me.

christina p5 said...

Christina period 5


I hatesnow. It is cold, wet and icey. I fell on ice with a spraned arm last year! We keep the heat on very low and it is cold. The best part about of snow is the hot choclate and tea. I like going out side in shorts and tee-shirts! My favorite part about snowdays is that we get to sleep late.



I hope it warms up!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Personally to me, I love the snow. I think of snow as having no school! I love to go sledding, have snowball fights with my sister, and have hot chocolate. I believe the winter holidays would not be the same without snow. I'm not afraid to slip or fall on the ice. The worst part about the snow though, is that you have to shovel it off your driveway.

Elizabeth, period 2

Sophie said...

I think snow can be really fun but also not fun. I love sledding and snowboarding and it can be really pretty when the sun is shining. On the bad side, there is the cold and since i live out in the country, the roads can be extremely dangerous. I like winter and snow, but i would be fine without it too.
period 3

Anonymous said...

Grace Period 2

I like the snow to a point, i thinks it's pretty when it falls from the sky and also the way how you can catch snowflakes in your mouth.But i really hate winter coats, and being cold sooo....Skiing is fun, spending time with friends and family is great. Plus tiss the season is comeing up and for all of you that selibrate any kind of holidy(lets get this strait, most of us do celibrate something....and for those of you who don't, no Offence)It's awesome.Snow cones, Snow bording, snow's all over the place.I think the snow is okay,when its not deadly.

aisling M said...

For me snow is awesome! I love the winter, I mean it gets boring in March, but December, January, and Feburary are really fun. I love just going outside and having fun with friends. It is always fun afterwards coming inside and relaxing with hot chocolate.
I really don't like getting up in the morning when it is really cold downstairs. that makes me grumpy. other than that it's pretty cool

Anonymous said...

the snow means to me is the snow days!!! ill be snowbording, sleding,and hanning with my frends down the road.

RVD Peroid 1

Anonymous said...

I like snow because you can do a lot with it. You can mold it, make snow balls, its easer to trace things when you hunt, snow days off, vactions hapen about when snow start falling, sleding, snowbording, sking, snowmobeling.
So I like snow.

JP Gertz

Anonymous said...

snow means lots of fun to me because i like making snowmen and also sleding down the hills on my side lawn.We've had lots of continuous snow fall. i can't wait to go out and play!! jolie. per5

Anonymous said...

Snow means to me that it is close to christmas. Sometimes it is close to christmas but we couls get snow in october. Some of my faveorite aspects of snow days are that you can sleep in. Also youe can go sledding and have hot chocolate but i don't like hot chocolate. Some of my least favorite things about the aspects of snow is you have to shovle your drive way every morning.
Sara.b Per 1

Anonymous said...

Snow in my mind makes the terain more beautiful. It also makes playing out side more exciting becuase you can do more dangerous things and the snow will break the fall. Also when you go inside you can just relax on the couch after your fun outside. What I dont like about snow is when you fall face first into it the frezzing cold on your face does NOT feel good.

Will Pereiod 1

Anonymous said...

In the time of time year when snow is comeing up I am exited and sad at the same time because I enjoy sleding and snow boarding, but mostly when christmas is coming up and everybody is getting out lights. I also am exited about hot chocolate and fliping off of snow banks. But the other side of the snowy year is getting yelled at by my mum because of tracking in snow, and helping cars get out of ditches in front of my house.

PS. One time we had a drunk driver go write through our stone fence.

Also winter to me usually means that after x-mas we go some place were it is not snowing.

Ian Period 2

Anonymous said...

I love snowdays mostly because of there being no school. I also love snowdays because we get to have snowball fights with my friends and warm up with a nice warm cup of hot chocolate. One other thing I do on snowdays is go outside and shovel driveways to get enough money for a painball gun.

Period 5

Anonymous said...

My favorite aspects of snowy days are that you can go sleding with friends all day drink hot chocolate and do what you want and not have to worry about school getting in your way.......or the drama!! Jordian Period 1

Anonymous said...

OMG!!! i love snow its so cuddly and fun to play on. warm days arnt as wonderful. Being in the winterwonderland with the onen u love is all that matters JAsmine period 1

the third doctor whoof said...

