Monday, September 13, 2010

Goals for the year

As we start a new school year, it can be very helpful to set goals. By choosing to pursue a certain level of accomplishment we can develop the plan we'll need to follow. Once we have a plan, we can check our progress from time to time; this will let us know whether we need to change anything we are doing. If we're setting our goals high, there will probably be some obstacles in the way of achieving them, like the goalie standing in front of the net.
What is one academic goal you would like to achieve this year? What is one obstacle facing you that will make it difficult to accomplish this goal?
(If you can't think of an obstacle, you might have set your sights a little too low; try thinking of a more challenging goal.)


Anonymous said...

one goal i would like to acadermic is to do all my work on time. one obstacle facing me is that i dont like doin homwork.

Elias P. 1

Anonymous said...

My goal for this year is to pass all my classes. one problem i problem that i will probaly have it geting on two blog for mr.apbt's class

andrew miller

Anonymous said...

one of my goals are to get a 90 average. one obstacle i have to get this goal is not handing my homework in on time and right.

by brandon

Anonymous said...

Normally I don't have any goals, but sometimes I just think about what I would like to accomplish. My goal for this year may be easy for others, but it still is hard for me. I sometimes don't have time to do my homework, which gets me into lunch detention. My goal is this year is to not get a lunch detention during this year. I said that this may be easy for others becuase they probably have time to do thier homework, while I might not have any time to do it. After school when I go home I help out at my parents' restaurant then I have to teach Yonghui and Ziyan how to do their homework, then I can get started on my own. I hope I won't have a lunch detention this year.

Michelle Z. Period 2

Anonymous said...

I have many academic goals for this year. Some of them will be easier to accomplish then others. One off them is too stay on top of my school work while balancing out my after-school activities. This is my first year doing modified sports and they practice everyday after school. Also i am in advanced class so the work is going to be harder. My obstacle will be simply to find time to do everything. I plan on working very hard to make sure everything gets done.
Olivia B. Period 3

Anonymous said...

One acedemic goal I would like to achieve this year is getting every grade a ninety or above for the entire year. An obstacle that could be standing in my way is that I tend to not study hard enough sometimes.

Lauren L. 2

Anonymous said...

I have two goals i would like to acadermic this year. One is to learn to ice skate better. I am very good at it but i have not learned everything i want to know yet. The obstacle facing me for this goal is that i dont like to get all cold because somtimes im out playing for two hours at the most! The other goal that i have this year is to work hard on modafied soccer team. the obstacle i face is that i am a very slow runner, but with the help of the coach mr. Pep the im sure i can beat this goal!
Matt b. [P.1]

Anonymous said...

My goal to acheive this year is that im trying to get higher grades and trying to not to get any lunch detentions.

-Jasmine M. Period 1

Anonymous said...

My goal for this year was to pass all my classes and try to make more and new friends.Over the years my grade's have not been that good so this year im going to TRY my best to 1 do goood in school 2 make new friend's 3 and to not be shy to try new things.

Alexandra Janitz
P. 2

Anonymous said...

my goal this year is to pass and to not fail in any classes and hand in my homework on time. An obstacle that i have trouble with is my homework.

christopher S. per. 3

Anonymous said...

My goal this year is to get atleast b's in all my classes a probalem that i might have is getting into fights with teachers.
josh Rumberger

Anonymous said...

one of my goals this year is not to get into fights like last year and to get all my homework done. i also want to get atleast b+s in all my class.

wade s. period 3

Anonymous said...

one goal i would like is to better on getting my homework obstacle will be wanting to do it.

nolan r. 3

Anonymous said...

One of my goals I have set for myself this year is, to do well in math. Normally, I have a little trouble with math, so I hope to overcome that. My goal may not seem high, but it still has its obstacles. For instance, the most trouble I have in math are the tests. I think it’s all in my head, but even with this knowledge I still don't do well on tests. I plan to study even harder than usual, even if I think I know exactly what I'm talking about, so that when the test comes, it's as if I have already taken it. This also sounds fairly easy, but you see I am a procrastinator. I LOVE to hold things off to the very last moment. This year another one of my goals was to be more organized, and to get my homework done first. So far I've been successful, but recently I purchased an account on Netflix, so watching movies on my computer is at the click of a button. Well, that is a very enjoyable obstacle, but an obstacle all the same. I am going to have to work hard to not go on the computer, and to study and do my homework first. I have one more main issue, and that is soccer. I am athletic, and will never, ever give up sports, so in order for me to stay on the teams, I have to get good grades. If I don't my parents will take me right off the team! With all the practices after school I have to make sure I’ve finished my homework, but with goals, there are always things that will help you achieve them. For me one of those is my agenda! It sounds dumb but without that thing I would be lost, and most likely already would have failed my goal! Well wish me luck anyway!

