Wednesday, April 14, 2010


Portfolios are done!!

You did a fantastic job crafting, editing, and working to perfect the elements of your portfolio and your presentations. If you had one more day, what would you do to make your portfolio or your presentation even better? Feel free to think big on this one.


Anonymous said...

If I had one more day to work on the portfolio I would edit my work more before I handed it in. Also I would make even more paragraphs for the portfolio so it could be better.

P:3 Quentin Powers

Anonymous said...

If i had more time to work on my portfolio, I would edit closer and take more time to do my reflections. For my presentation I wish it would have been more together and better flowing.

Grace Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think I could have spent more time on each entry. I feel like I rushed through the whole thing in order to get it done more quickly, and if I had explained each entry a little more, It would have been more clear. -Vaughan 5

Anonymous said...

If I had one more on the portfolio I would probly check all my work to see if I met the requirnments and if I didn't I would fix it.
p.s. since we vinshed it I realy did not want to think about that agan.

JP Gertz

Nathaniel Miller said...

If I had one more day to think and work on my portfolio I would have changed how often I had eye contact with people during the presentation. I also would have changed the amount of description I had with my presentation.

Anonymous said...

I would change it to be more hands on. Because I felt like I was just talking about me and not showing how I feel about it. Ya it was fun to do but It could have been more fun to present I would like if we could choose are format it would be more fun that way!
Rvd period 1

Anonymous said...

I would have practiced more on my presentatation. I also would have edited more.

Jack P2

Anonymous said...

If i had one more day then i would most likely try to make my presentation less choppy.
brittany periond one

Anonymous said...

I would change the way i organized my notes but i was pleased overall.

Thomas 1

Tae Livermore said...

I think that if I had one more day to do my portfolio I would have made more time to try and prepare on what I would've said and I would have felt a lot better.

Anonymous said...

I would'nt change anything in my portfolio but if I had a extra day I would just relax and enjoy not working on my portfolio.

Noah p:1

Anonymous said...

I am so glad that the portfolios are done but if I had one more day to finish them I would have wanted to have more practice time. I also would have added a little more pizaze to make it look at little more like I felt.
Eden Period 2

Nate Wilcox said...

I think that if I had one more day to do my portfolio I would add a little on to my Personal Pride because it is a little short.

Anonymous said...

Yes, I would have made mine much better. I would have written longer reflections. Even though i did write longer ones. I alse think that I could have made a better cover and orgasnized it more.

Katie Kleban
Period 2

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day to work on my portfolio, I would probably fix my presentation. I had to present my portfolio on Friday so I didn't have as much time practicing presenting in English class as the other people. Overall, I think my presentation was good but I think I could have not used the word "um" so much during it. I think if I had a little more time, my presentation would be almost perfect.

Elizabeth, Period 2

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day to work on my portfolio, I would have put the pages in a better order and would have added more art details in my portfolio (decorate reflection pages etc.). My portfolio whas really lacking these minor details. I also would have practiced reciteing my portfolio and decribing it without saying um, like, or ahh!!!


aisling M said...

The one thing I would have done better is my reflection for my DBQ. I remeber that I rushed through that one and the writing was a little sloppy because I really hated doing that project. It was an essay that bored me to death and so I couldn't really apply a learning target to it. I think if I went back now, I would probably go through it and write it more carefully.


Anonymous said...

I would keep typing and fix my cover cause it's not all that great. so i think i did pritty good and if i could make things better i would bring my step dad to the presentation. well thats all i would do so good night yall.

McKenzie Slater

Anonymous said...

I really don't think I would change anything but if I had to I would work on my speech. I would have remembered it so I would be just a little bit smoother and not so scary. I think that I did very well on my portfolio because I was very proud of what I had accomplished. I also got to reflect on all that I had done over the year.
Sarah. H. 5

Anonymous said...

I don't think that there is any thing I would add substanitively. I think I covered everything. However, I had to rush my portfolio presentation because we were going over time. Although it was fine, it was a little dull. This is what I did in this class this is how I felt blah..blah...blah. I would have liked to liven it up. I would make a song about the portfolio presentation.(ex. Bye Bye Miss American Pie but with the portfolio) I have an interest in music. I used that for my personal pride so it would make sense. I think it would make it less boring. For example. "This was my 7th grade year...Advanced math and latin gave me alot of fear... but then again there was MR. WEIR...I had a story with choices 3... I chose to write about history...I haven't got the grade back, so we will see...Oh Mr. Abts won't you give it back to me.... Mr. Abts give it back to me...."
and so on and so forth. Then I could have gotten it all done and I would be available for questions. This would be much more fun.

