Verbs have five characteristics - person, number, tense, mood, and voice. Tense is used to tell when an action happens or a state of being exists. Helping verbs help us to control the tense. As such, they can be very useful in describing a sequence of events. I was thinking about what to type. I am typing words. I will walk away from my computer.
Write three sentences about this picture. The first sentence should be in the past tense; it should describe what was happening immediately before this picture was taken. The second sentence should be in the present tense; it should describe what is happening in the picture. The third sentence should be in the future tense; it should describe what will happen next.
Write three sentences about this picture. The first sentence should be in the past tense; it should describe what was happening immediately before this picture was taken. The second sentence should be in the present tense; it should describe what is happening in the picture. The third sentence should be in the future tense; it should describe what will happen next.
A man was running in the sand to the ocean when he hit the water he laid his surfboard in the water got on it and startes paddling he was just about to hit a wave when he say a huge shadow, it was a shark. After he saw it he panicked turned around and started paddling as fast as he could but he wasnt fast enough and the shark bit his arm almost all the way through so he had to paddle all the way to shore with one arm.
This man must have been very afraid. When I look at this picture, I am amazed by what I see. I will never get as close to a shark as this man did.
Amber G. Period 6
In the picture the man must have been scared out of his swim suit.During the time that i saw the picture i was thinking that i would run to the beach if i was that close to a shark. Next i think the man will steer away from the shark and countinue.
Ethan N per 6 ☺
A man walked into the cold ocean with his new water camera. He was expecting to take an awsome picture of a cool animal. He saw somthing big coming torwards him as he went under to take a picture. It was a huge shark! He was very scared but just needed to take a picture. Once he took the shot the shark suddenly looked at him and grabed him. The shark ripped off the arm with the camera in it. The man never got his awsome shot and he ran fast to the shore.
Danielle Perrino PERIOD 6
Maria Noto
I am surfing in the ocean. I am very scared about that shark in the water. I will try to get out of the water a soon as I can!
p.s I was correct in class that there was going to be a shark!!!!!
In the picture there is a man surfing and a shark under the suface of the water. the man is most likely very scared becase sharks are deadly. I wonder who took this picture.
megan l.
period 8
The man was going surfing. When he was right about to ride a wave he say a shark in the water. Then he started running back to shore but did not get back befor the shark attced him.
William R. Period 6
The man was serfing in the water.The shark is swming.The man will swin away. nate lopez per 7
The man was cerfing in the water. The man is staying on the board. The shark will eat the man and he will be dead.
period 7
The man was runing in the water.
The man is paddling on his surfboard. The shark will attack the man. casey Pashley p7
The first thing that happened in this picture is that a man is going out on his surf board to catch waves. Now the man is watching this shark from the wave. Maybe next the man will watch the shark go to shore.
Mya Stearns p.7
The man put on his wetsuit, put wax on his board and then headed toward the water. He put his surf board down and got on it. As he started to paddle out farther and farther he saw this weird thing that looked like a shark swimming next to him. Then he realized it was a shark! He got so close to the shark that he didn't know what to do. He managed to paddle back as fast as he could without the shark hurting him. When he got to the beach he was so scared that he threw up. After leaving the beach the man was traumatized and didn't want to go surfing ever again.
This man was heading to the beach for another lovely day of surfing the waves...or so he thought!
This man slipped comfily into his wet suit, he quietly waxed his board, and off he went. as his board splashed into the water he searched for his first wave, once he spotted the perfect he paddled out towards his wave he spotted a shark "oh my!" he thought and son turned he tried to swim away, but the shark was not pleased by this man. the man was once a great surfer but is now no more then a toe at the bottom of the ocean.
this man was a happy surfer who decided to catch a couple waves, he thought it would be just like every other time he goes surfing but man was he wrong. He slipped into his wetsuit and silently waxed his board, once he was ready he ran into the water that slowly turned into a paddle. he searched for a nice big wave that he could ride, after moments of searching he saw a perfect one that he could ride, so off he paddled for the wave. once the wave came closer he noticed a large shadow, "could that be a shark" he wondered. once it came closer he relized it was.he did just as he shouldn't have, he freaked out kicking and splashing the water all around him trying to swim away, the shark was mad he swam over to him. He was once a great surfer but now is no more than a toe at the bottom of the ocean.