Mallory Arthurs 5

p.s sorry this is really long

Anonymous said...

I have many goals this year but the most important goal is that I want to get above a 95 in every class. I have achieved this before but it was very challenging. I believe that I can do it but I need to try hard. I always believe if you don’t try you won’t succeed. One of the challenges is going to be modified soccer. To overcome this challenge I’m going to have to study and practice evenly every night, and get my homework done early. I believe I can do this if I put my mind to it.
Noah H 3

Caroline said...

My goal for this year is to try my best at everything I do. The obstacle standing in my way is that sometimes I forget a test or quiz until a night or two before it. I would like to improve that.

Caroline Leonard
period 3

(sorry about the first one I did this from my phone)

Anonymous said...

My goal for this year is keeping my grades up in math. An obstacle that i might have with this is, math is not my strongest subject. That means that i need to work harder in that class compared to the others.

Kate P. 2

Anonymous said...

I have to goals that i would like to acadermic this year and they are 1. i would like to learn to ice skate better! I am really good at it. the obstacle i am facing for this goal is that it is really cold out when i do it because im somtimes even out there for two-three hours at the most! Also u have to be very carfull because when you are going fast and make a sharp turn you can fall or trip and twist or really hurt your self. the other goal i would like to acadamic is to learn to get better at playing modafied soccer. the hard part im facing is that im a slow runner. But with the help of the coach mr. Pep im sure i can beat this goal

Matt B. (P1)

Anonymous said...

One goal I would like to do is to learn some Japanese so when I read anime or watch manga I can understand it. The thing that blocks me from doing this is not having a teacher that can teach me how to... In the future i hope the school will have some sort of group that can teach 7-12 how to speak Japanese. That is my goal for this year.

Skyler .T per. 3

Anonymous said...

A goal I want to achieve is to get a 90 average a obstacle that is faceing me is to play sports and trying to balance it out.

Trentin Carentz 1

Anonymous said...

I only have one academic goal I wish to accomplish this year. My one goal is going to be a challenge for myself. I am going to try to have an overall average of 97 the whole year. A couple of things I'm going to need to work on is spending more time studying for tests and quizzes. Another thing I'm going to need to work on is not making little mistakes such as spelling on writing pieces . That is one goal which I hope I'm successful at this year.

Margaret K. per.3

Anonymous said...

One of my academic goals for this year is maintaining my grade point average from last year. This will be hard for me because the work is a lot harder in 7th grade. I will also have a harder time finishing my homework because I am doing modified soccer and have practice every day after school, which limits the amount of time I have for homework. Another factor is I am going to play an instrument this year which just puts in more work on my part. The reason I want to maintain my grade point average is because it is important to me to have good grades

Anna G. 2.

Anonymous said...

Everyone should have a goal. Goals are ways to improve and get motivated. Some goals may be in school and others maybe a sport or other activity. My goal is to stay on top of my school work and tests while swimming. Swimming is everyday and a little less than an hour away, so I need to make sure I plan my time accordingly. I will have a hard time getting homework done and correct but every goal has an obstacle. Its shows great responsibility to have a goal and I hope my goal will turn out to be an accomplishment.

Alexandra Russo
Period 2

Anonymous said...

One goal I have for this school year is to get all A's throughout the school year, because if I do in reward I would get a computer which would be really cool. One obstacle that I face is that I tend to not have the patients to study for the long periods of time needed to learn and understand the material inside and out. However, I think that if I put the effort in it will show in my grades.

Michael Kern period 3

Anonymous said...

One academic goal i would like to achive is to try to get an 90 or above on all tests or quizzes. One obstical facing me is that i am going to try to do a sport every season so it will be hard to study for tests ans quizzes with the busy schedule. But I will still study for the tests an quizzes even with a busy schedule.

