Last week I put a Delinquent Habits line on the board:
"How you gonna understand where I'm from when you're looking at me smug, think I'm packing a gun?
How you gonna understand the life I live when you refuse to listen, [have] no time to give?"
What is it like to feel that things are slanted unfairly against you? Do those who benefit from the unfairness understand how you feel? How does this affect their approach to the situation?
I think that when things are unfair for someone, they realize what it's like to be at a disadvantage. When you are on the good side of an unfair situation, you rarely consider what it would be like to be on the other side, and so act somewhat selfish. Only when you have been on the bad side do you truly consider both parts of the argument -Vaughan 5
To feel that things are slanted against you dosen't feel so great. It makes you feel unwanted, and cheated. Like in English class Mr. Abts let all of the boys use the books for the quiz but he did not let the girls, he has done this twice now ( I'm getting kind of mad) he says that this is really helping the girls prepare better and that the boys have been getting worse grades than the girls. But that could have just been a cowinsidence. Some of the boys who did get to use their books don't understand and think that we should "just suck it up and deal with it". I and all of the other girls think that we should protest, and most likely thats what we are going to do.
Eden period 2
When things are slanted against you, you feel like the whole world has turned against you and there is no hope and that you should just despair. I think that the people who benifit from the unfairness don't understand how you feel because they are too busy enjoying themselves and showing off. I think that the person with the advantage feels very proud and deserving.
It feels like you are never going to amount to anything and everybody hates you. The people that benefit from the unfairness do not understand how you feel because they are not in the same situation as you are in. It effects their approach to the situation because they do not know how you feel about that situation and they act differently because they do not know that.
When things feel like everything is going against you it feels like that you are going to have the rest of the day going against you. It also feels that all of your friends are also going to be against you and that you know that there is going to be more against you. I think that the people who benefit from an unfair atvantage do not understand me because it they are just thinking how lucky they are and don't really care about your disatvantage. This affects their approach to the situation because it doesn't help their ability to be able to help other people.
Period 2
Sarah- Period 3
The director of the Outsiders would have wanted the actors playing the greasers and Socs to be hostile towards each other. I think that this is because if one of the actors was friends with another actor, it would be harder for them to be belligerent towards one another. It helps to not know or dislike someone who you are fighting with in a movie, because you have no feelings of fondness towards them, so you can make fight scenes more realistic. It is unfair to let the Socs get the advantages, and the greasers get the downside of things. For example, in class, during quizzes, it is discriminatory to let only the boys use their books. It makes me feel angry and agitated to not be able to use an advantage, just because I am a girl, not a boy. However, being exposed to this unreasonable act does help the girls understand how the greasers would feel. Those who benefit from the unfairness do not understand how the disadvantaged people feel. They do not understand the resentment that the others feel when they are deprived of the right to do something. This affects their approach to the situation because they cannot adhere to the situation. Overall, it is a good lesson to learn, although to make the experience better, the girls should get to use their books so that the boys understand how it feels to be the outcast as well.
I find it very intriguing, that little side-story. I think that behind-the-scenes tales could be compared to treats and sweets, and I enjoy the separate points of views as well, especially if it is of the view of an actor who is not specifically playing the main character. I also enjoy learning that there is much more to the story that has not been expressed.
I think the director would have wanted the actors playing the roles of the greasers and the Socs to feel a type of flourishing anger between one another because it is naturally better for the final product of the film. When actors pour their feelings into who they portray as a character, they often give those who are watching the production a sense of reality to what the character would be feeling and doing in real life, if only it were.
When unfair things happen to you, or when a person does something specifically to be unfair to you, it makes you feel as though you are under privileged, or different in one way or another that makes others not want to be around you or like you, and it does not feel in any way comparable to a pleasant thing. Those who benefit from your given unfairness generally do not understand how you feel most likely because it is you, not them, who is feeling neglected, and of course, they gain from your unhappiness/being unfair to you. The way they feel affects their approach because while being unfair to you, they are gaining satisfaction with your disappointment and their likeness in others by the way they treat you, and they probably would not want to hear the side of the story belonging to the one(s) they dislike. (Or, of course, they are teaching you something like Mr. Abts does when he allows the boys use their "The Outsiders" books and does not tolerate the girls doing so as well. Or the opposite function.)
Kate, Period Two
They would want that bacause they want the viewers to know who the greasers and the socs are and they show them fighting because that is what the characters are supposed to do in the book
Jennifer Snyder p. 1
The reason the director wanted them to feel animosity towards each other so that they would act the role better and understand what the characters were feeling at that point in the story.
