I hope that everybody had a chance to get out into the great weather this weekend. I love spending chunks of time playing, digging, and planting outside in comfortable weather. I've been working recently to make my yard as beautiful as possible.
The dogwood tree, pictured here, are a classic image of springtime here in America (I planted one last fall). Azaleas are very common down south, and can be seen in full bloom beautifying the Masters golf tournament in Georgia. Washington DC is famous for its gorgeous cherry blossoms in the spring, and forsythia are quite common locally. If you are unsure what each looks like, head over to google images and do a little searching.
Of these four spring blooms, which is your favorite? If you could plant the ideal spring garden, which two of the above plants would you be sure to include? Which of the four is your least favorite? Why?
My favorite tree out of all of those is the Cherry Blosems mostly seen in Washington DC. If I could plant two of those trees I would pland the Axaleas and the Cherry Blosems. Out of the four of them I think that the one that I like the least is the for forsythia bush because I think that it is too yellow.
Period 2
My favorite tree out of the ones you named would probobly be the Azaleas tree. I chose this tree as my favorite one because of its beautiful pink, purple and orange color. I also love how it can grow in many places aswell.
Sarah- Period 3
Of the four plants, I would plant a cherry tree. I love the way they look and smell. They can be inside (in a vase) or outside (in a garden). I like the fact that I can enjoy the cherry tree inside or outside. Also, I love to garden, and I've never planted or tended to a cherry tree. I also like the fact that Washington, D.C. is famous for them.
If I could plant the ideal spring garden, I would be sure to include the cherry tree and forsythia bush. I like the fact that the forsythia can grow in Cooperstown, and I think that it looks beautiful.
Of the four plants, my least favorite is the azalea plant. I'm not really sure why I don't like it; it just doesn't strike me as something that I would want in my garden.
Of the cherry blossom, dogwood, forsythia, and azalea, I think that my favorite "spring bloom" is the cherry blossom. I think that it is an exceptionally stunning tree. It can be found in Japan as well. The word/name (because it can also be a name) for cherry blossom in Japanese is "Sakura". The Japanese even have a festival celebrating this tree! The color of the flowers are a very soft pink--sometimes even white!--and the looming limbs of the trees make the flowers hang down in a very graceful manner. This is truly a remarkably beauteous tree.
If I could plant the ideal spring garden, into the garden I would be sure to incorporate the cherry blossom and the azalea. If the colors of each of the trees matched, I would include the azalea because of its marvelous array of colors and the interesting, intricate pattern imprinted on the inside of the flower. The name given to this plant is a rather unique and beautiful one, and, based off of the pictures I found of it, it seems as though it would be a flower fun to draw.
Out of these four "spring blooms" I would have to say that my least favorite is the dogwood. Based off of the pictures that I have seen, the bloom looks rather boring and plain, although I do like the rusty-red color of the tree/plant/stem. I found myself looking at this plant the least, and even though I somewhat dislike the neon-yellow of the forsythia, I like the "design" of the original blossom. I do like the cut-out of the dogwood as well as the added greenish hue, but the plant overall struck me as boring and plain.
Kate, Period Two
My favorite tree out of the four choices is the Cherry Blossom. I love these trees because their flowers are a beautiful whitish, pink color. If I could plant an ideal spring garden with two of these plants I would be sure to include the Cherry Blossoms and Dogwood tree. These two trees are my top choices because they both have the whitish, pink flowers but the dogwood trees' are more white and the cherry blossoms' are more pink. Out of the four choices I would have to pick the forsythia as the one I like the least because they're too bright, yellow and bushy for me.
Elizabeth, Period 2
The four blossoms are all pretty in their own way. My favorite one though is the Azalea blossom. I like it for its shape and for its varity of colors.IN my ideal spring garden I woul include the Azalea and the Cherry blossoms. My least favorite blossom is the Forsythia because I am not fond of yellow. I also don't like the way it looks.
