Monday, October 18, 2010

Performance indicators

On Friday, report cards for the first 5 weeks went home. Along the way you have had some hints as to how you were doing: tests and quizzes handed back, homework that you did or didn't do, and your feelings about how well you were grasping concepts. Now that you have seen your grades, in which class do you feel you are doing the best? Why do you think you are doing well in that class? Is there anything you could improve?


Anonymous said...

I feel like I am doing well in history because I have understood what we have talked about. I also feel like I`m doing well in science, because I have gotten pretty good grades. I need to improve in math, by studying more.

Kristin R.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

I feel like the best class that iam doing in is social studies. Im not positive if that is my highest grade but i feel like im doing the best in that class. I think iam doing well in that class becaus I like how we study new york and our country, so far. If there was something I could inprove on it would be english class. I should study more often or get somebody to help me a little more.

Per.2 Alexie T'Souvas

Unknown said...

I think I am doing the best in science. My grade in this class was a 98, and that was one of my higher grades. I think that i am doing best in this class because i feel more awake and enthusiastic about this class. I don't mean i am bouncing off the walls or anything, but I find it more interesting to learn about science than to solve a math equation at 8:30 in the morning. That's another answer. Math. I feel i could do better in this class because my grade is a 91. This is because i was not prepared for a test, and that took down my average. I think I can do better by finding out when tests and quizes are, and practice for them better.

Sean Mebust, Per 3


I think that I am doing the best in life science. I haven't recently gotten any bad grades back,also I think tis is one of the easiest subjects for me to understand. I also think I could improve with my listening skills in class to get even better grades than I already am.Although I need to be more organized for quizes, because currently I loked like the Michigan defence when they were completley destroyed by Iowa.

Michael Kern

Anonymous said...

I think that the class that I'm doing the best in is History. I thing I am doing well in history because I pay attention in class and I usually understand the concepts. I think I could study harder for tests and become more organized. I think that if I became more organized I could study better for tests or quizzes.

Philip Wasson
Per. 5

Caroline said...

I feel the class I am doing the best in right now is probably latin.I have a 100.I think I am doing well in latin because I pay attention and I study the words for our quizzes a lot, even if I already know them. My lowest grade is a 96.I have this grade in history.For overall improvement I could pay more attention to my homework and when quizzes are.

Caroline Leonard period 3

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am doing well in history because I feel like it was easy to understand what we are talking about. I think I am doing well in history because Im mostly getting high grades. The thing I need to improve in is English by studing a little bit more.

Molly M Period 5

Anonymous said...

I think I am doing best in social studies. I think i am because I like history and I understand most of the topics and know backround knowledge about the topics. I could improve studying and hard work.


Anonymous said...

I feel that im doing the best in math. I feel that way because I understand most of it and I did some of it in my old school.I could improve my grade by paying more attention in class.


Anonymous said...

I feel that I am doing the best in Science. This is because I always hand in my homework on time and get good grades on tests and quizzes. Something I could do to improve would be my study skills because I always study at the last minute. I also could be more organized with filing test papers at home.

Lauren L. Period 2

Anonymous said...

I feel like I'm doing well in Social Studies and Math. I understand what we are supposed to do and know who to ask if I don't. I could work on Science and Health by studying more.

Sylvia J. Period 5

Matt B said...

I feel i am doing best in Science, because i have got good grades on all of the recent quizes. I also am doing good in History, becausei pay attention in class and understand what the teacher is talking about. I feel i need to imporve in Math because i am having trouble showing inverse when we are doing equations.

Anonymous said...

i think i need to inpprove alot mosstly my homework.

gigi m.
per 1 :)

Anonymous said...

