Imagine being a young student in 1430. Everybody you know believes that the world is flat. Your parents believe that the world is flat. Your teachers believe that the world is flat. You can see with your eyes that the part of the earth where you live is flat. One day somebody tells you that the world is curved. How would you react? On what would you base your belief or disbelief?
I would not belive them. Although it is true, I would have been taught the world was flat and people usually belive something if everyone you know belives it too.
I would base my belief of this on what everyone else said. Columbus, and the others who didn't belive this obviously had a very strong opinion that they belived in so much that they would go against everything they had been told.
period 3
First I would think about the person who told me about the world and think if I could trust there decision. Then if I could trust the person I would ask the person why they thought the world was curved and if there amswer made sence I would beleive him and go tell people about it and learn more about the earth.
Rebecca p.1
My realtion would be that that person is crazy. I would think that becuase I grew up beliveing that the world was flat and all the people I look up too belive that the world is flat so I wouldent belive it.
Will period 1
jp gertz
i would not bleve him till he showed me proof.
ps. i cant bleve the jets are better then the giants this year
well if someone said that the world was round in 1830 and if they had the evendace to pruve it. i would beleve that the world was round.because if they can pruve it must be true.
ryan vd
I would probably yell at them and tell the teacher.Theteacher would then whip them or put a dunes cap on them or call them stupid. I would do this because i spend my whole life beleifing it was flat and everyone telling me it was flat I would not be able to beleif this person.
Jack Period 2
i would be suprised that they would say that becaused they would get punished if they told any one else probly and i would not belive thembecause all the grownups say its flat and they have more noledg and you would be suprised to thik that theywould know how the world could be round. olivia period2
I would not belive the person telling me because I would have thought that the world was flat my whole life.It someone telling eveyone in the school that the moon is bigger than the Earth. I mean come on who would belive that? I would base my belife on what I had been learning my whole life.
Eden period 2
I would belive them or some part of what they said and then ask them for their proof. Then I would travel far from where I was and I would take some notes and then I traveled to a different place. Then I would look over my notes and think for whlie. In my notes I found mountains which means the world is not flat. Katie Per 5
I would take it under consideration because if someone had the curage to tell you something like that. Well they must be pretty sure of themselfs to go against everyone and what they say. Then I would belief what they said the next morning.
I whould be realy confeused because all that time I thought the wourld was flat. also if I based it on the way I looked for instence if I saw a mountin I whould think it would not be flat. My reson whould be that you can't walk on a flat mountin because you whould be walking up it. So I whould base my reson on that.
Quentin P:1
I would not belive in the person who told me that the world was round because I would have been taught otherwise. I would have not known any of my life that it was round. It is like me learning to spell abts like abbts and then when I get older Someone tells me that you spell abts like abts.
max ofer period 3
Well if someone just randomly told me that the world was curved, especially if everyone I knew shared my belief, unless they had some pretty strong evidence, I would probably laugh in their face.
-Vaughan 5
I would not beleive him and say he was lying to me because i would mostly base it on the facts.But i would also be confuse because i know that sometimes scintest can screw up the data.so all together i would be pretty confuse and i would not know what to beleive.
Having grown up with all the adults telling and teaching me that the world is flat, I probably would not believe that the earth could be curved.
I would base my disbeleief that the world is curved just by the simple fact that people supposedly smarter than me thought so.
Claire 2nd
I would think it was a lie. Because my whole life i was told that the world was flat. And then just one day this guy named Christopher comes and tells me its not, its round! I would not belive him at all unless i saw it myself. Also if your family usually belives in something you usually do to. Thomas period 1
I would not belive that the person is sane because I would have grow up believing the would is flat then somebody told me the would is round.
nate w Period 2
I would not belive them, i probably would go along with what the "normal people" said. Also more people said that the world was flat so I would be more inclined to belive that.
Dylan Snyder period 3
i would not believe them. i have never heard that from my parents that the world us flat. i would base my bleaf on what other people said
Rachel peroid 1
i would not believe them because i would have been taught that the world is flat and most people go by what they have been taught over the years rather than change your mind just because someone told you differently.
~$KARA$~ P3
{P.S DONT SPELL BELIEVE BELIVE!.. i will make Mr.abts throw chalk at you!!!}
i would not believe them and i would punish them. but with my luck it would turn out that the world really is flat and then i would be punished. and people would laugh at me.
[P.S. believe is spelled believe not belive i second karas P.S. too]
If somebody told me that the world was flat I would be really shocked. I would also be very confussed because I would know what to belive. But if I had to pick one I would belive that the world was flat because people wouldn't belive it until it is proven or until enough people thought it was true.
