Summer vacation is the biggest obstacle to having our students achieve their academic potential. Currently we have four ten-week quarters, which totals 200 school days. We should shift to a year-round school model, with only a two week break in early July. As a trade-off, we would not have school on Mondays. Fifty weeks with four school days per week would still give us 200 school days. Teachers, students, and administrators alike enjoy three day weekends - just imagine if every weekend was a three day weekend! I don't even think we would miss summer vacation all that much. Most of us are bored by the end of the break, and we are excited to get back to school to see our friends again.
Finally, with only a two-week break, students would forget less. Teachers could invest time in teaching lots of fun and exciting new things rather than boring the students by reviewing the things they had already "learned" but had forgotten over the summer.
In your comment, disagree with what I am saying above. Make sure to use as many good reasons as you can think of.
I agree that havong 3 day weekends would be great and the teachers wouldn't have to start at scratch in september trying to familiarize the students with previous knowledge. But how would you observe the holidays that are on mondays? Many holiday observances are on mondays and so would they be observed on a different day?
summer vacation is actually good because you get a break from school. you get times to hang out and have fun while you have a break from school. i disagree.
Jennifer Snyder p.1
i would like having 4 day school weeks they would be less overwelming and we would have more time to relax and do homework.
I would disagree withwhat the person is sating. I wouldn't like to have 3 day weekends all the time because it would be annoying. If you only had a four day week of school the teacher might bea able to cover all the things they want to teach the kids and they would have to have a 5 days of school each week. If we had a shorter vacation then people might have to cancel there tradition if they have one each year and that would be hard for the people to do cuz they would have be canceling a family tradition. Alos on like christmas vacations or on holiday vacations people would have shorter time to celebrate the time they all have together. This is why i disagree of haveing four days of school each week and how it would effect pther people.
Sara.b per.1
I would not like having 3 day weekends becuse that means we would have a short summer vacations and there is 56 weeks in a year and if we have 3 day weekends we have 50 weeks of school which leaves us with only 6 weeks of summer which is not alot of summer and you have less time to like hangout or go on your boats on ride i disagree about having 3 day weekends.
kenny period 3
I disagree, summer vacation is our free time to camp, Swimm, sleep in, and other fun things. 3 day weekends dont work for me if we are going to have school, we should fit as much time as we can.
♥Serena♥ Period 2
P.S but we can have 3 day weekends too.:P
garec 2
i love the summer, i like the way our school system work. i would not enjoy a three day weekend very much becouse i grew up with only two say weekend.So it would feel weird.Its true i dont remember stuff from the year befor, but i just relearn it all in rewveiw, and then it come back to me.
i disagree because not everyone forgets things over summer vacation. some people study over vacation and also work hard when they get back to school. and yes we have like 200 school days but that is what helps us learn some kids don't go to school. which means they cannot read and write or even learn about english or for ex. English, Soicial, Science and math and other extra caoricualar activites in between or after
Period 3
I agree because it whould give us time to relax and to enjoy our weekend also if we do have 3 day weekends and 2 week breacks it would be fun and we wouldn't mis any school because their are 200 school day's and the days between all adds up to 200 school days so we would be their for the amount of days we need to be their
P:3 Quentin
umm i agree with you because i do like 3 day weekends but going throughout the whole year could be stressful for some people. Summer time is the time to enjoy things with your family and go to different places (florida, hawaii, down south, ect)
~Kara.A~ P3
no way bucko i love the summer and if they were to take that away i would be so mad. i love 3 day weekeends as much as th next guy but summer is the only thing we have to look forward to. and besides its are job to remamber the stuff you tought us so if we froget it just sucks for us. so i disagree with your idea about year round school and 3 day weekends with like a 2 week vaka.
**!!brittany!!** period 1
I agree that we should have a three day weekend because it would give us more time to do our homework. And it givs us more time to hang out with our family. And it givs us our more time to hang out with our friends.
McKenzie Slater Period5
I think that having three day weekends for the whole entire year, except two weeks in July, would be very cool! But I would also kinda suck too, you would have three day weekends but for almost a full year?!? That would drive me nuts! Also sure I do miss my friends by them end of the summer and I want to see them but I would still get sick of school. One other thing, if we only get two and only two weeks for summer vaction and the mondays off, WHAT ABOUT THE HOLIDAYS?!?! We still have to keep them and other days off!
