Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Evaluating processes

Even major league baseball players look silly occasionally. In order to remain in the big leagues, they constantly evaluate their processes. For example, in the picture above Russell Martin has taken a horrible swing, and has missed the pitch badly. Rather than evaluating his result ( a swing and a miss), he will evaluate his process - when he decided to swing, how he distributed his weight, where his hands were, etc.

Often we are tempted to evaluate our results. We think of successes and failures as the grades we earned rather than the process we used. It will be more helpful for us to evaluate our processes - for example, what specific strategies we used to study. Instead of thinking about homework in terms of doing it or not, we can evaluate the process we used to make sure we completed it and had it with us.

What is one process you think you should either change or adapt to achieve better results in one of your classes?


Anonymous said...

one process i think i need to do to have better results in one of in one of my classes is to lisne in class and study for test and quizes.

Elias P. period 1

Anonymous said...

What I could change to achieve better resluts in my classes would be History because i'm missing some notes which effects on test and quizes for me.

- Jasmine Martinez
Period 1

MATT BURCH said...

One process I think I can learn is that people make mistakes and that when I am taking a test not to worrying that I might mess up I know not to worry if I make a mistake because everyone makes mistakes.

Matt Burch P1.

Anonymous said...

I think one precress I should change is the way I study and how well I am organised. Ocassionally I will forget about an assiment I had to do the prevous night and I feel a little dumb for forgetting something when I could of just looked in my assignment notebook. When I have a test I am not prepasred for I get nervous thinking I am going to fail, if I study a little longer and maby even come up with a new studying stratigy. If I can succsessfuly do these thing I feel that I will do better ing school and get grades I am more satisfyed with.

J. Nicholson per.2

Unknown said...

I think I could change the process in which I study for tests. For example, I was sick the day before the science unit test. I forgot that it was the next day, and I had to study hurriedly before school. I wasn’t sure about some of the answers I gave, and I had the feeling that I had done terribly. My grade wasn’t as bad as I suspected it to be, but I could have studied more to make myself more confident of my result.

Sean Mebust, period 3

Anonymous said...

When I do bad on a test or quiz or in a class I study more for that class and try to foucus very hard in the class.

Tanner Clinton
period 3

Anonymous said...

i think something i shouls change is to study more in english and science so i can bring those grades up like i had at the beggining of the year.

max c period 1

Anonymous said...

One thing I should adapt to do better in english is to stop just reading my notes over and over again and to quiz myself every once and a while.

Molly M. Period 5

Anonymous said...

one thing that i think i should improve on is doing my homework i have much trouble doing it just cause i really dont want to do it its boring but i need to adapt so i can do better in all my classes by ryan mcguire

Anonymous said...

I think I could change the way I study for History. Right now I always wait until the last minute to study. I think I could change to studying for a history test or quiz by studying material every day before the quiz so I am not stressing about it on the day before the test or quiz. I think that process would be more efficient for me.

Lauren Lionetti Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think I could change my study patterns for a test. When I do poorly I always try to correct my results and study them. That way I know what I did wrong. I try to think of new ways to study besides flashcards since those don’t help me as well as verbally speaking. The only way I really remember notes or a trick to math problem or a rule to grammar is by speaking them. Then when the test comes I can think back to what I said. And know that the answer is going to be right. So for now my study patterns are good. If or when I do poorly on something I might change it up.
Liz olmstead per.3

Anonymous said...

I think that I could look over my tests, quizzes, and papers after I get them back to achieve better results in my classes. By looking over my work, I can learn from my mistakes and fix them the next time around. I should especially do this in English, because we often get tested on something more than multiple times.

Kristin R.
Period 5

Anonymous said...

I thik that I could study all my notes and my quizzes not just my notes i think that will help me do better in a lot of my classes. I can learn from my mistakes.

Jennifer Flynn
Period 3

Anonymous said...

I think that I could adapt in Health more like today we had a quiz and I had no idea that it was even schedueled. I probably did horribly on the quiz I can adapt by studing and becoming aware of quizes and tests before they actually happen.
Michael K.

Anonymous said...

I studyed for my case chart by writing the chart over and over again intill I go it memerized.

Anonymous said...

The one thing I would do is, start checking off my agenda when I finish homework. Another is making sure my homework goes into the right place. Also I need to get into the habit of writing down my assignments or else I won’t do it and a Zero.

