Click on the picture of Tom Hale to read about him and the arguably tragic end to his life. What two characters in The Outsiders have the most in common with Tom? What similarities do they share?
In the story of this life it relates to ponyboy and darry. It relates to darry because darry likes to play football and and is deterined to have a family. It relates to pony boy also because ponyboy is deterined to smoke even if his brother told him not to. They relate to the football player because they both like football, also the football player is deermined to do heavy drugs so he is deterined to do somthing like ponyboy and darry.
I think the two people in the Outsiders that Tom remind me the most of are Bob and Dally. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob was addicted to alcohol just like Tom was addicted to painkillers. He also reminds me of Tom because Cherry wanted Bob to stop drinking. Eventually Cherry said, “it is me or the beer” even though she still loved him. That is what Tom's wife told him too. They both also had a different personality when there was a substance in their system. Tom reminds me of Dally because Dally's way of dealing with being a greaser was to be tough and cold. This reminds me of Tom because Tom's way of dealing with his head injury was to become addicted to cocaine and painkiller. Abby L. Per.3
The two characters in the outsiders that are most like the people in the article are Jhonny and Ponyboy.Tom hale is like Jhonny because he did something that caused him to have to leave his family.Ponyboy is like the wife because he's trying to help Jhonny.
i think it was very tragic that he died. To me he reminds me of Johnny and soda pop. he reminds me of Johnny because he had the same traits as Johnny. he reminds me of dally because he persevered for his goal no matter what
the two chaaracter that are in common are ponyboby and darry.ponyboy is doing something that his borthers told him not to. darry played football and he like to play football.the football player love football and doing drugs and football just like ponyboy and darry
This story is like when ponyboy were playing football and then he killed bob and so they had to run from the law and they stayed in a old church and they lived there. so they left on eday and came back and it was on fire and some kids got in there and they went in there to save them and the fire got Khoony and he was at the hospital and 1 month later and he died of the injerys that he had. so that is how the stores are the same.
well i can onestly say that story is just about the saddest story i have every read it made me cry a little. The tow chacters in the Outsiders that are common with tom is is johnny and ponnyboy. Because ponyboy is kind of like tom's wife, and johhny is like in toms position only tom was overdosed with pain killers, and johnny had a church collapse on him. it is sad because tom had a wife, and three children, not only that but he ded at the age of 45. i glad Mr. Abts posted this blog because it is a valuable lesson that tells kids DON'T DO DRUGS!
I think the two people in the Outsiders that Tom Hale remind me of are Bob and Dally. The reason I think that Bob and Dally are the same as Tom Hale is that Bob and Dally were addicted to alcohol. Tom hale was addicted to piankills. So both of thoes characters in book remind me of reading Tom Hale's Story about him changing.
Tom reminds me of Bob and Dally. He reminds me of Bob because of his addiction to cocaine and painkillers. Bob was addicted to alcohol, and Cherry wanted him to stop, and Tom was addicted to painkillers, and his wife told him to stop. Eventually, Tom’s wife left him, just like Cherry left Bob, because of his addiction. He reminds me of Dally because of his hard outlook on the world. He seems to be the kind of person who has, as they say in the book, hardened over time. Sean Mebust, Period 3
The football player reminds me of jonny because in the story jonny hurts his spine and dies just like tom. Tom died because he got a concussion. andrew miller per 3
tom and johony are just a like because they both had tragic accidents. johonny got into a fight with the socs and he hurt his back. by brandon phillips
I think that the two people that are simmilar to Tom are Darry and Bob. Bob had many things and good life like Tom. Bob died because he was on acohol. They were both on drugs. Tom is also like Dally because Darry plays football and he had to take care of more people than himself like Tom.
I think that the two people in the Outsiders that are most like Tom is Bob and Two-Bit. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob was addicted to alcohol and Tom was addicted to drugs. Another similarity is that they are both have died. I believe that both of them died due to their abuse of substances. Tom's death was a very direct result of his drug use. Although Bobs death was not caused directly because of his substance abuse I think that if he had not abused alcohol he would not have been dead quite so soon. Also, both men had a female looking out for them. They both had a person who truly cared for them and tried to help them. If Tom had not used drugs, he also would not have been dead so soon. The other person Tom reminds me of is Two-Bit. I think that Two-Bit is like Tom because, just like Bob, he drunk alcohol to deal with his problems. Two-Bit was also like Tom because he abused drugs too. We know from the book that the way Two-Bit prepares for a rumble is by getting high. Two-Bit's idea of a good time is getting drunk or getting high. Although he is a pretty good person and cares for the gang, he is much like Tom because of his need for alcohol and drugs. Olivia Baker Period 3
The two people I think Tom is most like are Bob and Dally. I think he is like Bob because Bob came addictied to alcohol. Tom was addictied to the pain killers. Cherry also said to Bob its me or the beer, just like Toms wife said to him, when she said for him to leave. He is like Dally because he thinks he is so tough and Tom never really did anything about the head ingery thinking that nothing exterme happened. Tom then become even more addicted to drugs.
I beileve that this relates too Ponyboy, Darry and soda considering there parents are dead the story and this article relates to death. Another reason i beileve the two statements relate is because in the story ponyboy is determined to smoke ciggarettes which have drugs in them like the way Mr.Cornell past away. the last reason i beileve that thes statements relate is because darry is very intrested in football clear so was Mr.Cornell
The two outsiders that have in common with Tom is Dally because even though Dally was in jail he still cares about what his friends do, because Dally didn't want Ponyboy and Johnny to turn out like himself, but he still can't help himself from getting in trouble,which is why he couldn't hold himself together when he died. Just like Tom he loves his family, but he couldn't quit so he ended up dead. The outsider had in common with Tom was Bob, because he gotten too drunk and ended up trying to kill somebody then dead. No one really knew how nice Bob could be, besides his freinds. Like Tom not everyone knew Tom's personality besides his family and friends and if Tom broke like Dally or Bob did someone could've been hurt, Even though he died during sleep, luckily it didn't turn out TOO bad.
I think that the football player relates to Ponyboy and Darry. I think this because both of the brothers like to play football and Ponyboy smokes weed.
In the story the charactors it reminded me was johnny and ponyboy. It remindes me of ponyboy because he lost his mom to. It also reminded me of Johnny because how he died in the hospital.