Period 2
I strongly disagree, because many kids love to travel in the summer and go swimming and fishing. also, if we did not have summer vacation all of a sudden, many kids would not pay attention to the teacher because they would be ewishing they could be outside fishing, swimming, and doing other fun things. In addition, alot of kids have camps and places they like to go to during summer.
Robert 5
I disagree with everything because in one of the other blog posts it said that kids need a break so their brains can get flowing again. I think that many people would much rather have summer vacation than a 3 day weekend. Many people love school but I have to say not many. Even if many holidays are on mondays we can just have those days off.
Only a two week summer!!?!?!?That would be awful!I usually go places during the summer and two weeks is not long enough.Also, I would rather be in school than out on , lets say, a Monday in February when there is nothing to do but sit around.You might as well learn stuff.Also students get bored of school a lot faster than they get bored of summer.
Sarah- Period 3
I disagree with what you've proposed. To go all year long with no break bigger than 2 weeks? That's ridiculous. I think that kids benefit from vacation, because it's a time to relax without the stresses that burden them in school. Besides, if you get bored towards the end of the summer, like I do, you just get psyched for school, thus you work harder. Also, three day weekends are like tantalizing treats. Yes, it's fun to sleep in for an extra day, but consider this: There are 52 weeks in the school year - 2 weeks of vacation = 50 extra days of sleeping in, whereas: we have 30+ days of in school vacation + 82 days of summer vacation = 112+ extra days to sleep in. So, in the end, it comes out that summer vacation is a smarter choice for sleeping in. Also, we normally have a Christmas, February, and April break, so what would we do if we didn't have those? It would be like being trapped inside a cage all year long! If we had to change our school-day model, I would have 1 week of school, then 1 week off, rather than a 4-day school week.
Christina 5
I compleatly disagree with what you said. I would love having a three day weekends but only 2 weeks of summer vacation that is crazy! Who want only TWO WEEKS of summer vacation. I think teachers might like it because they get a 3 day weekend and the kids will not forget what they learned the past school year. Also secreties would propulay like it because the work durung the summer and not on weekends so they will work less time, and they will not feel as bed working for two weeks extra.
Christina 5
I think it would be good that way with 3 day weekends but at the same time i would hate school even more. It would be cool to have 3 day weekends every week, but having school in the summer would be horrible. It would be way to hot a lot of people would be uncomfortable and maybe even sweat in class. A long summer is supposed to get the kids minds off of school and to have a good time, and for the teachers to prepare for the upcoming class.
I think that that is a horrible idea, because lots of kids love the summer, and I know because I am one of them. sure at the end of summer vacation lots of kids miss there friends and are excited to get back to school but that is not a bad thing! It is good to get excited once in a while. Also how would you move up a grade? One day your in 6th grade the next day your in 7th grade. That would really suck because you would not get a break between grades! I also don't think that the two week break idea in July is a good decision either. Sure we would forget less but I think that we would all miss summer vacation. Besides the whole forgettting thing would only be more conveneint for teachers not the kids at all. Finally i don't think I've ever met any one who has a shcool year like that!
Eden Period 2
Renee - Period 3
I disagree that we should change our summer vacation policy. I disagree that we should have only two weeks off in the beginning of July and not have school on Mondays for many reasons. I like my long, two and a half month summer vacation. We should not change the policy because some people like to go away near the end of August. Also, people just like to relax and take it easy all summer. Some people also go to sleep away camps and some are three, four, five, even six weeks long! I also do not agree that we forget all the thinge that we learned to do in school. We do learn things in the summer and we use things we learned in school for every-day life. In the summer, people have a chance to read more, whether it is books, magazines or comic strips. When people read, they expand their vocabulary, gain knowledge, and improve their reading skills. When people go to camps, they also learn how to do many things. Many people also sail on Lake Otsego. Sailing is a lot of fun and you learn how to tie many knots, you learn about the winds, how to tack and jibe and all sorts of things. I also love swimming in the lake. I go swimming in the summer at least four or five days a week. School is important but there are other ways to learn, too.
This would not keep students as happy because we would not be looking forward to summer vacation thus making us have lower grades (and lack of souls). Re-learning material can also help us understand things better and in more detail.
