One strategy for making good decisions is to pause and consider the REASON that you might choose one thing or another. Since it is supposed to be sunny today and tomorrow, I might choose to do some outdoor work on my house today rather than putting it off until later in the week, since there's a chance of precipitation later on. If I choose to do other things now and end up cleaning up my yard in the rain, I'll have nobody to blame but myself. Generally, the more information I consider before choosing to do something, the better chance I have of making a solid decision.
What important choice have you made recently? What were your options? What reasons led you to choose one path over the alternatives?
What important choice I`ve made recently is probably studying for all my quizzes and tests. I studied for my Health test and I got a 100 on it. I studied for my Science test and I think I got a 100 on it because it was really easy for me and it didn`t take me a long time to finish it. My options were to study for my tests or not to study for my tests. I picked studying because studying is the right thing to do and I think it would be alot easier if I made the right choices in life because life will be alot easier if you make the right choices.
Jennifer Snyder Period 1
One of my important choices i have made recently was too try doing better in school. i chose this because i wasnt doing very well but now i am trying much harder and paying attention more.
krista period 1
Sarah- Period 3
An important choice that I made recently was at the Regional Spelling Bee on Saturday. I had several options during the bee to spell with an "e" or "z" in a place where I needed to spell with an "i" or "s." Because I used "i" and "s" in the words that I was spelling, the choice that I made kept me in the bee for another round each time. In the final round, I used an "e" instead of a "u," which cost me the championship and a trip to Washington, D.C. This was an important choice for me, because, in spelling a word, if you get one letter in a word wrong, you are out of the bee. The reason I chose to spell with an "e" instead of a "u" was because I was unfamiliar with the word I was given, so it was really just a knowledgeable guess for me. This choice is a choice that affected me in a positive way, because I now have experience in standing up in front of a huge audience, and in coming in second, just a tiny bit away from being first.
The most important choice that I made recently is I clean my room I wasnt told to clean it but I decided to because it was so messy you could not even see the floor. I had no options I had to clean it. I chose to clean it because it was really messy.
one important chose i've made was doing that maze. it was soo hard you think you got it bam there is a wall. so you got to back track then you forget where you came from but i finnished it though!
rvd period 1
One important choice I have made was to clean my room when i was told to. My choices were to either to clean my room when I was told to or have to do later and not beable to do anything. What I choose was to clean my room when I was told to because I would of not have been able to do anything that Iwould have wanted to.
per.1 Sara
An important decision that I made recently was what I should do for my personal pride in advisory. My opions were some awards that I got that mean alot to me, or some thing that I did that was not an object. I choose to do something that I did. The something that I talked about was how I helped with the heifer project at our school and that I hope to help out with some other ones. I choose this decision because I did not want to sound like I was bragging.
Eden Period 2
Recently I have made an important choice, it was to either use the homework pass for skipping homework or to wait until I am absent to be excused from an assignment
Jolie 5
An important choice I had to make recently was to have a possitive outlook on life, I would enjoy life as much as could and try to find the good in every problem.It really makes everyday so much easier and less stressful.
Grace Period2
One of my choices was to do the maze or not. That was one of the hardest Mazes i have ever done. I got a few inches from the start. I was takeing the wrong way the whole time it was really frusterating.
Lyman Townsend Per 2
My sister is having a birthday party this weekend. I had the choice of going or not going. If I didn`t go my older sisters boyfriend. If i did go my older sisters boyfriend cannot go.I had the opptions of pleasing my sister or not pleasing anyone. I choose to stay home.
Alex P2
One important choice that I have made recently was what type of story my 2 choice story would be about. I had several options such as fantasy, non-ficton and many more.I decided to go with fiction.
i chose this "path" because I though it would be more appealing to people then some other types.
what important choice i've made lately was to let my sister in my room b ecause she usually makes a mess and if I did then i would get yelled at and if I did not let her in she would yell at me.
-Andrew B.
One important choice i made lately was to do the maze or not. If i did the maze it would have been a big waste of time. But if i did do it I would fell like a winner. In the end i did do it even though it took a while.
