When I was growing up, I was fortunate enough to have parents who made me eat all kinds of different food. Even if I didn't want to try something, I had to have at least a taste. Now that I'm older I appreciate the broad array of foods and flavors to which I was exposed. Many things that I didn't like at first I ended up enjoying. If I had been given my way, I would never have taken a bite!
While I acquired a taste for many different foods, I never grew to like sweet potatoes. I think this is partly due to their texture and partly to their flavor. If they are buried under enough butter and brown sugar I can stomach sweet potatoes, but I would prefer not to have to deal with them. This makes Thanksgiving somewhat problematic because sweet potatoes are almost always a featured item. I don't want to seem rude to the person nice enough to prepare them, but I also don't want to eat them.
What is your least favorite food at Thanksgiving? Are you able to avoid having to eat any? What tricks do you use to get out of eating this food?
I do not like to eat cranberries at the thanksgiving dinner. I am able to avoid eating them. My parents and other grownups are usually talking so I manage o escape notice. If I'm required to take some I eat everything else and wait until I can get it to the garbage.
Sylvia J. 5
i dont like macrionie salad that my dad makes cause of the mayo he puts in it and cause i like potao salad compaired to it. i dont make up a lie to get out of eatting it cause my dad reaspects that i dondt like certain foods and dosent force me to eat it because he belives that eating differnt is what makes us differnt from one another and the physhical differnce
austin claeveland p5
One of my least favorite foods is cranberrie sauce. That is one of everyone's favorite foods when it comes to Thanksgiving. My parents or family don't really care if I don't eat it. I eat usually everything else on the table. There are acually a lot of foods that I don't eat at Thanksgiving. I don't eat stuffing,yams and other things. I don't have tricks on getting out of eating these foods.
Kate P. Pr.2
My least favorite food at Thanksgiving is mashed potatoes. I don't like them because I am a very pick eater. I get away without eating them by telling people that I'm not a very big fan of them but i will try them. I then guve the food to either of my parents. I also don't like any meat products because I am a vegetarian. At home for Tahnksgiving, we just get a tofurkey, or a tofu turkey.
Maddy Kramer Per. 3
my least favort food is brocaly cassoral and i fed it to my cosiens dog because he wil eat antthing this one time my sister puked and the dog came over and ate it it was discusting.
!!!!! DANIEL MARINO !!!!!
My least favorite food is the turkey. I am going to avoid the tukey because it taste really funny. I really do not see the reason of killing them. The way I escape it is that I eat a little then I "use the bathroom". I camp out in the bathroom until every body is gone. The wait is usually 1-21/2 hours.
Joseph P. Per.3
some of the things i dont like to eat is spinich, squash, and all the other groos stuff. yes im able to avoid eating that suff thankfully! the trick for me is well i have a dog u see, and she will eat ANYTHING. so what i do is i call her with out my parents knowing and she goes under the table and when my mom or dad is talking i quickily slip my plate under the table and let my dog eat it!!! ( cool trick i know right )
Matt burch P1.
My least favorite food would hve to be cranberries. To me they just are discusting. I'm the only one without cranberries at the table usualy. But my mom doesn't make me eat it thank god!!
Well to whoever reads this have a happy thanksgiving!!
JKM aprile per. 2
Turnips are the most disqusting vegetable. I don't like the texture or the bitter flavor. When I was a child I would take an extra roll from the bread basket and bury the turnips under that but my parents got wise enough to figure that one out and always watched to see if I "took one bite." Like Mr. Abts, I always had to try everything on my plate. One of my favorite techniques was the the swallow it whole and wash it down with a be slug of milk. Usually that did the trick but one Thanksgiving I took too much milk down and it came abruptly up through my nostrils and out my mouth as well. That event always comes up as a memorable topic of conversation at the table.
My least favorite food at Thanksgiving is sweet potato. yes am able to avoid having to eat any. i have no tricks to not eating it my mom just doesnt give it to me when we eat.