I think tis story relates to Johnny and Ponyboy because they grow up without a mom. I also think this relates to Ponyboy because he lost Johnny because he saved Ponyboys life.
He relates with Johnny for sure because of the problems interfering in they're life. And Dally, they both made some really bad choices and were taken for these choices.
Tom reminds me of Johnny and Ponyboy. Ponyboy reminds me of Tom’s wife because he knows how it feels like to lose someone that he loves and cares about; Ponyboy loved Johnny just like Tom’s wife loves Tom. Johnny reminds me of Tom because Tom loved his family and hoped the best for his two kids. When I saw the football enouncement on ESPN and heard about Tom. There were two videos of his children one before he died and one after. In the first one all they were talking about was football and after they didn’t say one word about football I feel bad for Tom and his family
I think that tom is like johny because they both had to leave their families. Tom also reminds me of darry because they both had a family theywere trying to care for but developed bad habits. Ray Smith per.1
He doesn't remind me of anyone in the Outsiders. He was older than the people in the outsider’s book so they weren't in the go crazy from football stage. The greasers all liked football though. He did drugs which may be like the alcohol the greasers and socs liked. But no soc or greaser had a family waiting for them. I think you can make small relations to everyone compared to tom hale, but in my opinion none are more like him than others.
This sad story relates to Johnny and Darry because Johnny was not yet done living his life and had so mauch to live for such as his family and it realates to Johnny because his family (the greasers) are lost without him it also relates to Darry because he liked to play football but he also had alot of problems so he could not continue
In the outsiders there are two charcters who relate to tom the most.Those are darry and pony. He is like darry because darry plays football and is determined and he cares about his family. Pony is like him beacuse he is determined to get somwhere in life.
I think that Tom was mostly like Dally and Bob. He was like Dally because his way of covering up who he is, is being tough and that is exctly what Tom was doing to cover up that he was a drug addict. The way Tom was like Bob was that he was addicted to cocaine and pain killers and Bob was addicted to alcohol.
Who Tom reminds me of in the Outsiders is Bob and Dally. How he reminds me of Bob is, he was very addicted to alcohol. His wife was kind of the same way Cherry acted to Bob when he was drunk. "It's me or the beer." He decided to go with the beer. Even though Tom moved out, his wife still cared about his health, as well as Cherry did for Bob. Why Tom is like Dally is because,Dally was always strong and never wanted to show emotion. He was tough and hard. He kept a straight face. How this reminds me of Tom is, Tom had to deal with is injury some way. He didn't want to show it through emotion because he wants to be strong and not to let people know how he really felt. He took his emotion by using drugs and alcohol. He really did't think about what it would acually do to him and his family.
In this perticular story about A football player named Tom Hale, his life story relates to the relationship between Darry and Ponyboy. Darry likes football and also is trying to pull every string so he can to have a family again. And Ponyboy is like Tom because he wants to smoke and Darry won't let him, because it is not good for him. Amber B. Period 3 :D
If I had to pick two characters in the outsiders that remind me of tom it would have to Bob and Johnny. He reminds me of Johnny because even through Tom’s family kicked him out until it was safe for his family to be around him he still loved him. When Johnny and Ponyboy run away his family didn’t care where he was or if he was safe but Johnny stilled loved them and wanted to know if they asked about him. Tom reminds me if Bob because Bob is addicted to alcohol like Tom to drugs. They both have people who care about them who want them to stop drinking or taking drugs and they both end up dead. Ciara M. 5
In the article, Tom reminded me of Bob. Tom reminded me of Bob because when Tom had a drug in his system he would act very different, just like what happened to Bob when he was drunk, he would try and act all tuff and cool. Tom also reminded me of Ponyboy because Ponyboy would take five aspirins when he was only supposed to take one, and he thought it would be okay because they all get high before a rumble and it would help his headache( not a good idea ) he almost did the same thing Tom did when overdosed.
I think the two characters who are most alike Tom Hale are Dally and... I think that Dally would be one of them because he never knew what he wanted to do with his life. When Johnny died, he lost complete control over himself and went almost insane, like Tom did. In the end, this is who he gets himself killed. His way of being a greaser was being hard and cold, like how Tom dealt with his brain injuries The other character in the book who is like Tom is Bob. He was addicted to drinking and drugs and he lost control over himself. His addiction to drinking is like Hales addiction to pain killers. He couldn't get enough of it, and they both acted strange when they were on the drugs.
I think that Tom has things in common with Darry and Ponyboy. Darry and Tom both played football a lot and love their families. Ponyboy and Tom were both addicted to something. Tom to drugs and painkillers and Ponyboy to smoking. Their families wanted them to stop but they wouldn't. Also in the book it said that Ponyboy took more than one painkiller before the rumble and it also said that he did that often. That is another way him and Tom are alike. Tom can also relate to other characters like Johnny and Bob.
I think the two people in the outsiders that reminded me the most was Bob and Cherry. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob drank alcohol and Tom did drugs. Tom also reminds me of Cherry because Tom's wife had to go through the pain of Tom doing drugs and Cherry had to go through pain when Bob was drinking.
I think that Tom reminds me of Two-bit and Bob. The similarities between Two- bit and Tom is that before every fight Two-bit goes and gets high. Also the similarities between Tom and Bob are that Bob would go out often and get drunk with his friends then do stupid things Cherry would always tell Bob to stop drinking but he wouldn't.
In The Outsiders Bob & Dally can relate to Tom because Bob has an alcohol problem and hes addicted to it. Dally is addticted to drugs and getting arrested. Tom relates to Dally & Bob Alot;. Abbey Reese ; Per5 :D
The two characters from the Outsiders that remind me of Tom are Bob and Dally. The reason why I think this is because Bob was addicted to alchol just like Tom was really addicted to the painkillers. I also think that Tom reminds me of Dally because Tom seems to me that he does what comes along in his mind and that he has to do certain things in order to feel good about himself. Even though Dally is a Greaser he doesn't know what he wants either so they seem like the same people but are part of two different ways of living a good and healthy life.
