Monday, September 20, 2010


Often when we say the word "work" we are referring to a job or a career. However, students have quite a bit of work to do. What is work? Given the choice between doing work and goofing around, many choose to avoid work. What is the point of doing work? What is the point of avoiding work?


Anonymous said...

Work is something u do almost everyday.the point of doing work is so u can do better in life.

Elias period 1

Anonymous said...

Work is something that is important to do, though it may be unpleasent. Homework and chores are two examples of work kids have to do. The point of doing work is to help us in some way. Chores help us learn things we will need to do in later life, when we don't have our parents to make dinner or do the laundry. Homework helps us understand things that we learned in school better. People avoid work because they feel that haveing fun is, well, more fun. People like to avoid hard work. If you do aviod work however, in the end you'll regret it.

Sylvia J. 5

Anonymous said...

There is NO point in avoiding work because ur going to have to do it sonner or later! The point in doing work in school is to help us learn and to help us get an education!

Matt B. p1.

Anonymous said...

The point of doing work is to learn. We are given homework every day so we can practice what our teachers have taught us and we can understand it better. Work can be anything really. It's pretty much anything that requires doing. The point of doing work is to get better at things or to help others get better at things. The point in not doing work? There isn't really a point in not doing work. You need to work to get paid, and you need to do homework to get good grades.
Emmy D. 2

Anonymous said...

The point of doing work is so u know wat you'll be doing later in life when you need to use math skills or if your a biologist or something, you'd be far better off if you did your homework and listend to your teacher. The point of not doing your work is really just so you can go outside and play or because your lazy and you don't feel like doing your work you just want to ignore it and do something else.

Scott Segit period 1.

Anonymous said...

I think that the point of work is to improve life by doing more things and by creating new things. I think that some perposes of avoiding work are that people can be lazy or not in to what they are doing.

Elijah S.

Anonymous said...

I think that the point of working is because if you don't do work that you will not have enouph money to keep your family healthy protected and have food for then so that they don't starve to death.


Anonymous said...

Well, the point of doing work is to MAKE MONEY. No but the really point of work is to learn responsibility. Also the point of avoiding work is nothing you can’t avoid work, work is part if life. Most people like to work and a BIG amount of people don’t like to work. And these are the points of working and not working.

Alexandra Janitz P.2

Anonymous said...

The point of doing work is to make money, but for use kid we do not make money when we work because we are not old enough to make money. Some people avoid work because they are lazes.

wade s. period 3

Anonymous said...

Work is something we have to do whether we like it or not. Some examples of work are homework, chores or even work you might put into doing a sport. Some people could chose not to do homework
and instead do something they enjoy. However, not doing homework will hurt them when they have a test. I think the point of work is to help you down the road. For example, if you do not work hard in a sport at practice then you will not do well in the upcoming game. This is what I think the point of work is.
Abby Period 3

Anonymous said...

Work is something you have to do even though you don't like it. The point of work is to help you later in life. The point of avoiding work is that if you don't do work now than you might not have a good job in the future. And thats why you always have to do work.

-Molly M. Period 5

Anonymous said...

If I had a choice between doing work or having fun I would probably choose having fun first. However, I would have to remind myself that I had to get my work done because it is important for me to do work and learn everyday.

Matt B. p1

Anonymous said...

In my mind work is anything that involves physical or mental effort. So using my definition the main point of work is to live. For the people who do a lot of work and work very hard they get extra comfort, entertainment and pleasure. The point of avoiding work is that you will get less of the benefits of people who actually work. For instance if we don’t do our homework, we get bad grades, which leads to failing high school, which leads to never going to college, which leads to an uneducated generation, which leads to a non moving forward country, which leads to a poor country, which leads to another dark ages for our country, which means you suffer. But that is just my opinion.

Anna G-Period #2

Anonymous said...

Work is quite important in life and we can't really avoid it, no matter how hard we try. Though we can put it of, it will come back to us in the end. The point of work, is to help us in some way. Work may help us in the long run or in the near future. Take, for example, homework. We do homework to learn. We do it to practice and apply the things we have learned recently. Studying for a quiz you have will help you in the near future. Practicing math problems may help you for the final examine in the long run. I think people avoid work because it isn't necessarily the most enjoyable thing to do. However, there isn't really a valid reason not to do work. We go to work(as in a career)to get paid so we can support ourselves. We do homework to learn. Doing both will get you places in life while avoiding them both will only bring you trouble. Work is very important no matter which way you slice it.
Olivia B. period 3

Anonymous said...

