Tuesday, October 12, 2010
Brooks Conrad, a second baseman for the Atlanta Braves, made three errors in a playoff game against the San Fransisco Giants over the weekend. Before the next game, as the players were getting warmed up, Conrad was given an ovation from the Braves fans. Why would the fans cheer for Conrad in this situation? Shouldn't they have let him know that he had let them down when he cost his team the game? What can we learn from this situation?
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The fans should cheer for Conrad because than it might cheer him on. It might give him like a extra boost to do your best. They also were probably saying that its ok to make a mistake. we could learn from this situation that if someone messes up dont let them feel bad and not want to go farther and do better.
period 2 alexieT.
I think they were cheering for him because they knew he had made alot of errors and wanted to make him feel better. If they were letting him down he wouldnt feel good about him self and might not want to play agian.
Max Clinton 1
We can learn from this situaion that even if you fail, you still tried your best and didn’t give up. The fans didn’t care if it cost him the game. All they cared about was that he tried his best.
Lauren Lionetti Period 2
The fans, I assume, were trying to tell him something like "You made some mistakes, but we still support you". They didnt boo him, because what good would that do? Why boo someone who did their best? Everyone screws up sometimes, and how could demoralizing him help? From this situation, we can learn that if someone messes up, forgive them and don't dwell on their mistakes, encourage them to move on from them.
Sean Mebust, Per 3
The fans were cheering for Conrad to hopefully keep his spirit up and for him to do better. If they started putting him down, he would have done even worse. He already knew his mistakes so why would a million people keep telling him the same thing. We can learn to never put someone down and to always cheer them on even when they are doing poorly.
i think the people were cherring for him because they belevied in him that he could come back and be the best that he can be.
by brandon phillips
I think people cheered for him because they know that he will learn from his mistakes. They shouldn’t let him know that he caused them to lose the game because it would remind him of what he did and he could get mad and play even worse. We can learn that when you make a mistake just forget about it and keep moving forward.
Liz Millea Period 2
I think the reason that he was given an standing ovation was because the braves still let him play. And it was only a few mistakes. You have to forgive him for being human. Its not like he completely killed his teammates. I think u can learn to take responsibility for your actions, and forgive but not forget.
liz olmstead per. 3
He Can Learn From This Situation By practicing More. The fans Could Cheer For Him To Make Himm Feel Confident about the game.
Amber .B. :) Period 3.
Maybe the Braves fans knew that no one is perfect. They were cheering him on to let him know they know that. If they let him know that he disappointed them. He might feel bad and it would ruin his game. We can learn from this that nobody even a professional baseball player, is perfect.
Sylvia J. 5
The fans cheered for Brooks Conrad because they knew that he learnt from what he did wrong and will try not to do the same mistake again. They knew that he won't try to let them down. The fans shouldn't let Brooks Conrad know that he had let them down when he cost his team the game because if they did, it wouldn't help him achieve anything at all. We can learn from this experiment that if we do a mistake, we should try to fix what we did wrong and not do it again.
Michelle Z Period 2
We can learn so much from this situation, one thing is that not everyone is perfect I'm not your not. Another thing is that when you make a mistake you will need to be forgiven sometime not everyone can hate you forever. I think that if Conrad didnt get that cheer then he would have felt really bad for everyone and wont do well in the game or the next one untill he atleast got one clap or something.
Carson H.
Per. 2
I think that Conrads fans cheered for him because he represented their favorite team and they were kind enough to cheer him on even though he wasn't doing that great. I don't think that his fans should let him down just because he made a mistake. I mean, everybody makes mistakes and nobody's perfect. Of course thats just my opinion on it. I didn't watch the game so I wouldn't know what kind of mistakes he made since I don't have cable
P.S.- I hope that your baby is a girl!!!!!!!!!! Name her Vida.