I think I am doing well in history class. I am getting very good grades in that class and I have understood what we have been learning. Another reason why I think I am excelling in history is how I feel about the class. I may be really enjoying a class, but still not getting great grades in it. I may be getting great grades in a class, but I may not be enjoying it. I am proud of many of the grades I got in other classes, but that doesn't mean that I can’t improve in them. For example, take math class. I am very proud of the grade I am got and I work very hard in this class. However, there is still much room for improvement. I am in advanced math, so I really have to focus to make sure I get the lesson. I think I can work on this by trying to pay attention more. I can also ask questions to make sure I got the right idea. I basically have to make sure I pay attention in all class to ensure that I get good grades.
Olivia Baker
Period 3

Anonymous said...

How I feel about my about my 5 week report cardis that I thougth I did very well. My best class this year so far is, History. Why I think that I am doing so well in that class is because, I think the notes that I take are easy to study. I think they are more neat than my other classes. I also do well on quizes, tests and the homework. There is one class that I could improve on and it is math. How I could improve that class is, asking Mrs.Miller questions if I don't get it. Sometimes I just say i'll ask her tomorrow and then I never do. I also can maybe just skim my notes the night before a test.

Kate P.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

School seemed like it started just yesterday, but really it’s already been five weeks! For the most part I have been up to date on our class discussions and comprehend the material needed. I think the subject I have been doing the best in is math. In math once I get a concept it usually sticks, but sometimes I don’t pick up on things as quickly. The things we are learning in math go at a fast pace so I need to stay awake and focused. Even if I miss one or two concepts it never hurts to get extra help or ask a question. Sometimes I think I fail to pick up on little details or make a silly mistake, therefore I need to read over my work and follow directions. School so far is good and I try my BEST every single day.

Alexandra R.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

One of the classes that i am doing well at is English. There are a few reasons but one is that i feel that i have done most of this before. For example on community service day I went to Mrs.Woodens 2nd grade class and they were working on subject and predicate, that was something we worked on just a couple weeks ago. I know that in the other grades we have worked on this too. I think that I can improve but I'm working hard and I am proud of myself and the grade that I have.

Carson H.
Period 2 =)

Anonymous said...

I feel I am doing best in history. I think this, because I have received very high marks in this class. Also, I enjoy History and find it interesting. One class that I need to improve in, is English. I can improve by being more prepared for tests and quizzes. Finally, I need to continue to improve my Grammar and Spelling.

Colin Wilcox p5


I feel like I'm doing pretty well in all of my subjects except for science and english. I feel like I can improve by studying harder for tests and quizzes and hand in the correct HW. I can also get better grades on tests to get a higher average. But then again, nobody's perfect.

Maddy Happy Kramer
Period 3

Anonymous said...

The class i think i do best in is math because the work is really easy. I also feel that i'm doing good in history as well. I need to improve english a bit more I just to keep studying.

- Jasmine Martinez
Period 1

Anonymous said...

Well i think that i am doing great in P.E. I think im doing well in scinece. I may not be going that well but I am doing good at. I need to study more for everything.

Alexandra Janitz
P. 3

Anonymous said...

i feel like i am doing good in art because i love art. i did the best in art. i think i should improve in math. i got a 89 in art so im fine with it.

nolan.r 3rd

Anonymous said...

I feel that I do well in science because I understand it and get along with the teacher. I have been struggling with science but think I can do better cause i don't try.
by josh Rumberger

Anonymous said...

I think I am doing relatively well in all of my classes, but there are always things I could improve on. One thing I am really proud of this year so far is my grade in math. Last year I didn't so well in that class, but this year is a whole different story. I have worked extremely hard to keep good grades up, and it appears it has been working. Hopefully at this rate I will be moved up to advanced math. Another grade I am proud of is my English grade. I know that English is a hard subject to fully understand with all its exceptions and what not, so when I read my grades I was very pleased. I hope my grades will stay like this for as long as possible, and will continue to work hard in all my classes. I think the main thing that brings me down in my talking. I think that if I talk less, and focus more I will have better grades in all of my classes... somehow this seems like it's going to be a bit of a challenge. :) Wish me luck!