Elias P. Period 1
The food that I HATE the most at Thanksgiving is sweet potatoes. they are just 100% disgusting in my opinion. Even if you add lots of sugar and butter, I still think they taste bad. I think that makes it taste even worse actually. I’ve never even tried the weird red cranberry sauce stuff, that just looks non-appetizing and gross. Even though I hate sweet potatoes, I do like yams. People say they are the same thing, but I don’t think so. I thnk they are a lot better. Also, my mom always makes zuccini, outside of Thanksgiving also, and she makes me try them every single time we have them and no matter what it will never change, I’ m never going to like zuccini!!!!!! But yeah, anyways, my least favorite food is sweet potatoes. They are nasty.
Emmy D. period 2
Even though Thanksgiving is the holiday for eating, I don’t enjoy the yams or the cranberry sauce. I am able to get around eating these foods but I don’t. I have tricks to get around eating this food but I choose to eat the food instead. I think it is good for me to eat the food so I don’t only eat a few foods when I’m older. Some other foods I don’t enjoy are the vegetables but I eat them anyway. Some foods I develop a taste for, an example would be squash. I used to hate squash anyway it was cooked; it made me want to barf. Now I like squash and I could eat a whole plate. I think people should eat things they don’t like and try new things even if they sound gross.
Noah H Period 3
On thanksgiving my least favorite food is sweet potatoes. I don’t like these because the taste of them just makes me just want to throw them out in the garbage. Some of my tricks of getting around of eating sweet potatoes is 1: feeding it to my dog, 2 just don’t put the food I like on my dish which I normally do. My favorite food on thanksgiving morning is Noah’s mom’s pancakes because sometimes I have thanksgiving with Noah’s family and the pancakes Noah’s mom makes are filled with happiness and love. I don’t really like when Noah’s mom makes homemade blueberry waffles I don’t know why I don’t like them I think it’s because there homemade. I also get around eating this because I just say im saving room for tonight for the thanksgiving dinner.
Max Clinton p. 1
I really dont like stuffing but i eat it anyways because it would be rude to not eat it. to get around it I tell my parents im full.
Raymond Cabrera
Period 1
Normally my grandpa prepares the food, and when doing so he tries to prepare the foods that in prior years have been a hit. One thing most of my family LOVES and I do not agree with are mashed potatoes. In general the only kind of potatoes I like are French fries, and twice baked, and sometimes scalloped potatoes, so when it comes to mashed they just taste dry and bland. It’s not hard, however, to get around them. I normally just take a couple of spoonfuls and smother them with some delicious gravy! Other times when the gravy isn’t as delectable I just neglect the mashed potatoes completely. Luckily, what I don’t like in potatoes my sister makes up for. "More for me" my grandpa almost always says at least three times EVERY Thanksgiving. My family makes a lot of food for Thanksgiving, though, so in my mind, not eating the mashed potatoes equals more room for dessert!
Mallory Arthurs Period 5
I don't realy have a least favorite food at Thanksgiving and if I did I would just eat it any way. The way I would get out of eating it was to not dish it out on my plate
Trentin C 1
My least favorite food at Thanksgiving is turkey. This is a problem for me because that is almost always the main dish at a Thanksgiving meal. I usually cannot avoid eating turkey so I take a very little portion and coat it in gravy.
Abby L. Period 3
My least favorite food to eat at Thanksgiving is stuffing.Most of the time, I am able to avoid eating it but at some Thanksgivings my dad makes me eat it. The tricks I use to not eating stuffing is to fill my plate with other stuff and not have room for stuffing.
Molly M. Period 5
My least favorite foods at Thanksgiving are a tie between turkey, cranberry relish, and mashed potatoes. Since I don’t like but don’t dislike turkey, cranberry relish, and mashed potatoes I just take a little of them and eat them up. If people ask why I didn’t have much turkey I tell them I had a lot of other stuff and am not hungry, or I just end up letting them give me more and having to eat it. But most of the time I am with all of my relatives nobody notices, or at least they don't say anything.
