Read this article by Rick Reilly.
Once you have finished, tell me what you think the purposes of playing sports are. What is the most important thing about sports? What is important to some, but not important to you?
Once you have finished, tell me what you think the purposes of playing sports are. What is the most important thing about sports? What is important to some, but not important to you?
The purpose of playing sports is to be athletic, good team effort,good sportsmanship. It dosent matter what the score is. All that matters is that you made new friends and hade a good time a the sport games.
kyle peeters 1/25/12
peroid 7
I think that the purpose of playing sports is to have fun, give it all you got, and make the game enjoyable for everyone by playing fair and being a good sport. The most important thing about sports is to try as hard as you can and if you don't win try and learn from your mistakes and from other's techniques and strategies so you can do better. Winning is not as important to me as it is to others. As long as I go out, play a good game, figure out what my mistakes are, and do better job I am satisfied.
Regina Lassiter
Period 7
The purposes of playing sports are to show off your skills, get healthy, and to build self-confidence. The most important thing about sports is to have fun. To some people the most important thing is to win.
Period 8
I think that the purpose of playing sports is to learn something new and have fun and enjoy some competition. To me the most important thing about sports is having fun and being with friends. Some people think it's important to win, although it is awesome to win, just try to do your best and you will succeed. :)
A. Lionetti period 6
i think the purposes of sport is to have fun and to test your self. The most important thing about sport is to have fun ans try hard. to some people it is to have fun even if you lose. to me it is having fun but we have to win. Duncan Clark p7
I think the purposes of sports is that a lot of kids are not aloned out of the house so if you play sports that is a time to see your friends and also get to know people better then you do now. The important thing about the sport is to get outside and to get frash air. Some poeple it is important to win or at list try your best. Wining a game is not important to my because i know that i try my very best in that game. But if you look at some poeple that would be very important to them. casey pashley period7
I think the most important thing about sport is just having fun and and getting a good workout. I also about making new friends and having a better relationship with other. Its not all about winning...... well most of the time. My most favorite sports are Basketball and Baseball. They each involve alot of running and which dosent tire me out, and im not trying to sound cocky all. Daniel J Francis period 6
I think the purpose of playing sports is to get more fit. To me it means teamwork and getting to know people better. Some other people may think that it is all about being a show off. I do not think that.
Steven Ratliff per 7
Brandon Hage 1/26/12
English period 1
I think that the purpose of playing a sport is to have fun and to meet new people and to get some exersice. I think that the most important thing about sports is to have fun and meet new people. I think some people think it is very important to grt thr best equitment but I do not think that is important.
Justin Lewis period:7
english 1/26/12
I think the purposes of sports are to keep kids and athletes stay in shape I also think that there fun after school activities. They are also a great way to get your grades up.
The purpose of playing sports is for exercise, good sportsmanship, having fun, being active, and hanging out with friends. The most important things about sports are; when your watching, for the team you love to win, and throwing stuff at the TV when they don't; and when you are playing, to have fun and win the game.
To me sports can be a fun game after school or it could be an escape from the real world or my ticket to a big college. The most important parts of sports to me are have fun and win. Those are the answer many people will give to that question but i actually mean it why play sports if its not fun. To some people sports may be just a game or it could be their life. sports to me mostly are everything if i couldn't play sports i don't know what i would do.
I think the purposes of sports are is you see a player that is really struggling, help them out. The most important thing about sports is never give up and have confidence in yourself. You should also have good sportsmanship.
Kyle Amsden, period 7
I think the purposes of playing sports is to show your skill at something, show how fit your body is,and to have fun doing it. The most important thing about playing sports is working with your team to achieve a goal. Although scores are important to some people, I value skill more.
I think the purpose of playing sports is to do an activity that you really like. I also think that the most important thing about sports is to have fun but some people just play to win.
Ginny A. Period 6
I think the purpose of sports is to have compete against other people in a competition. But I think the most important thing about sports is to have fun. It's really easy to get really competitive and get realy worked up over winning and losing. Yees winning is awsome but is it really worth all the stuff that some pro sport players do to win? And when you get that competitive about sports it's hard to still have fun. Yes I love winning.