Eden Period 2
Two plants I would defiantly put in a garden would be the Azaleas and the Cherry Blossoms because I really like the bright pinks, purples, and white colors. One I would not put into a garden would be the forsythia because like Nate said it is way too yellow and just too bright. pinks, purples and whites are less bright and are way more pretty. (:Alexandra Williams:)
Christina 5
I think my favorite spring blooms would probally be Cherry Blossm. It is a beautiful plant. It lookes like lilly pad flowers only I trees. It reminds me of the movie Mulan because there is a bench in her yard that is under a Cherry Blossm Tree. Cherry Blossm also a common fragrance, I think it is the smell that I could recognize the easiest. I think it would be amazing to get married under a Cherry Blossm Tree, with the flowers falling. It would be beautiful. Could you imagine the pictures?
One plant that i love to see grow is the azaleas because they are very beautiful and smell almost as nice. One plant I dont like see very well is the fosythia it is too yellow.
Alex D P2
If I had a spring garden I would choose the cherry blossom trees and Azales. Both are bothe beautiful and seem full of life, the my least favorit bloom would have to be the forsythia.It's no that I don't like it, it's just it seems too yellow for my taste.
Grace period 2
My favorite one is the forsythia because it looks the best and its the most colorful. Two plants I would include in my garden are the forsythia ant the Dogwood because they would look good together. My least favorite is the Azaleas because It dosent have as many colors as the others.
Lyman Townsend per2
My favorite tree out of these is the cherry blossoms because in Washington they are mostly planted along the tidal basin which also has the Japanese miniature pagodas. I also like them there because when you look through them you can see the National mall. I also like the azaleas because they are very pink. They also are very peaceful.
-Andrew B.-
Out of these four blooms my favorite is the cherry blossom becuause i like the color and how branchs are all over the place and the way it smells. I would want it in a garden with azaleas because the color is somewhat the smae and they would complement each other. But out of the four my least favorite is the forsythia b ecause I think it look ugly and I don't like the yellow on it.
Jimmy Period 3
My Favorite flower is the forsythia becuase it is the most colorful. If i had a spring garden I would plant the Forsythia and the Dog wood. My is the cherry blossomes because they just are i don't like them that much.
Of those four plants my favorite is the cherry blossom. I do not especially like the way the actual tree looks, but the blossoms shape and color are beautiful. They're very soft and velvety, and I love the silky, creamy colors.
If I could plant the ideal spring garden, I would include the cherry blossom and maybe the forsythia. I love the shape of the forsythia's blossom. It's extremely pointed but at the same time curved. I do not especially like the color, though. All the pictures I can find is striking yellow, though some of them are more subtle.
My least favorite is probably the azaleas. The shape of the flower is beautiful, very delicate. But I do not like the colors. They're vibrant to the point of being garish.
Claire 2nd
My favorite tree is not out yet but it a cherry tree I plant them all the time there I think are yellow and red. I think they are so pretty I also like maple trees because of yummmmmmmmmmmy syrup and those are the trees I like.
michelle zeh i wrote more dident i
For me my Favorite would be the washington blume beause it loks butifful and it looks nice.The two trees I would put in a gardin wouldbe a maple tree and a chary tree beause with a chary tree you can get a lot of money for a chary tree if it is full grown. I would also chose a maple tree because you could get surup and trun it into a maple seup that you could cell or use your sellf. I w2ould say the golf trnimet is my leas favoret aut of the four beause a do not intrly like golf and I do not have eany T.V that has golf or such
By Andrew L. April7,2010
E.L.A: Blog period 5
I would have to say that the forsythia was my favorite. I'm realy not shure why they are my favorite I guss they just are. If I had to plant one of them I would plant that because since my house is shourt and that is not that high so I could still see my house in the frount yeard.
JP Gertz
Johnny zhang
My favrite tree out of those 4 would be the azalea because it would make my house look better and more colorful. If I where to pick the tree I don't like the most would be the dogwood because it looks dull and plain. (plain white is pretty boring)
Out of those four I would pick a cherry tree. If I had to make a garden, the two plants I would use are the cherry tree and the Azaleas tree because they both are very pretty. My least favorite flower out of those four are the forsythia because I looked on google images and I don`t think they are pretty.