Jimmy Period 3
I made a disishion to breath. I could of not of breathed but i would die.
will period 1
My big decisions recently is I've choose not to study for my science quizes. I got a 60 and a 70 then for one I studied for I got a 100. I will deifeintly choose to study so I can get 100 on my other quizes.
I think we make important choices everyday like to either study or not. Studing is important to get good grades but if you already know it well then whats the point in studying? Study something you don't know as well. There are many other important choices that we make every day that we don't even think about as we make them.
Dylan Snyder
Period 3
I haven't made any important choices lately. I did go to Florida over winter break, but that wasn't my choice. If it was my choice I would move there!
NM p:1
One important choice i have made recently was to listen to my mom when she said to clean my room if i did she would be happy and if i didn't she would be angry. I didn't clean my room because i really don't care about my room.
Thomas Period 1
Recently I had a choice to choose whether to get a skateboard or a video game. I chose the skateboard because I think it would help me in the long shot because the snow is melting and that would give more time outside.
William Abrams period 1
One of the most recent decisions that i have had to make was either to watch my favorite shows of do my homework. unfortunately i chose to watch the shows. But when the show was over i got started with my homework so that i didn't fall behind.
Brittany period 1 :)
The important choice that I made recently was if I should use a homework pass and get all of my homework done or not use a homework pass and save it for another time while not getting all of my homework done. I chose to use my homework because it is worth using a homework pass and getting a good grade than not getting a good grade and saving it for another time. Then I might not be as in need for a homework pass. I was going to use a homework pass but the teacher said to just get it done tonight when you don’t have any homework.
Max Ofer Per. 3
One important choice i have made is deciding wether or not i wanted to study harder and do better in school or play spring sports and have to find time to do my work and i chose not to do a sport and i am focusing on my grades.
Rachel Stone peroid 1
One important choice that I have had to make recently is to choose track or baseball for my spring sport. One of my options was to play baseball which I have been playing for about 6 years. My other option was to play track which is something that I have had very little time with. I decided on doing track because I would like to do it and I like to try new things.
Probably the most important decision I have made recently was to take my time and read over the whole chapter for Health class. The first time we had a reading check I did very good because I knew health would be challeging so I read the whole chapter thoroghly. Then, we had another reading check a week later and I did very bad because I thought it would be easy for me because the last one was. Well, I was very wrong. I didn't read over the whole chapter, instead I just skimmed which in the end I didn't know what the anwsers were. Now, I am making sure I read the whole chapter clearly and thoroghly so I don't make the same mistake I did last time. I chose this as the right decision because I don't want to get more bad grades in Health for not reading the chapter.
Elizabeth, Period 2
The last important decision made was wither to do my homework. Suffer the rage of the teacher or not get into trouble. Really tough choice.
I made the choice of doing my homework and not not doing it so because of that i got two 100 '/. in science because i did my homework.
My options were doing my homework or not doing my homework.
I thought that if by showing people that I could do it they would stop calling me stupid and stuf but i found out you dont need to be smart to make people do any thing so just do your best and they'll leave you alone.
I made the choice of doing my homework in science and got two
100'/. on them. my options were doing my homework or not doing my homework. I thought that if you want more friends that u had to show them that you are smart but i found out that you dont have to be smart to have friends.
Mckenzie Slater
period 5
I'm not shure. I do make a lot of decisions and I'm not realy not shure when the last time I did it was.
JP Gertz
The most important decistion i have made lately was to start doing better in school and chores, or stay home and do nothing until I make the write choice. I realized its not so bad because now i have more free time to do what i want. I basicly had no choice so the actions around me led me to my choice. jordian period 1!!!!!!!!!!
A decision I am going to make is posting this response! (This is not my answer but I suppose at one point very soon I will end up posting this! And ha! I have the choice to post it or not!) The important choice that I have recently made was made almost a year ago--it was deciding whether or not to run Cross Country. At that point, I had very much enjoyed to run. There were places that I did run, but I disliked public places and the road nearby my house has no sidewalk, so I avoided the village. Where I ran were mostly on short expanses that were very nearby my own abode. I decided to join Cross Country Running because there was a small thrill in doing so that I wanted to capture and surpass. Although this may sound odd, I liked it when my legs were coated in mud and when I get bruises. They might be painful, but it feels as though I have done something besides laze around and watch other people do what I could be doing. I am not trying to worry anyone--I do not get bruises often, and I just feel like I've done something if I get bruises. They do hurt. Just don't interpret it wrong.
