Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Overcoming challenges

Looking back over the course of the year, we can see the many challenges we have faced. Each year in school we encounter more and more difficult materials, a more rigorous workload, increasingly abstract ideas, and grumpier teachers.

What is one challenge you faced? Did you successfully overcome the challenge, or did it prove to be too much for you at that point in time? If you were able to overcome it, tell what strategies allowed you to do so. If it the challenge was too much for you at that time, tell what strategies you used the first time, and what strategies you will try the next time you are faced with a similar challenge.

Everybody makes mistakes; if you learn from yours, you will be less likely to repeat them.


Anonymous said...

My greatest challenge was having good study skills especially for english. I got distracted too much!
I could turn off the tv, radio etc. to improve.


Anonymous said...

This year my challenge was not studying. For some reason I think lazieness I didnt do it. I failed a few tests but ,maybe I geuss got away with it. Next year my goal is to study so I can create a grest habit

Jack P2

Anonymous said...

One challenge I faced over the course of the school year was to indent an abstract sun into a concrete paver that we made in science class. I had the perfect picture of it in my head but I had to get it on to paper and eventually in concrete. I didn't know if I should do it or not, but Mrs. Parr perswaded me to do it. I had to draw it out on paper a few times to get the design down. I then started to make it . It was hard but I did it and now I am proud of my piece, and stone in the food web.
Eden Period 2

Tae Livermore said...

One challenge that I faced is getting used to 7th grade and how the tests were a lot harder than the ones in 6th grade. Over a short period time I did not do very well, but during a long period of time I was successful. The strategies that I used was studying a lot more than I did in 6th grade. My first time was a bit hard but then by the second marking period I became used to it and I had much more success.

Period 2

Anonymous said...

If I had to say one challenge I had overcome it would be English class because at first I was not really doing so well. Once it entered the next marking period I started to make flash cards to help me study in a different way to see if it would help. Once the other marking period was over I was proud of the grade I got for all my hard work. So now every night I take out my flash cards or either my notebook and I study for a half hour unless if there is a test the next day then I study for a hour at night and I then wake up early in the morning and I study again. So out of this year I have overcome many challenges for English class which I am proud of. Also I am going to do a great job for the rewrite of history which I am currently working on and doing my hardest to pass another quarter of this semester so I can have a great summer while I study for next year’s course so I will be prepared for anything that comes my way but all I half to do is just to do my best for school. But there are many more challenges that I have faced but the thing I thought was most important was English since I proved I can do my best to participate in class and with my classmates. But I think that Mr.Abts is the one who helped me the most in class and I think he is a great teacher to go to if I needed help with anything and he would understand if I could not type much since I don’t have a computer at my house so he would let me go to the library often so I could hand my work on time so it is not counted as late work.

Quentin powers P:3 English class 6/1/10

Anonymous said...

One Challange I faced this year was swiching from art to computers. I liked art but I did'nt like computers. I overcomed the chalenge by finding the things I like in computers.

-Noah P:1

Anonymous said...

One challenge that I overcame this year was just yesterday. We were going down to the creek by the broken bridge me my brother and my brother’s girlfriend. To go swimming and we brought our dog to go with us now we just got to a great spot. We knew that this spot was not that deep so we all started walking in. Then we got sidetrack my brothers girlfriend was look in the water and saw a crayfish and didn’t know what it was because she grew up in china her life and then came over here for college. Then my brother explains it to her then she had heard of them but hasn’t really seen them. Well then we started catching them and we forgot about swimming and just caught crayfish it was really fun and it just got better. Then we started getting bigger ones I would catch them either my brothers girlfriend we would just point them out to him and he catch them. The thing is I wanted to catch them to then I started trying different methods of catching I would pick them up and throw them one land and tried other ions but they weren’t working then I saw how my brother did it. He got pinch a couple of times but never really stop trying to catch them. So I figure I would try his method on how to do it well they got very big until I saw one and pointed it out to my brother. He couldn’t catch this one the crayfish had one claw my brother kept calling this crayfish one claw well I tried to catch it but it escape away then I heard my brother say alright usually when he says that we will go home but then he gave us a choice to go up stream or downstream. Well then we said downstream and we went he just said that there were bigger ones two well time pass and we had to keep calling our dog because he was know were in sight but we didn’t worry about him he was a smart dog and can always find his way home. Then we started getting bigger crayfish my brother was the one catching them all so much time passed and we were about to go home until I spotted something it was one claw he came back he still escape my brother but I was not going to let him escape this time so I was very careful and slowly them I pick one claw up with a fast swoop and he pinch me but I was too happy to notice he was about the size of my hand and I just got a huge crayfish I said that so many times on the way back home I almost died well. Then we took them all home and cook them up and then eat them so guess that braver will help you conquer anything you think of.

