Sometimes simple acts can be the greatest achievements. For years, Michigan's football players have sprinted out of the tunnel and soared to touch the banner. Fans love watching it, and it is an emotionally charged moment full of power and grace. The stampede of fast, strong, agile athletes fills the stadium with awe.
What could be so special about one man slowly walking across the field to reach up and touch the banner?
Monday, September 6, 2010
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He got in an accident and couldn't walk so when he wnet walking by theat probably gave them the message that they could accomplish anything.
Mr. A. 2
I fell sorry for brock because he was told he had a 1% chance to walk and he proved that he had the strength and patience to learn how to controll his legs and gan ssome strength in his legs but in the end he proves that and man/women has a chance to do anything.
Andrew m.period 3
I think that everyone felt sorry for brock and i do to because he was in a car crash and the doctors told him that he had a 1 percent chance of ever walking agian. To se him walk to the center of the stadium was heart felt and touching especially to the people in the stadium. To see him after his 2 1/2 year fight to walk agian.
Carson H. 2
On Christmas Eve he got in a car accident. The doctors told him he had a 1 percent chance of walking ever again. But every day he practced walking. After 2 1/2 years, he finaly walked. He showed the world you can do anyting even though people say you cant do it.
Molly M. 5
If I were Brock at this time I would still be in my bed watching TV after seeing this it was very emotional for me because if I had a 1% to ever walk again I wouldn’t really try that much and be sad and miserable for the rest of my life. Brock was a very unfortunate man for being in this devastating car accident. He trained hard and accomplished his problem which I would never do. I am very proud of Brock and hope the best for him.
p.s sry for the first comment
Skyler T. period 3
It could be so special because Brock Mealer got in a car accident.And was told he could never walk again. But he did so it was special.
Alexie T p2
It was so special because Brock Mealer had a 1% chance of ever walking again after a very bad car accident. When he walked at this football game it was his first time walking in two years. This video shows that Brock Mealer has a lot of courage and strength.
Caroline L. period 3
Brock Mealer was man who the doctor said that he had a 1% chance of walking. It was amazing when he walked on the field because the docto said that he would not walk.
I feel sorry for him but it is amazing that he is still able to walk. It shows that anything is posible.
Raymond c.period 1
I am sorry for brock that he got in that horrible car crash and there was only a 1 percent chance he could ever walk again but after 2 hard years of work he finally was able 2 walk. But the fact that he was walking proved that almost everyone is capable to do anything and everything.
Josh R :D
I feel sorry for Brock because he got in that horrible car crash. I can’t believe it was on Christmas Eve. It is the most horrid thing eve ever heard about. After hearing his story I felt so inspired. If I was him I probably would’ve given up, especially if the doctor told me I had a one percent chance of ever walking again. I am so inspired and I learned that if you put your mind to work you can do anything.
Noah H 3
I do feel sorry about what happened to Brock Mealer, but I also think about how he stuck to his gut and did the "impossible". When I think back to the fact that he was in a terrible car accident, and was told by professionals he would most likely never regain his ability to walk, it makes it all the more inspiring that he did in fact learn how to walk again. It’s not just any old guy walked slowly up to the banner and touched it, it’s that this man was told he wouldn't be able to do such a thing, and he did. Most people, including myself, would find that inspirational, and that is what was so special about one man slowly walking across the field to reach up and touch the banner. It just shows that if you work hard every day, even during those times you really don't want to, you can beat the odds. I am happy for Brock Mealer and the work he put in, and think he has showed many people, that the Adidas slogan is correct, Impossible Is Nothing. Congrats Brock Mealer!
Mallory A. 5
I think this is special becuase this man (Brock Mealer) was told that he only had a 1% chance of walking again after his accident. But him walking across the field after going through 2 and a half years of training and practice, proves that you can do anything if you put your mind to it.
Lauren L. 2
what could be so special about a man walking accross the field to touch a banner is because, the docter told Brock that he had a 1% chance of walking again. Brock thought 1% chance why not try. So he went to therapy and worked and worked. Finally after two years he was able to walk again. To see someone walk again, that someone told him he couldn't, that's pretty awesome.