Work is having a job or doing chores or homework to some people. Other people (like me) think work is anything you do to succeed. I believe that people avoiding work is not the best choice in most cases. Especially in school. If you don't do the work now, than you will have to do it all later in life when you don't want to. People sometimes think that not doing work is "cool" but it really isn't. So if you think you are cool because you aren't doing work in school or out of school, you really aren't what you think is cool.

Laure L. Period 2

Anonymous said...

Work is something that you should like doing, for example, doing chores to earn money for something that you want to buy or to just save up for special things. But there are several definitions of work. You do work every single day of your life. You are doing work right now when you read this because your brain is working your eyes to look over this and figure what all of this says. I'm doing work when I type, when I breathe, when I walk, when I talk, when I do everything. All of this work comes from your brain and mine too, so if you didn't have one you'd probably die (unless of course you're some weird recombinant life form that doesn't need a brain, but that would just be really weird and then I don't know how you'd be reading this). Anyway, I really don't have anything else to write because my brain has been working pretty hard to type all of this out and thinking of what I'm going to write on this blog and how I'm going to put into words. But some people don't like to do work, like trying to do your homework. Some people just neglect their home work that their teacher gave them and then they get bad grades, which get them into lower classes in high school, which makes them have bad grades, which will get them into practically no colleges, which will make them have no job, no money, and no place to go for the rest of your life so then technically... you'd be hobo. So, a message to all you people out there who don't do their work, just do your work so that you don't have to regret it in the future.

Maddy K. 3

Anonymous said...

Work is something that we have to do everyday. We will always have to do work. The point of doing work is to get something done. Almost everything we do requires some type of work. Writing an essay for school is a type of work. Taking care of your little brothers or sisters is another type of work. Some people avoid work because they don`t want to do the work. Not handing in your homework is an example of avoiding work.

Kristin R.
Period 5

Caroline said...

Work is an activity that requires effort. If you had someone to do everything for you, you would not be doing work. We do work so we can improve at it. Just like in soccer we have practice every day so when we have a game we know what we are doing. In soccer practice you have to work or you will not know what you have to do when the time comes. If you didn't work during practice and you were half asleep the whole time you would be clueless. If you avoid work you should have a reason. Your reason should be something like not knowing how to do it yet or if you needed help doing it.

People avoid work because sometimes you just don’t want to do it right then. Even though eventually you would have to do the work. Other people don’t care about their work and don’t care about what other people think of them not doing their work. It doesn’t mean they are lazy though.
They might just think that work won't do anything for them.

Caroline Leonard p.3

Anonymous said...

Work is very important. Even though it may seem worthless. But it will pay of end. Two examples are volunteering, and chores. The point of work is to help in some way.

nolan r. 3rd

Anonymous said...

I really don’t like doing work I mean who does? Well it depends if its super duper mega awesome spectacular job then yah "as Mr.Abts would say" it would be fun. Would you rather be a teacher, or a millionaire superstar baseball player? But you really can’t avoid work even if u don’t like it. If your parents say clean the bathroom or clean up the dog poop in the front yard what are you going to say no? In my shoes I can’t avoid work even if I try I just get it done so then I can play video games or play tackle football with my brother. So for me I can’t avoid it but just get it done.

Skyler .T per.3

Anonymous said...

What work is practicing something. If you play a sport you are practicing all the time. The point of work is to get better at what ever your doing. Homework is an example. In math if you are dividing you can practice it in homework. There you can make a mistake and learn from it,instead of making that mistake on a huge test. Work will also get you some place in life. If someone is avoiding work, that means that theu really don't care about that thing, and doesn't want to get better at it.

Kate p. pr.2

Anonymous said...

work is something you need to do in this world because the world revoles around money and you need something to put the food on the table.

andrew m.period 3

Anonymous said...

Work is something is that we are supposed to do and is usually important to do because it is supposed to help us with life. a example is if we do are homework correctly and get good grades we might be recommended to a college which will help us with more opinions of work and earning more money
Josh R

Anonymous said...

i think you should go to work because if you didn't you would be living by the states money.

by brandon

Anonymous said...

work is when u do something that everyone does everyday of there lives. the point of work is to do better in your lives and work hard.
genevieve per. 5

Anonymous said...

Work is something that you don't want to do but you should do it.For example, last weekend I worked at the Farmers Museum as the pooper scopper. It was not my favorite job. Alot of people made comments and at the end of Saturday and Sunday my ankles hurt. At the end of Sunday I got my first pay check. The point of doing work is to get it finished so you don't have to do it later. I think the point of avoiding work is that people don't want to do it and is that they don't care about it, they would rather do something else.