I think Bob is like Tom. Yes he did have a problem but they were good guys (according to their girlfriend/wife) He also reminds me of Dally. They both almost run away from their problems. They both also hsve an odd way of showing their feelings. Sean M. per 2
Tom's tragic end reminds me of Johnny and Bob. It reminds me of Bob because, Bob didn't have to die. He died because he was telling the other Socs to drown/put Ponyboy in the fountain, and Johnny tried saving Ponyboy. I also think Tom is somewhat like Johnny because when Johnny died he was injured from the burning church. Tom died because he had a concussion along with a drug overdose.
There are many charactiers that you could compare to the story of Tom and his fatel death to but I would have to say that the two best people that I could compare it to would be Jonny and Ponyboy. All Tom's wife wanted to do was help Tom from the risks he is now at and the problems that will soon lead to more horibble things. Ponyboy tried to do the same thing for Jonny but unfortionally the two stories ended the same way.
The two people in the ousiders that remind me of Tom is Johnny and Bob. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob drank a lot alcohol just like Tom used a lot of drug. johnny also reminds me of Tom becasue Johnny had a injury and so did Tom
I think the two people in the Outsiders that Tom remind me the most of are Ponyboy and Bob. I think Bob was like Tom because Bob abused alcohol just like tom abused painkillers. Ponyboy reminded me of Tom because he took more pills than he had to.
In the story I think that he relates to Ponboy and Darry. Ponyboy smokes alot, more than he should. It seems like Darry is always telling him not to smoke so much, but Ponyboy still does. I think the wife is like Darry and her husband is like Ponyboy. Nothing has happend to Ponyboy but Darry is probaly worried that something will. Bella carrascoso
I think that Bob and Darry because Bob likes to get drunk and is addicted to that even though Cherry tried to get him to stop. Like Tom but he is addicted to Painkillers.Darry likes to play football and he could be in pain and take painkillers. Later he might become addicted to the drug.
I think the two people in the Outsiders that Tom remind me of is of Bob and Dally. Tom remindes me of Bob because Bob was addicted to alcohol and Tom to drugs. He also reminds me of Dally because Dally way of dealinf with being a greaser is tough.And toms way of tealing with a head injury was tough
I think the people that most relate to Tom are Bob and Ponyboy. I think Bob relates to Tom because Tom couldn’t resist certain things that made him feel better like drugs or alcohol, and Bob couldn’t resist beer. Also Tom’s wife got concerned about her husband behavior and Cherry got nervous around Bob for his behavior when he had beer. Tom relates to Ponyboy too because whenever Ponyboy had a headache or wasn’t feeling too great he would take an overdose of aspirins to fight the pain. Whenever Tom was getting pushed around in football or got stressed he relied heavily on drugs to make it better.
The two characters in the Outsiders have the most in common with Tom Hale are Ponyboy and Darry. Darry because he and Tom were both really good football players. Ponyboy and Tom are similar because Ponyboy smokes and doe drugs for example, once Ponyboy was only supposed to take one or two aspirins but instead he took five. Olivia L per.2
To me that story reminded me of ponyboy and Johny because ponyboy is addocted to cigarets and wont stop smoking them even when his brother disaproved of it. Johny, just like Tom both died in a tragic way. I really feel sorry for Tom.
Tom Mchale reminds me of Dally and Bob. He reminds me of Dally because they both made poor decisions and payed the price death. He reminds me of Bob because they both drank two much alcohol and payed the ultimate price death. Noah Hecox Period 3
I think he relates most to Pony and bob. He relates to them because Bob was additced to alcohol and Tom had a addiction to painkillers. He relates to Pony because they both like football
I think that the two would be ponyboy and darry. Ponyboy remindes me of Tom because of the actions he does, the smoking when told not to. And other actions he has done but that is the top. Darry because he loves to play football and because of his bravery that he has about giveing up his dream to be a football play for his family. It really makes me think about so things.
The two characters that have the most in common with tom are Johnny and and Ponyboy.Ponyboy is like Tom because he dose drugs. If they stopped they might have saved their life. Tom is like Johnny because they both did something to end their life.
The two people Tom reminds me of are Dally ,and Bob. Tom relates to Dally because they both act tough , hard , and cool, example for Tom is when he started taking pain killers and cocaine. He reminds me of Bob because they both were additced to a drug, and Bob had a girlfriend and Tom had a wife who both threatned to leave them if they were'nt to stop doing drugs, but they loved them too much.
I think the two characters in the Outsiders remind me of Tom, are Bob and Johnny. Tom and Bob were both addicted to something. Bob was addicted to alcohol, and Tom was addicted to prescription painkillers for years. The reason I think Johnny reminds me of Tom is because they were both forest to leave their house. Tom was told to leave by his wife because his wife was worried about their three young boys. Johnny was hurt in his home by his father, and left his home a lot. That is why I think Bob and Johnny are a lot like Tom.
The two Outsider characters that Tom's story reminds me of, are Ponyboy and Bob. Ponyboy was a great track runner. At least he was until his smoking habit drastically lowered his stamina. Similarly, Tom's many concussions also ended his potentially promising career. Tom also reminds me of Bob. This is because Bob's addiction to alcohol ended up killing him in the end,just like Tom's addiction to pain killers did.
The two characters in The Outsiders that have the most in common with Tom Hale is Ponyboy and Bob. The thing that all three have in common is there type of addiction to drugs. For Tom it was the most severe but Bob and Ponyboy were still a little bit addicted. Tom was addicted to OxyContin, Bob was sort of addicted to alcohol, and Ponyboy was also sort of addicted to pain killers. By being addicted caused them all to make bad decisions and get into trouble. Tom died, Bob went looking for trouble and then died, and Ponyboy went to the rumble when he shouldn’t have and got a concussion.
The two caracters that remind me of Tom are Bob and Cherry. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob drinks and Tom was using painkillers. Tom also reminds me of Cherry because she had to go hard times just like Tom's wife did when Tom was using painkillers.
The two people Tom Hale reminds me of most are Bob and Ponyboy. He reminds me of Bob because Bob did not always make the right choices, for example Bob got drunk and took his anger out on other people. That is like Tom because he did different types of drugs and that sepperated him from his family.Tom is like Ponyboy because Ponyboy is addicted to smokeing just like Tom was addicted to drugs.
Tom reminds me most of Darry and Johnny. Tom reminds me of darry because he was a little ruthless and likes to play football. Tom reminds me of Johnny because he has an affectionate side to him and he did drugs.