Period 3 ^that guy
In Japan they have school everyday but it goes till 12:00. Kind of the same thing. I wouldnt care that much it would be alright.
I think it would be a bad idea to have a full year of school. First, teachers would ask for more pay since they have to work all year long. Many teachers take extra jobs during the summer to earn extra money. If they didn't have summer free for this work, they would be taking a pay cut. However, many would feel its unfair to pay teachers more for the same job they are doing now. The next question is how would the school get the money? The state would tax our families big time. Even the retired senior citizens would have to pay. Because of how taxes are now, the taxes would be so high that some senior citizens would have to start working again. Our parents would probably have to work more. Since they would have to work more, on Mondays they would have to send some kids to daycare or parents too desperate for money could leave their kids home alone that day.
With the parents gone kids can't have any bonding time with their families. Parents can't help their kids if they are getting bullied or if they don't understand something in a subject. Kids' grades would probably drop out because some kids are at different levels. Some can concentrate well and some would be looking out of the window
remembering the times they had fun during the summer. Some kids would maybe start dropping out because their family can't afford the taxes so they have to get a job. Also, it is possible they couldn't handle the pressure of having tests after tests and no time, even over the weekend, to just have nothing to worry about. (I assume that there would be homework over every 3 day weekend.)
Summer can relive pressure about tests, grades, peers and schoolover all. Even without school kids can still learn. Last summer I went to space camp. I learned more in that week than I learn in a school week. I met friends that I still keep in touch with. It is good to travel around even if you go 25 minutes away you still feel that you are finally not isolated in a small town. When you travel you learn about the outside world, history, and nature. If we had school all year round we wouldn't have time to plan and go on vacations - near and far. Let's face it, we wouldn't have better field trips if we had school all year due to money issues, and the Farmer's Museum is old already.
Summer provides time to try new and different things. On my free time, I sailed all around Otsego Lake. From sailing I learned degree points which involves alot of math. I also learned tons of knots and about weather conditions. In school you just have to do what everyone else is doing. You can't focus on that which you are passionate about.
Our school is not set up for year round studies. There is no airconditioning. Adding airconditioning means more money.
With school year round there would be no "summer school." Kids who have a problem in a class would just be left behind. They may drop out. There are course, like driver's education, that couldn't be taught. Moreover, kids couldn't get summer jobs. Summer jobs make you use alot of the things that you learn from school. It helps you learn what the real world is like and what you would like to do after college. It teaches you how to deal with people that you don't like. It also teaches you the value of being a good employee and how that can be beneficial. Moreover, it can help you save money for college or to buy things that you need. Without summer jobs it would be hard to afford a college you would like to go to.
Summer provides the chance to learn new things that you don't learn in school. Even being bored teaches you how to be creative. Kids are very scheduled these days and some free time and how to use it is a good lesson to learn. Kids need the chance to get out and explore- and see that there is more to the world than the microcosm that is Cooperstown. We have all adult life to work during summers. Also, you can learn and enjoy summer or you could sit down watch tv and bore yourself. You choose.
Jacob R p 2
Johhny Z period 2
I still say we should keep the school year the same 2 day week ends and a long and enjoy able summer some of the reasons i like summer vacation is because i can speed my day doing what ever we want and also have time to spend with my family not just 3 days every week with no summer vacation.
P.S. I like to sleep in and go to sleep around 11 pm and wake up at 9:30 not going to bed at 9:30 and waking up at 7:00 in the morning.
P.S. If i don't get enough sleep i get a migran and dizzy in school.
i do not agree because we would never have much time off in the summer to spend time with our friends and family. i mean i would like the three day weekends but i would like more time in the summer.
period 2
I disagree. I think the school system we have now is good. Although we may have a long summer vacation that we forget some of the things we have learned in, part of the school year is just reviewing. And we do all like three day weekends, but I like only having them every once in a while.Having a long summer vacation is a good thing, because we get to spend time with our families and go on trips to camps or beaches.
period 3
I disagre with you because most kids want to have all that time off in the summer to do what they want and be free until they have to go to school inthe fall again. I dont think the three day weekend is a good idea because the kids need some time off but if the have to much time off on the weekends they might forget what they had to do for hamework and start getting bad grades.
nate w period 2
I dissagree because i think kids need a break over the summer. Our minds have to take a break after 10months of school. Also our minds need to think about other things like life, because after such a long period of time we strat to just think about school work and stiff like that. And if parents wanted to go on vaction it wouldn't be easy cause of three day weekends. Period 1 Thomas
i think that we should continue to have 5 day weeks because we are so used to it and this way the students have a longer vacation. The teachers went to school to teach kids so its their job to re-teach us.