Molly M. Period 5

August S. period 1 said...

A goal I have is to get into A.P. math because I thing it would be good for my college application. One obstacle I have in my way is getting good grades on tests I will achieve this goal by studying and working hard.

Anonymous said...

my goals for this year are to improve my grades in math.This is not my best subject and i really need to put more effort in my work.
genevieve fina per. 5

Anonymous said...

I have only two academic goals this year that I would like to accomplish. Some of them are going to be easy, others not so much, but I will try my best to accomplish them. My first goal is stay in advanced for the whole year, which is gonna be tough since I'm studying pre-algebra which has to deal with both 7th and 8th grade all smashed into one year of school. Another goal is to neaten up my writing skills because my writing is so messy, especially when I'm writing fast. These are my two academic goals this year because they are the only ones that I really want to work as hard as I can on them. True, I do have other academic goals as well, but theses are the ones I want to work at the most.

Maddy K. 3

Anonymous said...

For my goals this year in seventh grade would be to get better grades in English,History. I also would want to never get a lunch detention or a after school detention.

Alexie per. 2

p.s. the sheep video was awesome.

Anonymous said...

I have a few academic goals this year. I would like to try not to do my homework at the last minute. One obstacle I have is being busy with after school activities. This is my first year having a sport everyday after school. After I get home from school I sometimes get off track and get distracted by other things and don't start my homework again until late at night. I also would like to keep my grades in the high nineties. An obstactle I have is getting my work done early and not done last minute. When I do my homeowrk last minute I sometimes rush and make careless misakes. When I also study last minute I dont learn everything as well because I dont have much time to study. Those are just a couple goals I would like to accomplish this year.

Caroline G. Period 5

Anonymous said...

One Goal I Would Like To Acheive Is Getting Better Grades Because Last Year My Grades Were Horribal, I Need To Focus More & Pay Attention. One Obstacle Facing Me Is Home As E.j. Said I Don't Like Doing Homework But Yet I Have To Because Either I Have A Consequence Or A Punishment Which I Would Not Want, So That Is My Goal & Obstacle(:

-Abbey R. 5 :D

Anonymous said...

One academic goal I would like to achieve this year is in math. Math is my least favorite subject and I would like to try to get higher grades in math. One thing that
is making it harder to get higher grades is that I don't always understand what is being taught and then I don't understand what my homework is about. I hope I can achieve this goal this year.
Olivia L per.2

Anonymous said...

I have many goals. But my highest goals are to do good in academics. I dont like to do homwork but i get it in on time mostly. I just want to get a good grade in every class. KENNETH ROBERTS period 3

Anonymous said...

The one academic goal I will set for this year is to always complete my homework. One obsticle will be cross country. It gives me less time to finish. I may also be busy at home or visiting people.

Sylvia J. 5

Anonymous said...

One goal I would like to set this year is getting great grades and always studying for test. I don’t usually set goals. I think that's because I think it will take too long to achieve them. I also thing I have achieved so many things so why set a goal? An obstacle to achieve this goal is when my favorite show or movie is on tonight and I’ve been waiting to see it, or my friend invites me over her house or invites me out with her but I have that test tomorrow. I know which choice is right but what sounds more tempting? I love horses they are my favorite animal. I ride them every day! I go on long trail rides with close friends and we go galloping up hills and canter through water. Riding horses is one of my favorite things to do! So when it comes to the choice of going on a trail ride with friends or studying for a test I know for a fact which one I would rather do. I don’t want to make the wrong choice. Tell me if this sounds tempting jumping a five foot jump bareback? Well it is I know that because I've jumped five foot fences before bareback it’s a lot of fun! I’d rather do that then study, but is I make the right choice and study I can get a good job and be able to be my own horse farm! This year that will be my goal and I’m going to try my best to achieve it! Kimberly G. Period 2

Anonymous said...

My goal is to get a good avg.
One obstacle is not getting my homework in on time and getting good grades on test/quizes.
-Victoria C
Per. 1

Anonymous said...

One acedemice goal for this year is that I want to try to get 90 or above. One obstical in my way is that even though I get my homwork done sometimes I don't take what I learned that night and use it on the test.

Maya Wasson period 2

Anonymous said...