The two characters that have the most in common with Tom are Pony Boy and Bob. Pony Boy got a concussion just like Tom and for both of them it affected the way they thought and acted. Pony Boy passed out, was delirious, and thought strange things after he got his concussion. At one point, he even wondered why they weren’t doing somersaults off the steps. Tom’s concussion made him more susceptible to drugs and he got addicted and died from overdose. Also, they both didn’t know they had a concussion until Pony Boy was told he did, but Tom never did. Bob abused alcohol just like Tom abused alcohol, cocaine and OxyContin. The drugs made both people act differently than they usually do and act differently from the way the person who loved them originally knew them. Also, their drugs led to their deaths. In Tom’s case it was an overdose of drugs. In Bob’s case his actions while he was drunk led him to be stabbed.
I think the two people from the Outsiders that remind me of Tom are Bob and Dally. Tom reminds me of Dally because they both make poor decisions that take their lives. I think they were poor decisions because their deaths wouldn't have happened if they hadn't done something stupid, in Tom's case overdosing on drugs and in Dally's case, robbing a store and then pointing a fake gun at the police. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob was apparently a nice guy according to Cherry when he was not drunk and Tom was a good guy when he wasn't taking to many prescriptions.
I think that Tom resembles Dally and Bob. Like Tom, Bob was addicted to a harmful substance, alcohol. Even though alcohol alone did not kill Bob, it was alcohol that eventually led to his death. Tom also reminds me of Bob because they both had people very deeply loved them that they left behind. Tom also reminds me of Dally because of the way Dally finds a way to stay calm through being arrested, going to jail, and living as a hated part of society in being a Greaser, like Tom shutting out his football injuries by using painkillers. Michael kern Period 3
I think that Dally and Johnny have the most in common with Tom. Dally is addicted to being bad and rebel-like to cover up the pain. Johnny always had pain and also tried to hide it.
I think the two characters from the Outsiders that have the most in common with Tom would be Johnny and Bob. I believe that he is similar to Johnny because he struggled with an injury that played a part in taking his life just like Johnny did. I think that he is similar to Bob because Bob drank large quantities of alcohol and went through a situation with his girlfriend in which the end result could be losing her because of a habit that she was not fond of just like Tom with his painkillers, he was asked to leave his wife because of them.
I think this story reminds me a lot of Bob and Johnny. I think it relates to Johnny because him killing someone is argueable. He was technically doing it in self defense, however, he also might have been doing it because of his past with Bob. I think, like Tom, something that happened in the past clouded his judgement. Though Tom's clouded judgement was because of brain damage, Johnny was driven by fear which can be just as effective. So even if just pulling him away were a possibility in saving Ponyboys life, it may not have even occured to him. Bob reminds me of Tom because, like Cherry says, he's not a bad guy when he's sober. I think he might have acted the way he did because he had a drinking problem, or just occasionally wanted a "good time". Though some would say he deserved his death I would say the drunk him deserved his death, but not the sober one. This is just as if Tom was a drug addict who denied help, and had full knowledge of what he were doing he would probably deserve it, however he was unable to make logical choices which may have led to his death.
The two characters from the Outsiders that have things in common with Tom I think are Dally and Darry. I think that Darry is is like Tom is because Darry has to go through problems like being a greaser and not have a easy life. He is having to run a family at a young age which is hard. The way that Dally is like Tom is that they both are living a hard life. One has a addicion to painpills and one is addicted to alcohol and smoking. Both could be life ending addiction. For example Tom died because of his painpill addiction and Dally could die earlier because of his bad habits. Noah Briggs Period 5
I think that tom reminds me of Bob and because bob was addicted to painkillers like tom. and cherry reminds me of the wife because she said basically the same thing its me or the painkillers.
I think that Tom Hale is most like Ponyboy and Bob from The Outsiders. He is like Ponyboy because Ponybody is addicted to asprin (or just overdoses in it) and he usually takes four or five asprins, but tells Darry he is only taking one. Tom is also addicted to something. Tom is like Bob because Bob always gets drunk and Cherry (his girlfriend) tells him not to and eventually tells him that he needs to pick between her and alcohol. Bob also ends up dead (but not from a drug overdose).
In the article,about Tom McHale, the two characters ,from the Outsiders, Tom McHale reminds me of are Darry and Ponyboy. Tom reminds me of PonyBoy because both of them left their family for a little while. Tom left his family when his wife asked him to. Ponyboy left his family because Darry had slapped him on the face. Tom reminds me of Darry because both of them were good football players. Tom was in the NFL for nine years. Darry had a chance to go to college with a football scolarship, but he didn't have the money. Those are the two characters that Tom McHale reminds me of.
In this story of tom hale it relates to ponyboy and darry because darry used to play football in highschool and even got a scholar ship, but didn’t take the scholar ship because his parenst died and darry and sodapop had to get a job, and darry was determined and certainly not leting the three of them get seperated. It relates to ponyboy because ponyboy growing up as a child had some pretty rough times his parents died when he was 14 which would reflect to tom hale’s children when tom would have out bursts in rage etc.....
i thinck that this story relates to bob because he was addictid to beer, liqer and that type of stuff and then cherry got fed up with it and said if you keep drincking iam leaveing or as it was put in the book its me or the alchal and that is pretty much like what Toms wife told him drugs or her and the kids.
Tom Hale is the most like Johnny and Dally in my opinion. I think this because botgh of these characters were told to leave their homes many times, and both of them are addicted to drugs. Both Johnny and Dally suffered a painful death, just like Tom.
In the story of this life it relates to ponyboy and darry. It relates to darry because darry likes to play football and and is deterined to have a family. It relates to pony boy also because ponyboy is deterined to smoke even if his brother told him not to. They relate to the football player because they both like football, also the football player is deermined to do heavy drugs so he is deterined to do somthing like ponyboy and darry.
By Josh.Rumberger per2.
I think the two people in the Outsiders that Tom remind me the most of are Bob and Dally. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob was addicted to alcohol just like Tom was addicted to painkillers. He also reminds me of Tom because Cherry wanted Bob to stop drinking. Eventually Cherry said, “it is me or the beer” even though she still loved him. That is what Tom's wife told him too. They both also had a different personality when there was a substance in their system. Tom reminds me of Dally because Dally's way of dealing with being a greaser was to be tough and cold. This reminds me of Tom because Tom's way of dealing with his head injury was to become addicted to cocaine and painkiller.