Ginger Miller period 7
A man went down to the beach to have a nice day of surfing. He had no idea what was about to happen to him. The man put on his wetsuit and waxed his board. He put his board in the water,got on and started to paddle. As he went out farther and farther he thought he saw something that looked like a shark swimming next to him. He realized it was a shark! He was so scared that he paddled back as fast as he could. When he got back to the beach he was so scared he threw up. After leaving the beach he was so traumatized that he didn't want to surf ever again.
Jane Gozigian p.6 (you might gotten one like this but that was by me to i just forgot to write my name)
Jane Gozigian p.6
A man prepares to catch a wave. All of the sudden he sees a shark. He will now paddle back to shore.
Steven Ratliff Period 7
He was preparing to have an exiting day of surfing at the beach. He paddles his surfboard out to a wave, and instead of fun his excitement is terror seeing a shark in the wave. He is not going to surf on the shark, rather, he is going to touch the shark, get freaked out and wipe out, and possibly he will get a few injuries, or bites, from the shark.
Ethan r. Period 8
The man was serfing.The man saw a shark right in front of him whall serfing.He will think second befor he dose that again Duncan Clark P7
He was on the beach thinking that he should go into the water. Will he was swimming he said "that water feels so good." He didn't know that he going to see and be right by a shark.
Samantha Fanion Period 6
The man in on the beach and is going into the water. Whe he first starts to touch the water he places his surfboard in the water. when an big wave is coming he saw a shark. He panics and starts floping around in the water really nervous. The shark attacts him because he was flopping like a fish. adly the man does not make to shore he suffered the hard way. When he surfboard was recoverd half of it was gone and rest was blood.
I was watching the guy get his surf board ready to be put in the water. I am thinking that surfing is pretty scary when sharks are right under you. I will never surf because I am to scared to get to close to a shark or ocean animal, and have it bite me.
A Davine
Period 8
I was watching the guy get his surf board ready to be put in the water. I am thinking that surfing is pretty scary when sharks are right under you. I will never surf because I am to scared to get to close to a shark or ocean animal, and have it bite me.
A Davine
Period 8
A guy was going surfing and he had just caught a wave. He suddenly was next to a shrak that was in the upcoming wave. Now the man is still surfing today but with only his right arm!
Emily Santoro 6th period
There was a man surfing, which was his favorite activity. Today he was doing better than ever, until pushed his surf board over. When he swam back up his surf board was pulled underwater. People at the beacyh were telling him to get out of the water, but he didn't hear them since he was confused. Then something bit his leg. He suddenly knew that a shark nabbed his leg. Before he could react he was pulled underwater. The only thing that came up was a couple bubbles, and then dark red.
Reece Johnson Period 1
The man will notice the shark and scem and will probley crap his pants and then swim as fast as he can to shour but he is to slow and he will get eaten and then a week later the chef, shark reshucher and a fishing man will hunt it down and shove a air tank in its mouth and blow the shark up.
(By Devon Donahue per7)
The man will notice the shark and scem and will probley crap his pants and then swim as fast as he can to shour but he is to slow and he will get eaten and then a week later the chef, shark reshucher and a fishing man will hunt it down and shove a air tank in its mouth and blow the shark up.
(By Devon Donahue per7)
I think that the gut was just out to have fun and catch a wave.He is really scared and he tries to swim fast but then also slow. i think the shark was just pushed back onto the surface and then he just left.
if i was him i would be very scared and i would be screaming so loud. he is very luckey he did not get killed.
sydney o kirkby period 7
Before this picture was taken the serfer dude was getting in the water and swimming toward the wave on his bord. Then the serfer dude is getting redy to serf the wave. Then the serfer dude got eaten by the shark and the shark got sweped on the beach because of the wave and then he spat up the serfer dude and he ran home and thensome seagls flew by and picked the shark and flew him to the Artic Ocean and the shark froze inthe water.
by. Dominick Abbate
The man was just having a nice day on the beach, and decided to go out to catch some waves. He saw a good wave coming to him,and he thought that the wave would be perfect for him. But right when he was about to surf on it,he spotted a huge shadow of a shark. I bet he was scared when he saw that. I would run back on the beach, but he probebly warded the shark of and continued to surf on that wave.