Anna G.
Period 2
My least favorite food at Thanksgiving time is the green bean casserole. I’ll eat raw green beans but not cooked in any way, and the same for any other vegetables. Normally I don’t have to eat it because my parents don’t really noticed when I pass it by when it goes around the table. They have tried to get me to eat it sometimes but I just ignored them and passed the dish.
Liz Millea
I don't have many foods that I dislike. But if I had to chose one it would be sweet potatoes. When I have Thanksgiving we don't have to the foods we dont like so that is how I get out of eating sweet potatoes.
Jennifer Flynn
Period 3
I am a very picky eater but the food I like the least would have to is the stuffing. My family knows that I am a picky eater so when they ask me if I want anything and I say no there is no harm done. My tip would be to be the one asking people if they want anything so they would have to assume if you wanted to have something you would of got it already.
J. Nicholson Per.2
My least favorite food at Thanksgiving is stuffing. A lot of people seem to enjoy stuffing, and eat plenty of it. I'm able to avoid eating stuffing because it helps that my dad doesn't enjoy stuffing all that much either. Another trick I use to getting out of eating stuffing is by saying that it's not all that healthy for you (lots of carbs), and that I (am in general), not a picky eater at all. It is hard not to like stuffing because stuffing is one of my cousin's favorite Thanksgiving foods, and in general, most people pile their plate with it.
Margie K. per.3
I highly agree with you Mr. Abpts sweet potatoes are gross! But of course no matter how much I argue with my mom she always makes me eat a little bit. Somtimes when theres no way I'm going to be able to eat it I just hide it in my napkin and throw it away later with the rest of my garbage.
Scott Segit, period 1
At my Thanksgiving meal, green beans are always served. I never have liked green beans, but I try to be polite and eat them. I usually just gulp them down, and try to smile.
Kristin R.
Period 5
Most of the traditional foods prepared at Thanksgiving I love. However, there are a couple foods that I just don't enjoy. I really am not a huge fan of stuffing. I believe that it has something to do with there texture and consistency. Also, my family always prepares oysters as part of the Thanksgiving Day spread (being from New England). We have a special way to use the liquid that is left over after preparing the oysters. This "sauce" is then mixed in with...yes, the stuffing. Ironically, I don't like oysters either. Oysters are too slimy and taste too strongly. So, it is only logical that I don't like the stuffing at the Thanksgiving meal (or the oysters). I usually don't have to eat any because it is well known to my family that I dislike these food items. When I do have to eat them I usually try to surround the stuffing with turkey, or some other type of food to mask the flavor of it. I then try to eat it as quickly as possible. As for the oysters, surrounding them with other foods would, in my opinion, make them taste even worse. Instead, I simply try to eat each of them as quickly as possible, without chewing, just swallowing. These are my Thanksgiving meal evasive tactics and hopefully they will work for another year.
Olivia Baker
Period 3
My least favorite food is cranberry sause at the thanksgiving meal. When my parents are not looking I give it to my cat. They like it.
Chantel Huntington Period 5
My Least Favorite Food On Thanksgiving Is Jello & Cottage Cheese Salade It`s Gross >.< I Am Able To Avoid It At Thanksgiving But I Have A Little Helping Just To Be Nice; My Tricks Of Not Eating It IS To Put It On My Mom`s Or Step Dad`s Plate When They're Not Look Or Another Thing I Do Is Give It To My Dog (: He Enjoy's It xD But Yes This Is What I Hate On Thanksgiving (:
-Period 5
My least favorite food at thanksgiving is suffing the my aunt makes. At the table my cousians ask if I want any I always say no, but then they put a big guilt trip on me, so I only take a little bit and put some on my hand when no one's looking and feed it to the dog. I also don't like pie. I always haven't likeed pie and never will. Everyone knows I don't like pie so they don't bother to ask me.