Abby L. Per.3
The two characters in the outsiders that are most like the people in the article are Jhonny and Ponyboy.Tom hale is like Jhonny because he did something that caused him to have to leave his family.Ponyboy is like the wife because he's trying to help Jhonny.
Alina Bischof:) P.1
i think it was very tragic that he died. To me he reminds me of Johnny and soda pop. he reminds me of Johnny because he had the same traits as Johnny. he reminds me of dally because he persevered for his goal no matter what
Nolan r 3rd
the two chaaracter that are in common are ponyboby and darry.ponyboy is doing something that his borthers told him not to. darry played football and he like to play football.the football player love football and doing drugs and football just like ponyboy and darry
tina wellman
This story is like when ponyboy were playing football and then he killed bob and so they had to run from the law and they stayed in a old church and they lived there. so they left on eday and came back and it was on fire and some kids got in there and they went in there to save them and the fire got Khoony and he was at the hospital and 1 month later and he died of the injerys that he had. so that is how the stores are the same.
Daniel Marino
well i can onestly say that story is just about the saddest story i have every read it made me cry a little. The tow chacters in the Outsiders that are common with tom is is johnny and ponnyboy. Because ponyboy is kind of like tom's wife, and johhny is like in toms position only tom was overdosed with pain killers, and johnny had a church collapse on him. it is sad because tom had a wife, and three children, not only that but he ded at the age of 45. i glad Mr. Abts posted this blog because it is a valuable lesson that tells kids DON'T DO DRUGS!
Matt Burch P1.
I think the two people in the Outsiders that Tom Hale remind me of are Bob and Dally. The reason I think that Bob and Dally are the same as Tom Hale is that Bob and Dally were addicted to alcohol. Tom hale was addicted to piankills. So both of thoes characters in book remind me of reading Tom Hale's Story about him changing.
-Victoria C.
Tom reminds me of Bob and Dally. He reminds me of Bob because of his addiction to cocaine and painkillers. Bob was addicted to alcohol, and Cherry wanted him to stop, and Tom was addicted to painkillers, and his wife told him to stop. Eventually, Tom’s wife left him, just like Cherry left Bob, because of his addiction. He reminds me of Dally because of his hard outlook on the world. He seems to be the kind of person who has, as they say in the book, hardened over time.
Sean Mebust, Period 3
The football player reminds me of jonny because in the story jonny hurts his spine and dies just like tom. Tom died because he got a concussion. andrew miller per 3
tom and johony are just a like because they both had tragic accidents. johonny got into a fight with the socs and he hurt his back.
by brandon phillips
I think that the two people that are simmilar to Tom are Darry and Bob. Bob had many things and good life like Tom. Bob died because he was on acohol. They were both on drugs. Tom is also like Dally because Darry plays football and he had to take care of more people than himself like Tom.
Travis T. Period 2
I think that the two people in the Outsiders that are most like Tom is Bob and Two-Bit. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob was addicted to alcohol and Tom was addicted to drugs. Another similarity is that they are both have died. I believe that both of them died due to their abuse of substances. Tom's death was a very direct result of his drug use. Although Bobs death was not caused directly because of his substance abuse I think that if he had not abused alcohol he would not have been dead quite so soon. Also, both men had a female looking out for them. They both had a person who truly cared for them and tried to help them. If Tom had not used drugs, he also would not have been dead so soon. The other person Tom reminds me of is Two-Bit. I think that Two-Bit is like Tom because, just like Bob, he drunk alcohol to deal with his problems. Two-Bit was also like Tom because he abused drugs too. We know from the book that the way Two-Bit prepares for a rumble is by getting high. Two-Bit's idea of a good time is getting drunk or getting high. Although he is a pretty good person and cares for the gang, he is much like Tom because of his need for alcohol and drugs.
Olivia Baker
Period 3
The two people I think Tom is most like are Bob and Dally. I think he is like Bob because Bob came addictied to alcohol. Tom was addictied to the pain killers. Cherry also said to Bob its me or the beer, just like Toms wife said to him, when she said for him to leave. He is like Dally because he thinks he is so tough and Tom never really did anything about the head ingery thinking that nothing exterme happened. Tom then become even more addicted to drugs.
Maya W. Per. 2
isnt ohio state great
nolan r.3rd
I beileve that this relates too Ponyboy, Darry and soda considering there parents are dead the story and this article relates to death. Another reason i beileve the two statements relate is because in the story ponyboy is determined to smoke ciggarettes which have drugs in them like the way Mr.Cornell past away. the last reason i beileve that thes statements relate is because darry is very intrested in football clear so was Mr.Cornell
The two outsiders that have in common with Tom is Dally because even though Dally was in jail he still cares about what his friends do, because Dally didn't want Ponyboy and Johnny to turn out like himself, but he still can't help himself from getting in trouble,which is why he couldn't hold himself together when he died. Just like Tom he loves his family, but he couldn't quit so he ended up dead. The outsider had in common with Tom was Bob, because he gotten too drunk and ended up trying to kill somebody then dead. No one really knew how nice Bob could be, besides his freinds. Like Tom not everyone knew Tom's personality besides his family and friends and if Tom broke like Dally or Bob did someone could've been hurt, Even though he died during sleep, luckily it didn't turn out TOO bad.
This player relater to Ponyboy and Darry. They both like to play football and Ponyboy smokes weed.
I think that the football player relates to Ponyboy and Darry. I think this because both of the brothers like to play football and Ponyboy smokes weed.
Raymond Cabrera
period 1
In the story the charactors it reminded me was johnny and ponyboy. It remindes me of ponyboy because he lost his mom to. It also reminded me of Johnny because how he died in the hospital.
BY Trentin Carentz per1
I think tis story relates to Johnny and Ponyboy because they grow up without a mom. I also think this relates to Ponyboy because he lost Johnny because he saved Ponyboys life.
wade stahl
period 3
He relates with Johnny for sure because of the problems interfering in they're life. And Dally, they both made some really bad choices and were taken for these choices.