Mallory Arthurs period 5

Anonymous said...

The class that I feel most confident in is Life Science. The reason I am so confident about Life Science is that I understand what we are talking about and also I feel that Mrs. Parr helps us learn in a positive environment. Life Science is also right at the period that I am fully awake, but not yet tired of school, so this helps me concentrate and absorb information better. I think that I could improve in not being lazy. When I get home from school/soccer practice/ whatever I am doing I am really tired and don’t feel like doing anything. So when I do my homework I just get lazy and don’t look back to the instructions, this is why I got a bad grade on a homework assignment; I forgot a part of the heading. The subject I need to work on is math; I can do better by just remembering my binder, actually studying for tests and also making sure I understand the concepts.

Anna G
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think the class I am doing the best in is history. I think I am doing well in that class because I understand the concepts and I think studying history is interesting. Something I could work on is the neatness of my history homework. The homework has to be completed in pen and I often make silly mistakes that I only catch when I read it over again. I also have room to improve in english and math. To get better in those classes I think I should study further in advance.
Abby L., period 2

Anonymous said...

The class that I think I am doing the best in is science. I think I am doing the best in that class because I understand it really well and it is my favorite subject. I could improve in it by studying right before the test comes.

Maya W. Period 2

Daniel Marino said...

I am not doing very good on my report card because i am failing three of my classes but i am doing very good in 5 of my classes but i still have a lot of time befor school is over so i want to get it up now so i can do good for the rest of my classes.

DANIEL MARINO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

I Think that I am doing best in is history because I feel like I have tried to do well on homeowrk and tests. I don't always do the best on those things but that is the class that I feel I have really feel like I have tried. I think i am doing well in history because it is easy to listen and understand what is being said. Some things I undrstand better than others but overall I understand pretty well. I could improve on my tests and quizes because those I am not the happiest with .
Olivia l per.2

Anonymous said...

I think im doing the best in science because i had a 97. I think i am doing well because i do all of the homework. I could improve by studing more often for tests.

Raymond Cabrera Period 1

Anonymous said...

I think i am doing well in Social Studies. I think i did well because I did well in class. I think i could improve in this class by studing for the tests.

Tanner Clinton
Period 2

Anonymous said...

i am doing the best in math because i think i have around a 94 Average. I think i am doing the best in math because i can understand what i am doing not like some of the other classes.I can improve my classes by studying for the test and quizs.

Anonymous said...

I think I am doing a great job in science. It is my highest grade rite now. I think im doing so well because ive studied for all quizzes and handed in all homework with many high scores. I love science and cant wait to continue with more info about it.
liz olmstead

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am doing good in science beacause I understand what we are talking about. I need to to better in english I need to start doing all my blog comments but over all I'm doing well

Chantel Huntington Period 5

Anonymous said...

I think that that the classes I am doing best in are Life Science and History. I think that I am doing good in those classes because I study hard for Science and History classes and I understand the vocabulary and the history that I am learning. I think that I need to improve in English because english is not as easy for me than other subjects

Travis T. Period 2

Anonymous said...

For the first five weeks of seventh grade my highest grade is in English with Mr. Abts. I think I’m doing the best in this class because I understand grammar well and pretty much already know what we’re learning. I guess that I could study a little more than I have been for the quizzes, but I know the helping verb song by heart.

Liz Millea

Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think the class I'm doing the best in is science because almost every thing we have learned so far I have completely understood and and i have had no trouble so far on home work. I think the reason I am doing so well is because I am sitting in the front row so I cant see if some one is trying to talk to me so my focus is on the bored 95% percent of the time. The class i need to work on is language arts, I feel I can do better in this class if I studied for the quiz's a little bit longer.

Josh N.
Per. 3

Anonymous said...

I feel that I am doing my best in Art and music classes because I like to be creative and artistic. It also allows me to be exactly the way I want to be. However, I think I need to improve in English by studying more. One thing that bothers me, though, sometimes is when the teacher is talking and the students are talking too.

