If we had one more period we could add to the school day during which you could study whatever subject you wanted, what would you study?
I would love to take a gardening class in which I could learn how to grow a phenomenal flower garden that would feature the best flora upstate New York has to offer.
If there were a another period in the day it would probably be a study hall because I like study halls so I can get all my homework done, because teachers give us alot of homework. I would also want to have a study hall because if I had a project I had to do then I could do it. I would want to my reading if I had extra time. That what I would want to be for an extra period.
Jennifer Snyder Period 1
Sarah- Period 3
If I had one more period that I could add to the school day to study a subject of my choice, I would study cooking. I think that cooking is really fun, and more lessons would make my cooking abilities much better. Although I am good at cooking, I don't know how to make many things. I think that lessons would be helpful. Some classes are very boring, and I feel like I could fall asleep. This makes a class unenjoyable, so since cooking is fun, I would never be bored. Many parents would benefit from these classes, too, because their children could cook dinner for them.
I would want a cooking class added to an extra period. I think it would be really fun and helpful in life. I also love to cook and bake things. Whenever we have somewhere to go like for a picnic or a dinner I would always offer to bring a food item. My most favorite things to cook are deserts. I sometimes help my mom make a crème brulee or some cupcakes for desert. A cooking class will help kids, as they grow up, to cook and bake for they're family. Katie F. Per.5
I would like to take a cooking class because later in life you're going to have to learn how to cook for yourself. For example college, your family and others.
Ken Stahl
Period 5
I think that I would want to take a class on hurdling where I would be able to learn better hurdle techniques and get better at it.Or maybe a class on early civilization in Europe and Pagan Religions. I have always found this subject interesting and I would like to learn more about this obscured subject. Lastly, I also might want to take a class on different cultures from all over the world. I think it would be intriguing to learn about modern cultures that are still very different form our normal routine.
Becca Per 5
If we could have one more period in a school day, I would love to take a class where we got to make all different kinds of projects out of natural materials like woodworking. I have always wanted to learn how to make all kinds of interesting projects out of wood like chairs and really nice baskets. If we did add this class to our school day, I think a lot of people would have fun with it!
Elizabeth, Period 2
If the school day had one more period in which I could study anyting I wanted to study it would be to learn about and help through organazations and/or go to places such as Africa or Haiti and personally help others to get health care, food, clothes, shoes, and other important items (if needed) personally. I think that a lot of Americans espessially do not know of or care about people who need baddly what we as Americans have full access to everyday. Things as simple as clean water and meals are what some people around the world have to work for. But one thing that amazses me is that even though those people don't have a lot, they are thankful for what they do have and they are happy.
Eden Period 2
If we had one more period to add to the school day I would definitely want it to be, a photography class. I LOVE taking pictures of nature (flowers, animals,and landscapes). Photography is my passion and I would like to be a professional photographer some day. Also, if the school had a class with photography in it that would be a wonderful learning experience that would also be very fun too.
(:Alexandra Williams:)
Per. 5
I would take a class on flying if there was an extra peroid in each day. I would even stay late to take this class. The two aircraft I would concentrate most on are the helicopter and the small single engine airplane. It would be so much fun to fly a Black Hawk helicopter to school every day. I would also buzz my friends houses just for the fun of it. I really want a helicopter so I could spend less time traveling. A tenth peroid would be awesome!
Jere .5
If there had to be an extra class, I think it would be good if we would have a mandatory life skills class. So many people now a days don't know the simple skills of life. For example, how a credit card works, and how you can lose so much money by being stupid as the interest rates can kill you. Other skills could be how to sew, hem, cook, change the oil in your car, change a flat tire, know how to fix basic things if they break (or at least know enough what is wrong that the person who is fixing it doesn't rip you off.) Another thing would be knowing how to put together things without using directions (as normally the directions aren't that good, so you have to have an idea of what you are doing.) I helped my mom put together a bed and dresser, and if you tried to just follow the directions you would not be able to do it- you have to have an idea of what you are supposed to do. You should learn how to plant things, and care for them, how to clean up after yourself and how to budget your money. So many people who are book-smart end up not doing well in the real world because they don't know simple life skills- that is a shame. Or that have to hire people for even basic things. When I went to Philadephia, I went to the Federal Reserve Bank. They had a computer thing which showed you how much you actually paid for something if you paid it over time on a credit card. Also, we need to understand that what you "earn" is not what you get- do to taxes and other deductions. I think such a class would be really helpful to most people- even some adults. This is my practical suggestion.