Jennifer Snyder Period 1
Of the four spring blooms my favorite would have to to be Azaleas because the color and shape of the flower is truely beautiful. If I had a chance to plant a garden I would be sure to include the Azaleas and also the cherry blossoms because the flowers are bright and interesting and I feel that they would lift my spirit on a tough day at school.
I think that my least favorite of these flowers would have to be the forsythia plant/flower because the color isn't appealing to me and it doesn't seem spirit lifting. All of the flowers are OKAY but my to favorites seem to appeal to me the most.
JoRdIaN sIvEr
I would plant cherry blossoms because I think that they are a beautiful tree. I also like the Azaleas tree because it's pretty with its coloring and because it can grow in so many different places. I like how it looks pink, but can also be colored white. It looks like a beautiful tree. Another tree I think is cool is the forsythia. It is so pretty with it's bright yellow coloring, I really like the coloring on this tree. I really stands out to you. It is one of the first things that you'd see if you went to a garden full of only trees, because it's so bright.
My least favorite tree is the dogwood it looks so boring and plain.I think that tree wouldn't stand out as much as some other trees.
I would choose the azaleas because i think they are so beautiful and I would like to have atleast 3 of them imy yeard. So I think that it would make the yeard look so much better.
McKenzie Slater
period 5
My favorit tree out of those four would have to be the dog wood because when I was 5 years old I had one in my front yard that me and my sisters loved to climb. Somtimes the nabers would eve come over to climb with us. The two trees that I would plant in my garden would be the dog would and the cherry blossom because they would look ravishing together.
Michael Perrino Period2
Renee - Period 3
My favorite of these four spring blooms is the cherry blossoms. I like them because I think the color pink is a very pretty color, especially when there are multiple shades of it mixed together. If I could plant the ideal spring garden, I would include cherry blossoms and azaleas because the pink cherry blossoms would look great with different shades of azaleas. The azaleas would also look beautiful. I do not have a least favorite because I like all flowering plants and think that they add some color to the world.
I think that the Dogwood tree is my favorite because it has that nice white bloom in spring. The two plants that I would put in my garden would be the Dogwood and the Forsythia because of the reasons above and because the name Forsythia is really cool. The tree that is my least favorite is the cerry tree becuase I've seen a lot and they are not that extremly beautiful.
My two ideal blooms would be the dogwood and cherry blossoms because of the nice coloring and beautiful flowers. My least favorite is the azaleas because of the ugly yellow flowers and how it looks like a weed.
Sky period 2
My favorite is the Dogwood tree because I think it's the prettiest. When I think of spring I think of light colors like white and pink. I would plant the Doogwood and Cherry Blossom trees in a spring garden because they would compliment each other. My uncle in Virginia has a Dogwood tree and it's very pretty each spring. I like to see how it changes and grows from year to year. Cherry Blossom trees planted in a row look awesome. The church on River Street has beautiful Cherry Blossom trees and I would like that look in my garden. I would not choose the Forsythia because it is ugly, twiggy and not flowy. I also do not like that shade of yellow.
Bella Period 5
Out of the cherry blossom, dogwood, forsythia, and azalea, I think that my favorite is the cherry blossom tree. I think that it is an exceptionally stunning tree. It comes from Japan. The Ginko also comes from Japan and they are both beautiful plants. It is like a Norman Rockwell scene with they historical monuments surrounded by these beautiful flowers. It is a great contrast.
When I went to Washington D.C I saw these flowers blooming. I stayed at an Asian Hotel and there they had alot of the Cherry Blossoms so I got to observe them. I saw how it looked as if a painter painted the pink on them and how some were more pink and vice versa depending on where they live. I can say I experienced it. They are also practical, in that besides being beautiful they produce fruit.
My least favorite is probably the forsythia. I don't think it has a good contrast with other colors and it looks too messy and it would aggravate me looking at them because I would think the branches are clustered together.
I think that the dogwood looks cool in the picture on the blog post but the flowers are kind of bland. No color and it has no bend or shape to the flower.
The Azalea is cool because it is pretty and it has a wide variety of colors. It seems to be one of those flowers when it is cloudy makes you look on the bright side and it looks as if it would change your attitude on a cloudy day. It would also be cool to watch the masters with your friends a say "Look I have those flowers right out in the front of your yard" Then you can say maybe the flowers are from Agusta. However, azaelas here don't do as well as they do other places, due to the bitter cold winters and the cooler summers and shorter growing seasons.