Kate p 2
Brock Mealer was in a car accident about 2 years ago. The doctor told him that he only had 1% chance that he could ever walk again. When Brock Mealer went to lead the Michigan Football Team against the UConn, he was walking. I think that Brock proved to the players that you can do anything if you set your mind to it, even if there's only a 1% chance it will happen.
Michelle Z. Period 2
Brock Mealer is a very brave man because he was in a very horrible accident. He was told by the doctors he only had a 1% chance of walking. Most people would have given up but Brock was determined to walk. After two years of getting up every day and trying to walk he finally did. When Brock did walk across the football field it was very inspirational. It showed that you can do anything if you put your mind to it. In that case, Brock Mealer is an extraordinary person who should influence everybody.
Alex Russo
Period 2
I am very inspired by what Brock did. He was told he had a one percent chance of walking ever again. He was told this by professionals who know what they are doing. That did not stop Brock though. He was determined to walk. He got up every day for two years and practiced walking. So the special thing about this man slowly walking and with canes to touch a banner is that he beat the odds. He beat the word impossible. He inspired me and many others that you really can do anything if you set your mind to it. He also reminded me that, no matter what happens, my life is not that bad. I think Brock inspired everyone and should be very proud of his amazing accomplishment.
Olivia B. period 3
The reason why this man crossng the field and banner was important to the people in the stands was
because Brock Mealer got in a car
accident on Christmas Eve 2 1/2 years ago and was paralyzed. The doctors told Brock he had only a 1%chance of ever being able to walk ever again. Brock worked extremely hard for 2 1/2 years and was finally able to walk again. He did something that was considered almost impossible and that is
something that took a lot of strength and courage.
I think that Brock Mealer is a huge inspiration. I say this because in 2007, this man got in a car accident and crushed his spine. He was given a 1% chance to ever walk again, yet he didn't give up. Brock had the patience and will power to work for 4 1/2 hours a day at regaining that ability. I think that his walking again is a message that anyone can do anything as long as you try hard enough and never give in to the circumstances.
The thing thats is so special about this man walking up to a banner to touch it is that, he was told that he had a very small chance to ever walk again after being in a car accident and for 2 and a half years he tried to walk again and he did even though it was only a few yards.
Olivia L per.2
I am sorry but I forgot to put my name at the bottom of my previous blog response but I started to press send before i put my name on it. Mine started with the reason why this man walking across the feild was important becuase Brock Mealer got in a car accident on Christmas Eve 2 1/2 years ago.
Caroline G. Period 5
Brock Mealer He Had Gotten Into A Car Accident On Christmas Eve of
2009. He Was Rushed To The Hospital. After His Recovery He Was Told He Had A 1% Chance To Walk Again. Brock Mealer Was Shocked He Didnt Know What He Was Going To Do. So He Got A Personal Trainer And Did A Bunch Of Exsersises To Improve His Disabilitie. After 2 1/2 Months He Walked For The First Time After His Accident. After That Amazing Event He Proves That Any Man Or Women Can Do Anything. BROCK MEALER YOUR AMAZING!!!!
Amber B.:) Per.3
I think its really really cool that Brock was able to walk again. he was told he probably couldnt walk ever again and now there he is walking and thats really great. he worked really hard to make his legs work again and he got there. thats pretty darn beast in my opinion
EmmyD. 2
I feel very sorry for Brock because the doctor said that he only had a 1% chance of ever walking again in his whole life. One of the horrible things about this is that he had to spend Christmas in the hospital and that must have been terrible. I think that he is very lucky that he is able to walk again.
wade s.3
It's so special because that man had a 1% chance of ever walking again after a car crash and he walked that day. He worked on trying to walk for 1 and a half years before he could even walk with canes. I think when all those fans saw a man that Doctors said would not walk again, walk with canes, and touch that banner it made them think that anything was possible.
Carmen B.2
The crowed goes wild as you see a "man" walks across slowly and touches the field goal slightly, but what you you don't see is that man is brock mealer. Two and one half years ago this "man" lost his ability to walk and the doctors told him that he had only 1% of ever walking this world again. But brock trusted,motivated and devoted him self to but build up the strength to walk again and two and one half years later he did. so when you say a "man" walked across the field you are wrong. Brock mealer is more than just a "man" he is greater because he proved that day you can make the impossible possible.