I think that joining Cross Country Running was a good choice for me. In school, I feel much more involved into what we as a grade/class are doing. I think that I am also much brighter than I was the last year and the year before that. I feel more confident. I think that is what being around a large group of people who support you does to you. Everyone on the Cross Country Running team was friendly and sort of silly, but we cheered for each other in meets, and it really overwhelms you with such a wonderful emotion that I cannot name at this moment, but it is very real, and everyone encourages you to do your best. I feel more open and exposed to new opportunities.
Kate, Period Two
An important choice that I have had to make was around one year ago or maybe a little less. Anyway I had to make a decision wether I would like to lease a new horse named Sparky or keep leasing a pony named Chevy. I love both horses very much but I just could not deicide. Then I went to go and ride Sparky then I fell in love he was so much easier than riding Chevy but I definitely love Chevy too. He might have been a little harder but it would help me learn how to deal with difficult horses and ponies. My final decision was to go with Sparky. This was because I could always ride Chevy when I had free time at the barn. Also I can really concentrate on jumping and training for my horse shows.
Sarah H 5
One important choice that I have made recently was probably doing my homework for english class. I cept procrastinating to do it. My options were to do the homework or not to do it. I finaly choose to do it. I choose to do it because I convinced myself that my english teacher was going to check it. Then when we got to class my teacher told us to pull out our homework and I was really glad that I did it.
grant 5
An important choice I have made recently was trying to type more to help in computer class. My options were to type without looking at the keys or to look at them and go faster but not learn anything. It is hard to not look at the keys but I try to remember to be on the home row AND not to look at the keys.
:)Alexandra Williams(:
An important choice I made was choosing not to do basketball this year. I was doing wrestling and the season was almost over. I am a big college basketball fan, and I was thinking of maybe, possibly doing 7th grade basketball. I really like Mr. Brotherton, and he was going to be the coach. Alot of the 7th graders were doing basketball too. I knew that basketball isn't the right sport for me, because of my size. I also knew that I probably wouldn't get as much playing time as the more experienced players. At that time I was working hard and diligently on history day. I knew that if I did do basketball I would not have as much time to work on history day. I talked with Mr. Brotherton and it seemed like a pretty busy schedule. With everything else I had going on- guitar lessons, fencing, skating- I didn't think it was worth it, given I would be a bench warmer. I decided not to do basketball.
I made the right decision. When I was debating whether to do basketball or not, I didn't know that there was going to be a wrestling club. If I had chosen to do basketball, I would have been devastated and wished I had had a clone so I could do both- because I love wrestling. I was able to focus alot more on academics. I was able to go on vacation and not be stressed about missing practices. I was able to focus more on history day, and it really paid off. I was able to get better at my extracurricular activity skills because I had more time to focus on them, without having everyday practices. The time and effort I put into to things I actually did accomplished far more than I would have going to practice everyday and just warming the bench.
Jacob R period 2
I was thinking about varsity swim team but that would get into the way of club swimming(coopsharks) and is more competiative, so I had to make the desician of doing varsity or not. So I Im not doing varsity.
Ian p2
An important decision I recently made was to do track. I hadn't really done any track before, so I didn't know what it was like. So I talked to some people, a lot of my friends were doing it, and my brother said it was fun, so I decided that I would try it, and even if I still didn't like it, I could skip it next year.
-Vaughan 5
Johnny Zhang Period 2
One of the important choice I made would be in gym when I tried my best and practiced my skills in circus and not fool around on the given time to master our skills. thanks to my practice I got 5/5 on all of my skills and got an 100 on my gym average. I also got to have some extra time because of how fast I finished everything.
One important choice I had mad recently was if I wounted to go to the theater or stay home and vatch television and moives. The chouse I picked was going to the theater beause I got to pick the moive I wouted and aftter the moive I could get pizza.