When things are against you, it feels like there is no fairness in the world. The people rarely even remotely understand what you feel. They do not really care about what you have been through. They don't show much empathy as a result.
Knowing that I was treated "slanted unfairly" would make me feel really bad. People that benefit from unfairness probally don't care about how you feel ( Unless they are really nice people.) Some people think that the world depends on them, so they will not care about someone elces feelings.
I think the Outsiders is a really great book!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
That does not feel that great but sometimes its better to help someone by not helping them so they learn from it.
JP Gertz
i think it does put an effect on the situation. when someone else has an un fair advantage against you, you feel like you need to work harder than them and you would want that same advantage
i dont think that the person who benifits understand how you feel. Its like the greasers and the socs, the socs dont know how greasers feel when they are jumped. Jolie 5
it feels like everything you are doing is wrong and you are doing everything right so.Also the people who benifet from those are sitll at a higher and better point so they still are doing things right. to me it really doesn't so it really doesn't affect the approach to the situation.
I dont like the feeling when things are agenst me. The people with the good side of the deal dont know how I feel with the bad side.
Lyman Townsend
He wanted them feeling animosity towards each other because it helps with their acting and gets them into character. An extra in the movie said the greasers and the socs got to be in different hotels nice for the socs and a bad hotel for greasers. This probably gave them the idea that they were living their character.
Alex P2
To have things against you it fells un fair and like you are not as good as you really are. the director seperated the socs for the greasers to give the greasers that felling so when they paly there parts its like the real tension they two gangs have against eachother.
jimmy p 3
Johnny Zhang Period 2
I feel like i have no power or say in problem, its like doing a bet when the chances of u winning is 0/3, it was also like the time when Mr.Abts said the boys can use books on the quiz and girls can't and the kind of unfair. Im sure that the people who benefits also know how the other person feels mostly because they reballe agianst the how unfair it is. this also can affects there approach to a stuation because if they knew that this is going to happen again they the people who got treated unfair would study or try harder, and the people who got the adventage will know they have an adventage and not try hard and most likly mess up when they lose that adventage
Grace period 2
I thought i was a smart idea to have the actors in sepert hotels to build the tention between the "Gracesers" and "Soc." so they could get into charcter, have an idea of what i might have been like for the gangs.
When ever something in sitution dosn't work in your faver people including me tend to resent the other person who was more lucky, tending to fade or change your judgment of them.They might know what i'm feeling if they had the same thing happen to them, or they feel simpathy.Making them go esay or if they are unusily stone harted my just laugh and kick you in the shins.(Plaese excuse my bad spelling)
I think that the people being unfair torwards another and benifiting from it do not understand how it feels to be the other person in the effect unless they have had it happen before which could be a possibility, but they might be blinded about any result other than the one contributed torward themselves.
It can be very frusterating to be the one being given the downside to things example when the girls were not able to use the Outsider books for all of the quizes, but the boys were.
Ian Robinson
Period 2
I really hate unfairness and if the same would have happened to me, like the way the girls didn't get to use their books i probably would have fought and maybe even refused to take the test.
Dylan Snyder
Period 3
I think the director of "The Outsiders" wanted the actors to feel animosity toward each other so they would be able to get into their character more. I think he wanted the people watching the movie to feel as if the dislike,anger, and difference between the greasers and Socs was real.
I find it very frustrating and provoking when things are slanted unfairly against me. I feel like I am different and deprived when unfair things happen to me. It makes me feel like I'm not as important and being compared to someone else is who is able to do something that I am not. I don't think those who benefit from the unfairness understand how I feel unless the same thing has happened to them which in my case has not happened to the boys in english class. Even though this is a good lesson to learn, it does make me irritated and aggravated that the boys do get use the books when the girls can't just because for once Mr. Abts is giving them a break since the girls usually do better than them on the quizzes. I know that this lesson helps us to know how the greasers really feel, but I think that the boys should now be able to experience it. This way the unfairness between the boys and girls will now become fair.
Elizabeth Russo, Period 2
It is unfair to be treated in a way that is different than other people. I think that the director wanted to show the actors how different the parts really were from each other. He got the actors ready for their parts. You really want to get into your character as much as you can so he made them feel as though they are really living the characters lives.