McKenna 1
Being a teacher, I agree that summer breaks can be a major setback to academic progress. I typically spend the first 6 weeks or more getting my students back into the groove and reviewing previous years' lessons. Having year-round school sounds scary but just imagine how much farther we could go...
How would you feel if the set-up was different? Say for instance that you got a 2-3 week break at the end of each quarter? Would that make year-round school sound more appealing?
p.s. VA misses you, Mr. Abts. "IT" just isn't the same. :0(
Johnny 5
I disagree with this idea for many various reasons. First of all kids will not start to get board over the two week vacation if they most kids don't want to go back to school after a two and a half month summer vacation! This idea also might cancel family trips to different places. If we take Monday off there are already several holidays on Monday where we don't have school such as Columbus Day, Memorial Day, Labor Day, and others. I'm sure many other parents and kids disagree with this new idea since summer is a time to spend with your family members and visit them and make new friends. Teachers might not agree with this either because if all the kids are doing classwork inside most likely they will get distracted from the nice weather outside. Summer is also a time to exercise, have barbecues, go swimming, play sports with your friends, enjoy the weather, spend time with your family, and have fun!!!
I think it is a bad idea to have a 3 day weekend and no summer vacation. kids and family members will have no time to spend with each other in special ways like being in Thai land or another amazing place. It also would not give the teachers very much slack because they would always have to be thinking about what they should teach and teaching. And what else is there more to learn? We have many other years to learn it over again and have it sink in to our brains.
Kate, Period 2
I'm not thinking very fondly of a year-round school schedule. Yes, a three-day weekend would be nice... maybe... and we would still get a two week break in July, but if there is a day in winter that many of the students were snowed in and the roads were not clear enough to travel on, the 200-day schedule would be thrown off, and teachers and administrators would get confused and case frustration.
There are times after a long and tiring week when it would be a good relief to know that a three-day weekend approaches, but there are also many moments afterward when I can hardly remember what was taught in class on Friday, and I feel as though I have not seen my friends in over a long period of time.
There are summer vacations, specifically the last, that grow old and bore me until there is not a thing intelligent living in my brain, but I believe that the vacation is the definition of the turning point from grade to grade, and after the school year has ended, it is very nice to know that all stress should be relieved for more than a week or two. If there are only two weeks separating two different grades or the same grade, those two weeks would likely be spent worrying about the next year and planning on certain things that all relate to scholastic measures. Fun would be out of the question for some. With only a two-week break, it is highly likely that we would forget less, but there is the truth that I would spend those fourteen days, or fifteen or sixteen, depending on if the school days are shortened or not, surely stressed over the fact that our teachers chose to assign us an assignment that is due the day after the last day of break, which they do, at times.
Kate O'H., Period 2
I disagree. I think summer is one of the best things that comes during during the school year, besides having holidays off. During summer you get to hang ut with your friends. You can't do that when school is in session because of all the homework.
Emily period 1
If we were to go to school over the summer and have Mondays off then school would have to be longer on the days that we did have it. This means that teachers would have to get paid more. Then taxes would increase making it harder for people to afford sending their kids to school. If we had Mondays off parents would have to ether pay for someone to come and stay with their kids or take off from work on Mondays. In ether of these two sanareos a family would lose money. Also summer vacation has been a tradition for a long, long time and so, it would be sad to not have it. The bottom line is it just would not be right to not have the summer off.
Patrick PD3
three day weekends are nice, but no summer vacation? I think I would miss it. They are good once in a while. Who cares if we had three day weekends. we would have to go to school almost EVERY SINGLE DAY of the year. Yes you do loose alot of knowledge, but that is why we go back to school. To refresh our learing and learn new things. Imagine how miserable( especially if you lived in the south) it would be sitting in the classroom trying to learn when everyone is hot and sweaty and no one can concentrate, because face it everyone once to be swimming in the lake!!