Lucas Busse Period 2

Anonymous said...

One of the challenges I faced this year was studying for my tests in all my classes. It was diffucult because teachers give us so much to study for only 2 nights. I did overcome the challenge because I`ve been getting better grades on my tests. My strategies were to study every night not just cram it in the night before. Also to type my notes and put the material on flash cards and ask someone to quiz you on the flash cards.


Anonymous said...

The one challenge I faced was getting my portfolio done. There were three viruses on my thumb drive and I lost all of my work two days before it was due. I typed for about three hours to redo all the work and finish it again. It was very fortunate that I was in AIS so I only had to do five entries. At the end of school I printed everything out and put it together. It was a close one.

I learned why not to put a lot of pictures on my thumb drive. They are loaded with viruses. Luckily, Mrs. Hitchcock came to my rescue. She got rid of all the viruses. Sadly, I did not get my work back. In the future I am not going to download so many pictures on my thumb drive. It was a very frustrating challenge. I kind of successfully overcame this challenge. I did not score too well on the portfolio.


Christina 5 said...

One of the biggest challenges I overcame this year was my habit procrastinating. I procrastinated on almost EVERY major project and test. I have learing that I CAN NOT wait until the last minute! Each time I did I said to myself, "I'm not going to do this anymore." But it NEVER worked until now. I realized that can not procrastinate at the end of this year. We have to many finals, essays, and projects, that count alot, for me to wait until the night before they are due to work on them. The way I have accomplished this was by taking baby steps. The History/Engilsh project, I finished all the big stuff.

Anonymous said...

One challenge that I have faced over the year is my procrastination on school projects. I feel I have overcome my challenge but it is real easy to start procrastinating again. So one way that I try to not procrastinate is to see if there is any important projects coming up and if there is I mark it on my calendar. When I wake up in the morning I look at my calendar and see what I need to do for the day so with having a calendar it has helped me with my procrasting. But I still have the challenge of procrastinating because if I don’t watch myself than I slip and start procrasting again.

Rachel per 1

Anonymous said...

Over the year one of my challenges was organization. I am slowly overcomming that problem.

JP Gertz

Anonymous said...

Getting my grades up in the middle of the year.I successfully overcame my challenge. My strategie was going to crop and working as hard as i could. I will do the same as i did befor.

broc gilbert 5

Anonymous said...

Johnny Zhang Period 2

I had to over come extreme bordom because this year we had lots of homework and long and difficult projects to do. I over came this problem by not waiting to the last minute to do my projects and homework due couple days/weeks later and divided the time so I still had time to play video games and watch tv and do something fun.

Anonymous said...

One challenge that I faced was organization. I solved this challenge by having brand new noebooks for each class.

-Andrew Burnham-

Anonymous said...

One challenge i had to overcome was moving during the end of the school year. It was hard enough by not knowing anyone,and being nervous that no one will like me and stiil being nervous about that. But also trying to catch up on everything everyone has been learning the whole school year! I am still not over this chanllenge yet,but if this ever happens again I will probably get more prepared the next time. I will try being more braver and asking alot of more people for help.

valerie wanke period 5

Anonymous said...

One challenge I had this year would be to do better in school because in the begining of the year I fealt my grads were geting lower and I fult that I needed to do more. I completed this challenge by doing all of my homework and takeing almost all the extra createt that was avalibull. Another thing I had a problem in would be in reading because I did not read that much and I did not do good in reading.I takled this problem by trying to read a book every night.

Andrew L. Period 5

Kenny Per3 said...

One of the Challenges I faced was thet i didn't study that much and a failed some test. I think the reason why I didn't study was I was lazy and i didn't want to study. so next year I am going to study a lot more so i can get better grades and not fail any tests.

Anonymous said...