All of them have good and bads. All of them are much more plentiful and beautiful down south.
Jacob R
My favorite tree would mosty likely be the forsythias. I like them because they have a very bright yellow colour, and and are close to the ground, so that the branches are barely visible. My least favorite would be the dogwood, because they seem less colourful than the other trees.
-Vaughan 5
dogwood, i would plant a cherry and a dogwood trees. they are so nice and the dogwood sounds so integing. the cherry sounds belukshoeus. that is what i like and would plant.
period 5 broc gilbert
If I could have 2 of the spring plants listed, I would have dogwood and forsythia. However I would not have cherry. In my opinion there are not very many interesting features on a cherry tree. I love the snowy white color of the dogwood and the vibrant yellow of the Forsythia. Theses would be two plants I would be sure to include in my spring garden. Patrick pd3
My Favorite plant out of the four are Azaleas. I really how it comes in different bright colors.In my ideal spring garden I would have Azaleas and forsythias. I chose those because they are both colorful bushes. My least favorite of the four is the dog because they arent as colorful as the others.
Kevin period 2
I personally like the cherry blosems because when I pase them rideing my bike it makes me realize that spring is a great time to get outside.The tree I dislike is the forsythina because the tree makes me think of summer insted of spring since it is a bright coler like the sun.
Quentin Powers P:3
My favorite is the azaleas because of its shade of pink and its shape reminds me of Hawaii. My least favorite of all four is the cherry blossoms, we see them to much and I do not like the shape of the pedal nor the shade of pink. For my garden I would Pick the Azaleas and the dogwood tree. The white of the dogwood tree gos very well with the pink from the azaleas and its shape as well. I do not like the forsythia because of the bright bright yellow.
Ian Robinson
Period 2
Hi, my favorite tree would probably be the Cherry Blossom because I like the color and the scent. Another tree that I like is the dogwood tree. I think those are flowery and nice. I really enjoy looking at some of these trees in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania because my cousins lived there and we visited them and I saw some of these trees. They are neat to look at and great to smell. Katie F. Per.5
My favorite one that is listed is the dogwood tree I have never seen one but they look really cool. If I was going to plant an ideal spring garden the two plants that I would be sure to include would be the dogwood tree and the cherry blossom. My least favorite of the four would have to be the azaleas mostly because I do not like the colors pink, red, purple.
Grant 5
My favorite would be the Cherry Blossom. If I could plant the ideal spring garden I would plant the Cherry Blossom and the Azaleas. My least favorite is the Forsythia. I chose that as my least favorite because I dont really like yellow and that is bright yellow.
----Krista period 1
Johnny 5
Out of these four trees I like the dogwood the most. I like the dogwood because it has two eye-popping colors which are white and pink. When these beautiful trees turn white, it looks like popcorn. I like how dogwood trees stand out more than other trees surrounding it. These gorgeous trees give me a positive feeling. Out of these four trees my least favorite would probably be the forsythia. I like this tree but the other options are a little more pleasant to look at. This tree has a weird dark yellow color that gives me kind-of a negative feeling. I think this tree is somewhat pretty but it I would like it better if it had a better color to it.
My favorite would probably be the cherry blossom because I love the sight of many cherry blossoms together in full bloom. I like their pink color and they somehow are the most relaxing to me. If I planted a spring garden, I would choose the cherry blossom because it loooks like it would be perfect for shade and beauty, and the azaleases. I like azaleases because of their bright colors and they look very tropical reminding me of the south and warmth. My least favorite is the forsythia because even though I have one in my yard, it doesn't really remind me of spring. I still like it but, its not my favorite.For some reason it reminds me of cold and winter( Im not sure why) so that is my least favorite.
My Favorite bloom is the cherry blossoms because they have beautiful little petals. If I could plant the ideal garden I would have the cherry blossom and the forsythia. I like the forsythia because if the bright yellow color and the plants are not that big. My least favorite of them all is the dogwood tree because it has a dull whit color to it. I also don't like it because it had an ugly shape to it.
