The 2010 Winter Olympics in Vancouver just wrapped up. I was moderately interested, although I didn't watch or follow the coverage as much as some of my friends. I did enjoy watching some of the speed skating, the hockey, and the ski jump competitions. I was most impressed by the coverage of the bobsled competition. The way that the event was captured on camera showed vividly the insane speeds at which the bobsleds shoot down the chute. Having less than total control over the sled probably makes it even more stressful to ride, since you might feel the sled losing control but know that you couldn't do anything about it.
Did you follow the Olympics at all? Why or why not? What were your favorite events to follow? Why?
I did watch some of the Olympics, but I didn't really follow them. WHen I came home from swim team and they were on I would sit down and watch little. My favorite event in the Olympics is the pairs figure skating, because it is a very graceful sport. Some other events that I enjoy watching are speed skating,and snowboarding.
Eden period 2
Yes, I watched them with my ma and my aunt, and my favorit sport was the sking and snowboarding. I love to ski and I am Somewhat good at snowboarding. But sometimes I get board and leave!!!GO APOLLO!
Helen 5
I watched only some of the Olymics but when I do I always love to see the skiers. This is because I am a skier myself and our family goes not a lot but not a little either and a little more than in the middle too. I love to ski but I don't like the cold but I can live through it. It is so so so worth it! That is why I like to watch the skiers they also kinda inspire me to try harder
Sarah H 5
I did not follow the Olympics because I am not in to the Olympics. I do not follow any because I do not watch the Olympics.
William Abrams
period 1
I followed the Olympics most of the time because sometimes when events were happening I was not around a TV. Some of my favorite events to follow are short track speed-skating, Bobsledding, Snowboard cross, snowboard half pipe, and luge. I like to follow short track speed-skating because of Apolo Ohno. I follow bobsledding and luge because it is fun to watch them race down the track. I like to follow snowboard cross because it is fun to watch them go off the jumps as they race down the hill. My favorite event to follow is snowboard half pipe because I love to watch Shaun White show off his new tricks.
Max Ofer period 3
Yes I did follow the Olympics and my favorite event was the speed skating my favorite tracks were the 500 and the 1500 and my favorite team was the American team and my favorite skater was Apollo Ohno he is the best in my eyes he knows how to skate.
Lucas Busse period 3
No I did not see any of the Olympics games because I do not have any of the channels so the only way I here any news on it is by watching the news in the morning. But I think the Olympic skiing would be a cool thing to watch. Quentin Powers P:3
I only watch the Olympics when something I like to watch is on like the ski jump or the ice dancing. I like watching the ski jump because I think it is cool that the skiers pick up speed and then fly off a jump. They don't even show any fear. I like the ice dancing because I like how they do different tricks in the air and it builds up tension, like if they will fall or not. It just seems like ice dancing would be really fun, dancing to the music on ice.
Katie F. Per 5
I think that in the past 4 years, I have been watching more and more of the Olympics. I watched as much as I could, and I was able to see who won medals for most of the events. I think my favorite event to watch was the aerial skiing or the halfpipe snowboarding. The aerial skiing was really cool to watch because it was people flipping through the air on skis and they had to land almost perfectly. It looked really hard and like it took alot of focus. I also liked the snowboard halfpipe because it was fun to watch, especially when Shaun White was going. I love the Olympics so I think that it is cool that we can watch it and that we get a chance to watch it.
period 3
I heard very much about the Olympics from my father and several of the teachers in school. I listened to what they had to say about it, but I am not one to devote all my attention to sports. My father watched the Hockey games and told us a small bit about them, but other than that, a small bit about ice-skating and "Curling" or whatever it is, I heard nothing else. Once again, I am not very interested in watching sports. I chose not to watch the Olympics because of my lacking interest in watching sports on television. I do not have a favorite event(s) to list because of my lack of interest. If you pressured me, I would say Hockey because that was the most I heard about.
Kate, Period Two
I watched the Olympics because it involved the U.S.A. My favorite event was Curling because that was the only thing on my T.V. but I also liked it because of how accurate the rock can get to where they want it to go.
Alexandra Williams period 5
I did not really follow the Olypics because I never really liked sports all that much. If I had to choose which sports were my favorite it would be either bobsledding or Hockey because they have the most action in them, also if your lucky you might see a hockey fight.
