Socrates (the goofy looking guy in the picture) was a great teacher. Part of what made him so great was his method of teaching; he liked to ask lots of questions, and then question the answers his students gave him. Sometimes his students were very frustrated by this method, but old Socrates stuck with it. Why do you think I would think this is a good method for teaching? Wouldn't it just make more sense to tell the students what the answers are, so that the students can study the answers? Be prepared to respond to my response to your response to this post.
I think Socrates had a very good style of teaching. If he questions the answers his students give him, they will be able to explain how or why it happens. If you just tell them the answers, they won't know the explanation for the answer. The students need to know why or how things are the way they are.
-Fleet Wallace
I think this is a great method because it really forces the students to really use their b-brain.I think that Mr. Abts should use this method more than hedoes right now.
-------Adam Vath
Dallas Rocks!!!!!!!!!!!
Good responses, Fleet and Adam. However, why would an old, experienced teacher such as Socrates trust young, inexperienced students to use their b-rains? Isn't it possible that students will come up with some incorrect answers?
I think that Socrates uses his knowledge to help kids use their brain and to do the little extra work to get a little bit smarter. Nice method Socrates! And nice responses Fleet and Adam!
-Charlie McCray
Dallas Cowboys!!!
Charlie, what makes you think that people get smarter by using their brains? Wouldn't being told more facts and making sure to remember those facts make them smarter?
Yes, it is possible, but he will eventually tell them the right answer. But by questioning them, they may realize it is wrong if they can't explain it.
-Fleet Wallace
Redskins Rule!!!
Portis for MVP1!!
My question is this: should students best answer their teacher's questions with statements or with questions of their own? How comfortable will we be with an education that leaves us questioning? Is this the best representation of the universe we are trying to know?
I believe that Socrates method works It would make the students think about why they answered that question in a certain way so they would better remember it, and it would help teach students how to defend their theories plus the students might have the wrong answer.
-Jack Jiranek
P.S. Didn't Socrates get executed.
Does somebody learn more from answering questions or from asking them? An anonymous contributor seems to feel that there is power in asking questions. What do you think?
I think Socrates has a good method of teaching. I think it is good because he is making them work instead of just giving them the answer. If the students get it wrong then he would know that he needs to describe it more.
Julian Mills
He would trust them because he wants the students to work hard, and push themseleves. Yes, students will get wrong answers, but he wants them to keep trying.
Dallas rocks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
They are so much better then Wasington!!!
I believe that you learn from both of them because when you answer a question you often have to use your brain just as much as when you ask someone a question or you question an someone gave answer just like I am right now.
By questioning the students answer to his question, Socrates gets them to go back and think over their answer and think on their own. In doing this, they are also coming up with possible explanations for their answers. If you just tell the students the answer, they won't even think about why that is the answer. In my opinion, what you think is the correct thinking and I agree with you.
-Logan Ende
Anonymous asked, "How comfortable will we be with an education that leaves us questioning?
Is it always better to be comfortable than uncomfortable?
If you believe it is, how would you support your belief?
I think it is not always bad to be uncomfortable because in the long run, it is probably going to be healthy for you to be uncomfortable at some point in your life. When you are running,if you are uncomfortable while doing so, you are most likely working harder and getting stronger.
-Logan Ende
why be uncomfortable just to improve? Wouldn't it be easier just to know you could work hard if you wanted to, but to save yourself from the discomfort of actually doing so? Wouldn't the best case scenario be to have others work hard for you?
You may be able to work hard, but you will never get better than you are at the current point. If you know you can work hard, but don't, it is just as good as not being able to work hard, and never trying to get better. If you have someone working hard for you, they are getting better, not you. This is a tough question and I hope I don't sound repetative!
-Logan Ende
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