Monday, January 25, 2010

In the movie version of The Outsiders, this is how the greasers looked. If there were greasers today, how would they be dressed? How would they do their hair?


Anonymous said...

If there were greasers today there would be just like gangsters that wore dewrags and jeans that were way to big for them. They would mostly just look like hoods because there would not be greasers in between hoods and Socs.

Ian Period 2

Anonymous said...

Johnny Z Period 2

If I where to guess I think that they would look like hoods in the steets and like thoughs people who mug and steal from others.they probably dress in dirty or riped cloth. I also think that they would grease up there hair and grow it longer to make them look more look tuff.

Anonymous said...

I’m guessing they would be wearing swear shirts will hoods and skull caps. They would also probably were jeans and tank tops and wear sunglasses. I think they will have buzz cuts for a hair style.

will period 1

Anonymous said...

The Greasers would have newer clothes and more hair grease because its easier to find money now than before.

Lyman Townsend per 2

Anonymous said...

In the movie the Outsiders, nowadays the greasers would probably wear jeans and a t-shirt not really anything fancy but they wouldn`t be as poor as they were in the movie.
Jennifer Snyder period 1

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

I think is there was greasers today they would still have long greased hair. They would also has leather jackets and dark blue jeans./ They would still be poor and still be looked down upon by teh Socs.

Christina P5 said...

It there was a gang today they would probally wear blue jeans and a white tee-shirt. They would have short dark hair. The book The Outsiders reminds me of the movies West Side Story and Grease. Even though the gang members are hard core on the outside they are really nice people on the inside (especally Ponyboy).

Anonymous said...

I think they would dress nicer but still not like the Socs so they wouldn't get mistaken fora Soc. I think they would do their hair like they don't care what they look like.

Emily Murphy
Period 1

Anonymous said...

I think that the greasers would still wear dirty ripped up clothes just more in todays style clothes than from their time. I also think that they would cut their hair but not all of them would have the same cut like they did in the book. I also belive that the greasers would have more money than they did before. But it would not matter because they would steal stuff just like they did before because if you can steal it why buy it?
Eden Period 2

Anonymous said...

If there were greasers today, I think they would wear ripped up jeans with a plain T-shirt and a jean jacket. I'm guessing they would look more like hoods walking around in alleys in big cities because today we don't call people greasers. I think their hair would be shorter but they would still pull in back with a lot of hair grease.

Elizabeth, Period 2

Anonymous said...

In the Outsiders the greasers were the "have nots" and the socs were the "haves." The greasers would probably have clothes that were service work clothes. They would only have a couple pairs of clothes that they worked in, played in, went to school in, and anything that they would do they would do in their limited amounts of clothes. They would probably not be able to afford hats and special clothes. They would have boring clothes. They would probably have long hair because nowadays the economy is rough. It wouldn't be worth a haircut when they have to drop out of school to pay bills and taxes if they even had a house. They would not have a specific uniform because they would have hand-me-downs and clothes from the Salvation Army. They would likely have jeans, t-shirts and sweatshirts that also served as coats. They would be worn and/or not fit right. They wouldn't care what clothes and hairstyle they had. They would probably be happy with a roof over their heads, food, and clothes. There are so many styles these days that if you go some places a greaser would look like a normal person and in other places they would stand out. People these days that have more money dress as if they were poor and there are people with less money that try to dress nice. There is not really any line in dress between greasers or socs in some places these days. Back then the "socs" always dressed nice- that can't be said today.

Jacob R period2

Tae Livermore said...

I think that the Greaser would have more baggy shorts and would have basketball shirts with jean coats. They also would be armed with a bat and a gun, and their hair would be short, spiky, and greasy.

Nathaniel Miller said...

If there were greasers in modern day I think they would wear pretty much the same thing they wore back then because it's traditional, although they might wear old hoodies instead.
I also think the greasers would have their hair spiky instead of slick and pulled back.

Anonymous said...