The biggest challenge I think was not studying for tests or quizzes. Throughout the year I started studying again because my grade got lower but when my grade got up again i stopped studying again so it went back down.
Sara per.1

Anonymous said...

When things got tough during school homework, quizzes, and project deadlines I took a deep breath. And it made me feel so calm. That helped me get through the NHD project. But even when I am calm I made mistakes like not studying for a test. But the year was fun and looking forward to the next!
Rvd period 1

Unknown said...

I beleave that you will lern from your mastacks unless you are like me and just try to do them agin for the fun of it so over all it is really about how you think and wear your mind is at the moment.

Anonymous said...

This year my challenge was to just get my work done, also another challenge was to try to do the work instead of being lazy. I thought if i don't finish school i won't get a good job, also without a job you will have no place to live or a car or money for that matter.... anyway i was just saying my goal was to get my work done, still something i'm trying to acomplish but i should have tried along time ago.....

period 3

Anonymous said...

I think my challenge would be finding the time to do work. I over came that by finding the balance between homework and fun. One strategy i used were making a flexible written schedule earlier in the week. I will do the same when I face this problem again.

grace period 2

Anonymous said...

One of the challenges that I have faced this school year is being able to allow myself to have enough time to do my studying and homework. I used to put the studying off for a while and then start studying when the test or quiz was coming up. I have gotten better by looking over the notes that I got during the day, I would not study it much but enough that I would get some studying done. An example would be if I had a test in history I would start studying the notes that I got that day and continue that till the test or quiz came up. It has helped me a lot and once I got my report card my parents and I could tell that my studying habits have gotten better!

Katie F. Per. 5

Anonymous said...

Kate, Period Two

Over the course of this year, one challenge that I have confronted is my hazardous problem of over-thinking. I get stressed about large projects because the silly little mind of mine has taken a liking to contradicting itself. For example, it will suggest something and then immediately come up with doubts or "barriers". My mind sometimes has difficulty making decisions, although, mind you, the decisions are not more than trifling things, for example, what to write a paper about. It is very annoying and causes me to stress when I am finding it difficult to write or complete a task.
I only somewhat overcame this challenge. In History class, an assignment of ours was to write our own Declaration of Independence in which we would declare ourselves free from anything we wished, for example, homework, or broccoli. I chose to declare myself free of over-thinking. It only somewhat worked because I do not focus on it ALL the time, but it certainly does come into question on the occasion of certain dilemmas.
Over-thinking is ill-suited for me--it works like procrastination and sometimes delays me from doing my work. When dealing with the work that I get from school, it causes me to make some decisions that would later result in my feeling guilty that I did not at least start on it. The goal that I am determined to enforce in the proceeding School Year is to, once an assignment is given, no matter how many days or weeks it may be until it is due, begin working on it so that I do not feel pressurized by my own mind into later feeling guilty as well as so that I can remain work-dedicated.

Kate, Period Two

Anonymous said...

My challenge was doing too much. in the beginning of the year, I had to get used to homework again, and I felt overwhelmed. i took on more as the year wore on, but it got easier for me to say that i was really calm, even though I was doing much toward the end of the year.

Robert 5

Anonymous said...

This year the one challenge I faced was having good study habits for Health class. I think I did successfully overcome the challenge but it took a little time. For tests, I usually only study the night before so when I had my first Health test I did the same thing but didn't come out with the grade I expected to. The strategies I used to allow me to overcome this challenge was taking more time into my studying. I started focusing more on the notes and studied two nights before the actual test. After I started using these better study habits, my grades have gone up and I am able to maintain them.

Elizabeth, Period 2

Anonymous said...

In sixth grade I used to come home from school and have some time to listen to music on the computer. After this time to myself I would start my homework, which in sixth grade wasn't that much. At the beginning of this year my dad knew that I would have a lot more homework in seventh grade, so he proposed that I have a snack, do my homework, and then have from the time my homework was done until dinner time for myself. This proposal works much better because when I used to have time to myself before homework I would think about homework a lot during that time. The purpose of that time was to be able to enjoy myself, but I couldn't enjoy myself very well because I was thinking about the homework that I would do in about a half an hour. Because of this new plan I've become much more efficient with homework and enjoyed my downtime much more.
Period 3

Anonymous said...