Tom reminds me of Johnny and Ponyboy. Ponyboy reminds me of Tom’s wife because he knows how it feels like to lose someone that he loves and cares about; Ponyboy loved Johnny just like Tom’s wife loves Tom. Johnny reminds me of Tom because Tom loved his family and hoped the best for his two kids. When I saw the football enouncement on ESPN and heard about Tom. There were two videos of his children one before he died and one after. In the first one all they were talking about was football and after they didn’t say one word about football I feel bad for Tom and his family
Skyler T p.3
I think that tom is like johny because they both had to leave their families. Tom also reminds me of darry because they both had a family theywere trying to care for but developed bad habits.
Ray Smith per.1
He doesn't remind me of anyone in the Outsiders. He was older than the people in the outsider’s book so they weren't in the go crazy from football stage. The greasers all liked football though. He did drugs which may be like the alcohol the greasers and socs liked. But no soc or greaser had a family waiting for them. I think you can make small relations to everyone compared to tom hale, but in my opinion none are more like him than others.
Sylvia Johnson 5
This sad story relates to Johnny and Darry because Johnny was not yet done living his life and had so mauch to live for such as his family and it realates to Johnny because his family (the greasers) are lost without him it also relates to Darry because he liked to play football but he also had alot of problems so he could not continue
Peter B. Per. 1
In the outsiders there are two charcters who relate to tom the most.Those are darry and pony. He is like darry because darry plays football and is determined and he cares about his family. Pony is like him beacuse he is determined to get somwhere in life.
I think that Tom was mostly like Dally and Bob. He was like Dally because his way of covering up who he is, is being tough and that is exctly what Tom was doing to cover up that he was a drug addict. The way Tom was like Bob was that he was addicted to cocaine and pain killers and Bob was addicted to alcohol.
Carson H.
Per. 2
Who Tom reminds me of in the Outsiders is Bob and Dally. How he reminds me of Bob is, he was very addicted to alcohol. His wife was kind of the same way Cherry acted to Bob when he was drunk. "It's me or the beer." He decided to go with the beer. Even though Tom moved out, his wife still cared about his health, as well as Cherry did for Bob. Why Tom is like Dally is because,Dally was always strong and never wanted to show emotion. He was tough and hard. He kept a straight face. How this reminds me of Tom is, Tom had to deal with is injury some way. He didn't want to show it through emotion because he wants to be strong and not to let people know how he really felt. He took his emotion by using drugs and alcohol. He really did't think about what it would acually do to him and his family.
Kate Preston Pr.2
In this perticular story about A football player named Tom Hale, his life story relates to the relationship between Darry and Ponyboy. Darry likes football and also is trying to pull every string so he can to have a family again. And Ponyboy is like Tom because he wants to smoke and Darry won't let him, because it is not good for him.
Amber B. Period 3
If I had to pick two characters in the outsiders that remind me of tom it would have to Bob and Johnny. He reminds me of Johnny because even through Tom’s family kicked him out until it was safe for his family to be around him he still loved him. When Johnny and Ponyboy run away his family didn’t care where he was or if he was safe but Johnny stilled loved them and wanted to know if they asked about him. Tom reminds me if Bob because Bob is addicted to alcohol like Tom to drugs. They both have people who care about them who want them to stop drinking or taking drugs and they both end up dead.
Ciara M. 5
In the article, Tom reminded me of Bob. Tom reminded me of Bob because when Tom had a drug in his system he would act very different, just like what happened to Bob when he was drunk, he would try and act all tuff and cool. Tom also reminded me of Ponyboy because Ponyboy would take five aspirins when he was only supposed to take one, and he thought it would be okay because they all get high before a rumble and it would help his headache( not a good idea ) he almost did the same thing Tom did when overdosed.
Liz Millea
Period 2
I think the two characters who are most alike Tom Hale are Dally and... I think that Dally would be one of them because he never knew what he wanted to do with his life. When Johnny died, he lost complete control over himself and went almost insane, like Tom did. In the end, this is who he gets himself killed. His way of being a greaser was being hard and cold, like how Tom dealt with his brain injuries The other character in the book who is like Tom is Bob. He was addicted to drinking and drugs and he lost control over himself. His addiction to drinking is like Hales addiction to pain killers. He couldn't get enough of it, and they both acted strange when they were on the drugs.
Maddy Kramer Per. 3
I think that Tom has things in common with Darry and Ponyboy. Darry and Tom both played football a lot and love their families. Ponyboy and Tom were both addicted to something. Tom to drugs and painkillers and Ponyboy to smoking. Their families wanted them to stop but they wouldn't. Also in the book it said that Ponyboy took more than one painkiller before the rumble and it also said that he did that often. That is another way him and Tom are alike. Tom can also relate to other characters like Johnny and Bob.
Lauren L. Period 2
I think the two people in the outsiders that reminded me the most was Bob and Cherry. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob drank alcohol and Tom did drugs. Tom also reminds me of Cherry because Tom's wife had to go through the pain of Tom doing drugs and Cherry had to go through pain when Bob was drinking.
Molly M. Period 5
I think that Tom reminds me of Two-bit and Bob. The similarities between Two- bit and Tom is that before every fight Two-bit goes and gets high. Also the similarities between Tom and Bob are that Bob would go out often and get drunk with his friends then do stupid things Cherry would always tell Bob to stop drinking but he wouldn't.
Jennifer Flynn
Period 3
In The Outsiders Bob & Dally can relate to Tom because Bob has an alcohol problem and hes addicted to it. Dally is addticted to drugs and getting arrested. Tom relates to Dally & Bob Alot;.
Abbey Reese ; Per5
The two characters from the Outsiders that remind me of Tom are Bob and Dally. The reason why I think this is because Bob was addicted to alchol just like Tom was really addicted to the painkillers. I also think that Tom reminds me of Dally because Tom seems to me that he does what comes along in his mind and that he has to do certain things in order to feel good about himself. Even though Dally is a Greaser he doesn't know what he wants either so they seem like the same people but are part of two different ways of living a good and healthy life.
I think Bob is like Tom. Yes he did have a problem but they were good guys (according to their girlfriend/wife) He also reminds me of Dally. They both almost run away from their problems. They both also hsve an odd way of showing their feelings.
Sean M. per 2
Tom's tragic end reminds me of Johnny and Bob. It reminds me of Bob because, Bob didn't have to die. He died because he was telling the other Socs to drown/put Ponyboy in the fountain, and Johnny tried saving Ponyboy. I also think Tom is somewhat like Johnny because when Johnny died he was injured from the burning church. Tom died because he had a concussion along with a drug overdose.