Skyler taylor p.3

Anonymous said...

I think the process i have to adapt to is science. I got to pick up a book and study for quiz's.

andrew.m period 2

Anonymous said...

one process I think I can changr is doung better on my tests by studying more than usual I am proud to be the fuirst one answering this I think I should make a process of answering first

Peter B 1

Anonymous said...

For Health class I will change the way I study. Instead of reading the chapter twice I should read each section once and ask myself what was that section about. I also need to read about the chapter as soon as I hear about it instead of two days before the test. I should read the chapter more than once.

Travis T. Period 2

Anonymous said...

One process that I think I should change to achieve better results is not delaying the start of long-term projects. I think I should do this because when I wait until the last minute, I feel really rushed and the quality of my work suffers. I also think I should more consistently check off assignments in my agenda. These are some changes I think I could make to improve the quality of my school work.
Abby L. period 3

Anonymous said...

I think that on fo the thing i could strive to do better is study more than twice for a test more like four time so i really under stans the words and teir meanings.


I think that one process that i could change or adapt to is studying for quizes better. I could improve this process by actually remembering to study and then have either my parents or my sister help me with studying.

Maddy K Period 3

Anonymous said...

I think I could definitely adapt to different study habits. In some classes I choose to memorize the material, in others I do a review sheet, but in some I don't really do anything. I think even in any of those three cases, that I could probably do more to secure a good grade. I could try making up questions that I would guess would be on the quiz and then attempt to answer them. I could have a friend or family member quiz me, and other ideas. Another thing I could do to secure a good grade, is to study ahead of time. I know that sometimes it's annoying for me to have to study the night before the test, and occasionally I just want to stop. This probably wouldn't happen if I wasn’t trying to cram all the information into my head at once. Also it would probably be more effective if I took things slower. The same goes for homework. I find myself trying to cram everything in the night before it’s due, and this can sometimes be challenging, so I think what might help me more is to simply do homework I receive ahead of time earlier than the last night. Changing some of the processes I already do will only help me more, and I am hoping (because of these changes) to get great grades on this weeks report card!

Mallory Arthurs Period 5

Anonymous said...

A process or change I would do is my study ways. In English I sometimes I just look over them really quick. Then when I get to the quiz or test, I don't do well. I need to look over them a little more and practice it. This could help me on the quiz or test and I can get a better grade.

Kate P Pr.2

Anonymous said...

One process I think I should change is studying for health class. I think I should change this because I feel that when I study I know everything but when it comes time for the test I don’t know half the things I studied. So I think that if I study longer and find a new technique I will do better.

Liz Millea

Period 2

Anonymous said...

One processes that i think i could change would be in ela. I should probably pay more atention or i should study more often,because that is my worse class and i could do better if i try harder.

Alexie Tsouvas period 2.

Anonymous said...

i think that one thing i can do is pay attention cause if i dontthen i wont know how todo things

gigi m.1

Anonymous said...

Well one thing that I could/would change and adapt to achieve in one class would study more like for heath I really need to study more and hand in homework on time. And maybe even ask to do extra credit.

Anonymous said...

The one thing that i could change or adapt to would for math. I could change my studing to looking at it to reading it.

Wade Stahl
Preiod 3

Anonymous said...

I think instead of studying five minutes before a test I should study the night before. Hopefully my grades would get better.

Sylvia Johnson Period 5

Anonymous said...

One thing I think I can change or adapt to is trying harder in math class. I always try in my classes but math has always been hard for me. This year math is realy hard so I could adapt to it better by asking about our homework, and I could see the teacher in my advisories or in study hall for extra help.

Anonymous said...

I thnk one thing that I can change or adapt to is doing btter in math class. Math has alwassy been really hard for me and its extremely hard this year. I could change my grades in math by seeing my teacher for extra help during my advisories or study hall periods.

Emmy D.
Period 2

Daniel Marino said...

one thing i think that i need to change is that i need to do more of my homework at my house so that i don't get in trouble every day because i did not do my homework.

Daniel Marino Per. 1

Anonymous said...