Josh n.2
Brock Got Into An Accident & Was Told He Could`nt Walk Aqain, He Was Taking Classes To Help Him Walk Again. When I Saw This Video I Was Amazed Of How Much Progress This Man Made & It Was Amazing To The People When He Touched The Banner Because It Was Mirical & I Bet Brock Felt So Accoplished Because He Could Finally Walk.(:
Abbey R. Period 5
Brock Mealer is an amazing man. He was in a car crash and the doctors said he had a 1% chance of walking agian. Brock didnt give up and he never stoped trying. After a long tome he walked. Thats why its amazing the he could walk across the football field and reach the flag
Ciara M. 5
The reason this is so special for this man to walk slowly across the field is because he was in a car crash and was paralyzed by the impact. I felt very sorry for what happened. In two years he was able to walk again by the support of his canes. And again I felt very sorry for what happened to him but I’m very proud of him for trying and trying to walk again and being able to reach up and touch a banner is pretty special for a man who was paralyzed. Ryan McGuire. Period 5 mr abts this is the one i would like to publish I had published the wrong one sorry
Brock only had a 1% chance of walking after a terrible car crash. But he over came the odds and after two and a half years of trainig he walked agen. He proved that you can overcome anything if you set your mind to it.
Brock Mealer was a brave man. He was in a horrble car crash and went through 2 years of intense traing so he could walk agin. It just shows you can do anything you set your mind to. KENNETH R. PERIOD 3
It was so special because Brock Mealer had a 1% chance of ever walking again, and it took him more than two years to accomplish it. Most people would have given up but Brock kept it up and was able to walk. When he walked across the football field it inspired many people. It showed that you can do the “impossible”, even when there’s a one percent chance.
Molly W per.2
Brock Mealer was told he would never walk again after his accident. He decided that those doctors would be wrong. He wanted to prove to everyone that if he worked hard enough he would walk again, he would lead a normal life. Him touching that banner was his moment of truth to prove to everyone that doubted him that once you put your mind to something you can make all dreams possible. He made the impossible, possible.
Sean m. period 2
Brock Mealer got into a car accident and was badly hurt. The docters said that he had a 1% chance of ever walking again. He decided to try anyway and for two and a half years he worked hard on trying to walk. Finally he was able to walk and showed that by walking over and touching the banner. This showed that if you work hard and stick to your task even though it may be hard you can accomplish amazing things.
Alex G. period 2
i think this video was very inspirational. It shows that if you set your mind to it, u can do anything. It also shows that one person can make a difference in so many people. Which i think is so inspiring. We should all try to make a difference in the world.
liz olmstead period 3
I think that Brock Mealer must fell very proud of himself. If I were him I would be very proud of myself because this was his first time walking in 2 1/2 years. Also if I was his doctor I would would be surprised, and very happy for him because the doctor told him that he had a 1% change of walking again. I think that he must have had a lot of courage to keep practicing, and finally walk with two canes. I think he is a great role model, and it shows that you can do anything if you try very hard.
Margaret K. Per. 3
I think that this is is the product of weeks upon months of pure willpower. I know that if a Ph.D. in spine surgery told me that I had little to no chance of ever walking again, but this man never gave up and it eventually paid off. I also think that it is incredible that the fans of Michigan gave him the welcome as if he won the Rose Bowl all by himself. Very touching...
Michael K period 3.. WE ARE PENN SATE!!!!!
This is special because to see Brock Mealer walk onto the football field, readalthough with canes, was a big eye-opener for me because I had no idea that anyone could work so hard for something that we take for granted every day. Brock Mealer is somebody who deserves to be recognized for his courage and devotion to walking again even though very smart doctors told him he had a 1% chance of walking ever again. Whenever I think something is impossible to do, I think that I(and everybody else)should remember Brock and his undying work and effort.
Anna G. 2
Brock Mealer is one tough cookie. He had to go through 2 years of physical therapy to try to walk again after his accident on Christmas Eve in 2007, which is not that great. and then those doctors told him he had about a 1% chance off walking again... at least he had a chance!!!!! And if those doctors thought that he was never going to walk again, boy... were they pretty gosh darned wrong. i feel pretty sorry for him too. I mean, who on earth would want to get in a car crash and have their spine crushed and then have doctors tell you that you have abut a 1% chance of walking again??? You'd have to be crazy if you do.