For my "fun" class, I would want want to take a class in engineering. When I went to Cornell, I went to many of the engineering facilities. If we had engineering classes, there are so many different types of engineering, that I think everyone would find something to like. For example, there is aerospace engineering, nano-engineering, mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, computer engineering, biotechnical engineering, environmental engineering and many more. With engineering, there is then many things you can focus on-you can focus on actually building the things, planning the things, modifying the plans so they are practical, and many more things. You get to do trial experiments. Engineering would be fun for everyone when it teaches you along the way. It is a good life skill, because then when things break, you will have an idea of how to fix it.
Jacob R Per 2
I'd study the art of kickboxing so then I'd be handsome,smart,good wrestler and could kick-butt!
If I could add another class to the school day, I would have a recess. Mr. Cring sometimes lets us go outside for 5 or 6 minutes after lunch, but that isn't much time for exercise. I believe it would be better for both the school, and most individuals if we were able to go outside once in a while instead of being chained up inside for 6 and a half hours.
-Vaughan 5
If I had one more period in a school day I would take a swimming class mainly because I always liked swimming. Another reason for a swimming class is because I think it would be awesome if our school had a pool.
JP Gertz p.2
I think that I would study French because I took French in 5th and 6th grade and I am happy that I get to do it next year.
Jolie 5
If we had one more period in the school day in which we could learn another subject, I would love to take a edible art class. I would love to learn how to make glass sugar sculptures and make chocolate into unbelivable things.
Grace period 2
If i had one more period in the day i would most likely chose cooking. I would do this because it would be fun and you could take some of the skills with you. You could learn about the difference of food around the world. I also think we could learn how to present the food in inserting ways.
Alicia Period 3
If there was an extra period to study anything i wanted to i would study for marine biolgy. I would choose that because i have always wanted to be a marine bioligist and work with sea creatures. that time would give me good time to look up things and do alot of work befor i actualy go to school for it.olivia phillips period 2
If I had another period for the school day I would have nothing to do because I already have a Study Hall and Advisory is just like a study hall. If I could learn Anything in this period I would have a Swimming class because one of my favorite things to do in The Spring/Summer is to swim. I would also learn Karate because I loved it when I learned it in New Jersey over the summer.
Alex D P2
If there was one more period to study somthing, the thing that I would like to study the most would probably take classes on how to be a ninja. And this class would give the best ninja skills in the U.S.A.
The extra period I would want to have is Golf class because it is my favorite sport. I also am really good at it I want to have more practice. If I couldent have a golf class I would have a tennis class because that is another one of my favorite sports. The if I could'ent have that I would have a fishing class beacuse that is another one of mr favorite sports. The last class I would have is a Airsoft class because that is my last kind of favorite sport.
Lyman Townsend per 2
For the extra period i would like to have a cookie class. To learn how make diffrent kinds of COOKIES!!!!{} Also i would like to have a class were you can do anything you want! Because that would be awesome!!! so that would be the most things id want for an extra period..
If this school were to have one extra period I would want it to have a martial arts because self defense would be cool to know. Or I would want to have a class when you just play soccer because after playing every school day someone could get good. Or lastly tennis classes because it is one of my favorite sports and it would be fun to play everday.
Jimmy Period 3
I would have a like gettagether game playing cowapperation class. I would have this so that kids learn to work with each other, and depened on one enother in a variety of different games. It would alos release the stress of a school day, so that they are up and at it at the end of the day.
If there was one more period of the day I would probobly pick it to be a animal type class because it would give people a chance to lern more about are enviroment. So we would lern more about its habitat and what it feeds on. It would be a cool thing to research about.
P:3 Quentin Powers
I would like to take a computer editing program. To make a 3D object on a computer would be fun. I think it would creative to do that. Also it would be so cool to make a city! It would be fun to build stuff. And see the city work like having moving cars and people. I think that it would be possible to do that because we have tons of computers in the school. And all the school has to do is get the software. And someone who knows how to run it. That industry is growing fast, and it is in movies, games, ect
Rvd period 1
If we had one more period I think that I would either want the period to either do homework and study or to do whatever I wanted to do... like play on the computer.
Period 2
If I had one more Perioid I would want to go for a walk in the forest behind the school every day.
It would be nice to take a break from being in a classroom all day and get some freash air.
-Noah p:1
I would choose a period were you could play sports every day. I dont mean like gym sports i mean like baseball basketball etc. I think it would be fun for the people who love sports. It would also probably create better sport teams because of the extra practice.