-Jasmine Martinez Period:1
My least favorite food to eat at Thanksgiving is cranberry sauce. I am able to avoid it easily. To get out of eating this food I do not order it at my uncle's restraunt.
Caroline Leonard Period 3
My least favorite food on thanksgiving is cranberry sauce. Personally the new dish that my family is making is off a cooking show called "Southern Sweet Potatoe Casserole", it makes me loose my taste buds. But, I'll try it just to see if it is really gross. I get out of eating things because the dishes are passed around and if i dont like something i just pass the bowl to the next person. its Really simple to me. I love Thanksgiving!
Amber B. =^.^=
Period 3.
At thanksgiving, my family prepares many different kinds of food. There are some foods that are just delicious, and others, not so much. My mother usually makes sweet potatoes, which I can’t stand, because they’re very sickly sweet. I have to take them to be polite, and my trick is to get a small amount, wait a while, and then spread them out on my plate so it looks like I ate most of it.
Sean Mebust, Period 3
My least favorite food on thanksgiving is green peas. I think i dont like them because they have and interesting taste that I do not think is amazing. To get around this i either feed it to the dog or tell my parents that I am not going to eat that.
Christian Sepp Period 2
I personally don't like like any part about Thanksgiving. The food tastes really bad to me. I dislike the sweet potatoes, chicken, and every other thing at thanksgiving. I also have to drive all the way to Long Island to see my relatives. Then I have to sleep in a gross basement for three days. If I was to pick a least favorite food it would have to be my aunt's egg casserole it tastes horrible. I really have no trick to cover up its bad flavor but I will usually just not eat it.
August S. period 1
A food that I hate the most on Thanksgiving day is mostly cranberry sauce. I hate everything about, it just looks so gross to me. All I really eat is turkey and a roll with butter, and maybe something for desert. I usally tell my parents that I am stuffed and bring it inside so that when no one is looking I throw it all out.
My least favorite food on thanksgiving is stufing im not sure why I don’t like it its just not good to me. I can get away with not eating it sometimes by just not putting it on my plate or putting it on my plate but just not eating sometimes.
Carmen Booan 2
Usually when I go over to my grandma's house she pulls out her favorite snack... green beans. I really don't like green beans so I have my brother eat all them. He really loves them so he eats all of them.
Sean Miller pre 2.
my least favorite food to eat at thanksgiving would be brosulsprouts. i hate them and I dont have to get out of it because my mom never makes me eat it.:)
Alexie T'Souvas per.2
The food i dont like is cranberry sauce. i ussaly can avoid it. My trick is I ussaly go to my aunts for thanksgiving. She has two dogs so i feed it to them under the table.
My least favorite thanksgiving food is the mashed potatoes. I don't like them at all even with butter or salt. I am a very picky eater and I only actually eat the salad, turkey and the roles. I am able to get away from eating the potatoes because the adults in my extended family are usually talking with eachother and us kids eat in another room.
Caroline Gozigian
Period 5
My least favorite food on Thanksgiving is the stuffing.Yes I am able to avoid eating it.If someone tells me to take some, I will just walk to different food or start talking about something else.
Alex Quayle per.5
At Thanksgiving, my family doesn't eat what normal Americans would on Thankgiving, such as turkey. At Thankgiving we eat火锅.[huoguo] It is a pot with many different types of seafood in it. My least favorite food would be the noodles since I eat them quite often at my house. There are various way that I use to avoid eating it, but they normally know what I want and don't want. A trick that I use is distraction. Not like there isn't enough already. When they are distracted I give the food to someone else, sometimes it is my brother or uncle.
Michelle Zhang Period 2
I don`t like cranberry sauce. I don`t like the texture or the flavor. I think its to sweet. I usually I just don`t take any. We just put the stuff on the table and after were done taking something we pass it onto the next person who wants it.Occasionally I will take because I don`t want to be rude.
My least favorite food at Thanksgiving is yams. I usually don't attempt to eat it intill I am finished with the rest of my food. I take not much of it. If I fell like eating them I will but If I don't I will just say that I am full.