Travis T. period 2

Anonymous said...

Work is something that you do where you practice a skill you may or may not have. It can be physically challenging, mentally challenging or both. The point of work is to learn how to handle a situation in which you are getting this type of work or to get paid for doing it. The point of avoiding work is (or at least some people think) to have fun instead of doing work which isn't as fun. This doesn't work because you are eventually going to have to do it so you might as well get it out of the way.

Alex G. period 2

Anonymous said...

Most people don't want to do work; it's a simple known fact. Work is rarely something everyone wants to do, and more often than not it's something someone else asks of you. It's rarely something you get up in the mourning everyday and say "YAY I GET TO CLEAN MY ROOM". No, it just doesn't go that way. The sad truth, on the other hand, is that no matter what, work NEEDS to be done. Doing work may not be fun, but if you think about it in the future it will make something, easier or better. For instance, ya I absolutely hate cleaning my room, and it's asked of me all the time, but it does have to be done. If I never cleaned my room, and put in the work to make it look nice, I 1. probably wouldn't be able to function, and 2. I would be a mess and be living in a pigsty. If the room is clean I don't have anything to worry about. Skipping work on the other hand may seem like a good idea, but work is generally done for a reason, and maybe not right after, but definitely sometime after you skip the work that needed to be done you will get, in some form, punished; whether it be not finding your favorite shirt, or possibly worse like not getting paid, it will get you back... Kinda like Karma =).

Mallory Arthurs p. 5

Anonymous said...

I think that work is something we all need to do whether we want to or not. If we never do work then we will never be successful in life.People try to avoid work because sometimes it can be very difficult, but others also avoid easy work because they are lazy and they want to spend all of their time having fun. The point of work is to help us be successful and help us learn. Helping our parents at home and doing chores are both examples of work. We need to do them so we can learn to take care of ourselves.

Katlyn P. period 2

Anonymous said...

Work, Not fun though if you want to live a successful life you must do it. Work sometimes fun sometimes not. Homework is a type of work kids have to do. Teachers arent being mean they just want you to Learn and make sure you understand the concept. People would like to avoid work because It's too much for them or they just want to have real "Fun". Work is important even if it is hard work You should'nt give up.
Addy Lawson Per 2

Anonymous said...

Doing work is a very important thing. For example you need to do work to get things done like moving chairs etc.

Max C. 1

Anonymous said...

Work is something kids have to do everyday. Unlike adults we dont careers yet, but we still have many chores to do at home and homework. The point of kids doing work is to keep them occupied and to review things that they have learned, the point of goofing around doesnt have much of a point accept for being with your friends and making the teacher mad.

Christian Sepp. Period 2

Anonymous said...

Work is something you are given or choose. everyone does have work. And avoiding work can lead to disasters or problems.I think you should do your homework and others who dont well that is there problem. we can help these people and help ourselfs.We can all make a difference.
liz per.3

Anonymous said...

When I work it is chores it is to help me when I get a job I won't complain. sometimes I have to clean my dos pen it is nasty but at least I get new close every year.

Trentin Carentz period 1

Anonymous said...

Work is something that we have to do so we can succeed in life. You can't avoid work because you won't get anywhere in life. The point of doing work is to teach you how to fend for yourself because you won't always have your parents there with you to help you when you need it.
Olivia L. per.2

Anonymous said...

I think work is a pain and I hate doing it but I think everyone else feels the same way. But we have to do it to help out even if its as small as feeding a dog. If you don't do work as a child then you wont be used to it and will not succeed as an adult.

Peter B 1

Anonymous said...

Working is a way of life and basically every second you are doing work. Work is anything that you put effort into. Adults’ work is their jobs, but kids’ work is doing homework and studying. I think many students avoid doing homework because they think they have better things to do like playing a game or hanging out with friends. Sometimes I want to be doing those things rather than doing work but I have no choice if I want to succeed in life.

Alexandra R.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

We do work everyday.We do work becaues so we can get better at it.
work is also to help you learn from your mistacks.
-Victoria C.
per 1.

Anonymous said...

Work is an important thing, and we need to make sure we do our work. We may not want do do our homework, or clean our room but somehow doing it will help us. Homework will help us in many ways for our future. We will become better at what we are doing if we practice. Doing work will help us in our future for when we have a job, and we live in our own house. When we have our own house later in life we will want a clean house. In order to have a clean house it will require work. We will need to clean, paint, and repair it. That will require time and effort. Work might not be enjoyable, but there is always a point of doing it. There is always a reason for doing work. You will need to work in order to pay bills and buy food. In school work will effect your grade. Work is a good thing to do. It will help you later in life.