Kyle A Period 7
The man was surfing in the ocean with his friends all daring each other to do stupide things. As soon they saw the shark the mans friends dared him to go surf nested to it. After that the man will lose his leg and then never does dares again. Paige Cring P.6
This man was on a surf board wanting to have an exiting day a the beach. Then when he got out there he found more excitement than he bargained for. I suspect he will probably try to get away from the shark.
The man was surfing in the ocean. The man is trying to get away from the shark. I think the man is going to get eaten by the shark if he does not get out of the way.
Michaela M. Period 6
This man was probably just minding his own business and trying to catch a couple waves. This shark suddenly decides to grab a little snack, I think. So finally The shark uh kind of eats the entire man whole.
Daniel F. period 6
A man stood with his feet in the water while looking out to the horizon and watching the sun rise high into the sky. the man got on his board and started paddling out far. when he was about to duck dive through a wave, he saw a huge shark! the shark was swimming away and so the man felt relived, but he didn't waste any time getting back to shore because he was still afraid the shark might attack him.
Tessa Griger Period 1
1. The man is going to catch some narly waves!
2. The man relizes that there is a shark under the wave that he was going to catch.
3.The man is going to get attacked by the shark!
By. Lindsey S. Rathbun :D
The man ran to the ocean getting ready to surf. When he was surfing, he saw a big white shark swim by. He got so scared that he jumped up, left his surf board and ran out of the water screaming like a little girl.
Emily Rodgers p.6
The man was running to the water to start surfing. He got in the water and started paddling. The person was just at the wave and he is looking through the water at the shark. He is probably feeling very scared right now in this situation. If the guy does not start swimming away soon he will posibly be attacked by the shark. Later he might want to swim out a little look around and if it is safe keep going but if not then go back.
Emily Vrooman
The man was heading into the deep ocean for a day of surfing when he came across a large animal swimming towards him. As he got closer he relized the animal was no other than a SHARK! I think he will turn back towards the shore to tell a lifegaurd about it so they can raise the flags to let other no that their is sharks swimming near the water.
P.s. If you lived or live in Florida you would see a shark almost every 2 hours or so! Thats what I saw when I lived their!
Sierra K... period 8
“Do it! Do it! Do it!” A group of people gathered around a man with a cerulean tinted surf board and black wet suit.
“ I’ll give him two hundred if he makes it out alive!” A common Hawaii tourist shouted, who appeared to just be looking for a show. The man in the wet suit smiled, shark infested waters or not this would be an easy two hundred bucks.
Lulled by the group of tourist’s constant chanting a man who, quite frankly seemed to be “rolling in dough,” walked over to the mass of vacationers. He stood on the fringes of the crowd. The man watched as the surfer held to his board with one hand and riled up the crowd by fist-pumping with another. The well-off man looked to his and saw a sign. No swimming, surfing, or wading. Shark Infested Waters! STAY OUT! It was obvious to the man that the surfer either had no idea about the shark OR he was just a foolhardy idiot, but this pleased the man.
Tourists shouted out bets as to if the surfer was going to survive or not, how long he was going to last, and how much they were going to pay him.
“ One Million.” The man said loudly. All the talking ceased and everyone turned around to see who dared to make a bet that deranged and off one’s rocker. “ One million.” He repeated, but still no one talked not even the surfer. “ I you brave the waves and surf through shark infested water’s I swear to you I will give one million dollars.” The surfer was speechless. He grab his board and raced out into the water.
“ One million! You promised me!” He said and hopped on his board. The man watched eyes wide. He was surfing. He was actually surfing! In waters swarming with monsters! How dimwitted, and thickheaded, and nonsensical, and scatterbrained, and absurd, and ludicrous, and, well, just plain crazy! On lookers screamed as they saw a wave crest and a shark’s silhouette appear with in.
“ Oh no! He is doing it! He is going to die! Someone helped him!” A distressed mother said covering her child’s eyes so the could not see the horror that was about to befall the man. The shark knocked the man off his board and he fell into the sea.
Within the waves the man looked around for the shark and saw its dark form heading toward. The man struggled to get his knife out of his wet suit’s pocket. He took out the small diver’s knife. The shark charged toward him and he closed his eyes slashed the knife back and forth several times. He opened eyes again re welcoming the sting of salt water and looked around him. Blood stained the water red and swirled around like drops of dye. He looked realized his leg was bleeding, and knew that it had been a mistake to come out here. Something puzzled the man though the blood was also coming from a different direction. He saw the dark shape in the water again and then realized that the shark’s vital fluid was leaking out of his body too, but the shark still charged. The man swam as fast as he could to the shark and they collided knocking each other senseless. Then the man remember one vital thing. Sharks can smell blood from a mile away. He saw dark figures swirl around him and almost smiled. I will never surf again.