Maddy K. 3
This event was special because Brock Mealer got in a huge car crash on Christmas Eve. After the doctors told Brock that there is a 99% chance for you to never walk again. But two and a half years later Brock finally proved that 99% doesn't mean impossible, so he walked at a football game and touched the banner and reached he goal and never gave up.
Lauryn Makofske period. 5
Brock's story is important for it showed that no one should ever stop believing no matter what anybody else says. He demonstrates this by eventually walking, though the odds are against him. To see Brock overcoming great obstacles is inspirational for all of us. His troubles are symbolic for the troubles we all face in life sooner or later.
Colin W Period 5
i think Brock mealer walking slowly across the field is special because when he got in the accident the doctor said he only had 1% chance he would ever be able to walk again and with him walking across the field with all those adoring fans cheering he must feel VERY special and proud of his accomplishments
genevieve per.5
He was in a car accident 2 and 1/2 years ago it was exciting because he did what doctors and everyone said he couldn't he was paralyzed but with 2 and 1/2 years of hard work he walked with 2 canes in Michigan Stadium.
Brock got in a car accident and was told by the docters that he had a one percent chance that he would walk again. He took that one chance and did learn to walk again. That means that even if people say you can't do something you can if you try.
Brock got in a car accidet and the docters said that he has a one pecent that he could walk again. He took that one chance and did it. that means thaat even if someone tells you you cant you can.
Maya W. 2
Brock Mealer should be an inspiration to us all because after the accident the doctors said he would probably never walk again. After two and a half years of hard work he finally walked again. It makes me feel bad to think of all the times I wanted to give up so easily. Brock Mealer proved that you can do anything if you put your mind to it while he was walking across the football field.
Abby L. period 3
I think that what makes this moment special is the fact that this man had pretty much no chance what so ever to walk, yet he he decided that a 1% chance was good enough for him to try. I also think that like Josh said, it must have given people the message that they could do almost anything in the world, besides things like super powers. The part that I really think is amazing is that it took him almost every day for two and a half years to walk, only with a cane.
Elijah S. period 2
It is terrible that Brock Mealer got into a car crash specially on Christmas Eve. This is very inspirational for all people especially for the people who were told that they had a very low chance of every walking again. It is great Brock got the strength to walk again although it might be slow he still walked!
Jennifer F.period 3
i think that brock mealer made an amazing achevment bye walking.!!!!!many years ago he had a car crah and was paralized and now he is walking.!!!i personitly think that is touch and ver amazing i couldn't imagin the thought he was think when he was walking accross that football feild i truely have to sat that is AMAZING.!!!
Mr.Abts 5th per.MacGuire Benton.
I feel happy but also sorry for brock mealer because he was told he had a one percent chance of walking again and it happened on christmas eve. But brock mealer never gave up and was determined to walk again and so he did. so on the day of a football game brock mealer walked and everybody cheered, so in conclusion if you can put your mind to it you can accomplish anything.
christopher S. peroid 3
One Christmas Eve, Brock Mealer was in a terrible car crash that paralyzed both his arms and legs. The doctors told him he had a 1% chance of ever walking again. A very small chance indeed. Nevertheless, after two and a half years of training and rebuilding his muscles, Brock walked. That is why he inspires many people. Brock proved that even though something may seem difficult, it is not impossible.
by Hunter D. Period 5
Brock Mealer, a man who got in a car crash that was not even his fault. That car crash changed him. before the crash Brock could walk, after Brock was paralyzed. Now after two and a half years of trianing brock finaly walks. doctors said to him that he had 1% to ever walk again. Many of the people that had heard of him probably thought that he would never walk again. But Brock proved that even with the smallest chances you can do anything. This is the reason that many people cheered on this man before a Michigan game even though he could only walk. Great job Brock.
Scott Curtis 5
It was so special because Brock, the man slowly crossing the field, had basically just accomplished the impossible. It was almost impossible for him to cross the field because he got in a horrible car accident which left him with a one percent chance of ever walking again. It took him two and a half years to walk after the accident. By crossing the field he proved that almost everything is impossible, so keep on trying even if others tell you that it is impossible.
