Thursday, February 2, 2012

Mind the Gap

In this context, "mind" means "pay attention to".  Every time we tackle a new concept in class, there is a gap between our current base of knowledge and the knowledge we'll need in order to show mastery of the topic.  For examaple, when we began studying adjectives, you might not have known much about them.  On the other hand, you might have had some background knowledge.  In either case, there was some information on adjectives that you needed to learn - a gap. 

How do we mind the gap?  What specific things can we do to gain knowledge?  If you knew that there would be a test on prepositions in only a month, what might you do in order to close the gap between what you currently know and what you might need to know in order to pass?

Extra fun:  Where are "Mind the Gap" notices most commonly seen?


Anonymous said...

We mind the gap by knowing that we are going to learn. We can pay attention in class and if we do not understand something, then we should ask questions about it. If I knew that there was going to be a test in month about prepositions, I would ask Mr. Abts about them and then google them. I would write down all I needed to know and then study until the test came. I think that "mind the gap" signs are most commonly seen before you get on a train like in the picture.
Amber G. Period 6

Anonymous said...

I "mind the gap" by by listening, and by being aware of my surroundings. For example, I look at examples in a book, and remember what I was taught when I do my homework. I try to memorize every definition and important facts that come up. I try not to space out when I am doing things or when I am in class. To gain knowledge you can study, look further into a subject (ex. go online to get more information on a subject), go to class, travel, talk to people with knowledge and read. You can also watch films or TV, like the History Channel or the Discovery Channel. There are some educational shows on other channels as well.
If I knew that there was going to be a test on prepositions in a month I would start researching about it now. I could look through my book to familiarize myself with prepositions. I could also look on line for information on prepositions. I could also listen to my School House Rock CDs as I think they have information on prepositions.

"Mind the Gap" notices most commonly seen include ones on subways, though in NYC it says "watch the gap." The saying is also seen on t-shirts.

Ethan Russell Per. 8

Anonymous said...

If there was a prepositions test in one month, in order to mind the gap I would start working out everything that I know about prepositions and then study what i don't know about them.
Emily R

Anonymous said...

To me in class we "Mind the gap" by going over the lesson untill everyone understands. When everyone gets it we move on to the next part of that like adjectives. If I was told that there was going to be a test on propositions in 1 month then I would go to my parents, then my brother. Once, I have gotton information from all of them i would go to my english text and then friends to see what they have gotton.

Emily Vrooman

Anonymous said...

To gain knowledge you could pay attention in class and do your homework. To close the gap you could study and get a good grade on a test or quiz. You could also make a quiz that you could fill in. You can look over your notes and read them every night for at least 15 mins. That would be how to"mind the gap" would be phrased in learning.
Sadie Michaels p.7

Anonymous said...

If I knew that there was a test on something I did not know coming up soon. I would probably go online to sites that I know are reliable and find information. I also might look in my grammar text book. One of my last-resort ideas would be going to my dad for help. If we try harden enough, then we can mind the gap.
Daniel Ralston
Period 6.
*I think mind the gap signs are most commonly found on subways.

Anonymous said...

Its means to watch because there is something near that is open and could cause an injury. This can teach us to pay attention to things so we don't get hurt.

Anonymous said...

We "mind the gap" by listening in class and doing work efficiantly. To gain knowledge we can take notes. In order to pass a test on prepositions I would do a worksheet in my Grammar for Writing workbook ahead of time. I would do this so I can learn from Mr.Abts and from a book. I saw a "mind the gap" notice on this website. There is a picture of a subway station, and the ground says "Mind the Gap" because there is a gap in between the subway and the concrete floor.

Alex Mcgarey,
Period 8

Anonymous said...

We mind the gap by studying and reading and doing work sheets in our text books. We can look up the definitions and study them in sentances. In order to close the gap between prepositions and myself, i will try to start studying them and seeing where they are located in sentances and what the purpose prepositions.

Anonymous said...

I think that if you had a test coming up and you had a "gap" between the things you know and don't know prepare for the test and research what you are learning in class I think you can mind the "gap" by not talking in class and letting the teacher explain to you how to do the topic. Sierra P8

Anonymous said...

We mind the gap by studying and researching the topic.we look up the definitions and study them in our text books. I would try to study them and find where they are in sentances and what they do. I would also try to look prepositionsup in the text book and do some worksheets on them.
Lila Oursler period 6
Extra Fun:
By a gap

cg# said...

I would mind the gap by having somebody test me on adjectives and paying atention / taking notes in class. If I new there was a test i probably would use the googles to find information.

Anonymous said...

If you are studying for a test and you only knew half the questions. All the others you just skimmed. You knew part of the answer but didn't really no it. That means you have just "Mind".

Shannon B. Period: 1

Kristen said...

Somethings we could do to avoid the "gap" is to work on them in class more often. If I had to close the "gap" I would study harder and get extra help if needed.
Extra Fun Answer: Sub Way Stations (not the food place) and also train stations. Kristen Lansing </3

Anonymous said...