One of my goals for the year is to get Student of the Month. One obstacle is doing homework. Another goal I have for the year is getting 90% or more in every class. One obstacle is studing for tests. Some test are easer for me than others.

Travis T. Period 2

Anonymous said...

During this school year I have many goals to accomplish. I have been doing my favorite sport field hockey and even though its hard I still have to stay on task with my school work. My top goal for the whole year is to pass and get all anything thats an 80 or higher. And those are two of my goals for the school year.

Lauryn Makofske period 5

Anonymous said...

I think having goals is important. If you set goals for your self you can see how much you accomplished. I have many goals for this year. One of them is to get all my school work done on time. This goal might be difficult to reach because I have to balance out school and homework. I plan to work hard this school year.

Philip Wasson
5th P. 5

Anonymous said...

One academic goal I have is keeping a 95 average in all my classes. This will be hard for me because I'm very busy after school and I will have to find time to study for tests and quizzes more. This will also be hard for me because I hate studying.

Ciara M 5

Anonymous said...

A goal I would like to set is that I would like to finish my homework on time and done well but efiecently. The reason I say this is because this year I have a cross country practice or meet every school day so my schedule is tight. Last year though, I had all the time in the world to procrastinate, or be a perfectionist, but now I don't have the time An obstacle that I must face is that it has become a habit that I have made worse for years to tell myself that I can do this latter or this must be perfect, that it will be difficult to break this habit in just a few days. Alex G period 2

Anonymous said...

I have many academic goals for this year, but I’m only supposed to say one. Well one goal for me is to study a lot more than I did last year. What I mean is to study not just the night before the test, but a couple nights before. One obstacle this year is to get over a 95% average this year. Last year I set the bar a little too low.

Molly W Per. 2

Anonymous said...

My goals for this year is to get above a ninty in each class alleast for a whole marking period. but there are a couple obsicals. Sometimes I work to hard and i am driven to get things done and most of the time i forget to look back and find all of my mistakes.

Carson H. 2

Anonymous said...

My academic goal for this year is to get 95 average or higher in every class. One of the obstacles that I will face is balancing my time between modified football and homework. If I want to get a 95 or higher in all of my classes, I need to study hard and make sure I get all of my homework done on time.
Noah B. per 5

Unknown said...

My academic goal for this school year is to study more and get my homework done.One obstacle is the sports I do. I do Football and soccer.

Connor p.3

Anonymous said...

My biggest goal this year. Is too hold atleast a steady 90 average grade in math class that has always been my goal and im hoping to achieve that this year.!!

MacGuire Benton
Mr.Abts PER.5

Unknown said...

My academic goal for this year is to not fall behind in math. This has not been a big problem for me in the past, but this year is different. I am in advanced math this year, and it is more challenging for me than in past years. I usually excel beyond others, but this year everyone is excelling at the same pace, and I sometimes struggle with the problems. But my goal is to take the challenges in stride and keep moving on to the next one.

Sean M. Per 3

Anonymous said...

My goal is to have a 90 average. I have always gotten really good grades, but my obstacles might be juggling all of my homework, sports and getting used to a new school.
Alex Quayle -Period 5

Anonymous said...

I have many goals for this school year. Some of them are simple and others are challenging.One main academic goal I have for this year is to have my average in each class be 94% or above. I find this goal very challenging because sometimes I don't study hard enough, have a hard time finding time for my homework because of sports, or zone out during class. To achieve this goal I will need to do many things, such as studying harder or paying more attention during class.

Katlyn P. 2 Period

Anonymous said...

One of my goals for this year is to stay on top of my homework and get 90's or above in every class. My challenge I am facing is that I am playing sports for the school now and we have practice everyday after school. Also I would always push homework off to the side and now I can not do that anymore so I have ti get out of that habit

Jennifer F. period 3

Anonymous said...

My goal is to have at least an 85 or higher average in all my classes, an obstical for me will be focusing during class and on my homework.

Scott Segit, Per 1

Anonymous said...

One goal for the year for me is to get a 90 average for all four marking periods and to get all my homework done.

Raymond C p.1

Anonymous said...

I always have one goal every year and that is to keep my grades as high as i can get them. I also have a goal to work hard on my goofing around in class. As i work as hard as i can and get my grades up i will have accomplished my goal.

Christian Sepp Per. 2

Anonymous said...

