Monday, November 8, 2010


Calvin seems to be voicing an interesting opinion about the purpose of intricate and jargon-filled writing. What is he actually saying? Do you agree with him? Why or why not?

You should click on the comic to get a version of it that is large enough to read clearly.


Anonymous said...

I agree with him because writing assigments are not always fun but practing writing and reading can help. Practice makes perfect, so when you read and write you get better.

Tanner C
per 3

Anonymous said...

Calvin is actually saying that writting may not always be fun but if you understand it is a lot more fun. When you are practice you get so much better and you understand the concept. Yes I agree with him because I have learned from experience.

Liz Millea
Period 2

Anonymous said...

He is saying that writing can be fun and express things a lot more clearly. I do not agree because i hate writing.

Alex Quayle per.5

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that the purpose of writing is to inhibit clarity, inflate weak ideas, and obscure poor reasoning. He says that with a little practice, writing can be well-written. I agree with him. Writing is important because we will use it every day and without it, we wouldn`t be able to do a lot of things.

Kristin R.
Period 5

Unknown said...

Kalvin is saying that he thinks writing is supposed to be confusing. He wants to use very large words to make it seem like he is intelligent. I don’t agree with him, because if the person reading your writing knows longer and more complicated words than you, his strategy won’t work.

Sean Mebust Period 3

Anonymous said...

I agree with him because its not always easy to write assigments but if you practice you will get better


Anonymous said...

Calvin is trying to tell what he thinks is that he likes his book report but before he didn't.I agree with Calvin because I think book reports can sometimes be fun and sometimes they are boring.

August Stegman period 1

Gigi Malvasi said...

i agree because there not fun but some of us need practice.


Anonymous said...

Clavin is saying that writing helps you inflate weak ideas and that writing is enjoyable if you take the time to write and find it enjoyable. I agree with him because in some piont in your life, you will come upon something you don't like but if you keep on doing the thing you don't like, you will eventully like it. (Ex. homework)
Molly M. Period 5


I think that Calvin is saying that he really doesn't want to do the assignment but he is determined to do them in the strangest way possible. I agree with him because writing assignments are not my favorite thing n the world but they allow me to express myself when i want to.

Maddy Kramer
Period 3

P.S.- I really like Calvin and Hobbes. Where did you find it!!!???

Anonymous said...

Calvin is actuly saing that a little practice never herts and you can allways get better at it. Yes i do agree with him. I agree with him because i have done tha befor for example studying allways helps.

Alexie T PER2

Anonymous said...

Calvin is trying to get across the idea that writing can be fun. He is saying that if you make words more complex and detailed, it makes writing even better. I think Calvin is absolutely right because kids should learn how to write correctly with details. Writing skills will help kids succeed in life because you use writing skills every day.

Alexandra R.

Period 2

Anonymous said...

I agree with him because when you write you are making a topic that is not so fun, fun. If you stretch out the sentence and try to make if appeal more to the reader than the reader will be more interested in the article. like the tiger said in the beginning writing isn't always fun, if you practice write then you will become better at it and once you do writing will not be hard so you wont really mind writing a few paragraphs for school or a news paper. There is a saying that says "practice makes perfect". Although your writing may not be perfect it will become better in time you just have to keep with it.

Josh N. Per. 2

Anonymous said...

i agree with him because writing assigments are sometime fun and not fun but practing writing and reading can help you and it can make you better that it

tina wellman
per 1

Daniel Marino said...

I belive that because if you don't know how to write you will never know how to wite anything so then you would never be able to write on your working papers.

DANIEL MARINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Matt Burch said...

I agree with him because you can learn to like writing assignments or you can choose not to learn, but I think that writing assignments is kind of fun.

Anonymous said...

I agree with him because writing isn't always fun, but if you pratice more mabey you could start to see writing could be easier and more fun.

- Jasmine Martinez
Period 1

Anonymous said...