Regina L.
Period 7
My sentences were- He was surfing. He is going to die. I will never surf again.- each located in a different paragraph.
I am sorry if I have grammar or factual errors I did not check it.
A man was swimming in the cool blue ocean... when he saw a hugh shark! He didn't know what to do so he statred to swim away.As soon as he got to shore he as just in time because the sharkcame in on a big wave. And ended up eating the mans surf board... and that was the last time the wise man saw that shark.
~Kristen Lansing Period 6 :)
Man that is one cripy shot that guy must be sared.The man was probaly was minding is own board wax when he saw the shark.The shark is comeing right at him in the wave.If the guy swimms off it will chase him and nail him.If I was him I would just lie there and not move.But what kind of shark is it.
p.s. i might have second thoghts on surfing
Luke N per. 6
The man was going surfing one day. He spoted a shark and began to worry. He tried to get out of the water as fast as he could.
Casey Carr Period 1
The man waded into the water with his board. He is paddling into the wave, headed for the shark.He will hop on to his surfboard and ride the wave, hitting the confused shark on the nose.(hopefully)
Lindsay Brown period 6
This man was probaly so scared! He probaly even screamed.He was scared because he saw a hugh shark! So he swam away on his surf borad. He made it to land when he really saw the shark... comeing right at him! "Oh no what will I ever do?!" he cried And so thats where it ends... TO BE CONTINUDED
~Kristen Lansing p. 6 :)
A man was on the board and ready to go surfing. Then he saw a huge shadow of a Great White Shark and started to panick. He tried to go to shore but it was to late. He was gone forever!
Sadie M. period 7
The dude was catching some sick nasty waves off the shoreline. He sees the shark camping inside the wave is totally freaked out, man. The shark will totally take a chunk out of his arm and board, SWEEEEEEET!!!
Anthony Birch 10/20/11
I think when that guy saw that shark he must of been so scared. I
f I saw that shark I would of freaked out. I wonder what he did when he saw the shark. I bet he started to paddle away when he saw it. The shark might be afraid of the man when it saw the person.
Will Harloff.
A enormous shark was swimming at the man. The man is peeing his swimtrunks. He will swim like a mad man as fast as he possibly can to get away.
This dude was hittin the waves when he saw a shark inte water. He thinks sweet i'm going to try and pet it it. He makes the wrong decision the shark ate him whole and the dude was never seen again.
Teddy T. Per 6
From the picture I can tell that the man in the water, that seems to be going surfing is scared at the sight of the shark. He was probably so scared that he waited a split second before going back to shore.
Danny Rudloff Period (1)
I put my surf board in the ocean and paddled out to the wave. Suddenly I see a shark in the wave I was about to catch. I am going to swim back to shore and tell the lifeguard to get everyone out of the water.
Joshua Briggs P8
A man was surfing in the ocean. Suddenly he saw a huge shadow in the water. It was a shark! I think he will paddle to shore as fast as he can.
Christianna F. Period 6
The man was trying to catch the wave. Sudenly the man sees the shadow of a huge animal. He will try to get back to the beach before it's to late!
Joaquim Landry p7
THe man was surfing to the wave. The shark is approching. The man will get scared and surf away.
Amanda L. 6
The man was going surfing. He can see a shark in the wave. He will turn around so he isn't in danger.
Ginny A. p.6
I think that he was practicing for a coming up compotion. He just got real tense because he is right by a shark. I think that he is going to try to get away from the shark by catching the wave right in front of him.If he makes it he is luky but if he messes up he will probubly get bit by the shark.
Bobby period 6
He probably didn't see the shark until it was to late. He sees the shark and is petrified. He will never go surfing again.
Lila Ourlser Period 6
He was surfing. Then he saw the shark.He is going to swim away soon.
Jack p Period 1
it looks kind of fun if the shark wuz not there i would just stay there and let the shark go right past me in then paddle in and not go again
Lucky Nolan per. 6
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