Tae Livermore
Period 2
i wouldnt know wat to do or say but think that thaey were crazy or something like that. i would base my beliefe on what i thought and if i thought he was right then i would go with that but if i didnt i would tell them to leave me alone.
period 1
I would'nt have belived them although it is true. If i was tought the world was flat i would stick with the knolage that was given to me.When Columbus, and the others discovered the world was round that was there opinion and they were right.They had a very strong belif the world was round and they stuck with it so tecnickly they went against everything they had been told and there theroy was right.
period 3
Johnny Z Period 2
If that happen back there i would not balive him/her cause back then no one new much and did not explore much so it would sould like he was speaking nonsences. If i was there and he told me that I would just run far away form him.
I think I would not belive them, because if someone told you something you whole lifr then someone else told a different thing, what would you belive? (Me telling you that dogs can speak english!) I would act react with a weird face and try to be plite and say that they were wrong! I would bace my belife on what people say around me.
Christina 5
I would probably be very shocked and not open minded to what they where saying. My reason would be that I had spent my entire life believing that the world is flat.
Sarah- Period 3
I would not believe the person who told me that the world was curved. I think that most people believe what their parents tell them (their parents's opinions). For example, if your parents were going to vote for Barack Obama for president, you would assume that that's what is right. I think that this is because you trust your parents, so you believe what they say. Since I would have been taught that the world is flat, I would think that it would be preposterous to propose such an idea. I would scoff at the person and show them to the nearest map!
I would look and see the studies of older Explorers to see what they thaught and with that knowledge i would base my answer
Andrew B.
I would not believe them. Even though the world is round. I wouldn't believe them because I believed that the world was flat my whole life. The teachers told me that the world was flat and also all the adults did. I did not believe him also because the person couldn't give me prove that the world was flat.
Sara.B per.1
If someone asked me that I would say "oh my gosh what the heck is WRONG with you"! I would probobly not believe the world was flat concidering that everybody else i know thinks that the world is flat.
I wouldnt beleave them.I think this because I had grown up with the idea that the world was flat and I could see (or it seemed like)hte world was flat.After more poeple told me that the world was round and maybe some scientist had proof I would beleive the m but I would not beleave the first person who told me.
Period 5
Well if just one person said the world was flat at that time period I probably wouldn't believe them. You know ( saying I was back in this time period) I probably wouldn't do much about it. I wouldn't believe it because no one else did. When you grow up and all around you people believe the same thing, you tend to believe the same thing. It takes time and evidence and solid facts for people to believe.
Well I would proably think that they were crazy because every one in my life would have told me the opposit of this persons oppinion! But maby i would warm up to the idea! Helen Per.5
i would say no its flat because i have belived for many years that the world is flat. and everyone around me has belived that as well its hard to belive somthing then not belive something
Jasmine period1
If somebody told me that the world was curved at this time i would think that that person was crazy.
-Ian, Period 2
My reaction would be i would not beleive them.i could not prove it and i would put peoples opingins together and see for my self.
period 5
october 27,2009 10:15 am
I wouldn't believe someone at first if they told me the world was round. Since people back then were taught that the world was flat, I would probably believe them because that is what everyone believed too. Also, no one back then could prove them wrong. So when Christopher Columbus came and told everyone that the world was round I would think he was lying because I would base my belief on what I was taught my whole life.
Elizabeth-Period 2
If I was growing up in 1430 a time when people thought that the world was flat and someone told me that the world was round I would ask where the person found it out. Next I would ask everyone that I knew what they thought about the world being round . when I saw the person next I would tell them about what my other family and friends had to say.
Patrick pd3
I would have thought that the world was flat. Because they didnt really Know about Gravity. So i would have said that since everything stays in place that the world was flat.
McKenna 1
I would react by telling everyone I knew that the world was curved. But I don't think that anyone would tell me if they were just going to tell everyone that the world is not flat.
Emily M.
period 1
Grace 2
Well i might act suprised and then ask thhe person why they think this.And if they don't have a good expenation, I might turn the "ruemer" down.I also might look it up the possibilitys.
i probably would`nt believe them because eveyone in the world thought differently. And i grew up believing that the world was flat.
Jennifer Snyder p.1
i wouldnt beleive the world is curved because everyone i look up to and live with said it is flat !
krista 1
i dont belive them there wrong
kenny period 3
I would not belive the person and think he might be crazy because you have learned your whole life that the world was flat and where you live is flat so you think you have proof.You would not just change your mind about what you belived in your whole life. You would need good evidence to think differently.
Jimmy Period 3
I believe that it was a good recamendation. But they did not have enough proph to say that. I would have agreed with that back then.