Alex P2
I did follow the olympics. i liked the hockey game the most, because i'm mostly French Canadian... Canada is a very beautiful place and I wish I could go meet the hockey team in person, better yet meet my relitives!
Jolie, Period:5
I did not follow the Olympics at all because I don't have a T.V.
But if I did have a T.V. My most favorite thing to watch would probobly be ice hockey. I chose this Winter Olympic sport because it seems like it would be fun and very exciting to watch.
I did follow the olympics a lot. This was partly because they only come once every two years, and partly because I've always enjoyed winter sports more than others. My favorite events to watch were all of the snowboarding, and skiing events, because I have had some experience with snowboarding and skiing, so I guess I can relate to it, but I'm also a big Shaun White fan. However I did enjoy watching the other events as well.
-Vaughan 5
Yes I followed all of the olympics. The reason why I followed the olympics is because I love winter sports and also I like watching them to. My favorite event out of all of them was the snow boarding. The reason why I watch this event is because I love snowboarding and it is my favorite thing to do in the winter. I also like watching them do awesome tricks that I can't do yet. My next favorite event is the halfpipe because snowboarders have events and snowborarding is my favorite thing to do in the winter.
Kenny Per #3
I followed much of the Olympics especially ice hockey speed skating and the halfpipe. I like to follow them because ice hocky is one of my favorit wintetr sports to watch. I liked watching speed skating because of Apolo Ohno who won many medals. Lastly liked whqatching the halfpipe because of Shawn White and all the amazing things he can do in the air.I think that people should follow the Olympics and support their fellow Olypians.
Jimmy Period 3
Yes I followed the Olympics because the winter Olympics are my favorite kind of Olympics. My favorite event are the Halfpipe because one of my fovorite sports is snowboarding. I like it because it is cool when they do really high flips and when they grab their board. It looks like it really hurts when they fall. My favorite snowboarder is Shawn White. The Americans won the gold medal because Shawn Whit got a 48.8 out of 50! That is almost a perfect score.
Lyman Townsend per 2
I did follow the Olympics a little bit, though only because my sister Hope was watching them. I only really watched the opening ceremony, so I didn't see any sports.
Claire 2nd
Ah i did my favorite thing is the skiing. i felt babd for the girl that fell and hit the wall i wish that she dident because i liked her she was a good sport she inspired me to ski it was so cool when you saw the skateers to that was good to i thought they would fall because last year a guy cut himself open on the knee i felt so bad and i also as scared that he
would need stiches and he did i wish that that guy that fell of his scooter thing bord and he died because he ran into a pole it was very shocking i think the people that wachted that wasent scared. and there was i think at canada they wanted the scooter guys to prefome but they said no because there was ice chunks out of it i was so scared that they would do it because they don't want another person to die.
michelle zeh
I did not wach the olympics this year excepted the snowbording .Witch I think is the best part.Its has a lot action and it takes skill to do the thing they do.
Alicia McArdle peirod 3
I folowed the Olympics, but I most enjoyed watching the slopestyle and men and womens Moto for skiing and snowboarding.
Ian Robinson Period 2
This year I did not watch all the olimpic games, but i did watch the figur skateing and speed skiing or what ever it's called...
Grace Period 2
No I did not follow the olypics all I know is that Shawn White won a gold metal and so di Lisey Vonn
will period 1
Johnny Zhang Period 2
I don't follow the olympics all over because I don't know if my tv even has that channel and I'm not really a big olympics fan. If I where to pick one of the events it would probably be the bobsled because it must be one insane ride if there going that fast with no control must be alsome sport.
I did not follow the Olympics at all because I do not enjoy watching sports on t.v. but I did watch one event and it was the bobsleding. My favorite event to follow would be bobsleding because that was the only evnt I saw this year. - Rebecca 1
I did watch some of the Olympics. I watched the down hill skiing, I also watched the cross country skiing. And I also watched some other sport but I don`t know what it is called, I think it is called shuffle board or curling.