I agree with him because asignments are not fun but studying and rewriteing can be a big help on quizes or tests.

andrew m. period 3

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that reading and writting is not always fun but if you practice at it and read more often you will get better and better. I do agree with him becasue writting isn't always that fun for me but when I practice and my errors are corrected I get better.

Emmy Dolan Period 2

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that writing canbe fun or not fun. It is pretty much your choice to decide. If you chose to do the writing well and you have a enthusiastic atitude toward it then it will be more enjoyable than if you have a negative atitude toward the project. I do agree with Calvin

Elijah Sandler per. 2

Anonymous said...

He is saying that through writing many things can become clearer to you. Weak becomes strong, fuzzy becomes clear. I agree with him a little. You have to be a natural or very experienced writer to write like he is talking about. There are many good writers in the world that can do that.

Sylvia J. 5

Anonymous said...

I agree with Calvin because i do not like writting.

Raymond Cabrera period 1

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that writing is not always fun but if you understaand it than it can be better. I dont agree on this because i think what makes writting fun is what you are writting about.

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that writing assignments are not always fun but if can understand it then it can be more fun. I agree with him.

Anonymous said...

no name is mine
Alina Bischof p.1

Anonymous said...

He is talking about the nature of a childs mind and how they might not understand until they understand. I agree because I like writing.


Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that writing is not always fun but if you practice and no how to do it it could become fun. I agree with him because I don't like to write but if I learn how I might like to.

Maya W. Per 2

Anonymous said...

i agree with calvin because sometimes witing is not allways fun but when you practice things you will eventually get better like in my case basket ball in 4th grade i was not very good but i knew what i was doing and coach said practice practice and you will become a better player and now i feel like i am not the best player but a halve decent one.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Calvin because if you can think of assigments in a possitive way than it would be way more fun than if you went at it with a neggative attitude.

Scott Segit
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that if he fills his work with large, complicated words and phrases it makes his work seem like it has more substance when in fact it does not. I do not agree with him because I think work should be clear and concise.
Noah H Period 3

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that the more you write the more it will be easier. He also said that at first when he started writing he did not like it, but now he likes it. He said that it helps inflate ideas. I agree with him because writing does make you more creative. Also some things are fun to write about if you like that topic. And then you will be a better writer.

Travis T. Period 2

Anonymous said...

i agree because i to do not like writing assigments but i know that if i dont practice i will never get better than i am now. But when you actualy understand how to do some english stuff it aint so bad. It doesnt hurt to practice.

christopher schulz per.3

Anonymous said...

I think Calvin is saying that writing wasn’t fun for him until he understood the components of it. I agree with Calvin because I think writing is important. It is important because we have to use writing every day and when you have good writing you can get father in life.

Philip Wasson
per. 5

Anonymous said...

I agree with Calvin because, if you don't understand what you are writing about, then it's not so fun. If you enjoy and understand what you are writing about you will enjoy it and go farther then you really need to. I feel this way sometimes too. If I don't understand what I am writing about, then I won't enjoy and maybe not do as well.

Kate Preston Pr.2

sepakugi said...

I agree with Calvin because sometimes it is very hard to think of something to write for your assignments and you get really frustrated and you just don't want to do the writing. But if you practice your writing skills you will get better and more ideas probably will pop up in your head and therefore you will be a better writer.

Christian Sepp Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think Calvin is saying that intricate writing is detailed and uses complicated words but it makes sense, whereas jargon writing uses random words and phrases. I think Calvin was just using long words that did not make sense, so it seemed like he knew a lot. I do not really agree with his strategy because his teacher will be able to see right through him.
Abby LeCates Period 3

Anonymous said...

I agree with calvin, and in many ways writing does all the the things calvin said and more. I belive that calvin is saying that writing gets easier the more you practice it.

Anonymous said...