Mike Perrino 2 period
I would believe them partly because when i look at the horizon, it is round. i also would sort of not believe them because when i look at the ground, it is flat, not round. these are the things that would cross my mind at that time.
Robert 5
I wouldn't belive them cause everybody that i know and i belive that it is flat because of our information back then we really did not know a lot of stuff about the world. But today if someone walked up to me and told me the earth was flat since i know it is round cause of all the people that have prooved it i would just flat out say no it isen't
Grant 5
Renee Period 3
I would be very surprised if someone came up to me and said that the world was round, or think it was a joke and not believe them. If they kept telling people each day about their belief, then, I would think about it more and I would not think it was a joke. I would consider the reasons for their belief. I would think how that is possible.
If somebody told me that the world was round, I would base my belief on what I already know. I would also do some research and try to analyze whether or not it would be possible for the world to be round.
I would react by going with my brain, not my heart. I would not believe them, because of what I had been taught through out my life. There are certain things I have been taught that I am skeptical of, however. If this were one, then I would feel vindicated. If it wasn't something I was skeptical of then I would ask for as much evidence as possible. I would ask astronomers that I may know on their observations on the world. If I wanted to really find this out, I would force the person who said this to take me on one of their voyages. I would also demand to see all their proof and supporting evidence. If on the voyage, I would then observe the amount of sun during the day, when the sun rises and sets, and I would also look up into the sky to see if it seemed to be dome like.
If this person did all this to show me they were right, I would have to test everything that they have shown me to prove that their theory was right. Though I have been listening to people all my life telling me one theory......fool me once, shame on you, fool me twice, shame on me...
Jacob R period 2
Johnny 5
I wouldn't believe that person since I was taught a different way from my family, teachers, and friends. Also, the wolrd kind of seems flat. That is what I would probably believe back then.
I would not belive that person and i would think there crazy.I wouldnt belive the person because w were tsught my whole life that it is flat and no one has proved it yet all though clombus did prove it
Kevin period 2
I would not beliv him till he would sow me that the would is round.
p.s how could the jets beat the guients this year.
broc period 5
I would not belive them. I would do this because I am more of a fallower. If everyone said the world was flat. I would belive them. If only one person said that the world was curved i would call them crazy. Although, no one has proof either way.
Serena Period 3
If it was 1430, and I grew up learning that the world was flat, I probably wouldn't think much if someone told me that the world was curved. However, back then, the people were different, so there is a chance that I would have reacted and thought differently.
Back then, my reaction would likely be very dazed. In the classroom, the teacher notifying us that some foolish man thought the world was round, it would be a subject to be thought upon for a long period of time (for me). If some other point in time a while later a person addressed me politely and informed me that the world was round, my head would spin. Dazed is, again, a word to describe the feeling of being told this at that point in time. It would be difficult to grasp the concept of the world being curved if everyone--parents, grandparents, teachers, and children I know--believed that the world was flat. And if in fact the world was curved, it would be difficult to change gears so quickly.
Moreover, I would likely be the one to disbelieve, but still have a spark of curiosity and wavering thoughts.
Being the one out of millions and billions of people to think differently of what was known as a fact, would be overwhelming and lonely. I would have based my belief on those of more knowledge than I, and would have thought the world was flat.
Period 2
I would probably not believe them at all. I think I would not believe it because every one I have ever met thinks that the world is flat and they think that if you sail around the ocean you would fall of. Also people would usually believe in something if their parents, teachers and friends do. I think I would believe whatever they thought. Also, I probably would not think of a different way the earth could be because it wouldn't be a big deal for me. -Bella Period 5
I whould freek out I whould ask him how he knew but I whould base it on the hills because if the world was flat why is the hills not so I whould think the wourld is not flat.
Quentin P:1
i think i woule beleive them only if they showed me where they got their facts and articals about witch they were talking
I would definalty disgree because if i was raised in the 1430s i would act and belive how others acted.If anyone has a little brother or sister they do anything you do when they are young and if you told them the world was flat they would learn that and when anyone told them different they would disagree because they have been brought to see that the earth is flat. jordian period 1
i would not believe him because from what i would see it would be flat and also when the sun comes up and the sun goes down it makes the world look flat.
i would react in suprise that he went agenst everybody else.
William Abrams period 1
i would tell them they were crazy!!!!!!!! i would probabialy think he was some kind of trouble maker.
jere .5
Well,I wouldnt belive them at first because all the other times you've been alive they would tell you and teach you all about the earth and so they would tell you the world was flat.I would be pretty confused at first but then as you look around you can tell that there is mountains not just flat land.
Paige Period5
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