Jennifer Snyder Period 1
I followed the Olympics, this year was the first year I was really into them though. I really like the skiing event where there are the bumps and then the person goes off the jumps and does something really cool in the air. I also like down hill skiing. I did Title for NHD and it was great having the Olympics so use a benfit for females from Title IX. There are a few events that Im not so fond of. They are curling, byatholyn, and skating. I don't really like curling because I don't understand it and it seems stupid. The first time I saw curling I thought they were cleaning the ice for the skaters. I dont like byatholyn because its shooting and skiing. I don't mind the skiing but the shooting. Why shooting? I think skating is really pretty but I'm always worried that the person is going to fall and get hurt. But Aplo Ohno is so beast. He works so hard. He had four, two work outs a DAY!!!!!
Sarah- Period 3
I only followed the Olympics for a few nights. Since I do not own a T.V., I could not watch at home. However, I was away, and I was able to watch. My favorie events were the mogul and Cross-Country skiing. Since I am an avid Cross-Country skier, I enjoy watching people who are good at skiing. I hate to watch events such as figure and speed skating, because there is so much pressure to be perfect in the events. With skiing, especially Cross-Country, almost no one gets seriously hurt. I am inspired to watch people with as much talent as the Cross-Country skiing Olympic contestants have.
I followed a few of the events, but I was working on the NHD project or learning to program games in Python during most of the events. But I did manage to watch cross country skiing, a few others, and Canada winning the final event, hockey. The hockey game was thrilling to see. I also watched the story on 9/11 and the tragedy that happened before the events.
Sky gann p.3
y liked the opening I did follow the olympics, however, I mostly liked the opening ceromony. I really did follow it because when I watched it in Toreno I really got interested in the olympics. My favorite two events were the speed skating where the Chezch Republic won their first gold and we won against Korea. I also liked the Luge, it was sad because the guy from Georgi died the day the olympics started. I was happy that they raised the wall, shortened the track and gave it a lip.
Andrew B.
I watched the snowboarding competition of the Olympics. I watched that because I knew that Shaun White was going to be in the Olympics again this year. Watching him snowboard is really cool. I think that's the most interesting sport in the Olympics. Shaun White is a really good snowboarder, but he said that this was maybe his last Olympics. He only said that because he's accomplished so much in the Olympics for snowboarding, and he just wanted to take a break, I think.
Period 1
I did follow the Olympics, most often every night. I didn't watch the curling, but I watched almost everything else, My favorite events were the Long ski jump, the downhill ski slalom, the louge, the speed skating, the pairs ice dancing(?),and the hockey. I liked most of the events because I liked to think of their immense speed, but I also like some because they were interesting or something I always have liked (the hockey).
Robert 5
Yes, I did follow the Olympics. I followed them becasue since they only happen every four years it is nice and delightful to watch these special athletes perform events that people usually don't see most often, especially with winter Olympic events. I had a lot of time over winter vacation to watch them because I stayed home all day. It's fun to watch U.S olympians perform and try to win the most metals for are country, which they did. My favorite events to follow were downhill skiing and the gold metal hockey game, USA vs Canada. I enjoy downhill skiing because Lindsey Vonn is one of my favorite winter olympians and downhill skiing is her best event. I really enjoyed the mens' gold metal hockey game because the U.S has always been rivals Canada and they badly wanted to beat them. Hockey games for me are really fun to watch and I new this one would be good. Unfortionally, Canada did beat the USA in overtime but in the end it was a really good game. I love it when it comes time to watching the Olympics, whether it's summer or winter because it gives you something to do.