Maddy Kramer Period 3
The Braves fans were saying something like "it's ok, you did you best", when they gave him a standing ovation. They didn't tell him they were disappointed because then he might have been
worried about the next game because he wouldn't want to let them down again. We can learn that it is alright to make mistakes and when someone else does, you don't have to make a big deal out of it. Instead you can clap for them and say "Nice try" or "Nice idea". That would make the person feel better about their mistake. If you made a mistake and everyone started yelling "What in the world is wrong with you?!?!?!?!" or "Why the heck did you do that?!?!?!" you would not feel very good about yourself and would probably be nervous about playing infront of those people again. You would be afraid to mess up again.
Caroline L. Per. 3 ♪
Why the fans were cheering for Conrad after he knew that he cost his team the game,is because things happened and people makes mistaks. If they booed him, he might of gotten his feelings hert and he might not be on top of his game. Everyone makes mistakes. What we can learn from this situation is, we make mistakes. All you can do is work at it then the next time you won't make the mistake.
Kate P.
Pr. 2
I think we should cheer for Conrad because it wasn't his fault for making those three errors. He probably tried his best, and didn't mean to mess up. I think the fans made the right choice by cheering for him. I think this because how would yelling at him and making him feel bad help him and his team? I also think the fans made the right choice because the cheers will boost up his feelings and make him not regret his errors even more. We can learn many great things from this situation. I learned that it will help him play better if he is being cheered for and not yelled at. I also learned that positive reinforcement is a good thing.
Margaret K. per.3
I believe that even though the fans probably feel let down because of Brooks Conrad making three errors during the game, the fans understood that everybody has a bad day and Brooks Conrad is probably feeling pretty bad himself. The reason I think that the fans clapped for Brooks Conrad is because they wanted to show Brooks Conrad that they still believed in him even though he made a couple mistakes. The fans were also probably trying to encourage Brooks Conrad and send a message to him that he should try his hardest and not give up because of a few silly mistakes.
Anna G
Period 3
The fans cheered for the baseball player to motivate him and make him feel good about himself because it, most likely make him play better. In a football game if you made a bad pass to a teammate and your team mate yelled at you, it'd make you probably play worse, instead of a good try, or next time.
Tanner C per 3
I think that the fans cheered for Brooks Conrad to let him know that they supported him. I think they wanted him to know that they were all behind him in that game, even though he made a few blunders in the previous one. It didn't matter to the fans that he had messed up in the previous game because he had still tried his best and had played hard. They didn't need to let him know that he had let them down because he didn't. Yes, they were disappointed but again, he tried and played hard. We can learn how to treat people the right way from this. We can realize that not everyone is perfect and that everyone makes mistakes. Even famous athletes make mistakes and even famous athletes deserve a second chance.
Olivia B. Period 3
The fans of the Atlanta Braves cheered on Conrad.They did this to show him that the past is behind them and that they still have confidence in him. Also, they did this to show that the future is wide open and they think he can do better. I think we can learn that we should always cheer on our teammates no matter what.
Colin w p54
We can learn from this and see that you can learn from this by learning from your mistakes. So when you go to do it again you know not to do it this way. Because you know it's wronge so you dont let your team down again.
Keith !!!!
The reason the fanes kept cheering him on is because they did not give up hope. We can learn from this that making mistakes is normal and that everyone does it.
Matt B. P1.
The fans didn't let him down because he is a good player and every one makes mistakes and he dosen't need to feel bad. from andrew m. period 3
Well mabye the fans still cheered him on because they where very big fans of him and they did not believe that he would give up.We can learn from this that if you put your mind to it you can do it.