By Hunter D fifth period.

Anonymous said...

My best grades are history and science I have studied a lot first those classes a lot because they are my first two classes also health I am doing good in. I need to improve more on not just studying the night before the test.

Jennifer Flynn period 3

Michelle said...

I think I am doing best in Science. I actually think that I understand what Mrs. Parr is saying. I think I am doing best in Science because I think I enjoy Science class the best. I should look over my notes more often instead of just taking the tests based on memory.

Michelle Zhang Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think I am doing best in health. Even though that class is hard, I think that since its hard it makes me want to study harder so I wont fail. I could improve on my note taking. I think I could get even better if I took better notes I could get better grades.

Kimberly Gertz period 2

Anonymous said...

I feel that I'm doing best in science class. I think this because science is my highest grade, and I also enjoy it the most. I also do well in science because I study for the vocab quizes, and I hand in my homework on time. There is not much I can improve on in this class, but I can try to improve on my homework by reading the question,and making sure my answer answers the question. I hope to improve my homework, and keep science as my best class.

Margaret K. per.3

Anonymous said...

I feel I am doing the best in Social Studies. I think I am doing well in this class because I do my homework and all the things required. I am not doing bad in any of my other classes but I am doing the best in this class. I am surprised that I am doing the best in this class because I don’t like social studies much. One thing I could do to improve is not shut out the class because I don’t like it. I should be open just in case I find some interests.
Noah H Period 3

Anonymous said...

I feel that I am doing the best in english because the notes are always broken up so that i can understand it. what I can improve is study more and talk to the teacher if I have a question.

Scott Segit
Period 1

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am doing the best in history. I have never been good at history, ever. But this year I am really understanding the concepts better and doing well in the class. In my 5 week report card history was my highest grade. I really like that class. I could improve my grades in math. I haven't ever been good at math either, but that hasn't changed. It's kind of hard for me to study for math. I don't see how you study for math but I could always just review my notes and homework.

Anonymous said...

Sorry that I'm commenting again but that last comment was from Emmy.D period 2 my bad sorry.

Anonymous said...

I am doing best in science. I love science because everything is interesting to learn and easy to remember. I think I could improve on remembering that I have science homework because I don't remember that I have science homework until it is almost time to go to bed. So I need to improve on that.

Noah Briggs

Anonymous said...

The class I think I am doing the most well in is math. I think the reason I am doing well in this class is that I am interested in what we are learning. This makes it so that when I don't quite understand something I keep on working on it until I fully understand it. If there was something I could improve it would be that I would check my math homework when I finish it. That way I could catch any careless mistakes I make so when we check over it in class I can see where I am actually having trouble instead of just making a careless mistake.
Alex G. Period 2

Anonymous said...

I feel as if my best class is history because I enjoy learning about the world. I am also doing well in math because this year it’s easy to understand. I can improve all my classes by studying a couple nights before the test instead of just studying the night before.

Molly W 2

Anonymous said...

I think the class that I'm doing the best in is science. I think I'm doing the best in that class because my final grade for the five weaks is 100 and I pay atition in that class. I also really like science so I have a lot of fun learning in that class. I think I could improve on tests. I think I should study a little bit more and then I will be able to keep my 100 in that class.

Carmen booan 2

Anonymous said...

i feel i doing best in life science because i hacent got any grades below a 90 and the class is kinda easy. but i need to study more for math because im not doing so great.

christopher schulz per 3

Anonymous said...

I think i am doing my best in science.I think i am doing the best in this class because I am paying good attention to the teacher and I have studied hard for quizzes and tests. Also I have done well on my homework. I need to improve in English by paying more attention in class and stop talking as much.