Jacob R Period 2

Anonymous said...

I am very glad that portfolio presentations are complete for this year! I overall feel very good about my presentation, although I am sure that there are a few errors here and there, likely mostly pertaining to the length of my reflections... I also think that I may have shifted from one reflection to the next very quickly and even wandered off the subject a few times. I know that I talked an awful lot and had difficulty making eye-contact. If I had one more day to make my portfolio presentation even better, I would evaluate my goals for the future and final reflection, and perhaps change it. I do not think that I grasped what I truly should have as a goal (or two) for the future, and I do not think that I could find exactly what my strengths and weaknesses are. I also did not introduce my parents--they introduced themselves--and I am curious if that will ail my grade.

Kate, Period Two

Anonymous said...

Sarah- Period 3

If I had one more day to make my portfolio better, I would make barely any changes, because I worked hard and was satisfied with the end product of my portfolio. However, I would rewrite two of my reflections. I wrote the two of them a long time ago, and I feel that they would have been stronger if I rewrote them with more description. Unfortunately, I did not have enough time to do this. I would also switch the order of things in my portfolio, because I made my table of contents before I decided what order I would present in. Although this was not the end of the world, I would have switched two entries around because I liked the other one better. Another thing that I would have done would be to add a few more details to my Personal Introduction. I wrote that a while ago, too, and it was not as well-written as it could have been.

If I had one more day to make my presentation better, I would have spent more time reading over my portfolio so that I would know my material better. I feel that, even though I was well-prepared, I could have been even more prepared. I think that my presentation went well, although I wasn't expecting as many questions as I got, so I was a bit surprised. I didn't remember what to do at the beginning of starting my portfolio, so I had to consult my sheet. If I had more time to prepare, I think that I would have reviewed the sheet a bit more so that I would know exactly what to do.

I think that overall, my portfolio and presentation were pretty good.

P.S. Thank you for spending so much time on the portfolios in class! :)

Christina 5 said...

Well for starters I think I did a pretty good job on my portfolio. Now you are wanting me to think of something "really big" I wish I added... thats hard. I thought really hard on the first choice enrty I wanted it to be "differett", compleatly different, and "one of kind"a thing to reflect on. For my first choice entry, I reflrcted on my portfolio. I think that everyone should have to reflect on it. It would give our teachers something to change or add! I can't think of anything I wish I relected on becuase I did that when I was choosing peices of my work. I think something that I could have done better was saying "like" and "um" a little less and I wish I was less nervous.

Anonymous said...

inewTo make my portfolio even better I would have put WAY more detail in my Three Choice Story because it wasn't as long as I wanted it to be and I could have done better on it also.
(:Alexandra Williams:) per.5

Anonymous said...

The thing that I would do to make the presentation even better is when I was practicing presenting to my friends I would have them ask me questions. During my presentation I think that I did well answering the teachers questions but I think that I could have done better. I was not nervus and I am proud of my proformens.
Bella Period 5

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day I would work more on my reflections because I thought that I did not feel like I gave them my best effort towards them i really think that I just did not give them a 100 percent so if I could change anything I would most of the time change them because that's what I thought was my biggest down fall in the end though i think I did pretty good.

Lucas Busse period 2

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day to make my portfolio presentation even better I would probably make flash cards with more details about each piece that was in my portfolio. Even though I had flash cards already made for my presentation I felt that I could have added more information on them and made them better.

Grant 5

Anonymous said...

If I could make my portfolio contents and/or presentation even better, I would have practiced talking about the contents of the portfolio at home more. This means that I would go through each and every question on my portfolio planning sheet many times before the presentation and answer the questions the way I would in a real situation. Unfortunately, although I did have the time to do this I did not have the energy to, as I was home for most of two days with a bad cold. If it wasn't for having a cold through these two days I would have practiced more on presenting the content of my portfolio.
Patrick period 3

Anonymous said...

Renee - Period 3

If I had one more day to work on my portfolio, I would practice presenting it at least five more times. I would work on memorizing what I wanted to talk about and saying it fluently. I would also think about the questions that the panel would ask me. I would come up with good answers to the questions. I would check all of the reflections over for errors and correct them. Lastly, I would go through the portfolio as if a teacher was going through it and make any changes to anything that a teacher would take points off on.