Caroline Leonard
Period 3
There are many charactiers that you could compare to the story of Tom and his fatel death to but I would have to say that the two best people that I could compare it to would be Jonny and Ponyboy. All Tom's wife wanted to do was help Tom from the risks he is now at and the problems that will soon lead to more horibble things. Ponyboy tried to do the same thing for Jonny but unfortionally the two stories ended the same way.
Josh N.
Per. 2
The two people in the ousiders that remind me of Tom is Johnny and Bob. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob drank a lot alcohol just like Tom used a lot of drug.
johnny also reminds me of Tom becasue Johnny had a injury and so did Tom
August S. period 1
I think the two people in the Outsiders that Tom remind me the most of are Ponyboy and Bob. I think Bob was like Tom because Bob abused alcohol just like tom abused painkillers. Ponyboy reminded me of Tom because he took more pills than he had to.
Philip Wasson
Per. 5
In the story I think that he relates to Ponboy and Darry. Ponyboy smokes alot, more than he should. It seems like Darry is always telling him not to smoke so much, but Ponyboy still does. I think the wife is like Darry and her husband is like Ponyboy. Nothing has happend to Ponyboy but Darry is probaly worried that something will.
Bella carrascoso
i think that he relates to ponyboy and johny.
gigi malvasi p.1
I think that Bob and Darry because Bob likes to get drunk and is addicted to that even though Cherry tried to get him to stop. Like Tom but he is addicted to Painkillers.Darry likes to play football and he could be in pain and take painkillers. Later he might become addicted to the drug.
I think the two people in the Outsiders that Tom remind me of is
of Bob and Dally. Tom remindes me of Bob because Bob was addicted to alcohol and Tom to drugs. He also reminds me of Dally because Dally way of dealinf with being a greaser is tough.And toms way of tealing with a head injury was tough
Chantel Huntington
period 5
I think the people that most relate to Tom are Bob and Ponyboy. I think Bob relates to Tom because Tom couldn’t resist certain things that made him feel better like drugs or alcohol, and Bob couldn’t resist beer. Also Tom’s wife got concerned about her husband behavior and Cherry got nervous around Bob for his behavior when he had beer. Tom relates to Ponyboy too because whenever Ponyboy had a headache or wasn’t feeling too great he would take an overdose of aspirins to fight the pain. Whenever Tom was getting pushed around in football or got stressed he relied heavily on drugs to make it better.
Alex Russo
Period 2
The two characters in the Outsiders have the most in common with Tom Hale are Ponyboy and Darry. Darry because he and Tom were both really good football players. Ponyboy and Tom are similar because Ponyboy smokes and doe drugs for example, once Ponyboy was only supposed to take one or two aspirins but instead he took five.
Olivia L per.2
To me that story reminded me of ponyboy and Johny because ponyboy is addocted to cigarets and wont stop smoking them even when his brother disaproved of it. Johny, just like Tom both died in a tragic way. I really feel sorry for Tom.
Hunter D period 5
Tom Mchale reminds me of Dally and Bob. He reminds me of Dally because they both made poor decisions and payed the price death. He reminds me of Bob because they both drank two much alcohol and payed the ultimate price death.
Noah Hecox Period 3
I think he relates most to Pony and bob. He relates to them because Bob was additced to alcohol and Tom had a addiction to painkillers. He relates to Pony because they both like football
maxc p1
I think that the two would be ponyboy and darry. Ponyboy remindes me of Tom because of the actions he does, the smoking when told not to. And other actions he has done but that is the top. Darry because he loves to play football and because of his bravery that he has about giveing up his dream to be a football play for his family. It really makes me think about so things.
Alex Janitz
:D :)
The two characters that have the most in common with tom are Johnny and and Ponyboy.Ponyboy is like Tom because he dose drugs. If they stopped they might have saved their life. Tom is like Johnny because they both did something to end their life.
Connor Fay period 3
The two people Tom reminds me of are Dally ,and Bob. Tom relates to Dally because they both act tough , hard , and cool, example for Tom is when he started taking pain killers and cocaine. He reminds me of Bob because they both were additced to a drug, and Bob had a girlfriend and Tom had a wife who both threatned to leave them if they were'nt to stop doing drugs, but they loved them too much.
Tanner C
per 3
I think the two characters in the Outsiders remind me of Tom, are Bob and Johnny. Tom and Bob were both addicted to something. Bob was addicted to alcohol, and Tom was addicted to prescription painkillers for years. The reason I think Johnny reminds me of Tom is because they were both forest to leave their house. Tom was told to leave by his wife because his wife was worried about their three young boys. Johnny was hurt in his home by his father, and left his home a lot. That is why I think Bob and Johnny are a lot like Tom.
Margie K. per.3
The two Outsider characters that Tom's story reminds me of, are Ponyboy and Bob. Ponyboy was a great track runner. At least he was until his smoking habit drastically lowered his stamina. Similarly, Tom's many concussions also ended his potentially promising career. Tom also reminds me of Bob. This is because Bob's addiction to alcohol ended up killing him in the end,just like Tom's addiction to pain killers did.
Colin Wilcox per.5
The two characters in The Outsiders that have the most in common with Tom Hale is Ponyboy and Bob. The thing that all three have in common is there type of addiction to drugs. For Tom it was the most severe but Bob and Ponyboy were still a little bit addicted. Tom was addicted to OxyContin, Bob was sort of addicted to alcohol, and Ponyboy was also sort of addicted to pain killers. By being addicted caused them all to make bad decisions and get into trouble. Tom died, Bob went looking for trouble and then died, and Ponyboy went to the rumble when he shouldn’t have and got a concussion.
The two caracters that remind me of Tom are Bob and Cherry. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob drinks and Tom was using painkillers. Tom also reminds me of Cherry because she had to go hard times just like Tom's wife did when Tom was using painkillers.
MOlly M. Period 5
The two people Tom Hale reminds me of most are Bob and Ponyboy. He reminds me of Bob because Bob did not always make the right choices, for example Bob got drunk and took his anger out on other people. That is like Tom because he did different types of drugs and that sepperated him from his family.Tom is like Ponyboy because Ponyboy is addicted to smokeing just like Tom was addicted to drugs.