Christian Sepp Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think my grades were pretty decent. The class I did best in was probably science. With the test and quizes I got back I knew I was doing pretty well, along with the fact that I got most of the concepts. In order to do well in this class I studied hard, and made sure to do all the homework on time, for full credit. I hope to do the same for the rest of the year, and also try hard in all my other classes.
Ciara M 5

Alina said...

my best subject is science. I get good grades in science and I understand everything, and i have fun. I think that what I could improve in is Math I think I could improve by practicing alot and studing.<3

p.1 Alina Bischof

Anonymous said...

i fell im doing good in math because mrs miller is a really really good math teacher! i dont think im doing so well in english because i need to work on my spelling

max c period 1

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am doing well in gym class becaues I am active and energetic and it a place where I can get my engery out of my body. I can improved in that class by working with the class a little more.

Victoria C.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am doing history because I understand the class better. A class I am not doing well in is Life Science, but Ive been doing better on tests.

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am doing well history because I understand what he is saying. A class I am not doing well on is life science, but I am doing better on tests than before.
Period 5


I feel as if my best class is life science. My average is a 100 so far in science, so that is one of my highest grades. I have a 100 in a few other classes, but I think I am doing the best in life science because I am normally not very good at science. I have also been studying very hard for science.
I need to improve in heath class because my average is only an 88 in health. I could improve by studying harder and reading the text book more often and not only when it is assigned to be read.

Katlyn Palmatier Period 2

Anonymous said...

I feel that I did good on science.I could be better at science by studying. I'm doing good because I hand in my home work in time.

Trentin Carentz 1st

Unknown said...

I think I'm doing the best in life science because it’s easy for me. I could I’m prove on my studding habits. I need to study more.

Anonymous said...

I feel Like I Am Doing Well In science, Because I Understand The Subject. History and math are okay, I Guess. But English I have Improve by doing my Homework.

Amer B.
Period 3

Anonymous said...

I feel like i am doing well in gym class because I LOVE PLAYING IN ALL OF THE FUN GAMES. Demi Card

Anonymous said...

When ou report cards came home with us I can't say how nervous I was. I really thought that I would do absolutly terrible, but I did awesome! I think that math is my best subject because of how well I understand everything. I think that I should improve on getting my homework done on time more often. Other than that I am doing really well and trying really hard.

Lauryn Makofske period 5.

Anonymous said...

Mr. Abts, I looked on parent portal and saw that it said I have not done this comment. I am positive that I have. I can tell by the picture. Since it seems that it must not have gotten to you, I will write my comment again in hopes that I will get some credit.

I think that during the first five weeks, math was my best class. My best grade is in it, and it comes very easily to me. My worst class is probably either English or Health. I think this because in English it is harder for me to understand things. I also find grammar very confusing. Health is hard because there is a lot of information to grasp in a very short time. Also in health you have to be very independent. This is because of the teacher. Not that I don't like Mr. Weir, he just is very stern.

Elijah Sandler Per 2

Anonymous said...

I feel like my best is nothing and I wasnt doing well at all and I need to improve on my stress and every thing on my grades.


Anonymous said...

Well I think that I was doing the best in U.S History and I could improve alot in every class. By doing my homework and studying everyday. Ryan M

Anonymous said...

I thinks the class that i am doing the best in would have to be history. I think i am doing well in that class bacause i have it first period so i can remember things from that class more easyly. I think the thing i could improve the most on would have to be studing harder so i can get better grades.
JKM aprile period 2

Anonymous said...

I feel like I am doing well in math because I have understood what we have talked about. I also feel like I`m doing well in science, because I have gotten pretty good grades. I need to improve in history, by studying more.

Wade Stahl
Period 3

Anonymous said...

I think i have been doing best in science because i get good grades and get along with the teacher.
Ray Smith per.2

Amber brown ^.^ said...

When the 5 week report went home i was dissapointed in myself because i knew i could do better i just have to try. I need to improve my grades in all my classes, accept Choir, Art, and Language classes.

Amber B. O_O
Period 3