A class that i would want to study would be a cooking class because i want to become a chef when i am older. kevin Period 2
I would want to study chemistry because it would be very cool to mix chemicals and make things smoke. It would also be intersting to see someone makeing something that you use every day made in front of you.
If I was given an extra period, I would choose to take a cooking class to learn more about cooking, and my mom knows how to very well. I know the basics of cooking but would like to expand my knowledge.
If our grade or school had one more period I would want it to be recess because I believe that kids deserve time to run around and burn off some of their static energy. No offence to all of the teachers but most kids get really bored sitting in class all day. I think that if kids got to go outside then they would be more focused during the rest of the day.
Max Ofer. Period 3
Well I don't know, I would like it to be a class with something all about animals. Maby like horseback riding because im great at that!!! Or something with art and the outdoors combined!!!
Helen ---5
If I had the chance to study any subject for a whole period I would study the past and present rockers of the world for example AC/DC.
William Abrams
Johnny 5
If our school had one extra period in which we can study, I would probably study for math. I would study math that we haven't learned yet because when the time comes for learning it I will already have a general idea. Also, if I miss a math class I have the oppurtumity to catch up. During math, if you miss anything, you will fall behind or you will not understand future lessons. I enjoy math but sometimes it can get a little challenging. And when it gets challenging I will already be ahead of the game.
If I were lucky enough to have an extra period, I would take a class on programming video games. This would help me learn to program because I would not have to learn alone and I would not have to do it in my spare time.
Sky Gann p3
If I could spend one period in school having a class that I wanted to take, I would take history of classic rock. In the history of classic rock students would learn about classic rock artists like the Eagles, Van Morrison, John Lennon and their biggest hits. The test would be that you would be given an artist and a song and have to name the year or album it came from. I think history of classic rock would be a great class for students who love this great rocking genre. I'm sure if students knew they could take such a class they would.
Kate, Period Two
If there was one more period that we could add to the school day, the subject that I would choose to be in that specific spot would be an extra arts class with Mrs. Murphy. I would very much enjoy learning new art techniques and practicing them. Because it would be an art class, and "art" may have a variety of different meanings, I would also like to work on my writing skills and come to develop my own writing style. I would also like to learn how to play the piano (music is also considered an art)--so far, the only song that I have learned is "Heart and Soul" and I only know how to play the lyric-line thing.
To me this seems typical for an artistic sort of person, but I am currently uninterested in very many subjects. The only other subject that I am actually very interested in is the life styles of people from the 1700s down and forward and so on... I like to research the life styles of people, but the most that I find is vague or without particular detail. The purpose of researching older-day people would be for writing reasons--I find writing about modern day difficulties and such rather dull and routine and I would rather write something about the days long before technology was made of metal and weird electronic things. What captured my interest was the Medieval Unit last year in Sixth Grade: I think it very inspiring.
Kate, Period TWo
If I had one more period with which I could study whatever subject I wanted, it would probably be another art or English class. But if I were doing it more for the fun of it than the education I would pick something like a knitting class.
Claire 2nd
Hmm... thats a hard one. If we had one more period in the school I would probally choose to have a class for catching up. I think that 7 graders NEED to have a study hall! Advisory is like a study hall but it is not! It would be eiser to make up tests and quizzes that we missed and get work done earler. Especally if you have an after-school activity. Mondays are the worst if I don't have Advisory! I go from softball pratice/game and then cotillon, which ends at 8:30. By the time I get home and get started on my homework is late. Mondays we usually get the most homework, so it is really hard to budget my time.
Johnny zhang period 2
If I where to pick any class I would take the cooking class because I love to cook. it fun and challenging but mostly because I love eatting it in the end. It also gives you some experience when you are older and you need to cook to your kids.
I would have another art class because I love our art class and having another each day would be awesome! I think tat we would learn more that we can't and aren't learning now if we had another art class.
Or, another class I would add to the school day is a class that everyone could pick what class they wanted except for math,ELA, science, or social studies. We should get to choose what classes we want to take. That would be so much fun!!
Period 1
Well if I had a extra period I would probably choose a study hall but I don't know if that would really count for this blog comment. If it doesn't than I would like to have kind of like an extra advisory where we don't do portfolios. We would just go outside and go on the nature trail or whatever we wanted to do outside( I would probably start a dodgeball or a kickball game). Then when it isn't nice outside we could go on the computers, do homework, or see if there is an open gym(out of the three in the big gym) and if there is one open then play indoor, kickball, dodgeball, or even basketball.