Alex Janitz
P.2 10/13/10
The fans gave him ovation because they want him to feel good and not br mad at himself. They also could have gavein him an ovation because he did not quit the game. We can learn from this mistake because if u make a mistake it is not a big deal.
wade stahl
period 3
The fans gave Conrad an ovation, to let him know even though he messed up, they were still there for him, they knew he would do better and could do better, and to let him know they had faith in him for the next game. I'm sure there are fans who stood up and said something rude about Conrad. There are always going to be those impolite jerks, who do things like that, but for the people who didn't, they know that although he is an extremely talented one, he is a human, and humans are bound to make a mistake sometime. I know from experience, that it is impossible to have a great game everytime, but what we can learn from this is, no one can always have an amazing game, but wether it's you who doesn't do well or someone else, you have to forgive and learn from the mistakes made.
Mallory A. Period 5
We can learn that even if you make a mistake you can learn from it and the people you let down don't have to be mad about it.
Raymond C. Period 1
There are many things we can learn from this situation. Such as wen you do something wrong just get back up and try again. Another thing you can learn from this is that never make fun of someone or discourage them or even boo them when their trying their best. so the point is to never hurt or make fun of anyone just cause their not doing the greatest. So even though conrad lost them the game he still is a great player. He just had a really bad game and 1 game shouldnt change the way people think of him. its just like saying that u get 1 bad grade in school even though its not good you can still get your grade back up. So the morale of the story is dont discourage make fun of or boo for a couple mistakes. We all make mistakesand need to remember that. That it what i think we can learn from that situation. Ryan McGuire 5th peroid
I’m sure Brooks Conrad was very disappointed that he messed up the last game and was embarrassed to show his face on the field. I think fans for the Atlanta Braves gave Brooks Conrad a standing ovation when he was warming up to show that even though he didn’t do his best on the first game they still stand by him with lots of support. I think that we can learn from the fans that sometimes people make mistakes, but as long as you do your best people will support you.
Alexandra R.
Period 2
Fan cheered for Conrad in this situation because fans thought that he might play better this game than his last game. No they should not tell him that he cost them the game because everyone makes mistakes and fans thought that the Braves could come back. He probaly knows that he let them down. We can learn that everyone makes mistakes but as long as you learn from it, it is ok to make mistakes, no one is perfect.
Tavis T. Period 2
i think they cheered for him to make him feel better.I dont think they should have.next time he should try not to do hatever he did wrong.
nolan r. 3rd
His fans were cheering him on so he could be better at playing and so he would think he is better.
Trentin. Period 1
I think we can learn to not stay mad at someone just because they messed up. Because it doesnt mean he's not a good player.
Bella Period 3
Well even know he blew the game for them the people kept on cheering so he wouldn’t do it again, so even though he screwed up people didn’t hate him. Let’s say I was playing kickball with my class there’s a A team and a B team if I hit a easy pop-up and ______ misses it it’s not like it’s a big deal just the next maybe try harder and you will get it. And who knows the sun might of been in ______s eyes when he tried to catch the ball you never know. The same thing might have happened to Conrad. So don’t hate him cheer him on and maybe he won’t miss it the second, third or fourth time.
Skyler .T P3
I think the fans of Brooks Conrad gave him a standing ovation because of his hard work. Many people know about the mistakes he made in his game. But a lot of people don't care about is that making mistakes is part of life. I play a sport too, and I can't even count how many mistakes I've made. But in the end a situation can be fixed if we play hard and work together as a team.
Lauryn Makofske Period 5
The fans would cheer for Conrad so he knows that they still are on his side. No because he would most likely make errors again the next game.
Elias P. Period 1
I say that the fans cheered for him because they feel bad for him messing up the last game and they want him to better this gane so they encouraged him
I think they cheered for him because they wanted him to know that they still appreciated him and wanted to give him support. They shouldn’t be mad at him because then he will be thinking I can’t do this. We can learn from this situation. We can learn to help support our peers instead of tell them they did horrible. I think this would help the community because people would be down in the dumps they would feel supported. I feel that we should all learn from this moment and we should all try to do better.