-Charles Gannon
-->ps i am not a robot and i hate those word things
I think playing sports are feeling the happiness and greatness of winning and also the sulkiness and the feeling of anger of losing. It can also be about precision and skill and in this case, working to achieve a goal. Most of the time it involves getting better. But I think the most important thing is knowing that you helped someone, no matter who won. To some people winning is important but to me getting better is a greater and better feeling.
Daniel Ralston
Period 6
I think the purpose of playing sports is to stay fit and have fun. It is also to learn new things and meet new people. Sports are also good because you get to learn what you are good at and/or what you like doing. Sports can give you a sense of pride in yourself and a sense of accomplishment. The most important thing about sports is that you can have fun and stay fit. Some people are really competitive and think sports is all about winning. They don't even care about having fun. This is not only the kids participating in the sport, but the parents watching it and coaches too. I don't think you need to focus on being competitive, because if you are having fun, learning and trying hard to give it your best you are winning. Some people stop playing sports because their coaches only want to win. They forget that we are kids and are there to learn. Not everyone is a great athlete in 4th grade.
Ethan Russell period 8
Playing sports can be awesome but you can't be a sore winner or loser, you should show good sportsmanship. You should be happy for each other and for the other team. You shouldn't blame your teammates for a loss. When you are a team, it means to stick together and win together or lose together. Your teammates should support you, no matter what. To some people winning is everything, but winning isn't everything. You have to try your best and whether you win or lose, if you and your team tried, then it shouldn't matter. Trying is important to me and if you are willing to learn, then you will have a great season.
Amber Genova Period 6
Maria Noto
I think that the purpose of playing sports is to have fun. I think again, that the most important part of playing sports is having fun and learning. I think that to a lot of people think winning is very important but to me don't care if I win or lose.
I think the purpose of playing a sport is to have fun and to be involved in a competition. The most important thing to me about sports is having a good team and always trying my hardest. Most people like to win and I do too but that's not all there is to playing sports. Some people get overly competitive and become mean just so they can win. I don't think that is right. Winning isn't the most important thing to me.
Jane Gozigian
I think the purpose of playing sports is to learn sportsmanship,helping and just fun exercise. The most important thing about sports is to make new friends. If you don't have new friends or any on the same team then a sport is only half the fun. To me there is nothing not important in playing a sport the gear, your friends and having fun.
Emily Vrooman
I think playing sports is an honor. I don't think people realize that at our school people tease each other and poke fun and talk about how kids don't have as much money as others do. When you play sports and see that your team mate doesn't have the proper supplies, if you have an extra of something that they don't offer to let them barrow it. Good sportsmanship is not always about saying "good job" after a game or practice but it is about love and caring for others. If you want to try out for something go for it don't let nobody tell you that you can't. Sportsmanship is compasion, love, and honor to be on that team. Sierra P8
I think that playing sports is about playing the game. Most trhink that this is all it is. I feel that playing sports is sportsmanship and playing the game for the fun and the competitiveness.
Paige C. p.6
What is the prpose of sports? The purpose of sports is for people try to try something new, fun, energetic, and great exercise. What is the most important thing about sports? The most important thing about sports is that you menjoy doing the sport you like. What is important to, some but not important to me? Some people play chess as a sport. Chess I don't perticularly care for. But for some people it is their favorite thing in life and have big competion. I know their is a lot of thinking involed but there is no running or even moving your feet involved in it. So this is my question. If there is a lot of thinking in chess and thats a sport,how come a test isn't a sport. There is a lot of thinking about. That is why i don't perticulary like chess as a sport but I know it is important to other people.
Shannon.B Period: 1
It is imortant to play sports because it helps you stay fit.The purpose of this article is to tell about sportsmenship. It is important to some beacause they like sports and some dont care at all.
I think that sports are very important in a students life. When I am done with schoool I always want to go to practice. There are 2 reasons for that one I hate riding the bus home and two I love to excersize. I think they are important because kids should be able to play after 6 hours of school.