This year there has been two major challenges I have faced. The first I overcame.
Last year I was obsessed with grades. I wanted to always get a 100 and if I got lower than a 97 I was really upset (I know really weird)I thought grades were everything to me. I had to learn that it doesn't matter what your grade is, it matters if you learned and if I learned what I got wrong. THis was hard for me to over come but I was able to do it. When other people would ask what I got on a test it really would stress me out a lot. I learned the best way to deal with the grade issue was to not even look at my grades until I got home. This way, I didn't receive any unwanted commentary on my grades, and didn't have the stress of reacting to grades in front of others. Now I am more happy and a lot less stressed out. I am more satisfied with my grades now. Its how I feel about them, not what others have to say about it.

This next challenge I don't know if I can ever come over. Many of my teachers know it; my horrendous handwriting. I have really bad handwriting. This year is the first year when I have gotten questions wrong because of my handwriting. Sometimes it was because the teacher couldn't read it, and other times it was because I misread my own writing. I can barley even read it and no one else can read it either. This is really bad for tests and note taking. Oddly, I put this as one of my goals in my portfolio last year. When I presented it the teacher said my writing wasn't that bad and I was too hard on myself. My parents disagreed. They were right. I really need to learn to have better handwriting.
Jacob Russell period2

Anonymous said...

My challenge this year was making sure that I did not save all my work for one night. If I had something due ON Friday I should do it the night I found out about it. I learned this year that you should never procrastinate. Always stay on top of things and in the end it will work out. Another really important thing I learned this year was to make sure you knew when all your test,quizzes, and homework sheets were due.A few times this year I wasn't sure when a homework assignment was due or the day we had a quiz. I definitely overcame my procrastination but am still working on making sure I know when everything is due. I learned and overcame much more this year but those are my two top achievements.
Bella Period 5

Anonymous said...

One challenge I have had for a long time is, not studying for tests until the night before or forgetting to study at all. Also, I've noticed that the last few weeks that has happened more and more. I have gotten careless with studying and that is a challenge I still have to overcome.
(:Alexandra Williams:)
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Over the year in school I had the challenge of finishing my homework on time. I faced this challenge by completing all of it or most of it right when I get it for I dont have to finsh it later. This also gives me time to check it over once before I hand it in for a final grade. Next year I am going to fallow this method and hope to start the year with good grades and end it that way!

Krista 1

Nathaniel Miller said...

This year my challenge was to keep up-dated with all of the projects and assignments, and to complete them with excellence. My strategy was to span the amout of work I had to do so I would complete a project and then I would go to the next as soon as I got the assignment. I did overcome this challenge eventually by using this strategy.

Anonymous said...

This year my challenge was paying attention in class, studying, and remembering when the tests or quizzes are. I would come home and see the TV and instantly just run over to the TV and turn it on. I forgot when the tests were and when the quizzes were once I started watching the TV. Then the day that the test or quiz was, I would freak out because I forgot when they were. I really need to study more, pay attention in class, and always be ready for a quiz or test. I need to remember when everything is due or when tests or quizzes are. Next year my goal is to 1) pay attention in class 2) don't forget to do my homework 3) forget about the TV until I'm done with my homework or studying and 4) remember and write down when everything is due or when quizzes or tests are.

Period 1

Nate Wilcox said...

A challenge that I faced this year was studing for health tests because I don't really need to study for tests. I overcame it by reading my notes and rereading the textbook pages.

Anonymous said...

This year one of my challenges was to remeber to do home work. I think i had this problem because i was to distracted by being able to play modified sports this year. I over came this by always looking at my ajenda each and luckly i only had this problem in the begining of the year and overcame it quick.

Anonymous said...

The challenge i faced this year was trying to pass in your class. I did successfully pass in your class. I studied very hard and gave a 100 percent of my effort towards alomost every assigment. Next time i faced with this i will apporach it with a feeling of goodness.

Thomas Period 1

Anonymous said...

Johnny 5

This year I faced a hard challenge. This challenge was tyring to do well in advanced math. The first marking period I did okay but I could have done better. So, I thought of ways of how I could do better in this class for future marking periods. I figured if I had kept my notes more organized it would make it easier to study and do well on notebook quizzes. Also, I thought if I had enough determination I would probably succeed. After, I thought about this, my grades improved tremendously in math the next two marking periods. Now, my goal is to do even better for this fourth quarter!

Anonymous said...