Noah H 3
I thnik the fans still cheered for him because they wanted him not to feel bad about himself so that he didn't make any more errors. I think they also still liked him and didn't hate him for what he did because he did his best and they know it so they wanted to show their support. The fans might have known that their team was doomed and not gonna be able to make it farther into the playoffs so they really didn't care they just wanted him to do well.
Scott Segit,
period 1
I think the fans cheered him on because he tried his best. He probably felt really bad because he had coast him team the game. I think the fans were trying to cheer him up because ho mad a mistake. I think we should all learn that everyone make mistakes and we should just let them go.
Ciara M. 5
I think the fans gave Brooks Conrad an ovation because even though he made three mistakes and cost his team the game, he did not give up. If he had given up in the middle of the game, he probably would have made more mistakes because he would have stopped believing in himself. Also, this shows that everyone makes mistakes and often can learn from them. This also means that Brooks Conrad will try really hard not to make the same mistake again. He probably felt really bad about costing his team the game.
Abby L. Period: 2
I think the fans cheered for Conrad becuase they wanted to give him support and confindince before the game. We can learn from this situation because we can learn to cheer people on even though they have made a mistake.
-Molly M. p. 3
pI think they were cheering for him because they did not want Conrad to give up and quit. They have probaly just thought what if we boohed him and that was me in his situation. So we can learn from this because the way you treat others they will treat you the same back.
christopher schulz per3
I think the fans cheered for Brooks Conrad because even though he didn't do well they still wanted him to know that they still thought he was a good baseball player. The shouldn't have let him know that he didn't do a good job because he already knew that he didn't do well. What we can learn from this situation is that even though you didn't do well in one game doesn't mean you're horrible at it, it just means you have to work harder at it.
Olivia L per.2
The fans cheered for him because it might cheer him up. He might do better knowing that his fans were still hoping for him to do his best.
Alina B. p1.
The fans cheered for him because he did not give up and say because he messed up he does not want to play the next game. What we can learn form this is that even though you messed up means that youshould quite it means you should work harder. Maybe you could learn from your mistakes.
Maya W. per. 2
The fans were cheering for Conrad because it might cheer him up even though he had cost the team the game. No I don't think they should have told him he made a mistake because he already knew. We can learn from this situation because if the fans were not cheering for him he would have done even worse for the rest of the game.
Molly Watson 2
I agree with the Braves fans for giving him an ovation because I think they showed great sportsmanship by cheering for there hometown player. We can learn that positive reinforcement make you feel good about yourself.
August S. period 1
Conrad may have made a couple of mistakes but that doesn't mean anybody should boo him. We all make mistakes. I thought the crowd cheering him on to do better next time and to learn from his mistakes was a show of good sportsmanship.
Period 5 Hunter D
The fans cheered for he because they did not want him get to down on him self because that would make him not want to play baseball again.
Jennifer F. Period 3
I think they were cheering him on becaues he made a lot of mistake and they wanted him to not make mistake so they cheered him on so it would make him feel better. So next time he plays he will probably try his best. If he makes a mistake it is ok becaues people make mistakes.
-Victoria Claudy
The Fans Should Cheer For Conrad Because It Would Probally Make Him Feel More Confident & Make Him Concentrate & Make Him Feel Like He`s Trying His Best. We Could Learn From This Situation That If Someone Is Doing Horribal Or Not Trying Their Best Then Cheer Them On & Give Them Some Confedence & Make Them Feel Like They`re Doing Great.
Abbey R.
Period 5 :D
I think the fans should cheer because even though he did not have his best game I am sure he tried his best. I also think they cheered because they wanted him to come back and do better than he did last game. We can learn that even if things seam bad people will still believe in you and be proud of you.
I think that the fans were cheering for Brooks Conrad because they might have thought that he was upset with himself for costing his team the game so that wanted to cheer him up. The fans may have thought that he would make less errors if they gave him an extra boost of confidence instead of letting him stay upset with himself. If they had let him know that he let his team down by booing him he would feel really bad and not try his hardest causing more errors. What we can learn from this situation is that its okay to make mistakes and if someone around you makes a mistake forgive them because everyone makes mistakes.