I think what Calvin is saying is he used to hate writing assignments but now he likes them because he is good at them, because he practiced. But I think that he is pretty much faking because he has gotten good at making it seem like he is a good writer, but actually he is just confusing the reader. I do not agree with Calvin that the purpose of writing is to inflate weak ideas, obscure poor reasoning, and inhibit clarity, because that is not why people write, that’s certainly not why I am writing right now. But I do agree with Calvin that with a little practice writing can be an intimidating and impenetrable fog, because with a little practice you can be good at almost anything.
Anna G.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

Calvin is actually saying that writing isn't fun at first, but with a little practice, it can be impassable, and that writing actually has a purpose to it. I agree with him, because with practice things get easier, and more understandable. The thing you practice may even become something you enjoy, just like Calvin!

Margaret K. per.3

Anonymous said...

I think what Calvin is saying is that everything you do in life won't always be easy. I agree with him though because practicing can help get better at something you really want to do.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Calvin because writing assignments are very boring but being able to read and write are very important things in life. If you practice things they become easier. So if you practice reading and writing they will get easier to do.
Olivia L per.2

Anonymous said...

I agree because writing can be very, very boring and to tell you what I really dont like reading but you have to do it some times,it helps.

S. Taylor

Anonymous said...

I think that Calvin is trying to say that he doesn't enjoy
writing but he tries to make his work as strong as possible.
I think he is also trying to say that with some practice you will improve and with improvment
you might enjoy writing better. I do agree with Calvin because I do not like writing but as I have improved it has become easier which makes it more enjoyable.

Caroline Gozigian Period 5

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that writting stories may not always be fun but with a little practice you can make great stories from weak ideas. If you practice writting stories, it might become more fun to do. I agree because writing assignments may not be the most fun thing to do but writing is important and without it we wouldn't be able to do alot of the stuff we do today.
Noah Briggs
Preiod 5

Anonymous said...

I think that Calvin is saying that people can and are using complicated writing to force weak opinions on people, stop them from thinking clearly and make them only believe the person who is writing. I agree with him because many people will make their writing confusing and intricate to press their poor opinions on people. You will sometimes see people doing their articles this way in newspapers. Some people also make propaganda by doing this. Calvin has made a very true insight in this cartoon.

Anonymous said...

I agree with him because writting things are not fun.

Anonymous said...

i agree with him because if you practice your writing skills you will become a better writer. i also agree with him because sometimes writing assigments arent so much fun but whe nyou get good at them you can becoem better and it will go by faster and be much funner!

max c p.1

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that it is not always fun to write assignments down I agree with him but if you practice it will help you.

Jennifer Flynn Period 3

Anonymous said...

i do not no what that means. so i have to disagree. i have to becuase i dont know what it means. i do know that calvin and hobbes is stupid. calvin is especilly lame. hobbes should be thrown in a valcano. the auther should be thrown in jail it is so lame. garfield is way better than loser and loser
(calvin) (hobbes)

nolan r. 3rd

Bella Carrascoso said...

What Calvin is trying to say is the purpose of writing is to cover up the fact that you don't have an idea with gig impressive words. No i don't agree with him.

KATLYN =) said...

I am not completely sure what Calvin is trying to say, but I think he is sayng that he used to not like writing assignments because he thought they were boring, but he has done so many that he has grown to like them. He also thinks using long words make you seem intellegent. I agree with Calvin that if you do something alot you will eventually grow to like it or be okay with it. For example, no offense, I used to dislike doing blog comments, but now I do not mind them and sometimes enjoy them. I also agree that using long and complicated words can sometimes mke you seem intellegent, but sometimes it can also make you seem dumb and seem like you have no clue what you are talking about.

Katlyn P. Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think that Calvin is trying to say that writing can be very fun and if you use big words it will make you sound intelligent. I disagree with him and also agree with him. I think that he is right, writing can be fun and you can become good at writing with practice and learn to enjoy it. I disagree with the theory that using big words will make you sound intelligent. If the person you are reading to knows the meaning of the words, then it will probably not make sense, and they will see through your "trick". If they don't know the meanings, they will still be confused and end up not paying attention.