My goal this year is to get a 93 or above in every class. To do this I will work hard in all classes and at home. One thing that might make this harder is soccer practice. Over all even if it means spending every second of my free time I will do all my assignments.

Elijah s. per 2

Anonymous said...

I have many goals for the school year, some are academic goals some are athletic goals. One of my academic goals is to stay on top of my homework. Something that will get in my way during this academic goal is, Modified Soccer. After Practices usually leaves me just enough time to complete my homework to my best ability. I will try my best to get my homework done this year. Addy L Per 2

Anonymous said...

One goal i have for this school year is to do all of my home work. The reason this is one of my goals is because i am normally very forgetful of things especially homework. One obstacle that stands in my way is sports and technology. Sports will be an obstacle because after I'm done with practice i am normally and just want to relax so i will ovoid doing work by watching TV or just laying on the couch. technology will be an obstacle because i will play play-station for too long or watch TV and then i will forget about my assignment. I think if i use my assignment notebook and use my computer and other things things like that than i will be able to accomplish this goal.

Josh n P. 2

Anonymous said...

One goal for me id to try to get less detentions and get more home work done at home.

Daniel Marino

Anonymous said...

My goal for this year is to stay on task so I do not get any lunch detentions. One of the obstacles I'm facing is studying and feeling confident with the work that I've been handing in.

Bella C. Period 5

Anonymous said...

One goal I set was to get good grades but,one obstacle I have is stress.

Joseph P. Period 3

Anonymous said...

I have many academic goals that I want to achieve this year. One of my goals is to get all A`s on my report card. To do this I will have to work hard and be responsible. This goal will be difficult to accomplish because I am not very good at remembering my homework. I will have to start remembering all of my homework to achieve this goal.

Kristin R.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

I have a few academic goals for this year. One of those goals is to stay on top of all my classwork. This may be hard for me because I am juggling two sports after school this year. I would also like to study for tests pretty far in advance. I think this will be hard for me because I can think of a lot of better things to do than study, but I will try my best. These are some of the academic goals I would like to acomplish this year.
Abby L. period 3

Anonymous said...

One goal I would like to achieve this year is to get an 100% average in latian class.My main obstacle is that latian words are hard to understand sometimes.

Anonymous said...

An academic goal that I would like to set for myself is that if I get a bad grade, I won’t let it put me down. I’ll think of how proud I should be of myself, and how much effort I put into studying. An obstacle getting my way is switching habits. Sometimes I know that I will forget, but the only way to reach it is trying it.

Liz M 2

Anonymous said...

I have many goals for the year one of them being to improve my grade. like math, english and gym.I want to improve my soccer skills and my vocal skills. ihave many goals and i would likem to acheive as many as possible.
liz olmstead

Anonymous said...

An acedemic goal for myself is to have a 90% average and play sports too. One obstacle in my way to reach that goal is football. This is an obstacle for me because it doesn't give me much time for homework this will surely afect my average. That also means that I will not as much studying as I would want. That is my goal for the year and its obstacles

Scott Curtis period 5

Anonymous said...

My goals for this year are two get all my grades on my report card in the 80's and 90's and to try my best every day. Some obstacles i might face are i have football every day and that might make it hard to get my work done. I always try my best but sometimes i get distracted and act like a goober but I try.

Carmen Booan 2

Anonymous said...

An academic goal that I have for this year is to get a Student of the Month Award. This is a challenging goal for me because, with most teachers in the past I am thought of as a chatty student, which isn't the best reputation to have. But this year I'm going to try extra hard to stay on task and get all my homework done and be focused in classes.

Emmy D. Period 2

P.S. Sorry this is late I just figured out that you have to click the annonymous button before hitting post. So I might have missed a few of these. Sorry!

Anonymous said...

one goal i would like to do is to do all my homework.

gigi m. 1

Anonymous said...

This year I would like to be better in math. It will be difficult because I am not too good at math. It is either math or English.

nolan r. 3rd

Anonymous said...

The main goal I would like to acheive is to do well in school and the obstacles are that I do not not have the desire to do it. Ryan M

Amber Brown ^.^ said...

My goal for this year is to do My homework regularly. One obstacle is if I dont do my homework I loose points and if I dont turn in homework several times I will get a detention.

Amber B. ^.^
Period 3