Margaret K. per.3

Anonymous said...

Work Is Somethinq Or Someone Does To Earn Or Gain Something; The Point Of Doing Work Is So You Can Learn New Things & Earn Money Or A Reward. Not Doing Work Means You Don`t Gain Anything Or Even Learn Anything. So This Is My Response On Work (:

-Abbey R. Period 5 :D

Anonymous said...

Work could be anything from a career to cleaning your room. To me, there is not one point of not doing work. I say that because for example, when you were little your parents tied you shoes for you. And then you grow up and your parents aren't around to tie your shoe for you, what do you do? Embarrass yourself by asking another person to tie your shoe for you or....? The point of doing work is so that we can do better in life and it can also help us when we get older, like when we have our own house and we have to do our laundry and make ourselves dinner.

Molly W per. 2

Anonymous said...

Work is very important because when you get older that is what is going to get you money and most of the work for us now is helping us get ready for the work. People try to avoid work because it is not the most pleasant thing you could be doing with your time but it is worth it.

Jennifer F. period 3

Anonymous said...

Work is to help you learn and get better at whatever your learning to do. Everbody knows sometimes school, and homework is'nt fun, but if you do it, it will help you slot in the long run of life, and give you opperonties. Avoding work, i think alot of people have and still do, mostly because there lazy. If you do your work and go to collage you will get a job, and get paid money, and be loaded, it will be sick. Tanner Clinton Per 3

Unknown said...

Work can be many things. Work can be physical work, where the difficulty can range from something easy, like doing yard work, to something hard, like building a stone patio. Or, work can be mental work, like in school. We come and work hard every day, but the work we do here won't give us bulging muscles, it will expand our knowledge. The point of doing work is to help us out later in life. It is not always pleasant, but if we have a good understanding of math, we have a better chance of getting a good job later in life. And if we do physical work, it will increase our strength and patients, and usually give us something to enjoy afterwords.

Sean M. Per. 1

Anonymous said...

Work is something that you do to get better at something. Work is not alway pleasent but is important if you want to improve on something. People may want to put work off because they might not want to do it at the time. They might think they can just leave it to do later, which is not a good choice. Work for kids our age is usually homeowrk and doing household chores. Work may not be fun but is very important in life.

Caroline G. Period 5

Anonymous said...

Work is someting that is not something that everyone likes. Sometimes you need to do work like homework or chores, but kids need toy do them all the time. However adults need to go to work almost every single day, they might not like it but to make a living like to feed themselves and there family plus to pay bills, they need to work.Most of the time for a job you will try to chose the one that you will have the best time at.

Carson H.
period 2

Anonymous said...

Work is something that you have to do to pretty much live.The point of work is to make a living.When you avoid work your kinda giving up on life.When you do the work it pays of in the end.


Anonymous said...

Work is very helpful for the future. If I don’t do my work know I might have to it when there is something I really want to do or see is on. It is better to get it over with then have it looming over your head. No one like to do work for very long but its easier just to do it.

Ciara M. 5

Anonymous said...

Work is something we can really depend on in life. For one thing homework, if we don't do it the night before we can get in trouble later on. Many different people try to do their work to get farther in life and that would be a choice I would make myself, although I can goof off from time to time but if I do it i will be successful. I will also not avoid any of my work due to other things that may seem more important but aren't.

Lauryn M. period 5

Anonymous said...

Work is something that you don't want to do. Work is also something that will some how help in the future. An example of work is homework. Homework is an example of work because most of the time you dont want to do it and it will help keep up your grade. The piont of doing work is again is to help you in the future. But the piont of avioding work is probablemy because you have something better to do. But there are always concequences to avioding work that will most likly hurt you in the future. That is my definition of work.

Scott Curtis Per.5

Anonymous said...

though ignored by half of the world. work is an important part of daily fact we would be living in our own waste if no one did work.That's why work is done to make life bearable.most people put off work until is to last minute.This will usually end up scrambling to finish then don't have quality work.

sorry Mr.abts i forgot to put my name Colin Wilcox 5 period

Anonymous said...

Work is something us as human beings have to do. The point of doing work is so we can get what we need, such as get food, and warmth. People avoid work because we think it is difficult or will take a long time but if we get what we need done, done than it will be a lot better than if we didn't do the work. Kim G. Period 2

Anonymous said...

Work means doing something that involves your body moving and thinking. The reason we do work is because it usually benefits us in some way. If you avoid work it will probally effect you in a bad way later on.