Max Ofer period 3.
My favorite tree is the azaleas. I choosr this because of its beautiful color. I would plant the azaleas and the foursythia in my garden. Out of the four I think my least favorite is the cherry blossom becuase they are two pink.
Jack P2
I would choose either the cherry blossom or the Azaleas. I chose the cherry blossom this is because I like the size and it is very elegant. I don’t like the color but I can live with it. I chose the Azaleas because I also think it looks extravagant. Plus I think that the color is very peaceful and I love that feeling in a garden. It makes me smile.
Sarah.H. period 5
I like the Cherry Blossems and the azalas. I would include them in my spring garden because they are colorful and nice. My least favorite out of the four is the forsyntha bush. It's ugly to me. I dont like the color yellow and would not like it in my garden.
My favorite tree out of those would be Dogwood tree because they are a white and white is one of my favorite colors. I would include the Cherry Blossom and the Azaleas because a pinkish redish garden would look fantastic in my eyes.
My least favorite out of all these would be the forsythia because it is a brithg yellow that looks very weird.
Period 1
I like the forsythia bush because it is a beautiful shrub and it is a good lawn ornament. . . I have one on my lawn. It turns a vibrant yellow when the early spring comes. My least favorite is the cherry blossem, although it is pretty, it brings allergys!
Jolie 5
Out of all the plants my favorite tree would be the Cherry Blosems because it's a beautiful plant i think it comes from japan but i'm not 100 percent sure but i really think that's were it comes from i think that Cherry Blosems are nice and colorful two the eye but i dont know how beautiful they are when there full grown but i still think there great the tree i think that i would not like would have to be the fosythia there really not my kind of tree there a little to bright for i like something colorful but i think that's to colorful.
Lucas Busse period 2
I think that my favorit are the cherry blossoms!(The cherry tree) I love the color and their sent is awsome, unfortunetly I can't have cherry trees because they are poissonis to goats! But I still love them!!!
My favorite out of the four would probably have to be the cherry blossoms. The color of them seems ideal for spring time and they would be very eye catching to have around your yard.
If I had a garden I would probably have to include the Azalea, and cherry blossoms. The dogwood tree just doesn't seem to bright to have around during spring.
My favorite tree here is the cherry tree. I would plant the cherry tree and the dog wood tree becuase i like cherrys and the dog wood tree look like a very shady tree. My least favorite would have to be the azakeas becuase i have no idea what that is.
will c period 1
I mean like the cheerry bloosme becuase my grama had one and I thought they were fun to climb and the flowers were cool.
I thought it said regualar cherry not cherry blosome
will c period 1
My favorite would have to be the Cherry Blossom Tree. The Cherry Blossom Tree, looks like a tree that would be planted around spring time. The Azalea looks more like it would be planted in the winter. Although white is my favorite color, And Pink isn't I still think the Cherry Blossom Tree is the one I like. It's pretty and it look more like a spring planted tree, also spring is close to summer. I love summer can't wait.
Period 3
Out of these four spring blooms my favorite is the Forsythia. If I had to plant an ideal spring garden I would include Azaleas and Forsythia. My least favorite of the four is the Dogwood because it doesn't seem bright enough for spring.
Ken Stahl
Period 5
My favorite tree out of the four choices is the Cherry Blossom. I love these trees because their flowers are a beautiful whitish, pink color. If I could plant an ideal spring garden with two of these plants I would be sure to include the Cherry Blossoms and Dogwood tree. These two trees are my top choices because they both have the whitish, pink flowers but the dogwood trees' are more white and the cherry blossoms' are more pink. Out of the four choices I would have to pick the forsythia as the one I like the least because they're too bright, yellow and bushy for me.
McKenna 1
the tree that i would plant is a cherry blossom cause of its vibrent pink color and my yard could use it
the tree i would not plant is the Azalia tree cause if reminds me of the fall and that is some thing that i do not waunt to think about when it is buetiful
Austin P2
I like the Azaleas best. if I were to plant a garden, I would include these and the Dogwood. I like the cherry blossoms least because you see them all the time, and the Azaleas come in dofferent colors, and arent seen that often in gardens.
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