Katie F.per5
Usually,when someone is treated better than you, they do not know how you feel so it makes me want to stay away from that person.Alex w 5
I agree completely with Vaughan. still, it has to be hard to just start feeling animosity to someone. but once they started treating them different, im sure it was easy. to feel things are against you, it is alot harder to do the things that you want to. like in Mr.Abts class, he always lets the girls have the books out, not the boys. he has done this twice now, and knowing the boys in other classes get to use the books, it gives you a slight edge against them. still, if you know you have an advantage, you sometimes become careless. also, you have no animosity towards the people who have nothing. I also agree with Nate miller.
Robert 5
The director wanted the actors to feel animosity toward eachother so that they could use this to better portray their parts in the movie. The movie had alot of young actors who could use some acting help. Sometimes this strategy can be considered method acting as the actors are/or were being forced to submerge themselves into the roles. He wanted them to have intense relationships on screen as he wanted the greasers to feel more like the gang they were portraying in the book. He wanted these off screen ties to show up on screen in the movie.
When things are slanted against me "it doesn't feel so hot." However that is part of life. Many have advantages that others don't. Life isn't fair. The best to deal with it is to work harder and show that you can be even more without having had an advantage. No matter how hard they slam me, "out there is a fortune waiting to be had if you think I'll let it go you're mad - you got another thing coming." (Judas Priest) Life isn't perfect, instead of whining and talking about how bad it is, I would just suck it up and deal with it and show them I am better than they think. Whining about a perceived disadvantage gets you no where.
So often others with the advantage will have the feeling of being disadvantaged too. Others may feel that some other disadvantage in life entitles them to some advantage elsewhere. In fact some who have an "advantage" are actually disadvantaged as they don't have to work as hard, and don't learn to do so. They just expect everything to go their way and to get everything- and that won't happen. Sometimes people with the advantage will use it to help others and do understand. Some that just because they are popular that everyone should agree with them and teachers should do as they think. They whine and expect everyone to do their bidding. Their popularity is an advantage and they use it. Is that unfair? We all have advantages. We all have disadvantages.
I find it funny that Mr. Abts has taken the director's role to try to create animosity in the class room. He created a "perceived advantage" by giving the boys an open book quiz- but it wasn't a real one as the quiz was so quick, if the boys actually tried to look up answers to the questions they wouldn't have been able to finish the quiz. Instead to thinking, some of the girls just started complaining and protesting. Some said they wouldn't take any more quizzes- which is dumb as it just hurts them. Instead they should have taken the opportunity to prove even without the book they could do great. Should a player refuse to participate in a sport just because he thinks the kids at the other school have a team with a better coach or players? NO. You should always do as much as you can to succeed and try your hardest. Its always better to do more than to do less. Besides, it makes the win that much sweeter. Let's face it, the "Blind Side" would never have been made about an upper middle class kid who had a great childhood and made it to the pros. Great success comes from hard struggle- which we will all have to face in life in different ways.
Jacob R per 2
they shood have made the greasers have longer hair.
i think they had to actlike that to each other because in the story the socs and the greasers were really mean to each other and they had to be redy for the part
2 olivia
I think when something is unfair for someone they realiz that there is a way to handel it. Also the people that benifit from this do not realiz the unfairness fro the other peson.
Broc gilbert period 5
A great example of this is when you gave only the boys the books. The frist couple weeks you did that I didnt read carefully and probably did bad on them now I did I read throughly and I think I did pretty good on the quiz monday but for the girls that must have stunk. Knowing that they probably preapred better and didnt get rewarded with being able to check there answers.
Jack P2
When you feel like all sides are against you. You usually dont think and fell great about yourself. The people that benifit do not feel our unfairness and think that we should just get over it.
THOMAS Period 1
The idea of us as humans being "slanted unfairly" makes me feel mistreated and more unwanted. Like in english class when Mr. Abts lets the boys use their books and not the girls on the quizes, but maybe he is getting more towards the perspective that girls are smarter than boys which I believe can be true. I do not believe that the boys understand how frustrating this is for the girls to deal with. I think that Mr. Abts should either let everyone use the books or no one use the books because even if the girls got to use the books, it still would be unfair.
Katie K
Period 2
to me it is kind of fustrating because mr. abts lets the boys use their books and the girls dont. mr.abts says that the boys are just like the socs in the book and they will just get some things handed to them. I think the person dose not know what it feals like.
rachel stone peroid 1
I think that in the movie the directors wanted the Socs and Greasers to feel real animosity towards each other because they believed that it would improve the actors skills if they actually felt the hate between one another so they would have something to fight for or against.