I disagree with the idea because sure we would have mondays off but if its winter there is not alot of stuff u can do outside, summer break lets us forget about school for to months and open our minds to new things. People always complain about school on monday but getting rid of it wont change anything tuesday will be the new monday. jordian period 1
I think we should still have summber vaction. I think it is good to get a brake from school. And im fine with 2 day weakends they are long enough but a 3 day one is nice every once and a while.
will period 1
I disagree with the idea of having a three day weekends because then we wouldn`t have enough time getting school supplies, vacations etc. Although it would work the students of the school would feel overwhelmed by switching grades. Also it is nice not to see your school almost everyday.
Alex Per.2
i think summer vacation is a great idea because who would want to do school all year round not me casue then i would get really bord and i t wouldnt be so much fun. also you wouldnt have any time to hang out with your driends adn go on summer vacation!!!
krista 1
Well frankly I very, very strongly disagre adout not having a summer vacation because to be honest, I hate school and I would like to have a life besides school! I do a lot of county shows with animals and I don't want school to inturupt that! I also think that kids should have a break from school so that our brains can rest and so that we can be kids and have fun! Ya it would give us a three day weekend every weekend but what about holidays like christmas. I just think its a horibal idea!!!
Helen Powers Per.5
I do not think that changing the current number of school days would be better for students.
Having three day weekends would not really make a difference in students learning.
Both students and teachers enjoy a two month break during the summer which allows them to take a break from the school setting.
Some people travel and this time allows for this.
Teachers already invest time and effort into making learning fun for their students and this would continue even in reviewing previously learned material.
Students are going to learn what they are going to learn in a school year whether or not they have three day weekends or not.
Changing the number of school days would not help students academic potential.
Rebecca Period 1
I disagree with this artical because, what kid would want to be kept in school during the nicest days of the year. I really dont care about a three day weekend I would rather get all of the break done with and then go back to school. One day really wouldn't make a big difference so why change it. You also have more time to spend with your family and people who you have not seen in year or two.I have family that lives in Austriala and they come during the summer and if we had to stay in school during that time I would only really see them for three or six days, I would much rather see them for the whole summer or maybe even half but more than three or six days. Also some kids dont really lose their memory over the summer maybe a little but once the teachers go over it once or twice we get back to the school year just like we never even letf. You just need a little practice in school before jumping right to the point. This is why I disagree.
Katie Per 5
I disagree. I believe that we should stick to the school system we have now. Yes, i do agree that a whole two and a half month summer vacation is a long break when students miss their friends and don't remember things they did in school. This shouldn't make a diference though because as a student I do enjoy the three day weekends but only once and a while. Students like the long summer vacation because they get time to relax but the three day weekend would feel weird to me after a while because that is not what I am use to. I believe that a longer summer vacation is better for some students.
Elizabeth Russo, Period 2
If we had two weeks of summer break I would be really mad even though we would only have 4 days of school and 3 day weekends we wouldn't have any time to go camps and do everything we wanted. I think that we really don't forget all of the stuff we learned before the summer break. I really don't agree with changing the way the school year is set up because we would never really get used to the shorter summer and longer school year. All of the kids would know that they would have to be stuck in school for more of the year and there summer is shorter. Most kids wouldn't apply themselves as well so there grades would be worse. Some people every year go to the same place as an annual part of there vacation so they would have to change there schedule.
Max Ofer p.3
i tink 3 day weekends are great for us and teachers
michelle zeh
i disagree because students shoul be able to have a big break. three day weekends would be nice but it would be better to have summer vaction with two day weekends.
Kevin period 2
If every weekend was a three day weekend then I would be very happy and would not miss summer vacation.......actualy I would.
Ian Period 2
I think 3 day weekends would be great but in the summer we would only have two weeks vacation. I would rather have a long vacation in the summer than two weeks anyday. and if we had school in the summer it would be very unconfortable and some of the kids would sweat. A long vacation is good for nthe kids.
grant 5
i think that this would be a good idea. We would get the worst day of the week of,have only four days of school and have 2 weeks of in July. But would we get holiday breaks for christmas Hannakuh Thanksgiving. I would like this idea.
Jack P2
p.s. Im sick all week and I got a bad grade on the verb quiz but its in my locker i need to boost it up hopefully I can come in this week.