I think that greasers today are kind of like gangsters. I would imagine them wearing baggy jeans and ripped tee-shirts. I do not think that they would wear hair grease because today, almost no one greases their hair unless they are bankers. I think this because hair grease is pretty much out of style, and greasers would still be trying to look tuff (even though I've never heard of that word until we started reading The Outsiders,) or cool. They also might wear too-large sweatshirts.


Robert 5 said...

I believe that the greasers would be dressed basically the same, maybe with more leather, and have longer, greasier hair.
Robert 5

Anonymous said...

Greasers today would probley be wearing t-shirts and jeans not very different clothing, I think they would wear. Maybe MORE leather jackets and used sweatshirts but thats all. There hair would be maybe a little less greased but still greased. Katie per 5

Anonymous said...

If there were greasers today, they wouldn't be called greasers, they would be called gangsters. They would wear really baggy clothes and really low hanging pants that didnt really fit them to well. There teeth might have grills on them made of gold or fake metal with gems that could be real or fake. They would also wear dewrags and have really cool nike shoes or really cool nike jordans. Also if there hair was fairly long they might put it in corn braids or dreadlocks. They would also talk differently.

P2~Katie Kleban

Anonymous said...

If there was still greasers around today I bet they would all have short hair and have nike shoes and baggy jeans. Gangster style, and I bet they would talk diffently too. Since they would probably have a bit more money they could buy better looking clothes or shoes.


Anonymous said...

I think that they would be dressed the same way but maby slightly cleaner clothes. As for their hair, it might be cut a little nicer but still greasy!

Helen 5

Anonymous said...

They would be dressed in baggey clothes and hats. Their hair would probably be cut short and most of the time covered by a cap or a hat.

Thomas Period 1

Anonymous said...

They would probably be dressed in baggy pants and fitted hats and they would wear a huge baggy coat of baggy sweater and have gold teeth and have rims on their trucks. They would also probably have bling necklaces and their ears peirced. There hair would probably be short to show people their tuff. They would look more like hoods.

jack P2

Anonymous said...

I think that they would look around the same but no grease in their hair. Well maybe a little. They would deffinetly have jeans but maybe with holes in them. Most deffinetly T's and maybe more leather jackets or maybe even khaki jackets.

Anonymous said...

Johnny 5

If there were greasers today in our world my guess is they would probably look like gangsters or hoods that are either poor or homeless. These people would most likely have ripped up or worn out clothes because they would not be able to afford new ones. Their hair would also probably be fairly long because they can't afford to get a haircut. Like many other gansters or hoods these modern-day greasers would probably carry around a weapon of some sort. These people would probably have rough life phisically and socially. They would probably live in poor parts of major cities and they probably would be the kind-of person who drops out of school or gets into trouble or is not well educated. That is what I think of what greasers would look like and be like today.

Anonymous said...

Mybe they would look like people you would find in th all or a vacant parking spot in New York City at night, i don't know.Their hair pobably wouldnt have hair greese becouse that is not the modern style, and their cloths might be the same, exept for the leather jackets.

Grace period 2

Anonymous said...

i think that they would still be dressed the same way except for like gansters.

rachel stone per 1

Anonymous said...

The greasers would wear baggy jeans and a plain color t-shirt and they would wear there hair short or a bandanna.

Rebecca p.1

Anonymous said...

i think thhey would all be wearintg leather coats, and grow out there longer and grease it more.

william period 1

Anonymous said...

I think that they would be dressed as if they were from the hood,.. I would imagine their hair would be long and if anything gelled.

jordian period 1

Anonymous said...

Hey We read that book too
Julian Mills

Anonymous said...

We also read this book in Mrs. Boykin'S class. I thought it was really good. Except I hate how Dallas and Johnny die

Christopher Gould 4th period last year

Anonymous said...

If there were Greasers today they would probaly be waring long jeens that are to bagy to fit and a really long shirt.

Michael Perrino

Anonymous said...

If there were gresers today i'm pretty sure they would just look like hoods and be kind of outcasts.

period 3