We mind the gap in class by going over important knowledge that we don't really know. We go over tests in class and we do activities that involve a subject that we are learning about. To "mind the gap" on prepositions, I would look up the subject on my computer. Also, I would record the information onto a sheet of paper and use it as a study guide. I would use this study guide as a quiz at home. ` Most "Mind the Gap" signs are found in subway and train stations.

Anonymous said...

We mind the gap by going over the basics of each lesson. We can also gain knowledge by going over things that you might not realize about that would be hidden in the gap. Also if I knew what was going to be on the test in a month but didn't know all the information I would cover the basics and go a little more into depth to learn a bit more. I would also ask my mom to help me because she is really good at grammar. It would also be helpful to look up information on prepositions on the internet or go in for extra help with the teacher. Also "mind the gap" notices are most commonly seen on the ground beside a train or subway at a station.

Joshua Briggs 2/2/12 Period 8

Anonymous said...

If I knew ahead of time, I might start studying. I would also ask for anything I might not know. Or I could ask for help on anything I don't understand. I could also use the internet if I forgot to ask during school.

Danny Rudloff
period 1

Anonymous said...

I didnt understand what your were trying to ask? I mean I read it and still didn't understand what a gap was!

Anonymous said...

We mind the gap by learning new thing everyday. We can listen in class and study our notes at home. If there was a test in a month I would look at my notes to learn the things I didn't get in class and study my other notes I did get in class. "Mind the gaps" are usually found before you get onto an airplane, and on a curb.

Anonymous said...

We mind the gap by trying to learn different things that we didn't know. We try to gain knowledge by taking notes and doing worksheets. After we learn a new concept we take a test or a "knowledge evaluation" to see how much we learned. If we had a test we would have probably taken notes and taken a practice test to prepare us for that test.

Jane Gozigian

Anonymous said...

to mind the gap we need to study all the information we have learnd in class so oder to study or pass you should make flash cards or study wait for ten minuets and have a small test on what you studied.

kyle peeters per: 7

Jojo Landry said...

We mind the gap by paying attention to the things we learn about the specific topic. We also might read about it and get other information. If there was a test coming up I would do some research on the topic (prepositions)and I would study some older notes from when I learned them in second grade. This would help add on to the things I learned in class. I think that mind the gap notices are most commonly seen at train stations where you climb aboard. This is to warn people to watch their step between the train and the platform.

Anonymous said...

To "close the gap" when there is a test coming you should review and study your notes every night. if there is something that we learned that day in class and you still don't understand the information, then you should ask the teacher for extra help.
Mind the Gap in the subway station.
Tessa period 1

Anonymous said...

Maria Noto
8th peroid
You can mind the gap by paying attention to the gap. To gain knowledge you can ask and adult or a teacher about what you want to learn or use the googles and bings. If I knew that there was going to be a test on prepositions in a month, I would ask my dad and mom all they might know about prepositions and then, I would ask my teacher.

Anonymous said...

We "mind the gap" by figuring out what we know and what we don't know and learning the things we don't know so we don't "fall in the gap." To gain knowledge you can ask others about things, figure out your mistakes and learn from them, and use the resources around you. That way we can both learn more and teach others things so that they teach others who teach others and so on and so forth. If I knew there was a test on prepositions in a month I would try and learn many things about them, find examples of them in context, and know some of the basic things about prepositions. I would also ask my friends and teachers, look in textbooks and books, and use the many other resources that are available to me.

Regina L.
7th Period

Anonymous said...

If we get a page of notes or homework than you can check it over and make sure it all makes sense to you. The mind gap notices are usually seen at substations.
Sam Fanion period 6

Anonymous said...

We mind the gap writing down the information we did not know. We would study it and study it and then take a quiz if we got a bad grade on the quiz. To gain knowledge we can ask questions and if we don't have them answered we can look them up. If there was a prepositions test in a month I would ask many questions involving "what is their purpose?" "What do they do?" " What are some examples of them?". I would also search them up and find out more information after I have all the information I think I need then I would review the information until the test.

Mia I.

Anonymous said...

We mind the gap by learning more or streching the extra inch to get on the train. To gain knowledge i study, listen and do research. Before the test on prepostions i would look them up on google for extra learning. I would also study sll my notes on them.

mind the gap signs are found often by trains, bording a boat and obstacle course.

Anonymous said...

You could take a few tests on adverbs or adjetives. You could get alot better at noticing them. Ten you could go on to prepisitiosns.

Steven Ratliff per. 7

Anonymous said...

Mind means that if you are told to do something you sould do it the first time. If you had a test in one mounth you should study and get reddy for the test. Duncan Clark p7

Anonymous said...

Mind means to stand out of poeple lifes. Also if i know that there was a test in a mothe then i would fill the gap by looking up what ever it was. period7 casey pashley

Anonymous said...

To mind the gap most people should say what they think and discuss the topic. Minding the gap would be good for school and will make you a better student.
Reece Johnson Period 1