When things are slanted unfairly towards you, it makes you feel like you have less of a chance of doing well or succeeding at what the scenario is. Those who benifit from the unfairness have no way of understanding how you feel. When it is their turn to face the situation, they may feel like they don't have to prepare as much for the situation, so they get out of whatever work they have to do to prepare.
period 3
I think that when someone is treated unfairly they think that the other people that are treated fairly get what ever they want and when ever they want it.They also tend to think that the people treated fairly is rich and selfish. I would say that they dont really get what the more fortunate people lifes are really like. So they tend to stareotype them and call them names and thats what starts there fights.
When things are slanted unfairly against you your approach to the situation is more aggresive, but if you have the advantage your approach is more calm.
-Noah p1
I think that the directors wanted the Socs and Greasers to feel real animosity between one another because it would improve their acting if the were able to express their true feelings.
When things are slanted unfairly, it makes the person with the disadvantage feel less hope for succeeding than they would otherwise. Those who benifit do not understand the unfairness that we feel. Because they benifit from it, they do not prepare for the situation well, they use the advantage to escape the work that we need to complete the task.
period 3
I think it feels really bad and not good because if thing are unfair it would be really hard to win. It is like when you let the girls use their books during the quiz that is unfair to the boys in class. Most of the time the people with the advantage do not understand how the other people feel. It effects their approach to the situation by making the person without the advantage more scared to approach it.
Grant 5
in English class, Mr. Abts lets the boys use their books during the chapter quizes. It's very unfair because the boys get an advantage, but they have to spend more time going through the book to find the answers. They should understand what us girls feel because sometime in everyone's life, they don't get what they want. They should get good grades on their quizes since they get to use their books.
Emily period 1
I think the director of the movie version of The Outsiders wanted the socs and the greasers to feel animosity towards each other because it would help the actors realize how to play the socs and the greasers like they are in the book. To make the socs and the greasers feel animosity towards each other the director treated the socs like they were treated in the book. One way he did this is to have the socs staying at a nice hotel and the greasers staying at a less expensive hotel. The director of the movie version of the outsiders did this because he wanted his actors to understand what it would be like to play their role.
When someone feels that things are unfair for them and more fair for another person they usually feel jealous of that other person who things are more fair for. They usually try and try time and time again to get themselves to an equal place that the person who has everything fair is at. Most of the time though it does not work like they thought it might and so they have to continue being jealous. The person who is having everything fair for them and knows someone who is having everything not fair doesn’t notice how the other person feels. However they usually ignore it because they know how things are for them so they don't care a lot about the other person. Usually when they don't ignore it it's for a bad reason like to brag about how things are more fair for them than for the other person. The other person who things are not quite as nice for usually feels really bad and jealous.
Patrick Dewey
Period 3
I think that when you yourself are in a unfair situation you realize what it is like to be a step down from everyone else and sometimes wine. But when you are a step up from the bad side you don't think about how it feels to be in a unfair situation! Helen 5
When things are slanted against me and I realize it I get really mad. I feel extremely prejudiced against the person or people who have things slanted in their favor. I also think that they are jerks because they wont share or just because it is unfair toward me. But people who benefit from the situation usually don't think that it is such a big deal and the people are overreacting. So when you try to make them see how unfair it is they just shrug and say "its not such a big idea" mainly because they don't want to be at the disadvantage.
p.s.Eden you should right a petition!
Renee - Period 3
The director wanted the actors playing the greasers and Socs to feel animosity towards each other so they could feel what it was like to be a greaser or a Soc like when we were taking the quizzes and only the boys got to use their books. It felt unfair. That way, the actors could really get into character. When things are slanted against me, I feel cheated and agitated. It makes me want to get up and copy down the whole chapter on the board and circle the answers so the girls can use the book. Although, on the other hand, Mr. Abts only gives everybody a certain amount of time on the quizzes so the boys probably could not look up all of the answers in the book. Not being able to use the book does benefit our studying skills since we know that we can't use the book, so we read the chapter a few times. I think those who benefit from the unfairness do not understand how we feel. They might think they know how we feel, but they are really thinking that they are so lucky that they could use their books. It was a 50 to 50chance that the boys could not use their books, but yet they got to use them. This affects their approach to the situation because they are not experiencing what it feels like to not be able to use the book. They are experiencing the good side. They might try to get us to be able to use the books but most likely, they won't go through with it because whether or not the girls get to use their books doesn't affect the boys.