Anonymous said...

When you say "think big" do you mean ridiculously out of proportion or something that is relatively reasonable? I will answer to both.
#1 Reasonable Answer: I might make some final edits and mainly practice my presentation. I might work on organizing my notes a bit more too.
#2 Not very reasonable answer: I would completely choreograph my portfolio to Phantom of the Opera music and get one of my friends to film it. Next I would set up the library to look like a stage. I would also need lighting and backup singers. I obviously know this couldn't happen in one day, but we didn't have that day, so no one can really say that.
Becca Period 5

the third doctor whoof said...

If I was fortunate enough to get another day to work on my portfolio, I would practice a lot more (maybe to someone other than my cat) and give everything some more polish. I would also ask Mr. Brotherton for a new portfolio because mine had a broken half of a ring.

Sky Gann p3

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day I would have prepared more and I would also would have practiced more on what I was going to say. I would have put more effort on my artitic cover because I should have put in my detail.

Anonymous said...

If i had one more day to prepare for the portfiolo i think i would have tried to practice presenting more because for some of the reflections i didnt have much detial for them.Kevin Per. 2

Anonymous said...

Johnny Zhang Period 2

one big thing would be to ask my advirsory teacher Mrs. Miller to ask for some suggestions. I also would like to ask her to proof read my work because I'm not very good at finding mistakes.

Anonymous said...

To make my portfolio better I would have used more art pieces because i feel that they reflect more on my personality and my growth in 7th grade. I feel that the time limit was great if you didnt slack........but I forgot about the portfolio for a long period of time and go nothing accomplished. So I guess the time limit was good and bad, but i would certainly like to show myself more through artwork!!

Jordian Siver ☺...........period 1

Anonymous said...

yay!!! i think i did fairly well on it. thanks forthe help!
Jolie 5

Anonymous said...

If I had an extra day to make my portfolio even better I might of added some more work to talk about. I might have even added a bit more to my cover to improve it. Other than that I think it was a good presentation.

Kara P3

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day to work on my portfolio i would have practiced more had done more editing on my reflections.
Jimmy Period 3

Anonymous said...

IfI had one more day I would refine my performance more each reflecton so that they could be more quick and better sounding. If I had this more applied into my presentation I would be able to get it done faster and would probably have a better feel for it.

Ian Robinson
Period 2

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day to work on my portfolio report, I would have wrote a little bit more about myself and drew a different picture for the front cover.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

I was done way before the due date so i wouldn't want another day. Plus I was happy with my project and didn't need more time.

-♫Serena♫ Peri☺d 3

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day I would have practiced more on what I was going to say if they asked me a question. I would also have put more effort into my artistic cover because I waited till it was actually due to finish it.
Katie Franck Per.5

Anonymous said...

Well if I got one more day i would have typed my table of contents. Since it was such a liitle thing i forgot about it and i had wrote it the period before my presentation (dont do that).

will c period 1

Anonymous said...

Johnny 5

The portfolio project took long and it was a bit challenging. All the work was worth it when these magnificent binders were completed. If I had one more day to work on my portfolio, I would probably do three more things. One, is to read it over and edit it one more time. Two, is to make my Geometry Quiz reflection a little bit longer. And lastly, is to create a back cover. All of these aspects would probably finish the final touches of my portfolio.

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day to work on my portfolio I would look over all of the directions again and make sure my portfolio fit the criteria. I am not sure that my portfolio was the best it could be but I procrastinated untill the night before.

MAx Ofer

Anonymous said...

If I had one more day to work on my portfolio I would edit all of my work to make it better and practice my presentation.

Ken Stahl
Period 5

Anonymous said...

instead of having an extra day i wish that the dead line would have been moved back farther. i feel that we spent too much time working on them while we could have been doing something useful. after spending so many english classes revising and editing i started toi get VERY sick of mine. and then nce the due date had passes we STILL worked on them.

McKenna 1

Anonymous said...

I would finish it! I was missing a few pages because I couldn't work on them at home (my computer was broken).

Robert 5

Anonymous said...

If I had on more day to work on my portfolio I would go back and make sure I had everything done better. I started to rush to get it done and could have had some entries done better.

Emma Period 1