One of the challenges I faced this year was studing for tests. I always got distracted be the tv or friends coming over. Next time I will set aside time for just study.

Ken Stahl
Period 5

Anonymous said...

Sarah- Period 3

One challenge that I faced this year was finding the time to do everything that I wanted to do. There were some days when I did not come home until 9:30 at night, after a long day. I would be tired, yet I still had homework to do, tests to study for, and many chores. It was hard to juggle my schedule, because I wanted to do everything, yet I realized that I truly couldn't, no matter how hard I tried. There are so many things that I am interested in, yet many of the times that they are being held overlap, and I end up picking and choosing the ones that are most important to me. This is frustrating, because I would do everything if I could, yet I can't. Towards the end of the year it's particularly hard, because the workload decreases in the amount that you actually must do, yet you must to review everything from the beginning of the year, which is quite challenging. I have done the best that I could this year, and in my opinion, I was successful in that I did not overload myself with activities. The strategy that I used to help myself was thinking, "Is this really important to me?" If I was skeptical, I would think some more, and then make my decision. Most of the time, I could decide right away. Another strategy that I use so that I do not have to study as much is to pay attention in class, do the homework that the teacher assigns, and take scrupulous notes.

Anonymous said...

One of the challenges I faced was balancing my homework with sports, which in 7th grade are every day rather than just once a week like before. Also, with the more challenging curriculum of 7th grade, I had to be sure to stay on top of things and not let too much work build up. I was mainly able to overcome this because during the first and the beginning of the second quarter, teachers were pretty easy on us and did not give us much homework. I also was more prepared the next time sports came around (during the spring) and really kept track of my time and managed it so I was able to deal with the heavy workload.
Another challenge I faced this year was pre-algebra math. I had never had any trouble with math before and suddenly it got really hard. I learned I had to truly pay attention in class so I would get what was being taught to us. I overcame this paying more attention in class and making sure I fully got what we were learning.

Becca Period 5

Anonymous said...

One challenge that I faced this year was writing a three choice story. I did successfully overcome this challenge but it took a lot more work that i thought. Some of my strategies were not waiting till the last minute because that is what I usually do and most of the time it doesn't work out to well for me. Another one was I read over it and made other people read over it so that I fixed all of the mistakes.

Grant 5

Anonymous said...

Over the course of this year I learned that I need to back up my computer frequently and take better care of it or face the consequences. I learned this a week or two before the portfolio was due when my hard drive died and took most of my portfolio with it. As a result, I had to rush to get it finished and then I still had to work on it during advisory weeks later.

Sky Gann p3

Anonymous said...

One of my most difficult decisions I had to make was actually just a few weeks or mouths ago. What I had to decided was what week I had to go to camp. It is a lot easier than it sounds because I have to consider when my family vacation is, when I go to main, when all of my horse shows are because I have to try to make all of them. This was so hard for me because I have to cancel so many things and so I think that I have chosen the right weeks but I still have to double check again.
Sarah H 5

Anonymous said...

Renee - Period 3

This year, I was faced with the challenge of the portfolio. During advisory, I usually did not work on the portfolio. I worked on homework, my History Day project, or doing paper pick-up in Mrs. Parr's advisory. I didn't work on the portfolio in advisory until a week or two before the presentation. I then thought how I was going to complete it and figured I would have to bring it home. I actually did not have that much more to do because we did a lot of the reflections in classes so we could remember the entry. Next year, I am going to have to come up for a better strategy because I will only have advisory for half of the year. The other half, I will have art. Next year, I will make sure to balance my time in advisory between homework/projects and my portfolio.

Anonymous said...

One challenge that I faced this year was in math. I kept making the silliest mistakes in the world. I would think that I understood how to do the problem and then when I got the test back it was terrible. I had this problem for most of the year. On one test earlier in the I got a 100 which I had checked my work and made sure that I didn't make any stupid mistakes. One of the reasons that I kept making the silly mistakes was because I take a long time to figure out the answer to the problem. I eventually overcame this challenge by working more efficiently. On one of the most recent tests I got a 100 because I checked my work and was positive that I had graphed right.

Another challenge this year that I still have trouble with is not asking the teacher if I didn't understand a concept or a problem. I always think that I will eventually learn to understand the concept. next time I an going to speak up more and be positive that I will get a good grade.