Grant 5
happy birthday to me
Renee - Period 3
If we had one more period during the school day, I would study astronomy. I like looking at the stars and moon at night and I am pretty good at pointing out constellations. I have looked through a telescope a few times before and have found it very interesting. I would study the constellations and the names of them. I also like learning about the planets and the different gravitational pulls and their features for example, the rings on Saturn.
I think that I would take a photographing class but on a horse and outside and then draw or paint the picture. I think that this you be an exersive class and an arts class. So over all just one of those class to do for fun!
Sarah H 5
I would want a nap time.
McKenna 1
If we had one more period in a day I would want to learn who to be rich and secsesful when I grow up.( I dont think there is a class for that.) If there is not a class for that I would pick cooking class. I would because I think that cooking is a important skill to have. When you cook you use math so it involves other subjects.I think it is fun. The reason I would really want to learn how to cook is becuse I am the werst cook ever but I like to cook and experiment with food.
Bella period 5
P.S. Gracie, remeber that time we put a pinnapple in the microwave!
If we had the chance to add on one more period to the day, I would definitely want a german class, because I am more than half German and my grandpa grew up in Germany. And I always wanted to talk to my Grandpa in German.
Tom period 1
I wood like to do some science labs and newley discovered animals because i am farly amused by by all sciency stuff
If there was one more period in the school day, I think that it should be Practical Arts for 7th grade with no written homework. This could include a wide range of topics such as cooking, gardening (or cooking from the garden!), woodworking, financial literacy, etc. Cooking frustrates me, especially at the end of the day when I am out of patience, energy, and time. The more people, besides me, who can cook the better!
Mrs. Miller
IfI had one more period, I would love to take a photography class. That is something that I really enjoy doing and I think it would be cool to learn new techiniques and methods. I would love to experience different kind of photography like nature, scenery, sports, water, poses, and still life. I take classes whenever I can, and it would be very fun to travel around taking pictures.
I would study science. i think it's fun and i like it, it would be the easiest for me to understand. I am not really good at any other subjects and most of the other subjects are hard for me to understand. this is the subject i would study.
Period 3
If given the gift of time I would choose a period given to team sports. I would say this because we would get physical activity everyday and our high school teams would be alot better.
Jack P2
I would love to take a class in which I could work on art, but not the typical art class. I would like to be able to choose what art work I make, and also use the materials I like to use (pastels). This would be a great class.
Jordian period1 ♥
If there was another peiod in the day I would choose gym. I would choose gym because it is alot of fun and it keeps people fit. The activities and sports we do also get the peopel who move here to get to know everyone better and the activities teach us things too. If I couldnt choose gym for an extra period I would choose advisory because then I could get all my homework done for I have time to do stuff at home.
krista period 1
Muay Thai kickboxing is definetly what subject I would choose for having an extra period in the school day. This is a sport formaly invented in Thailand and finaly has been passed to ourcountry even though it is illegal to hold competitions in our country. The United states was the last country to have atheletes to train and perform infights at other competitions in other countries. This sport is mainly illegal because it involves neither gloves or guards.
Mauy Tai fighting is only illegal in the United states to hold competitions though, because many of these fights have caused serious injury and death.
Ian Robinbson
If we had another period in the day I think I would have a study hall or another science class that though you about agriculture. I would want a study hall because it would give me a head start on the night’s homework. If I had another science class I would want to learn about agriculture because I would like to know how farmers know what to do and how the ecosystem effects how they work.
Rachel period 1
If we had one more class added onto the day, I would probably want to have a drawing class. Something like art but mainly drawing and coloring.
Kara P3
i would have wanted a cooking class because it would be fun to make every one food and my favorite kind of cooking is backing its fun to do and yummy to eat lol
I would take a Marine Biology class, a Geology class, or a gardening class. depends when it would be.
Robert 5
If I had one more period, I would love to take a photography class. That is something that I really enjoy doing and I think it would be cool to learn new techiniques and methods. I would love to experience different kind of photography like nature, scenery, sports, water, poses, and still life. I take classes whenever I can, and it would be very fun to travel around taking pictures.
If I could have one period to do anything we wanted it should be to study the arts. as in painting and drawing which can improve hand-eye coordination. and playing music can improve memory.
I also would like it to be a time where you can make anything you wanted to do for the computer or for money.
I also would not mind a nap time. After all at this age, scientists say that we do not have enough sleep.
-Andrew B.
if i was given the extra time i would use it to study 9/11/01. the reason for that is because i had two family members in 9/11 and i am interested in it to know a little more about it. So if i had a extra period in school it would be a study hall
Matt B. p1
If there was one more period in school I would not study but draw
Nolan r.3rd
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