Andrew L. period 5
pI hate making decisions. It makes me crazy. Even little tiny choices I can never decide and (this is kinda pathetic) I have people help me. I make my friends and family vote on what I should do.I am actually making a decision wether to go to Niagra and see my sister's basketball tournament and my cousin or stay and go to the dance. Im still deciding what to do and which activity I will have more fun at.
i had two choice to do my homework. the optines were do them ar not. i choice not to and i had a dier consecwenc.
broc gilbert 5
Johnny 5
One important choice that I have made fairly recently was decideing whether to play soccer or football. I like both of these sports a lot and I have played them both for a pretty long time. Unfortunately, when you reach seventh grade you have to choose on of them. This year I chose to do football and one of the reasons why I did was because I heard that a lot of kids signed up for soccer and the coach would have to let everyone play. I figured I might as well do football since they needed extra players this year. I had fun time playing football and I am still curious what modified soccer is like? Who knows what will happen next year?
The most important choice I made this week was to do most of my homework earily so I would have to do it all when I got home from NJ. I made a list of all the thing I had to do. I finished all of the "correcting" and writing homework a saved Blog for when I got home. My options were doing all my homework while I was in NJ or I could of saved all my homework for that last min. I thought it was interesting how you choose a maze for the "Choices Comments". The way I do mazes it by cheeting and starting in the middle and working my way out!
Recently Nate Wilcox and I were awarded first place in the group category of the National History day project. We each were awarded $10 and a certificate. This left me wondering what I should do with the award money. Should get the video game World of Goo for my computer or wait for the cheaper iPod Touch WoG app to come out? The computer version would probably be more expensive. I could play the iPod version anywhere and it would be touch controlled, which is much easier than a mouse. However, the PC version is available now and some features might be left out in the iPod version. I was torn but I decided to wait for it to come to the iPod where it would be mobile and cheaper.
Sky Gann p3
Last Saterday I had to deside if I wanted to go to the rejnal NHD or if I wanted to go to my last basketball game of the season. ( I dident really want to go to both of them). It was hard to pick becasue I singed up for NHD a long time ago but I told my mom the week befor that I did not want to do it becasue 1. My project was not good 2. It did not have a chanse to make it to states and 3. my sisters made it to natiolals and got 12th in America! So I had some big foot steps to follow in. The main reason I did not want to do it was becasue I am not into all that stuff and after school activites that have to do with English, Math, Social Studies, or Since. Im not good at any of those subjects so I shouldent go out in public and inbarse myslef. The reason I would want to go to NHD is becasue it is a great oppertunite. I would want to go to my basketball game a little more then NHD becasue I am better at basketball then school. I am cofterble playing in games and since it was the last one I really wanted to go. I might not paly basketball ever again on a team becasue I need to fucuss more on school and not get detracted by sports. So since it was the last basketball game I might ever play and next year I am going to fuccus on all school (so I will deffently do NHD) I thought it would be better if I played in my last basketball game. I had know regrets on playing basketball so think I made the right choice.
Bella period 5.
An important choice that I have made recently is giving up red meat. The other option, obviously, would to not give up red meat. There have been several reasons that lead me to this decision. Firstly, I watched a documentary that said how food was made and what was in it. It turns out, much of the red meat is overly processed and extremely disgusting. This lead to my decision of giving up red meat.
Becca Per 5
An important choice I had to pick between was doing English homework or math homework first. So I chose to do my English work first since I needed to get my grades up more. So I finished that first since I could get my math done easy.
Quentin P:3
I think one was my homework, my options were to do math or social, and I chose math since I have that class first.
Tae Livermore
Period 2
I would go right because it may open up to more decisions. It is a hard question to answer because both of them may have different options, but im going with my gutt feeling on this one.
Michael Perrino
A choice I did recently was to not listen to my parents. After this I got grounded and got my xbox taken away.
Jack D P2
recently I had the choice of coming to a concert at 6-am, or being stuck at home alone, until 6 o'clock. I chose to stay home, but it was insanely boring. i tried to invite people over, but it didnt work. I did, however, start a blog, but I need to work on it. oh well. maybe next time I will have already made plans with friends.