Elizabeth, Period 2
I love the olympics especially the winter olympics. The winter olympics are by far my favorite olympics. I love that in the olympics anything can happen and the world gets together to compete in events. Dan Jansen was an amazing speed skater but when he came down to it he choked many times, falling on the ice for no reason. Finally, 6 years after the first fall and alot of therapy he was able to win. Even Apolo Ohno who is now our most decorated winter olympian had problems. In the Salt Lake City olympics he fell. Even the greatest can lose. When I went to Mexico over Febuary break, the hotel that I stayed at DID NOT have the olympics on. The whole vacation I kept on asking my dad to look on his black berry to see how Apolo Ohno was doing. Towards the end of vacation, after alot of complaints, they finally had the olympics on (but in Spanish though that is better than nothing). The event I mostly followed was short track speed skating. Apolo Ohno is my favorite olympian of all time(even before Eric Heiden). When I was in third grade (2006) we had to do biographies on olympians. We all were able to review pictures of the olympians and I saw a guy that the teacher said looked like me on the cover of a Sports Illustrated. He had on a bike helmet and awesome skates. I love rockets and when I heard his name was Apolo I was sold. I wrote three pages on Apolo Ohno which is alot for an eight year old. I was so interested in short track speed skating and Apolo Ohno that I wore a bandana to school for a few weeks, until the principal said that I couldn't anymore. Everyone laughed at me and mocked me and thought that Apolo Ohno was horrible because I was supremely interested into him. Well, well, well look who is laughing now. The thing that gets me ticked off is that the people who made fun of me for liking Apolo Ohno are now like "I love Apolo, I always loved him." Well, I was the only one dedicated to him and did not stop liking him even though people were making fun of me and saying he is bad. I am so dedicated that this summer and this year I am going to be going to Morrisville to do speed skating.
I think that Apolo Ohno had a good olympics and should NOT retire.
Jacob R. P2
(P.S I also supported the hockey team all the way. My family even goes to New Hartford to play hockey. This year we won the championship.)
i wached the olymipcs to the end it was a great year for usa but but in hocky for the men was so close it even went into half time but canada won by 1 point but that game was amazing!
Period 1 rvd
No I almost never watch the Olympics. I ususlly dont have time, plus I dont have Cable.
I did whatch the olympics because i am a sports fan and i watched ski crosse the most.
olivia period 2
I only watched it in Canada because I was there for a little while. I think that my favorite the biatholon, freestyle, snowboarding, luge, and the bobsled. I like them because they are all very exciting!
Period 2
Yes I follow the Olympics. I follow them because it is exciting to watch someone win the gold medal or any medal. My favorite sports in the Olympics are curling, short track speed skating, and skiing. I like them because they are very exciting events in the Olympics.
I watched the olympics a little bit but not to much i didnt because some of the events are boring i watch the summer more because its more interesting. I watched mostly speed skating and hockey. I like to watch appollo ohno skate he is very good I think that in the 500 meter that canadian was a baby. I also think that the korean skater was a baby and complained alot. I liked to watch the USA hockey team the most thought my favorite player was chris Druy because he's on the rangers but the MVP of the tournemant was defeinatly ryan miller the goalie for the US was amazing and without ut him they would have lost every game, he was great and kept his compusure and didnt yell at his young team so his team so they didnt get nervous and scared. I loved that we beat Canada on their home turf in their home sport I liked that I would be mad if I was a canadian the next day, but they got the best of us at the end with of course one of the best in the league Sidney Crosoby I was just glad we came back but I was mad we didnt gaurd Crosoy tightly he is so clutch but its ok USA got silver so im happy the US had a record setting olympics medal wise and it was one of the best winter olympics in the past years.
Jack P2
I followed some of the olympics but I did not have much time to watch tv. The events I did get to watch were ice hockey and the luge. I also got to watch pieces of other events that I do not remember.
-Noah 1
I followed the olympics on TV but I didn't get to watch most of the competitions. The only time I really watched the olympics was during the skating events and some of the skiing. Skating in my opinion was fun to watch because it's amazing to see some of the tricks people come up with to make their routine different than others.
This year I did follow the Olympics. I watched atleast 1 run of each competition except the bobsled and skeleton. The ones that I enjoyed most were the Moguls, Snowboarding, and Hockey. I really like the Moguls because the people are going down the hill extremely fast and it puts so much stress on theirs knees. I also like when they go over the jumps snd cstch big air and do amazing tricks. I enjoy every single event that involes snowboarding but my favorite would be the halfpipe. I love how amazing the tricks are. Also when Shaun White nailed the Double McTwist 1260 was amazing.
I really enjoyed the hockey games except i wished that when the Canadien girls wn that they could have lowered their celebrations or take it to the locker room or something. I also agree with a lot of people the Apolo Ohno is BEAST. I think that the stupidest sport is curling. I find this very pointless and pretty much a waste of time for the Olmpic Winter Games.
McKenzie Slater
Period 5
I really didnt watch the olymics that much this year and I dont know why. I really didnt have that much time. But I did watch the US hockey team go against Canada. It was a really intense game. US scored in the last 24 seconds which tyed the game and they had to go into overtime. America didnt win, but they tried hard and did amazing(especially Ryan Miller) but Sidney Crosby and the rest of the Canadian team did even better. That was the best part of the Olympics for me.