Katlyn P. 2
Brock Mealier got into a car crash on Christmas Eve 2007; he had a 1% chance of ever walking again, and then to do it again in 2 years is pretty amazing.You just can't get up and walk again it takes hard work and dedication.There was a similar story in football where a guy broke his neck and have the same chances. He walked again 2 years later.This means that any buddy can do any thing.
Brock got into a bad car accident on Christmas eve. Doctors said that he had a 1% chance of ever walking again. But Brock didn't let that get to him because 2 1/2 years later of hard work he walked. I think him walking across the field just proves that if you really want something and you work hard for it you might just accomplish it.
Philip Wasson
5th period
He was able to prove what hard work and determination can do by learning to walk again. The doctors had told him there was only a 1% chance that he would be able to accomplish this.
alex Q. period 5
Brock Mealer, Michigan’s offensive lineman was in a crucial car accident leaving him paralyzed. Doctor's told him he had a 1% chance of walking again. He worked all day knowing he would accomplish his dream. He was right he had done the "Impossible”. He spent 2 and 1/2 Years to do this. “You can do anything if you put you mind to it”. Later on Brock was asked to lead Michigan’s Football team (Wolverine's) onto there field. This "One" man is a huge inspiration to me and hope to the rest of you. This man is different from us all this is why it is so special and should be recognized from this day on that Impossible is Nothing ~Adidas. Addy L. 2
The reason it is so special that a man slowly walks out onto a football field and touchs a banner is because Brock Mealer was in a car accident 2007. The doctors told him that he had a 1% chance to ever walk again and that he would probably be in a wheelchair for the rest of his life. But Brock Mealer believed that he would walk again. So Brock Mealer went to a strength and conditioning coordinator named Parker Whiteman at Schembechler Hall to start strengthing his legs. On September 4, 2010 he walked across Michigan Stadium with his brother who plays on the football team and Brock touch the banner. It is like crossing a finish line because he did it and he can walk again! Noah B. 5 period
Brock Mealer got in a car accident. The doctors said that he had 1% chance of walking again. 2 1/2 years later he walked again. The message is not to give up.
Travis T. period 2
Its special becaeuse the doctor told Brock that he didn't have a good chance of walking. Brock probaly didn't want to belive the doctor so he was trying to beliven himself that he could walk
- Jasmine M. Period 1
some peoples legs don't work so they can't ran and some people can ran
Tina w.1
The thing that was so special, so important about a man slowly walking across a field to reach up and touch a banner, was the chance it would happen for one man with one dream. I guess he really made a lot of effort to do that. The man in particular that walked across that field had a 1% chance of walking again after he was in an accident. How would you feel if a professional doctor told you, you had a very little chance of ever walking again? I guess you would have to be in his shoes or if you were going through it yourself. My hopes would be low and I probably would have thought there was no hope in trying but I don't really know. This man tried walking for two painful years! And he finally walked! Have you ever accomplished something you've tried at for a long time well if you have you know how he must feel! So for him just walking through a field meant a lot! Every little thing counts! And he inspired me to try things that I don't believe I can do. I hope he inspired a lot of you too because, anything's possible. Kim G. 2
I felt very touched by this video because all the people in the stadim were cheering for a man that
was told he had 1% of ever walking again. I think that most people wouldn't care if a man on canes was walking down a football field, But I
think it was very important because he worked very hard.
alina bischof p.1
The thing that is so special about a man slowly walking across a football field to touch a banner is that the man was Brock Mealer. Brock Mealer is a man that got into a car accident around christmas two in a half years ago and had a one percent chance of ever walking again. Brock didn't care what the docters said, he believed in himself. About a month ago Brock slowly walked across that field with his wife and son. It was a very touching momment for all of them. What I'm trying to say is that it is very special to Brock's friend and family that he touched the banner.
Liz M 2
I think it is so special to these fans because they love their team so much and understand that it is such a big thing for their coach to be walking again. And if there was no coach there would be no team. This coach proved that with enough courage and enough hope you can do anything
Christian Sepp Period 2
He got in to a accident and couldn't walk so when he went walking by that probably gave them the messsage that he can accoplish what he (you or they) can put your mind to.
Alexandra Janitz P.2
He got in an accident and couldn't walk so when he wnet walking by theat probably gave them the message that they could accomplish anything.
Alex Janitz
It is special because he got in car crash and the doctors told them he probably would never walk again.
Nolan r.3rd
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