NOAH B. period 5

Anonymous said...

I do alot of work. And most of it i dont like. But work is part of life. And it gives you a better life

period 1

Anonymous said...

Work is something that you do almost every day. Work for kids mostly consists of chores and schoolwork. The point of work is to make everything easier, to help things function better, which helps you do better in life. However if you try to avoid work, you will regret it later on.

Hunter D.

Anonymous said...

Life is all about working. To make life liveable we have to work. To have a little fun and joy in life we have to work for it. Most want to avoid work because it usually isn't fun or easy. But after you work life will be easier.

sean m. per.3

Unknown said...

Work can help us in many ways even when we don't realize it. Homework:
u might think it dosen't help u if u already know it. it's good practice. :)

Alina B.

Anonymous said...

yea srry this is late. But anyways work is important because it pays off when your done. For example wood, you chop, split, stack, which is work but in the winter its wroth it cause you save money and helps you do better in live a little.For us its homework which hepls us understand how to do stuff thats important. These are things of doing better in life. If your going to avoid work its not worth it cause ya'll gonna do it anyway.

Christopher Schulz per 3

Anonymous said...

Work is the force and effort you put into something. It also might be classified as a chore to some people. Some people might try and avoid work but have to do it another time. The thing is that when you wait you might have plans and have to cancel them for your work you avoided. The point of doing work is helping someone out as a friend or maybe it’s a household chore. The point of avoiding work, well there really isn’t a reason.

Liz M 2

Anonymous said...

People think of work differently but I think of work as when you are actually sweating and getting the task completed. The point of work is not just to waste time like some think it is actually to get things done. If people didn’t work our country would not survive. There is no point of avoiding work. The point of work is to get things done. I will work on not complaining when I have to do work because I know it has to get done.
Noah H 3 sorry mr abts dumb computer

Anonymous said...

I think work is something that makes you think or makes you do something physically. The point of doing work is getting something done, and to learn. I dont think there is a point of avoiding work you should just get it done and out of the way.
Carmen B 2

Sorry this was late i was sick.

Anonymous said...

What work is, is somehting you do for a living or make you better at something. People that avoide work are not good at something and dont do anything. Work is a way of life. Sometimes we like it,someties we don't. Work is how we get through our day and how we get through life.
Kate p. pr. 2

P.S. Mr.Abts I did this when this was due and i'm not really sure what happened. Thanks!

Anonymous said...

Work is something that we all have to do even though we might not like it. We have to because if we did not we could not do anything fun. One thing is if we do not work hard we could not get to drive. That is what I think work is.

Maya W. per2

Michelle Z said...

Each and every person has a different definition of work. I think work is just about everything you do. Chores are one example of work. Parents make us do chores, not because they are too lazy to do them, as some of us may think. The real reason is to prepare us for our life when we are independent.This is also the point of doing work. A lot of people avoid work for a very simple reason. They feel like work is a waste of time, and think that playing games are much funner. They people that avoid work probably never thought of which one, playing games or doing work, will help them in the future.

Michelle Zhang Period 2

【I already posted a comment on this one, but I don't know why I don't see it.】

Anonymous said...

Work is something we have to do. Even though we don't like to do work it will benefit you in the long run. Kids have to do work to. We do chores and homework. People avoid work because they think that it isn’t fun. It is very important to do work.

Philip Wasson per. 5

Anonymous said...

work is when you pay attention and do all your work.

gigi m. 1

Anonymous said...

I think most of the kids my age avoid work either because it simply because it is not a fun job to do or because we are just because we are lazzzzy 7th graders :)

Demi Card

Anonymous said...

The point of doing work is to do better in life.Like if you get your homework done and do good in school it will help out for the future. People who avoid work won't do so good in life,everything will start to fall down on them. They won't get a good job, Bad grades will effect on to getting in collage. We must all do work in order to do good in life.

-Jasmine Martinez
Period 1

Unknown said...

Work is When you physicly doing somthing. As i`m typing i`m doing work. The point of doing work is to learn so you can have a nice job. The point of avoding is so you can do someting else. There`s no point in avoiding work.

connor fay period 3

Anonymous said...

Ithink that people do work because they need money and and need food and water to survive. Some times people avoid work because they are sick and do not want to go or even because they just don’t want to go Ryan M

Anonymous said...

Work is when you do something to make progress. The point of avoiding work is when you want to be lazey and goof around. sometimes its good to not do work.

Per 2. Alexie T.

Amber Brown ^.^ said...

Work is part of your everyday life. With work you can learn new skills.

Amber B.
Period 3