I did follow some of the olympics. I watched them because they only happen every four years and most of my family wanted to watch it. The events that I watch the most were snowboarding, ice hockey, and men's speed skating. I watched snowboarding because of all the cool tricks pro snowboarders can do and i really enjoy watching Shawn White. I watched ice hockey because ice hockey is Canada's best sport and the U.S. and Canada are big rivals in hockey. I watched speed skating mostly because of Apollo Ohno I heard that he was amazing so I wanted to see for myself and his really is.
Grant 5
I followed the Olympics,though not necessarily avidly, but with a fair amount of interest. i enjoy watching the Olympics because i like sports and I am going to the summer Olympics in London.I particularly enjoyed the ceremonies,(both opening and closing), speed skating (go Ohno!), slalom course, ski jumping, pairs figure skating and snowboarding half-pipe. I enjoy watching fast sports because they hold my attention and keep me at the edge of my seat. I also enjoyed watching figure skating because I've tried ice skating and was thoroughly horrible and can hardly conceive the practice it must take to jump those jumps and spin and all the rest of the amazing stuff they do. In the half-pipe snowboarding Shawn White was absolutely amazing. He completely cleared all the other snowboarders in the jumps.
Becca Per 5
(P.S. I am glad that Canada won gold in hockey because Canadians are utterly obsessed with hockey. Hockey is like baseball, football, basketball, and soccer in the U.S. all combined and they set off indoor fireworks when Canada won which they would not have done if America won.)
Becca Per.5
I did not really follow the olympics because the winter olympics dont really catch my attenetion. The main event I folowed was the HOCKEY!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I loved the Games, An my favorite game was USA vrs Canada. USA 24 seconds socres OVERTIME WHOOOOO!!!!! Then we lost but still i loved that one event.
Period 1
I did watch the Olympics. I look forward to the Olympics every time it comes on. I love the halfpipe. I like mens halfpipe a little better then womans halfpipe. I like mens better because they get a lot more air then the girls do. Shaun White is one of my favorite winter Olympians. He does a great job at halfpipe and is good role model.The sport he does takes a lot of time to learn all the tricks and you have to be very focused. My other favorite Olympian is Ryan Miller. He is the best hockey goaly I have ever seen in my life. Hockey is such a fun sport to watch. It also is great exercize. I admire all hockey players (couldn't do hockey for my life). I have always enjoyed the Olympics. When I was little I really wanted to be a figure skater. But that never happened. Now I snowboard thanks to the influence of Hannah Titer, Shaun White, and Johnny Hage. Maybe someday I will be in the Olympics (probably not). I cannot wait for the next Olympics.
Bella period 5
Yes i do follow the olmpics i follow figyer skating. I love it when they do their best tricks. It inspiers me to try them when i go skating. I love every figyer skater in the olmpics. Even tho canada had trobel they still rocked at figyer skating. United states were realy good at figyer skating this year. Figyer skating is the best sport in the olmpics. That is my opinyen on figyer skating.
I do watch some of the Olympics, but I do not follow the scores at all. My favorite event in the olympics is Skiing. I like watching skiing because it so interesting how fast the competitors go down the slope. Also how they control their balance.
Sara Per.1
I didn't watch this year’s Winter Olympics because I don't follow sporting events much. This is because I don't watch much TV. The reason why I don't follow sporting events and don't watch much TV is because sporting events on TV are hard for me to see. The TV shows I do watch are shows that are narrated. Therefore the reason why I do not watch the Winter Olympics is because I don't follow sports and they are hard for me to see. Some time I might consider watching the Olympics.