Olivia Baker period 3

Michelle Zhang said...

I agree with Calvin because writing may not be fun, but the more you practice something, the better you will get at it. Some people may like writing, those people normally understand it more than those who don't like to write. Practicing a skill that you have not yet mastered is always a good idea.

Michelle Zhang Period 2

Anonymous said...

What calvin was saying is writing my not always, be fun but it you keep woking at it, it will come a lot easier to you. I do agree with this concept.

Kim Gertz period 2

Anonymous said...

I think he is saying that if you understand writeing then it can be as fun as you want it to be. he is sayins if you write a lot you wiil get better and learn more so yea i agree with him.

Carmen Booan 2

Anonymous said...

Calvin is saying that writing is not always fun, but if you practice and understand it better than it can be fun. He is also saying if you make your writing more interesting than it can be more fun. I partly agree with him because if you make your writing more interesting than it will be more fun but it also depends on what you are writing about.
Ciara M. 5

Anonymous said...

No I do not agree because the purpose of writing is not to increase weak ideas.

Hunnter D

Anonymous said...

Calvin is actually saying that writting may not always be fun but if you understand it is a lot more fun. When you are practice you get better and you understand the concept. Yes I agree with him.

Wade stahl
period 3

Anonymous said...

I agree with Calvin because writing assignments aren't always fun but if you work hard you can get a good grade and you can actually have fun coming up with ideas.

Lauren L. Period 2

Anonymous said...

Writing assignments can be so borig!And you can make alot of mistakes,but if you keep on doing them you will get better.

jkm aprile

Anonymous said...

I agree with him because it may not always be easy or fun to write assigments but it will deffitaly help in the long run
Josh Rumberger Per 2

Anonymous said...

I dont agree with calvin I have always loved doing writing asinments. Granted that it is a fun one and isnt about something stupid!

C.CARR per.5

Anonymous said...

What Calvin is trying to say, is if you actually know what you are talking about writing can be a lot more fun and even sometimes... enjoyable! But, if you don't enjoy what you're doing or what you're talking about, or you have no clue what you're saying, chances are you're not going to enjoy it. That's what I think Calvin is trying to say, and I would have to agree with him.
Mallory Arthurs Period 5

Anonymous said...

I agree because writing assignments will never be fun at all. If you read and write you more you will get better

nolan r. 3rd

Caroline Leonard said...

I agree with him because writing isn't fun all the time but after a while you can start to like it. Also if you are not a very good writer, after a bit of writing you will certainly improve.

Caroline Leonard per. 3

Anonymous said...

I agree with Calvin writing can be boring sometimes. But there are ways to enjoy writing as long as you know what your writing about. Once you do you can write anything. But you might want to write something worth reading ;)
liz olmstead per.3

Caroline Leonard said...

I agree with him because writing isn't fun all the time but after a while you can start to like it. Also if you are not a very good writer, after a bit of writing you will certainly improve.

Caroline Leonard per. 3

Anonymous said...

I agree with calvin because i particuarly do not like writing assiginments. Btt if you make the writing humorus than iy will be more fun for you.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Calvin. Writing assignments are basically practice. If you practice you will be very good at it, and maybe you will think its more fun than a chore.

Amber B.
Period 3

Anonymous said...

I agree with Calvin because writing can make you better by practicing. Not all writting assignments can be fun, but it depends on how you do them. Even though it might not be fun its important to try your best and work hard to be successful.

!Lauryn Makofske! period 5

Anonymous said...

the comic is talking about two people. In which one person is talking about how he used to hate writing assingments but now he enjoys them.I think this is trying to enlighten the prospective on us the coopersotwn central middle schoolers about how writing can be enjoyable and to work the hardest you possible can on all your writing assingments

Anonymous said...

I think he likes writing but didn't always. In the first frame he says he used to hate writing but he now doesn't mind it. I have always loved writing assignments and will always love them.
Sean Miller per 2