One thing that I think I need to have better results in school is to listen and care about the work that is given to me
JOSH RUMBERGER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

A process that I need to do better in is studying. In some of my classes I could have gotten better grades if I studied harder. I also need to become more organized. There have been times when I couldn't find homework because I am so unorganized. But I'm getting better.

Philip Wasson
per. 5

Caroline Leonard said...

One process I would change would be the way I study. When I study it is usually the night before or a couple nights before. Like for the science unit test I had only studied the night before. I still did really well on it but I was studying until almost 10:00. I would probably start studying several days before the test.

Caroline Leonard Per. 3

Michelle Zhang said...

There are processes that I think I should change or adapt to achieve better results in one of my classes. One process refers to looking over my notes again. Some people call this process studying, but I call it refreshing my memory, or loading my brain with new information. I think that if I study more, I should be able to get better grades in my classes. Another thing that I should do is pay more attention in class.

Michelle Zhang Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think that one thing i could do in all classes for tests is pay very close attention to all the questions so that i get them all right. I could also answer the questions i know first so that all the other answers i don't know will most likely come to me.
Sean M. period two

Anonymous said...

I think one process I need to improve on is my studying. I need to study more and not wait to the last minute to study. These bad study skills have cost me a lot on my grades. This up coming marking period I am going to study hard and try not to wait until the last minute to study.
Noah Briggs
Period 5

Anonymous said...

One procces that i could do is to have my parents to check my work and make sure its done.

Alex Quayle

Anonymous said...

One process I think I should change is writing more things down in science class. I think I should do this because I do not want to forget to do my homework or get something signed which I have done before. I think I could adapt to writing neater notes because some people can’t even read them.

Anonymous said...

I think that one process I could change would be how organized I am. I am pretty organized but I need to develop a better schedule for studying and getting homework done. What I need to do is at the beginning of the week I should develop a schedule for when to study and which nights to get homework and projects done and stick with it the rest of the week. This I feel will help be become more successful.

Anna G
Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think that one thing that I have to do better is to check my agenda even if I think that I have no homework. Sometimes on weekends I think that I did all my homewofk or that I don't have any homework. Unfortunatly a couple times a did have homework but I ended up not doing it.

Eliah Sandler period 2

Anonymous said...

i think a thing i could do is to study more because practice makes prefect! im not doing well in any of my classes becasue i have to much things going on like football practice/ games and helping my mom wuth work and cooking and i really just dont have enough time.!

carmen booan

Anonymous said...

one prosses i should get better results is math. one prosses i should change is when i do my homework

nolan r. 3rd

Anonymous said...

One process that I think i should change is a better way to study. If I changed the way I studied I would proabaly have better grades on quizes and tests and then that would improve my grades.
Olivia L. per.2

Anonymous said...

One thing that I think that I could change about me is write things down when Mr.Abts write things down. Also sometimes I get daisteracted so I think that I could stay on task.
-Victoria C
Per. 1

Anonymous said...

One thing I could change to do better in all my classes is my study time. I could study more and play less. I could also study more than just the day before tests. Also I think I could adjust my homework routine. I think I could change where I do my homework and do it in a quieter place. This would keep me more focused and I wouldn’t get off track and do things wrong. I think all these changes would help me do better in school. I would like to do better in school therefore I will try these things and if I don’t succeed I will adjust the cycle again.
Noah H period 3

Anonymous said...

One process I think I need to change is tha t I could write what I know o a sheet of paper and compare with the notes.

By: Trentin Carentz period 1

Anonymous said...

One process I think I should adapt to achieve better results in math class is having a better studying technique for quizzes and tests. I will adapt to practicing math problems more instead of practicing a little, and mostly just staring at the rules that follow a long with the unit. That may also help, but I think practicing, practicing, and practicing will help me even more to improve my quiz and test grades. Hopefully with the result of this technique, I will see an improvement in my test and quiz grades.

Margaret K. per.3

Anonymous said...

What i could change to acheive better resluts i swhen i do bad or fail a test i pay attention more often and study more so it does not happen again.

christopher schulz per. 3

Anonymous said...

I think one process I should improve on in school is probably paying attention. Sometimes I can zone out in a class and may not pick up on something were learning. I know this happens to a lot of people but I think I should become more aware of it. If I work to my best ability, it may result in even better grades.

Alexandra R.
Period 2

Anonymous said...