Patrick Dewey
Period 3
I did follow most of the Olympic events besides figure skating and curling. I followed most of the Olympics because it is a huge sports event for the whole world. i don't follow figure skating or curling because i find them to boring to watch. My favorite events to watch are all the men's and women's snowboarding events because i love to snowboard and i like watching all of them do tricks and race. Kevin Period 2
I did watch almost all of the Olympic Games. I watched at least one run of almost every event except the skeleton and the bobsled. My favorite events to watch were the hockey games, snowboarding and moguls. I loved watching the U.S. men championship game. I think that Ryan Miller is an amazing goalie and he had some pretty good shots taken on him. The U.S. men had a great comeback to force the game into OT but sadly they couldn't hold it together. I also was very impressed with the snowboarding. Most especially the half pipe. I think that Shaun White is beast for going for, and nailing, the Double McTwist 1260 on his victory run down the pipe. I also found the moguls very interesting too. The skiers have tremendous strain on their knees. Also Lindsey Vonn is beast just like Apollo Ohno. I HATE the sport curling. It is one of the most boring and pointless sports ever. I did watch some of it though and got bored very easily.
Katie K.
Period 2
Johnny 5
This year I somewhat followed the Winter Olympics. I missed some events this year because of homerwork, basketball, jazz band, and piano. I pretty much saw all of the exciting events like when Apolo Ohno skated, when Canada beat the U.S. in a close hockey match, and when Shaun White won the gold medal for being the half pipe champ. I was happy with most of this year's Winter Olympic results. Some of them I was a bit upset.
Overall, my favorite event to watch was the men's half pipe in snowboarding. The reason for this is because U.S.'s Shaun White won the gold metal with an outraging performance. He was the first ever to attempt the 1260 double mick-twist in competion, and the best part about it was that he landed it! I also enjoyed watching this event because I snowboard too.
Renee - Period 3
I did follow the Olympics because the Winter Olympics only come every four years. I really enjoy watching them and seeing the beautiful skaters and the amazing ski jumpers. My favorite events to follow are figure skating, ski jumping, speed skating, and bob sledding. I like the figure skating because I do gymnastics and dance and like to watch all of the twists and twirls that they do. It was also cool, this Olympics, how the brother and sister who figure skated were the same height and weight. So, not only did the boy lift the girl but the girl lifted the boy! You don't see that very often. I like ski jumping because I like seeing the skiers doing all of the spins in the air right up until they reach the ground! I also like putting myself in the place of the judges and critiquing the skiers' jumps. I like speed skating because I think it is amazing how they turn and don't fall! I also enjoyed Apolo Ohno skate using his unique techniques. For example, he yawns right before each race to be like a lion. He seems so relaxed before the races. I like the bob sledding because of the amazing speeds they reach. I would not be able to control a sled going 90 miles per hour! It is also neat how they can actually control the sled and stay so low on the turns to keep up their speed.
i watched most of the olympics but i didnt really pay attention to it too much, one of my favorite events was th edownhill skiing. i liekd it because it was very exciting.
krista period 1
I did watch the olympics and i do fallow them what i enjoy wataching is the snowbording events and my favrot part of the snow bording was when shawn white won gold mettle and showed off his new trick.
rachel stone peroid 1
I did watch most of the Olympics because winter sports are awesome. My favorite event to watch would have to be bobsleding because it is a extremely hard sport and the professionals make it look very easy. I also loved watching snowboarding because they did some sweet jumps and flips that are not exactly easy. I liked watching the Olympics in general because all of the sports are very fun and cool. jordian period 1
I did not follow the olympics that much but I did watch the Hockey. America vs. Canada. It was a great game. America tyed in the last 24 seconds and they went into overtime.It was really intense and America lost but I thought Sidney Crosby did an amazing job and deserved to win.
I did not follow the Olympics becouse it does nto intrest me. The idea of winning gold medels i cool,but not the actual events.
♫Serena♫ Peri☺d 3
I watched the Olmipics. But only because my mom and brother were watching them. I thought it would be pretty boring but, I thought it was cool to see some people do stunts and tricks in the air on snowboardand ski's.
period 3
I've never in my life have watched any olympics on the "telivision" but I have gone to a gymastic tournament and it was very interesting! But I do not follow them.
Paige 5
Yes I did follow the Olimpics, mostly the snowboarding because of how precise they have to be in preforming their tricks and how different each snowboarder is.
Go Shawn White.
Ken Stahl
Period 5
I did not keep up with the winter Olympics. Although my dad would watch them on some nights. I would not really pay attention to who was winning the events. I don;t have a favorite event. I do find figure skating very cool though the thought that people can get out there and not be afraid to do al those tricks blows my mind.
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