Thursday was certainly an unusual day; it's rare to use a "snow day" in September! While many of us weren't directly affected by flooding, quite a few people were either impacted personally or knew people who were impacted by rivers and streaming leaving their banks behind. How did the rain and flooding affect you and those you know? What did you do with the unexpected day off yesterday?
Friday, September 9, 2011
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I woke up and got ready for school. The bus did not come so i got driven to the school and found out that there was no school.Then got my back in the car and went home to get ready for my ants tuperware paty and then i went to my dads house for a whil and played xbox for a little and went back home ate and went to bed for an hour got back up went shoping for my cuz for school suppiles got dinner and went to bed. nathaniel lopez per.7
On the snowday i got up and got ready for school then i figerd out that i did not have school.Then i whent over to my friend Pauls. We whoched tv and huing out.Then he whent with is brother to thare proprte in hartwick.I stad with his other yunger brothers.We played videogames and cought frogs.then we whent down the thare river and swam. then i whent home and did nothing. Duncan Clark Per.7
On the day of the fluding i helped subpumped my nanas septec and celler. And i have to cut down a tree becaues my uncle was going to cut it down and he cut half through and now it is split strate up the center. And i am affraid it will fall on the house and my family will get hurt very badly.
kylepeeters per.7
We had water in our bamsit and my grandmother had water in there road. With the day off i stand in the house and played with my two dogs. Casey Pashley per.7th.
The rain and flooding affected me because there was a power outage all public places were closed like the gym and me and my family couldn't drive any were. On the unexpected day off I made little boats out of paper and tape and put them in the water and watched them go down the stream then I went inside and watched television.
Dominick Abbate
It affect me becaes got to sheep in and my mom's building were she worked closed, so she did not go to work. School was also closed for my area. We all just out and saw what other damage there was.
It affect use becuse their was a lot of trees knocked down in the road. You could not drive in on the road and if you did you would have to be very carefull. I got power outage and i hade a tree in my front yard get broke down. It also affected me becuse my mom and my brother live in vestal and they work in baigintin. I was afferd becuse i did not want my mom or my brother to get hert. When we hade no school i did my homework and i played out side. I also did some studing becuse i knew i had a lot of testes gomeing up. When i went out side i went down to the river in toddsvill and the river was over flow! Sydney Kirkby
The flood effected me because my basement got wet, and all of my plants droughned. During the day off my friend Bella and went to Otsego lake to see the damage. The docks were about two feet under water. We walked out as far as we could until we saw the wooden planks missing. So we headed back to my house. We watched the news for about five minutes and we heard about the flood damage in Binghamton. We also heared about the PETCO flood. Over 120 animals were found dead.
The flood effected me because my basement got wet, and all of my plants droughned. During the day off my friend Bella and went to Otsego lake to see the damage. The docks were about two feet under water. We walked out as far as we could until we saw the wooden planks missing. So we headed back to my house. We watched the news for about five minutes and we heard about the flood damage in Binghamton. We also heared about the PETCO flood. Over 120 animals were found dead.
Mya S. Period 7
The flooding did not affect me personaly exept for the fact that i now have a frog living in the creek behind my house. My friend Amanda's basement had a few inches of water in it. I had no power that day so i couldnt do much other than read a book and play cards with my family.
megan lohan
period 8
The flooding that happened on Thursday September 8th, was a suprise to all of us. Many people were affected by the flooding. Luckily, my house did not experience any flooding but my cousin that lives in Long Island did. They had to evacuate and go to my aunt's house. She lives in Rome, NY and she even had some flooding in her basement. On my rain day, I played games on my computer and read a book.
Amber G. Period 6
The rain on Thursday September 8th, was a suprise to us all. Many people were affected by the flooding. My house did not experience any flooding but my cousin that lives in Long Island did. She had to evacuate and go to my aunts house in Rome, NY. Even she had some flooding in her basement. On the rain day I played games on my computer and read a book.
Amber G. Period 6
Sadie M. period 7
The flooding efficted my familiy because our basement flooded. My Dadand Mom own the Fly Creek Cider Mill in Fly Creek so the pond and creek behind overflowed. That day I stayed at home and watched movies. It wasn't that fun that day because my Dad was very worried.
On last Thursday the flooding effected me in many ways, the first way being it flooded my pond the the run off that overflowed and went down the driveway into our stream. The day after I went fishing and climbed trees.
The flood did not effect me. But my Grandma's friend's Dad's house got washed away, and the water went right through his house. On the day off I read, cleaned around the house and played games because I didn't have power.
Alisa D Period eight
The flooding effected my step dads sister. She Lives in Laurens and Lauren go a lot of flooding. The flooding didnt effect me though.On my day off i went with my mom to the hatwick fire department to make food for te volenters while they were out takeing care of the flooding.