When things are unfair for someone I think that person might be jeluion about it. I think the people who benefit dont understand how you feel or care because they might just care about them selves. It might affect their approach becuase they might just think there dirty and dumn like the socs think of greaser.
will period 1
I think the director wanted some resentment between the actors playing the Socs and Greasers so when they filmed the movie, the hatred betwwen the groups would be more evident and intesence which in the long run would make for a better movie.
Being treated unfairly sucks. I know not everything is fair in life, but when people look down on others with less and feel better by making fun if these people, obsiviously don't understand because they make fun of people to feel better about themselves. If they dont understand then well these mean people will go full throtal torchure
i dont like it when people have the uper hand on me if anything it should be fair .
i think it maters on who is the better person at what ever your doing then to give them a chalenge double team him/her.
William Abrams period 1
I think the director wanted them to feel animosity towards each other because i think it would help them play their character better. this way the movie would be more realistic. i think if you had the bad side of things you would probly think about the other side of the argument. whereas if you had the advantage you might be more calmer (or atleast i would be).
McKenna 1
The Director would have wanted the actors to feel animosity towards each other because he would have wanted to have the movie seem like their is hatred between the Socs and the Greasers.
When things are slanted unfairly against you you get a taste of how it feels to be left out. It is a really bad feeling to have when you know that you are not as good as the people who benefit from the unfairness in some way. The feeling that I have when things are slanted unfairly against you is I feel down in the dumps and as if no one likes me. The people who benefit from the unfairness probably don't care how you feel (unless they are one of your good friends) because they think they are better than you in some way. This would make the people who benefited from the unfairness come up to you and be able to say and do bad things to you.
Max p.3
I think that when someone is treated unfairly they think that the other people that are treated fairly get what ever they want and when ever they want it.They also tend to think that the people treated fairly is rich and selfish. I would say that they dont really get what the more fortunate people lifes are really like. So they tend to stareotype them and call them names and thats what starts there fights.
sarah h period 5
sorry forgot my name
People who havae been through the situation are more likely to know what and how you are feeling. They may approuch the situation in a more fair way treating you as fairly as anyone else.
♥jordian period 1
Johnny 5
When things are slanted unfairly against you, most people feel upset. When someone is on the positive or advantaged side they most likely would not imagine if they had a disadvantage. These people would usually approach the situation by being selfish and not caring about anyone else but themselves.
I think it feels like I didnt work hard enough to get it.If thing are unfair I try to find a way to solve them.
michael Perrino
Johnny 5
When things are slanted unfairly against you, you usually tend to feel either angry or upset. People who are on the advantaged side usually don't care or understand your feelings. They have an advantage and that is only what they care about. This affects the approach of the situation because each side does not understand each other. Situations like this often turn into to a conflict between two sides. Conflicts may lead to violence which is why it is important to try to understand other people's feelings.
i think that if someone thinks something is unfair they think of it as an disadvantage. also when you are on the fair side you don't know what it would be like to be on the unfair side. Only when your on the unfair side you can consider both parts of the aurguments.
I think that when things are unfair for someone, they realize what it's like to be at a disadvantage. When you are on the good side of an unfair situation, you rarely consider what it would be like to be on the other side, and so act somewhat selfish. Only when you have been on the bad side do you truly consider both parts of the argument. To feel that things are slanted against you dosen't feel so great. It makes you feel unwanted, and cheated. Like in English class Mr. Abts let all of the boys use the books for the quiz but he did not let the girls, he has done this twice now ( I'm getting kind of mad) he says that this is really helping the girls prepare better and that the boys have been getting worse grades than the girls. But that could have just been a cowinsidence. Some of the boys who did get to use their books don't understand and think that we should "just suck it up and deal with it". I and all of the other girls think that we should protest, and most likely thats what we are going to do.
When you feel like you are unwanted it makes you feel very dissapointed and depressed because it dosn't feel good to you. Lets just say if you were the one getting pushed around for your color or your cristianity and even the way you dress! You can't always get everything you want in life but that does not give you the right to push people of make fun of them. We are all human beings and all need to be treated the same. People don't have as much money as all other people do, I dont think that gives you the right to consider them "stupid" or "weird"!
Paige 5
I think the director wanted to have greasers and sco’s because it would show how schools are different. Also how people don’t get along with each other one hundred percent of the time. To me I don’t like it when things are unfair but that is life. I think that the people who benefit from my unfairness know how I feel because everyone has gone through unfairness in there life. But I also think that when they are benefiting from my unfairness they aren’t thinking how the other person feels.
Rachel P,1
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