One purpose of sports is that they keep you in good shape and make you stronger. The most important thing to me about sport is that you have fun and you get exercise (but winning is good too!) Winning can be very important to some people but less important to me.
Lila Oursler period 6
Wow that was truely a touching article. Being a softball player myself I have never seen or heard of that much good sportsman ship! Im impressed. I think the purpose of sports are to teach you the sport, keep you active and fit and to teach you about sportsmanship.
I think the most important thing about sports is the fun and the learning. I think somethings are really important but I think the MOST important is the sportsmanship and the fun of the game. ~Kristen Lansing p.6 :)
I think the purpose of sports is to have fun and to try your hardest no matter what. If you lose then you lose if you win you win it doesn't matter. The most important thing about sports is sportsmanship. Sports are all about having fun and respecting the other team, the referees, and everyone else. What isn't important to me is if they win or lose as long as you tried your best you won!
Mia I.
I think that the purpose of playing sports is to get better and learn from your mistakes in games and practices. The most important thing about sports is to make sure that you know how to play and not get all upset because you lost a game. I think it is important to some people whether they lose or win, to me it doesn't really mater to me if there is no competition.
Period 1
Danny Rudloff
I think the purposes of playing sports are to get phisicaly and mentally strong. The most important thing about sports is to know what its like to work with a team and know your own strengths. Some people think getting all the expensive and real things for sports is important but it is not as important to me.
Leland Morris
Period 8
There are many different purposes of sports such as Exersise and the fun of the game. The most important thing about sports is sportsmanship. Without sportsmanship people would be hitting and yelling at their opponant and not being kind or considderate if they lost. Some people make sports pretty much their whole life and I think that you should at least take an hour every day to do something besides sports.
I think the purpose of playing sports is for kids to learn the game and enjoy it as they play. Also to get better at the sport. I think the purpose is to learn about teamwork and dedication. To some it is important because they love the sport, they worked hard and they want to get a scholorship to a college. They also want to be an allstar, loved by fans and feel like the center of attention. Or play in a big stadium and feel the excitement.
I like the excitement and challenge of playing sports but I don't like showoffs and people who want to be the center of attention.
Joshua Briggs 1/26/12 p8
the purpose of playing sports is to get better at activities with a team. its important to know how to cooperate with a team. if you dont know how to play a sport, teamwork is always a good way to learn. the important part of sports is to learn and play the game to the best of your ability. someone people think that winning every time is the most important part of sports but to me that doesnt matter. having good sportsmanship is also an important part in sports.
I think the purpose of playing sports is to get better at the sport, to learn sportsmanship and teamship, and to have fun. I think the most important thing about sports is learning about sportsmanship and teamship. Competing against other teams and winning is important to some people, but is not as important to me.
Christianna F. Period 6
The purpose of playing sports is to learn how to work as a team and to get a healthy excercise. The most important thing about sports is to have fun and to understand the game. Most people only care about winning, but it is not only about winning the game, it is about how you played the game and if you improved from the last game.
Emily Santoro. Period 6
The purposes of playing sports is to have fun and learn. The most important thing about sports is to have fun. Some people think it is important to win every game but I think it doesn't really matter just if you play your hardest and have a great time will you are playing.
Samantha Fanion P6
i think that sports are important to people to get in shape and to have fun. in the nfl they get lots and lots of money to play in pro.some people dont think sports are impoprtant and go home to do not much and stay and be bord. mr lopez
I think the purpose of sports is that it does not matter if you win or not it’s just having fun. The most important thing about a sport is that you can have fun play the game and if you lose you can always try again in till you get it. To some people it could be about winning and not losing because if you lose you might feel like you’re not good at that sport and give up. sydney k Period 7
ELA 1/26
Sportsmanship is very important during any kind of sport. If you have good sportsmanship people will respect you. If you have bad sportsmanship people will not respect you and will maybe hate you for the game.
Reece Johnson Period 1
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