Katlyn P. Period 2
the fun cheer for him because they belive in him and that is why they cheer for him
period 1 tina wellman
I think the Braves fans cheered for Brooks Conrad instead of reminding him that he lost the team the game because they wanted to give him a message. I think they wanted to tell him that they accept that he made a mistake and that everybody will make mistakes at one time or another. They are still behind him, although he should learn from his mistake. The Braves fans also wanted to let him put the past behind him and focus on the present situation, the game they are about to play. We can learn from this that even the people who are some of the best in their own field will make a mistake. When you do make a mistake people will still support you.
Alex G. period 2
I think the fans cheered on Conrad because if an athlete no matter what sport you will get frustrated if you play bad. So I thinks the fans were being smart because they gave him some hope and probably saved his game.
Christian Sepp Period 2
I think they cheered for him because they wanted him to have a better game. The fans were right to not put him down because he could have a worse game. We can learn from this situation because if you feel sad all the time about it you'll keep messing up. If you forget about it and drive on you will do better the next time.
Connor Fay, p.3
Fans cheered for Conrad because even though he made mistakes he can make up for it. The fans should not show that he let him down and he will lose his confidence in the future. What we can learn about this is that even if you or another person makes mistakes you can't let that person lost their confidence. If they do lose their confidence they are most likly to make more mistake.
Scott Curtis per.5
The fans cheered him on because it helped build his confidence up and told him that everybody makes mistakes. And you aren't the only one who makes mistakes. We can learn from this situation that if someone makes a mistake, don't be mean but try and cheer the person up like saying "You'll get it next time!"
Noah Briggs
The fans cheer on Conred because it might cheer him on. It could help him preform better. Its also ok to make a mastake.
philip wasson
per. 5
I think thet the people cheered for him to give him confidence. They probably thought that if they cheered that he would think that the people still believed in him. I think thet this could teach us that even if w4e do bad or make mistakes don't give up and know that paople still have hope for you.
Elijah S. Per 2
The reason they cheered him on even though he cost them the game, was because they had confidence in him. We can learn from this because if we make a mistake, it doesn't mean we're terrible at that thing. The fans shouldn't let him know that he let them down, because it wouldn't help him the next time.
Kimberly G Period 2
The fans might cheer for him to give him support. They want him to understand that he made a mistake and they aren`t going to hold that against him. If they boo-ed him or said mean things to him that might dicourage him.
Kristin R.
Period 5
i think that the fans should chear for conrad beccuse it may make him feel that all of his fans hav not given up on him.
Demi Card
say that the fans cheered for him because they feel bad for him messing up the last game and they want him to better this game so they encouraged him
Josh R
Even though Brook messed up his fans will still cheer him on. Surely everone messes up a couple times, even famous people mess up. Everyone makes mistakes. So that shouldn't make the fans get so upset about one game. The fans might've been just cheering Brook on for some cofadence, to let him know that his fans aren't mad at him. Brook might want to practice more, but he can't be perfect at it, but he might get really good at it. Mistakes will happend, but theres really nothing you could do to fix it... just try your hardest.
-Jasmine Martinez
you cant learn much from this cause people think differnt from one another and peaople wre cheerig for him to try and cheer him up after his great loss
austin p5
Conrad tried as hard as he could and they shouldnot tell him that because he would have too much stress. He learned that he should not have as many errors.
I think the fans would cheer for him because they are loyal, unlike some fans who like them when they win and like the other team when they lose. I think they should have let him know.
JKM aprile
period 2
I think that the Braves fans stood up and gave him an ovation because even though he may have done three things wrong, it doesn't mean that he isn't a good player. The fans wanted to give him encouragement, because encouragement always helps people do better, knowing that there are people believing in them and helping them out.
Emmy D. Period 2
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