Tuesday, January 27, 2009

Rise Together

Everybody falls down - the trick is getting back up again. When you've been knocked flat, it can seem as though all is lost. At times like this, it is important to dig deep for the strength and courage to get back up and face that which just a moment ago was our undoing. I believe it is crucial to see the positive; as they say in Ohio, "it's easier to tear down an old silo than to build a better one". Anybody can criticize; creating something better can be much harder.

"Rise" by the Flobots

What message do the lyrics and video send about moving forward as Americans?


Anonymous said...

The video says thaat all of us in the world are in this together even if we rise or fall. Together is a more important word than rise because we should do everything together.

Julian Mills
Clemson is sweet

Anonymous said...

The video tells Americans that we need to hold hands (not really) and try to deal with all of our problems us Americans face such as our goverment. Also, if one of us is down in the dumps that we need to help them up on their feet and tell them to move along.

Charlie McCray

Anonymous said...

I think the message being sent is that if you mess up, you need to forget about it and move on with life. You can't dwell over one mistake, or you'll keep messing up. Just get over it and come back even better than you've ever done.

Sean Singletary ROX!!

Anonymous said...

The song is telling us that we all have to move forward and leave the bad things that have happened in our country's history behind us together. During the music video, it showed people picking up a bucket balanced on multiple srings. If one person were to let go of their string, the whole bucket would tip over and spill its contents all over the place. That is kind of like our country, we all have to embrace a new America together or there won't be an America that Dr. King dreamed of.
-Logan Ende
P.S brilliant violin playing in that song

Michael Zeevi said...

I believe that this video tells us that we need to stick together as a people, which means not only like each other and such, but that sometimes we need to roll up our collective sleeves and help out people not only in this nation but abroad.