Max Ofer Period 3

Anonymous said...

One thing that was my challenge this year was studying. The tests this year were way harder than 6th grade. In the first 3 marking periods I studyd a little but on the 4th marking period I tryed harder than the others.

Lyman Townsend per2

Anonymous said...

One challenge I faced during this year was not making Mrs. Miller Kick me out of her room during class. This was expecially Challenging during the times of the NYS field test since I was already done with both parts of the test by accident in the time it took for one. It was also very difficult when my shoes were taken by my friend William during gym 7th period.

Alex P2

Anonymous said...

A challenge I faced during this year was finishing my portfolio. I hate procrastinating but on this project I waited till the last minute to do it, which was a very foolish mistake.

Claire, 2nd

Anonymous said...

Over all my school years I have always had trouble with procrastinateing like studing for something on the last day or not doing homework when I got back to my house. But this year I didn't do it as much for example last year I did my portfolio the last week but this year I actually worked one it the hole year but the only thing that was good about that was not a big work load at once because i got a better grade on the one last year than this one.
Jimmy Period 3

Anonymous said...

One challange I faced this year was my computer grade. I was sick so many days this year that I missed some assignments and my grade droped to the lowest grade I have EVER had! But after a lovely uplifting lecture from my mom, I started going in and typing during lunch. Within no time my grade was up and my average was up!

Helen -5(sorry its late)

Anonymous said...

I faced many challenges including essays and other projects that I thought I would never overcome. This includes: history day, and a couple english assingments. This project that we are doing now for history and English is very stressful but I'm trying my best to complete and still have time to study for final exams. This year has been interesting with some good times and alot of bad times.


Anonymous said...

My my challenge in school alone every year is the same thing: To become a better student and become a more organized student, also to study more. Thought there is a roadblock for me, my laziness at times has definitly shown through some work that planning last minute, or not being prepared. I have slowly been overcoming this bit by bit. Reading some other peoples blog I noticed that they talked and went over how they were not doing well in English, I thought to myself why that sounded so strange. It was because I was at the exact opposite position. Yes I had started off doing farely well, and didn't understand why some of my fellow classmates where not. But the thing was from doing well in English, I was not getting better; but I was declining from that. My qaulity of work handed in (not only in English, but in other classes as well) was at times unsatisfactory, or almost unsatisfactory, but ethier way things needed to start changing, in a good way. For somethings I was getting better, and others not. When diagraming came up I was really suprised about all the different factors that needed to be applied through the process, and it was very hard for me. My grades were really dropping, and even though it may have looked like I wasn't doing my best, I was. So my goal at the moment is to do the best possible on exams that I can. My none related school goal is to make the best of the summer that I can ( my last summer was wasted), and to also see my grandparents more.

Ian Robinson


Anonymous said...

for me this year the challange was studieing. i would much rather play out side, watch tv, read a book, or even just sleep than to study. English is realy hard to study for and for me its boring and i get distracted and bores REALLY easily. i hope next year i can improve on studing.

Anonymous said...

I think I had many challenges this year but one of my biggest challenges would have to be the History day project because my partner and I slacked and waited untill last minute. My partner and I also realized what the punishment would be and worked to overcome it. Our strategies were the most simple "Common Sense". We realize that a high grade wasnt going to come to us by sitting around doing nothing, so we worked for 8 straight hours and finally finshed! We were still punished with points off from sloppyness but we pulled through it!
Jordian period 1

Anonymous said...

Well overcoming challenges is a hard thing to do. One challenge i overcame was I learned to make new firends and get along with them! Also i learned to write better.

Matt B P1

Anonymous said...

I think it was very inspiring. The doctors told him he had a 1% chance of ever walking again. so he worked hard to walk again. In the end all of the work payed off.

nolan r. 3

Anonymous said...

He had little to belive on. Everyone told him that he would never walk again. Yet he kept trying for two and a half years. He's showing the world that nothing is impossible.

Sylvia J. (5)

Anonymous said...

I think my greatest challenge is switching places in the world. At one point I am in North Carolina to Puerto Rico to Okinawa to here. Just to name a few.

Joseph P. P3

Anonymous said...

One challenge I faced was getting my Homework done. I never did it because I said that I would do it later but never did I need to learn to stop procrastinating and do my work

Peter Buchanan Period 1