The flooding effected my step dads sister. She Lives in Laurens and Lauren go a lot of flooding. The flooding didnt effect me though.On my day off i went with my mom to the hatwick fire department to make food for te volenters while they were out takeing care of the flooding.
Casey C.
My aunt and uncle were affected by last Thursday's flooding. They live in Binghamton and had to evacuate. When they went back they found 5 1/2 feet of water in their basement. On the "snow day" I read a book and my sister had some neighbors over. That night we watched a movie.
Christianna F. 6th Period
One My "snow day" I just sat at home did my home work and went shopping with my mom. It was a very boring "snow day" but "hey" it was a day of from school! Ha Ha! K.L 6th period.
The flooding affected me not really at our regular house but our lake house got really flooded. Also my dads office was really close o being flooded because the river next to his office nearly went over. With my spare snow day I baby sat my sister and went to check on the flooding down by the lake.
Teddy T.
The water did not affect me but some of the other kids had water in their basement.On my day off I went into the town. I mostly just relaxed. It was nice to have a day off because that way I got to catch up on school work.
Lila O. Period 6
On our september snow day I did very little. I sleep late. Then I ate a bowl of ceral. After that I started to read a book . Once I got bored of that I played video games. Then a nap. Finally i did my home work again. That was a snow day well spent
Ethan N peroid 6
The basement started to flood a bit. Many friends lost trees. I wrote thank you notes to friends and family for by birthday gifts
On our day off I hung out with my friend Lila all day. We hung out in town and at her house.
My great grandma lives in Gilboa and since the dam flooded she had to evacuate her house. She stayed with my grandparents for a few days. The flood was very devastating for many families. Watching the families homes on tv was very sad for my family and I.
The rain really didn't effect my family because I live on a hill. The only thing that happened was our power turned off. But some of my moms friends got flooded out. At their house the water was only one inch away from getting into the kitchen. On my day off I really didn't do anything. I wanted to go down into town but i couldn't because it started to get dark.
Ginny A
Period 6
On Thursday I was effected by the flood because I have a camp on the lake and the camp is on the water. Our shed was underwater and everything got ruined but luckly the camp stayed dry. On the day off I was at my camp moving stuff to the top floor so that it would not get ruined. I also went swimming with my siblings. It was an interesting day off.
Emily S. Period 6
Durring the flood I personally was not effected because I live on a hill. But my friend Emily has a camp that got flooded, but is alright now. On the day off I helped my mom in the garden outside, and read for the rest of the day. That is how I like to spend my days off.
Tessa Period 1
On the 8th of September our school took an unexpected day off because of the severe flooding in counties around us. The hurricane had already taken it’s toll on many small towns surrounding our area. There was flooding in places such as Binghamton and many other lowland areas by the river. Roads were smothered by the massive amounts of rain hammering down on them and many of the docks were underwater. Some boats were unprepared for the storm and were filled colossal amounts of rain.
On that day of behemoth like weather I feel very fortunate to say that I was not heavily affected by the weather except for cancellation of school. Also, though, I went to where the Otsego meets the Susquehanna. There I fell in the dirt and mud and stood up looking down at my newly painted pants. My two friends came scampering down the hill after me and I insisted on running home and getting a less wet change of clothes. Other than that I did not suffer from any unexpected flooding.
Regina L.
Period 7
The rain and flooding didn't affect me that bad, mainly because I live on a hill. although i don't know many people that it hit badly I did see quite a few homes with bad flooding and that the water levels were very high.
On the day had off I had to stay at home all day and my mom had rented some movies like the Rocky Horror Pictures Show and Just Go With It.Of course that's not all i did but that's all i did that was fun.
Ginger M. period 7
The flooding effected not directly, but still effected me. It effected me because my aunt and uncle because they live outside of Boston and their was a lot of water in their boat. Also effected me because I didn't have school. On my day of I was planning on going downtown with my friends, but it was so misrible I stayed inside and watched movies, played xbox with my friends, and slept. I wasted part of my day getting ready for school, driving in to school to find it was closed!
Daniel/Steve Ralston
Luckily the storm didn't effect me that badly compared to other people. This summer my family got a boat and it was still in the water when the storm came. Sadly my boat got a little beat up. While my boat was struggling, I was at home with power but without cable. I was bored out of my mind because all I had to do was read! I thought I had it bad but then I heard that some of my friends had no power at all and were using candles as lights. The person I felt terrible for was my cousin because she had no power or water so she really had nothing to do. She couldn't use the toilet or shower! The only good thing was that I got to go to one of my best friend's house and we played flash light tag in her house with a bunch of other kids. Compared to a lot of other people my day was pretty good for the first "snow day".
Jane Gozigian Period 6
Well the rain made our basement floode. We had a few inches of water maybe even a foot. My aunt who lives in Oneonta couldn't go to work in Sydney and had to work out of the Oneonta office.