Travis T. Period 2
I know this might sound weird, but on Thanksgiving I can't stand turkey. I am not a vegitarian but the food just disgusts me. Everyone in my family knows it so they are okay with me not eating it. Last year I tried a piece just to see if my appetite changed, but it didn't. I don't like the texture and I don't like how it feels when I chew it. No one in my family forces me to eat it so I don't have to get out of it. I don't ever think I will like this food.
Lauren L. Period 2
This an additional comment for many people in 7th Grade.
WHY DO Y'ALL HATE CRANBERRY SAUCE?! Not to offend anybody though! Have a Happy Thanksgiving tomorrow! Hope it's the best!
Lauren Lionetti
I love Thanksgiving meal, it’s a wonderful time when my family comes together and spends time together. I enjoy Thanksgiving meal very much; my favorite foods to eat are turkey, mashed potatoes, stuffing, and gravy. Everything I eat is delicious but I tend to stay away from the sweet potatoes. I’m not forced to eat the sweet potatoes, and if am handed them I just say no thanks and give them to the next person.
Alexandra R.
Period 2
I do not have any foods that I really do not like in the Thanksgiving dinner. Everything that is served I like, but out of the whole meal turkey is my least favorite because it is less flavorful than all the other foods and sometimes a little dry. I am not able to avoid eating it because it is the most important part of the whole meal and I don't really hate it. A trick I use to not eat much of it, is to pile all the other foods on my plate when we get our first serving so I am too full when we can get seconds.
Alex G. period 2
My least favorite foods during Thanksgiving is either cranberry sauce or squash or green beans. I am for the most part able to avoid them. Some times my grndma makes me eat the squash. The way I avoid eating the other thngs is I take a lot of the other things and say I will try it but by then the grown ups are bussy talking that they forget.
Maya W. Periond 2
I don't like eating cranberries sauce at thanksgiving. I usually able to avoid eating cranberries because my mom doesn’t like them so she doesn’t force me to eat them. My dad doesn’t force me either. If they make me take something that I don’t like I act like I am getting another serving and through away the food that I don’t like.
Philip Wasson
per. 5
There are not many bad things at Thanksgiving, but I don't like squash. I am indeed able to avoid the squash. The way I am able to avoid it is having extra sweet potatoes.
Scott Curtis Per.5
My least favorite food has to be oysters. Also there is where you have to sit. In my family you have to choose carefully because there are some pushy members who want you to take everything. Which is almost always impossible. I don’t have many “tricks” to get out of eating them as long as I sit near the right people.
liz olmstead per.3
I am a very picky eater. One food that I dislike is sweet potatoes. For Thanksgiving, we always go to my Grandma's house for dinner and somebody always brings sweet potatoes. I always make sure that I have alot of stuff on my plate before my grandmother offers me some. When she does I say that I already have alot on my plate to eat and that I would hate to waste such good for that everyone has prepared. I also say that if I am still hungry I will try some. I also don't like stuffing and I avouid eating it the same way.
Katlyn P. Period 2
At Thanksgiving, my family and I go to Chinatown. I don't have a least favorite food because they let me choose what we will eat for the meal. We eat various foods. If I had to get out of eating something, I would just distract them. This is very easy for me since I am always the distraction of my house. When they are distracted I would just take the food and give it to my brother.
Michelle Zhang Period 2
【BTW: I already commented on this post. I don't know if you recieved it or not but I recieved the green message.】
My least favorite food to eat at Thanksgiving is stuffing. Yes I am able to avoid eationg stuffing. I don't have to use any tricks to get out of eating stuffing because in my family you get to pick what you do and do not want to eat on Thanksgiving.
Noah Briggs Perid 5
I dont like mashed potatos. I dont need to aviod eating them, I mean my parents cant force me ot eat somthing I dont want to eat.