^that guy period 3^

For me snow means extra vacation time. My favorite aspect of snow is snow boarding and the inevitable wipe-outs and face-plants. some of my least favorite parts are taking the window out of our screen door when the snow is too deep and climbing through to walk our dog who takes forever to go.

Anonymous said...

i like the snow cause i can ski and sometimes go snomobiling but the best part is hanging out with your friends and sledding i also liek christmas! also you can have snowdays and miss school!
krista period 1

giterdonesh said...

Snow to me means that winter is here and its time to play outside. My favorite part of the snow is that we can have snow days!!!☺ Also it means HOT COCO!!!!YEA!!!And shoveling for $MONEY$. The part of snow that is not my favorite part is that when I snow its COLD.:( And when its cold that means people will get sick. EEEWWW!!When thay cough and sneeze it can spread the GREMS!! But i stay clear of sick people so i don't get sick.

-♥Serena♥ Peri1☺d 3

Anonymous said...

Renee - Period 3

Snow means to me that the holidays have come and it is time to get out the sleds. Snow means that I get to go skiing and tubing and we get to have snow days. Some of my favorite aspects of snow days are I can sleep in, stay in my pajamas and drink hot cocoa. I can go sledding in my backyard, ice skating in the driveway if it is icy enough and building forts out of snow. I love the snow! Some of my least favorite aspects of powdery precipitation are I cannot go swimming in the lake, sometimes it can get really cold and snow can make the roads bad for driving.

Anonymous said...

I like sledding and snowball fights but my favorit thing to do in the snow is to snowboard. The worst thing about snow is when you slip and fall on yor face.
Lyman Townsend per2

Anonymous said...

well i love not having school but i hate going back to school the next day.I live in the country so its really pretty at night.

Helen -5th

Anonymous said...

love the snow, i like snowboarding and cross country sking. I also like playing flash light tag and fighting but more like wrestling in it to. The snow is also good because somedays you get snowdays which is the best because you wake up and look at the time no it is a snowday.The only bad thing about the snow is that the air is very cold so everytime you go outside you have to be wearing something warm
Jimmy Period 3

Anonymous said...

I love SNOW it is so cool! I always go sledding and have snowball fights with my brother to get ready for the big snowball fight. I also love to go snowboarding and iceskating. I also love to go and play games with my friends like Emily, Aaron, Hannah, and others. This year I am going to make a really really big snowman. Then after Im done playing in the snow I go inside and have hot coco and sit by a fire. Katie Per 5

Anonymous said...

I love snowdays because that means sleding, skiing, and having snowball fights with my mom. I love to sleed down this huge hill with my goat. She chases me down the hill and then lands on me and makes sure she didn't hurt me! I love snowdays, but I hate going back to school the next day!!!


Anonymous said...

i kinda like the snow, my favorite things to do are go skiing and sleding snd sometimes i go snowmobiling. i dislike the snow becasue it is cold but i love snowdays cause you can hang out with your friends.
krista 1

Anonymous said...

It means CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!! and snow men and sledding and snowball fights and SNOWDAYS!!!!!!!!

McKenna 1

Anonymous said...

It mean snow days and going sleding with your friends. Also having sleep overs with your friends and going out on the deck and catching snow flakes on your tongue and then seeing a shooting star.

-emma 1

Anonymous said...

snow means to me that mom and dad are woried about the roads and we cant go any place far. but some of my favroit things to do is go snowbording with my friends or sitting around drinking hot choclate and cleaning the house for family. some of the lest favroit things is how the snow is so cold and its a pain for parents to drive in and there is more acedents in the winter.

Anonymous said...

Snow days are fun because it gives me more time to hang ornaments before christmas and it gives me time to spend with my family. I also like to go out in the snow and go sleding or build snowmen like I always did when I was younger. =)

~KaRa~ P3

Anonymous said...

sown means alot to me because i get to go tubing and snowbording and everything. But i also hate it because i have to shovel. and i have had bad experiances with shovles.
Period 5 McKenzie Carrie-Jane Slater

Anonymous said...

What snow means to me is people outside sledding in the snow and making snowmen. Some of my favorite aspects of snowy days are watching the ground turn white in a day. Some of my least favorite aspects of powdery precipitation is when they have to close the roads beacuse of such bad snow.


Anonymous said...

I think that snow is snow and that it can be fun at times snowmobile