Carmen Booan 2
Tom reminds me most of Darry and Johnny. Tom reminds me of darry because he was a little ruthless and likes to play football. Tom reminds me of Johnny because he has an affectionate side to him and he did drugs.
Scott Segit
period 1
The two characters that have the most in common with Tom are Pony Boy and Bob. Pony Boy got a concussion just like Tom and for both of them it affected the way they thought and acted. Pony Boy passed out, was delirious, and thought strange things after he got his concussion. At one point, he even wondered why they weren’t doing somersaults off the steps. Tom’s concussion made him more susceptible to drugs and he got addicted and died from overdose. Also, they both didn’t know they had a concussion until Pony Boy was told he did, but Tom never did. Bob abused alcohol just like Tom abused alcohol, cocaine and OxyContin. The drugs made both people act differently than they usually do and act differently from the way the person who loved them originally knew them. Also, their drugs led to their deaths. In Tom’s case it was an overdose of drugs. In Bob’s case his actions while he was drunk led him to be stabbed.
Alex G. Period 2
I think the two people from the Outsiders that remind me of Tom are Bob and Dally. Tom reminds me of Dally because they both make poor decisions that take their lives. I think they were poor decisions because their deaths wouldn't have happened if they hadn't done something stupid, in Tom's case overdosing on drugs and in Dally's case, robbing a store and then pointing a fake gun at the police. Tom reminds me of Bob because Bob was apparently a nice guy according to Cherry when he was not drunk and Tom was a good guy when he wasn't taking to many prescriptions.
Caroline G.
period 5
I think that Tom resembles Dally and Bob. Like Tom, Bob was addicted to a harmful substance, alcohol. Even though alcohol alone did not kill Bob, it was alcohol that eventually led to his death. Tom also reminds me of Bob because they both had people very deeply loved them that they left behind. Tom also reminds me of Dally because of the way Dally finds a way to stay calm through being arrested, going to jail, and living as a hated part of society in being a Greaser, like Tom shutting out his football injuries by using painkillers.
Michael kern Period 3
I think that Dally and Johnny have the most in common with Tom. Dally is addicted to being bad and rebel-like to cover up the pain. Johnny always had pain and also tried to hide it.
Kristin R.
Period 5
I think the two characters from the Outsiders that have the most in common with Tom would be Johnny and Bob. I believe that he is similar to Johnny because he struggled with an injury that played a part in taking his life just like Johnny did. I think that he is similar to Bob because Bob drank large quantities of alcohol and went through a situation with his girlfriend in which the end result could be losing her because of a habit that she was not fond of just like Tom with his painkillers, he was asked to leave his wife because of them.
Christian Sepp
I think this story reminds me a lot of Bob and Johnny. I think it relates to Johnny because him killing someone is argueable. He was technically doing it in self defense, however, he also might have been doing it because of his past with Bob. I think, like Tom, something that happened in the past clouded his judgement. Though Tom's clouded judgement was because of brain damage, Johnny was driven by fear which can be just as effective. So even if just pulling him away were a possibility in saving Ponyboys life, it may not have even occured to him. Bob reminds me of Tom because, like Cherry says, he's not a bad guy when he's sober. I think he might have acted the way he did because he had a drinking problem, or just occasionally wanted a "good time". Though some would say he deserved his death I would say the drunk him deserved his death, but not the sober one. This is just as if Tom was a drug addict who denied help, and had full knowledge of what he were doing he would probably deserve it, however he was unable to make logical choices which may have led to his death.
Mallory Arthus Period 5
The two characters from the Outsiders that have things in common with Tom I think are Dally and Darry. I think that Darry is is like Tom is because Darry has to go through problems like being a greaser and not have a easy life. He is having to run a family at a young age which is hard. The way that Dally is like Tom is that they both are living a hard life. One has a addicion to painpills and one is addicted to alcohol and smoking. Both could be life ending addiction. For example Tom died because of his painpill addiction and Dally could die earlier because of his bad habits.
Noah Briggs Period 5
I think that tom reminds me of Bob and because bob was addicted to painkillers like tom. and cherry reminds me of the wife because she said basically the same thing its me or the painkillers.
Alexie t. Per 2
I think that Tom Hale is most like Ponyboy and Bob from The Outsiders. He is like Ponyboy because Ponybody is addicted to asprin (or just overdoses in it) and he usually takes four or five asprins, but tells Darry he is only taking one. Tom is also addicted to something. Tom is like Bob because Bob always gets drunk and Cherry (his girlfriend) tells him not to and eventually tells him that he needs to pick between her and alcohol. Bob also ends up dead (but not from a drug overdose).
Katlyn Palmatier Period 2 ☺
In the article,about Tom McHale, the two characters ,from the Outsiders, Tom McHale reminds me of are Darry and Ponyboy. Tom reminds me of PonyBoy because both of them left their family for a little while. Tom left his family when his wife asked him to. Ponyboy left his family because Darry had slapped him on the face. Tom reminds me of Darry because both of them were good football players. Tom was in the NFL for nine years. Darry had a chance to go to college with a football scolarship, but he didn't have the money. Those are the two characters that Tom McHale reminds me of.
Scott Curtis Per. 5
It reminds me of bob because he is addicted to alchol like tom is to drugs.
JKM aprile
per. 2 :) :p
In this story of tom hale it relates to ponyboy and darry because darry used to play football in highschool and even got a scholar ship, but didn’t take the scholar ship because his parenst died and darry and sodapop had to get a job, and darry was determined and certainly not leting the three of them get seperated. It relates to ponyboy because ponyboy growing up as a child had some pretty rough times his parents died when he was 14 which would reflect to tom hale’s children when tom would have out bursts in rage etc.....
christopher schulz per.3
i thinck that this story relates to
bob because he was addictid to beer, liqer and that type of stuff and then cherry got fed up with it and said if you keep drincking iam leaveing or as it was put in the book its me or the alchal and that is pretty much like what Toms wife told him drugs or her and the kids.
austin cleaveland
Tom Hale is the most like Johnny and Dally in my opinion. I think this because botgh of these characters were told to leave their homes many times, and both of them are addicted to drugs. Both Johnny and Dally suffered a painful death, just like Tom.
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