Bella C
My least favorite food on Thanksgiving is the Brussel Sprouts. I HATE Brussel Sprouts! I can avoid them becuase there is other food that I can eat.A trick that I use is that I sit the farthest away from them so that they are usually all gone by the time they get to me and if they are not all gone I just give them to the next person.
Olivia L. Per.2
My least favorite food on thanksgiving is green beans. I usally avoid them by feeding them to my dog without bein noticed.
christopher schulz per.3
I myself have never really enjoyed broccoli on thanksgiving. But the thing is I usually love broccoli but on thanksgiving I don't. The reason is I only like broccoli with butter on it but on thanksgiving nobody bothers to put butter on it. I get through this by eating everything else first then I only eat the stems.
Hunter D 5th period
My least favorite food is stuffing, I don't have to eat them because all the different types of food we have I can just eat something else. If I don't want the food I just don't take it because I know different people have dofferent taste and I would be insulted if someone didn't want what I was making.
Ciara 5
My least favorite food on the thanksgiving table is probably squash. Unfortunately, I am not able to avoid eating this food.Year after year, I try to avoid eating squash. Each year I am unsuccessful.
Colin Wilcox p.5
I do not like desserts but my grandmother makes me eat it. i absolutly hate cherry pie it taste bad. andrew. m
3rd period
My least faviorte food at thanksgiving is stuffing.And yes I do get away with not eating Ill just say no thank you but thanks for the offer.
Alex Janitz
I hate stuffing because it looks like puke. I avoid eating it by saying I dont like it and I refuse to eat it.
C.CARR per.5
One of my least favorite foods is cranberrie sauce. I can aviod by saying not thank you and i just pass it on.
Wade Stahl
Period 3
My least favorite food is turkey stuffing just because it reminds me of vomet. I am able to talk myself out of it but I always at least try it cause I dont think you should be wasteful or after someone makes a nice meal.
Some of my least favorite foods at Thanks giving are; stuffing, gravy, sweet potatoes, the dark meat of the turkey(I'm not sure what the dark meat is called), beans, squash, and many more, but I don’t have time to list them all so I'll leave it at that. I am able to avoid having to eat any because my mom doesn't "check" my food to see what I ate and what I didn't. Some food tricks I use to get out of eating this food are throwing out the food, wait until my mom goes somewhere if I think she will say something, or just stay at the table until everyone else throws away the rest of their food.
Kim Gertz, period 2
My least favorite food at Thanksgiving is stuffing. I am able to not eat anything i dont want. I don’t have any tricks because we get to choose what we want.HE Isn’t Ohio State Great?
nolan r. 3rd
My least favorite food at thanksgiving is crandberry suace,and just tell my parnts i dont like and they say ok.but if they make me take some then i just wait and when no ones looking i put it back
One of the things at the thanks giving dinner table is yams personaly i'v never tasted them but sence i don't like sweat potatos i havet trid yams.
PER 1ST [:p
My least favorite food on thanksgiving is green peas. I think I don't like them because they have and interesting taste that I do not think is amazing. To get around this I either feed it to the dog or tell my parents that I am not going to eat that.
Christian Sepp Period 2
I don't like to eat asperagus on thanksgiving. I have always been able to sneak out of having to eat them by taking a lot of another veggie like green beans or peas. I find the texture of the asperagus alone quite repulsive.
Michael k. Per. 3
my least favorite at thanfgiving is greenbeans and potao salad,
stuffing, spinach, squash and the grownup talk when all the kids clean up
tina wellman
ah thanksgiving a great time of year, my mom is a great cook and i most often like all of her cooking but i am not a fan of the green bean caseral it makes me want to barf..my mom always makes me try it but i always seem to get out of eatting it because my grandmother enjoys ot very much so i just slide it on her plate when mom isn't looking
MacGuire B. period 5
my least favorute food at thanks giving dinner would have to be turkey. honestly i dont like the taste of it and would never eat it so my grandparents just ended up making me a honey ham everytime they made a turkey and i LOVE it!
-genevieve per. 5
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