As a parent, the idea of year round school is appealing. Ten weeks of a summer void is hard for a working parent to fill with useful activities for kids. Shorter vacations would be savored, not squandered with excessive computer time and television to relief the boredom from not having enough to do.
Perhaps summer school could include more outdoor and nontraditional learning experiences, more time with Mrs Parr, milking cows,haying and shoveling manure!
I think we should keep summer vacation because thats when we get away from school, where we can sleep in, go on trips without having to be back at a certain time because of school. I love summer it's the best time of the year! Taking away summer vacation would be like taking away school, the worst thing that could ever happen because we need to learn and we need to have fun during life and not make it so boring.
JR Period 1
i think that we should not change the years of school!
BUT... i do like the three day weekend idea through. :)
three day weekends are bad because that means longer school days and that will bore kids even more and over the three day weekend students could forget what they learned whic macks the long days pointless and over the weekend teachers think its a long time so teachers over welm students with homewors and if you do it all at the last minent you could not do it all and over the three day weekend you can forget all the nolege so that is why students need a two day weekend
i think three day weekends are good .
I disagree we definetly should not have 3 day weekend whats wrong with summer. In the summer it seems more fun to have a longer break than only 3 day weekends and one 2 week break throuout a school year it would stink.
Per2 Lyman Townsend
I do not agree with you at all. I think that all kids need summer vacation. We all need the tree nicest munths off. Every one loves summer. I and many other peole do not get bord at the end of summer and if i want to get back to seeing my friends and hanging out with them I would just call them. I dont rrealy care about tree day weekends of I would reather have tree munths of wouldent you? I also think it would be hard because if only half the schools in the USA do this then when you want to visit family members that do not live close to you summer veacation is the best time to vist. I also think we would all go crazy having schol year round. I think it would be most heard on the teachers because they would never get a brake like if they have kids and they dont live in the town they teach at then they would barly see them I wouyld think teachers like that would look fored to summer more then any one.That is way I dont think we should have school year round.
Bella period 5
well i disagree with u cause i think kids need a break from school and the stress of being a kid...haha..but you also have to keep in mind that some kids dont read or do anything during the sumer so that woulsbe bad for learning im not to sure if summer is good or bad ...but there is also a good thing about haveing sorter weeks ...we would not have to heat the school every day and run the busses as much and then we would not hae to make lunk and breakfest ....alll those things could save us a lot of muney witch would let us have better academics.....
alicia p.1
I agree it whould be fun to try it also if we have a 3 day weekend it whould give us more time to work on projects and auther assiments so I think we should so I think we should try it and a 2 week break sounds fair aswell so I think we should try doing this.
P:1 Q.P
PS: Mr.Abts you rock.
I ahree with you. I agree with you because everyone would like the three day weekends, and it would keep all the kids smart because there was no summer break. But the only bad thing about this system is what about the christmas breaks and thanksgiving etc. the kids would hate to miss thoughs because of school. I think that we should change our system to this system.
Jack Period 2
Well I think that summer vacation is important because it gives us a chance to get away from school. Having just a three day school week is not giving us more school which taking away summer vacation It is supposed to give us more school days.
Jasmine Reed
Its a bad idea to have a three day week and not give us summer vacation we need to get away from school somtimes for log periods of times and just giving us a little time wont leave us with much time to get ready for the next school year .
Jasmine Reed Period 1
Boo to you!!! Summer is time for geting up at 4:00 PM and staying up untill 3:00am and nothing, not even a 4 day weekend coulld com[are to that.
So I totaly disagree to that statement!!
Dylan Period3
summer is the time to relaxe and sleep in because of all the school days we had.also not everybody does all these things some people study and get ready for next year.
Wiliam Abrams period 1
I disagree. I think that the days of school we have now is fine. I think that students need summer vacation to rest and get ready for the next school year. Also if students had three day weekends then they would probably forget more of what they did in school that week. Lastly I beleive that having summer vacation is good because some families take trips. Rebecca 1
at the last few weeks of school im just about scream beacause school is not over yet. i love summer vacation it is the best time of the year.
jere .5
I disagree because, you do need your breaks off from school even though it would be fun to have only four school days a week I think I would be bored all the time. School is fun at some points and I think we need school and the summer!
paige period5
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