Robert 5
One important decision to me that i have made is to either do Track or baseball for a spring sport. Ive played baseball for many years but some times i find it frustrating. I like alot of the track events offered in modified track. But I ended up deciding to do baseball because i find baseball to be more interresting than track and i like to paly baseball.
Kevin 2
Yesterday I made the decision whether to work on my Social Studies DBQ assignment today or yesterday. It turns out that I made the choice to work on it today. Initially I had a lot of homework that I was going to have to do today. So I was nervous about my decision. But by the end of seventh period, I had most of it done since I have seventh period free. Therefore I could work on my DBQ without too much other homework. I think that it's lucky that I didn't have too much other homework during seventh period today. Otherwise I would've had lots of homework and this might not have been the best decision. I think that this decision would have been a worse decision than it was if I had more homework to do. But luckily I didn't.
some of the important chocies ive had to make recently was for my 8th grade schedual. i didnt know wheather i should take latin or spanish. i decided to take latin because i is easier.
mckenna 1
Renee - Period 3
One important choice that I had to make recently was to either go to All County Band or the Regional History Day Competition. I ended up going to All County. First of all, I was working with Max and Sarah on my history project. Max had All County Band too and Sarah had the Regional Spelling Bee. I chose to go to All County. Sarah wanted to do the spelling bee (that is like a once-in-a-life-time thing so I wouldn't have passed that up either). The only way we could have presented at regional history day was by showing a DVD of our presentation since Sarah would not be there. We asked if we could do our presentation by showing a DVD with one of us in attendance,and never received an answer. I wanted to do All County, and Max wanted to do All County but said he would miss it if he needed to present the DVD at Regional History Day. Even though we didn't go to Regionals, I think we might still perform our history day presentation at the community meeting in April.
Recently, one choice I have had to make was whether to sign up for track or softball. I was very excited for track and I had been practicing on my own for it. In the past, I've done many activities that include running and I have discovered I am pretty good. My Dad was also a track star in high school, and he thought it would be a good idea for me to do it. My other option of softball, I have had no experience with, but once I heard about it, I thought it would be a good idea. I have never played softball and was never very interested in it, but Mr. Noto, my basketball coach was also coaching modified softball and I really enjoyed having him as a coach. Another reason that I debated softball was because almost all of my friends are trying it, and they haven't played very much either so I know I would have friends on the team and not be the only bad player.
In the end, I decided to sign up for softball just to give it a try. If it doesn't work out, I can always do track next year in 8th grade. It isn't set in stone yet, so if I do end up changing my mind, I will be able to.
period 3
One important choice I made was to try harder in school. The reasons are i was doing bad in a couple subects.
♫Serena♫ Peri☺d 3
One important choice was when I had to chose weather or not to study for my test or watch one of my favorite shows. I chose to study for my test, it was a little hard but atleast I got a good grade, better than I thought I would get, high 90's. I'm glad I chose to study or I would have been in a lot of trouble.
Katie F. Per 5
One choice I had to make was to go ahead and lease a horse or not. I had to decide if it would be to much to handle with all thats going on in my life or if I could handle having another animal!
i made a choice to be nicer to everyone even more that i was doing and to help others in my life
lucas busse period 2
One important choice I made lately was to sign up for spanish in 8th grade. My choices were between latin or spanish. I chose spanish because it is an interesting language to learn.
Rebecca P1
One important decision I made recently was to join chorus next year. My options were to join or take a study hall. I chose to take the study hall mostly becasue it would give me more time to work on homework and projects.
Ken Stahl
Period 5
some recent choices i have made recently were choosing between spanish, latin, and french. i liked all of these classes, in their own different ways. for me all of these classes were very easy. for me spanish and french were easy at times but challenging at others, it was very hard to pronounce some words. in latin i feel it is easier because you do not have to speek it, but you also must be able to find direct objects, indirect objects and other grammer stuff, witch i have no idea how to do. but i think i will choose latin because i have already takin spanish and french twice.
McKenna 1
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