Amanda L 6
The rain was very unexpected! I was not harmed by the rain their for Prattsville was where I used to travel through to go to New York City they are now under water! On the day we had off I had to go into work with my mother, on our way their I videotaped some of the damage done to Cooperstown. Later on that weekend we traveled through Laurens, Ny and saw how much damage was done they were still taking truckloads of debris out of that town. The creek across the street from me used to be at least waist high on a young man on the day it rained it was up 6.5 feet, almost going over the bridge! This was not very good for some people after being saturated from Irene we got hit again with rain!
Sierra Period 8
The flooding didn't really effect me. But if you wanted to go for a run you had to walk through water up to your thigh (it felt really good after a run). I know that Lanie Yeager has to stay in an airport because of the flooding. When we had a day off I went to do the horses and then I went to see if the beaver dame was flooded (and i went to see if the place with water up to your thighs was flooded, so we could ride are bikes into it). So then I went for a run and a bike ride. I also watched some moves.
Samantha F Period 6
I think that it was weird that we had only been to school for two days and then we had a *rain* day! I was saying to myself that whole day that it was the sunniest snow day that I had ever had! Haha
I was affected by the flood because me and my family play tennis very often. We play 7 days a week for 2 or 3 hours. The day after the flood and the state of emergency was over me and my family went to the Otie Saga Tennis courts and the fence for the courts had been completely blown down and smashed to peices by a falling tree. Unfortunatly the day of the flood the weather conditions where not so great so I could not go outside during the storm so I just stayed at home and did at least 1000 situps and 400 pushups! I guess I had nothing better to do!
Alex McGarey,Period 8
The flooding on Thursday was a very crazy day. My family in Binghamton had some problems with flooding. My father's cousin had a few feet of water in his basement. The flood did not affect me though. On the unexpected day off I woke up at 930 and I didn't know that there was an emergency day. I got really panicked, and told my mom we were late for school. Then my mom told me that we had the day off. I had breakfast, then got my English binder ready. After that I started to try on clothes and shoes to see if they fit anymore. That took about 3-4 hours. I did this to see what I could give to the flood victims. I had seen all the damage from flooding in Schoharie when I was going to my grandfather's the weekend before school. After I got all my stuff ready to give away, I took a walk into town. At town, I went down to Lake Front park and saw all the flooding. Then we walked back to my house, got in the car and took a ride to the Country Club. There was lots of flooding at the Country Club and the dock had cracked.
The flood didn't directly affect me, but it made me really sad to see what was happening to innocent people in New York State.
Ethan per 8
On that day it was pretty strange. We got over three feet of water in the basement. All I did that day was stay outside and mess around having to help out once in a while with the pump.
Colin B. 7
Shannon B.
The flood effected me by making my ditch overfill with water. Also I know people that had to be advacuated from their house. On my unexcpected day off I rode my bike around town checking out some of the flooding .
Maria N
I was so happy that we had a day off, but I had to help my sister with geting ready her new room ALL DAY!! Which is not what I wanted to do at all. All this storm did at my house was fill my pond. Nothing bad at all. But a lot of my family members that live in New Jersey had to evacuate there houses. But i am really glad that I was not effected in the storm and I feel really bad for all the people that were badly effected.
The flooding effected my family by having my power cut out for 3 days. What I did on the day off was go into town and hang out with my friends.
Leland M.
The first snow day of the year and all the rain effected me and my family bynot doing anything to my backyard but it did get into my house by ging in through the windows in the basement. So the water in our basement was about shins deep. On the first snow day of the year I had a friend over and we finished up some homework then wathced some movies.
Emily Vrooman Period 1
This flood effected me by alowing me to miss school. It also affected me by alowing me to play in a giant puddle. It also flooded my crick.
Bobby Haggerty, period 6
I was not affected But There Was Alot Of Rain And It Was So Loud Know One Could Sleep. A Few Of My Family Members Were There And Had To Evacuate. My mom Was In Massachussets And I was Very Afraid. I Was Worried She Would Be Hert, But Everything Was Fine.
Glenn P1
The flood did not effect me that much we just lost a lot of tree.Our road got flooded.On my day off I went mountain biking in my woods with Lucas G.
from LN
I stayed home and did things in the house inside. I was surprised that school would be closed on the third day of school.
Steven Ratliff per 7
This affected me because I had no power so I got up and got ready for school and my mom drove me to school and we found out that there was no school so we came back home ,and I was really bored becaose there was no power and I was kind of glad there was no school because I wasn't ready for the quiz that day. Danny Rudloff Period 1
When I figured out that we had no school I stayed home and studied for the test on Friday and then i Went out side and tried to build a dam on the stream that was going down my drive way and It wasn't as fun as i thought it would be. Danny Rudloff
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