A process I could change is how I study for tests in English class. What I usually do is I make sure I know any charts or the definitions of things like nouns and verbs. Instead I could make sentences and locate the nouns, verbs, include helping verbs or whatever we are studying at the time in the sentences along with knowing charts and definitions. When I'm done I could have someone check it over to see if I missed anything. That way I can get some real practice and become comfortable doing the type of thing I will definitely run into on a test or quiz.
Alex G. period 2

Anonymous said...

One process that could make my work ethic better is if I use my agenda more and check off my homework after I’m done with it. I could also study more for tests by having people quiz me.
Ciara M. 5

Anonymous said...

I think that I can defiantly make some changes to help ensure that I get better grades. I think one thing that would help me tremendously is more concentration. I tend to get distracted at home when I am trying to study for a test or quiz. I tend to also try to put things off until later. I tell myself that I have lots of time when I really don't. This affects me on tests and quizzes. Another thing I could do to help myself achieve better grades would be to look at my agenda. I always write down my assignments in class, but when I am at home I do not really look at my agenda. I remember most of my assignments without it, but it is those few assignments that I forget that really affect me. Its only when I am in class and the teacher tells us to take out our homework that I realize that I forgot to do it. I think if I adopt all of these work habits, I would be much better off. I think that even thought I am doing pretty well in school, applying these things would help me secure better grades.
Olivia Baker
Period 3

Anonymous said...

I think I should pay better attention in History and English so I can do much better on my tests.

Hunter D. Period 5

Anonymous said...

What I could change to a to have better results are I could look over my quizzes and homework so I could see what I get wrong and see what I need to practice more for the test. For math I could do a couple other problems then just what we were assigned so I make sure I get the concept.

Maya W. Per 2

Anonymous said...

One process I definetly need to improve is study more, especially on tests.

By: Ray Smith

Anonymous said...

I think that one thing I should change would be my study habits. Over the years I have gotten better in the subject I try hard in, but I start to lose focus in my other important subjects. When I don't study I don't do good on tests and it effects my average. A lot of people make mistakes, but studying and being on task is what I need to focus the most on in my classes. I have been studying really hard in math class and I feel like I already know everything she teaches us. So now helping with me with my study habits is what I need to do to achieve and be very successful.

Lauryn Makofske Period 5.

Anonymous said...

One thing I think I can do to improve my work in school is that when i study for a test that i think is going to be really easy is not to study just for a few minutes but to review it and see if I actually have it down.

Christian Sepp Period 2

Anonymous said...

One process I need to change is taking neater notes in class.

Anonymous said...

One process I think I should change would be the way I study. I tend to do most of my studying last minute even when I know I shouldn't. I think I should set aside more time for studying, when I do study I tend to do well with my studying habbits. I always hand in homework on time so that is not an issue. I think that I really need to study more in science because it is hard for me to remember those terms. I think if I study more I should bring up my overall average by a few points.

Caroline Gozigian Period 5

Anonymous said...

I need to listen and study more in english,history, and science so I can get those grades up to high eighties or nineties.

Scott Segit
Period 1

Katlyn =] said...

I think one process that I definetely need to work on is studying for tests and quizzes. On most of my tests and quizzes I get really good grades, but could have done a little bit better or have been more sure of my answers. Normally I study a little tiny bit after doing the rest of my homework and then I completely forget about my test or quiz until somebody asks me if I studied for it. Then I take out my notebook and study extremely hard at the last moment or in the class before my quiz, so I don't pay alot of attention in that class. I think I should start trying to study the whole time I know I have a test instead of the last minute.
Katlyn Palmatier Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think one class I need to change the way I study is English. We often take the same test more than once in English. When it comes time a little while before the test, when I should be studying, I think that the test will be hard and dont study as hard as I should. I make the wrong choice and choose to something I want to do instead of studing. I also think I will fail the test either way (if I study or not). To improve my grades in English class I need to put time aside so I can study. This will bring my grades up in ELA.
Kim Gertz period 3

Anonymous said...

I think that i should study better in math. I do because math is hard if you think about it in the wrong way. I will adapt my studying to do better.


Anonymous said...

I think I need to change the way people treat me so I can finally have peace for the first time and learn.

Anonymous said...

I one thing I should change is how I study and haow I do on tests and quizes. That way i would make lots of mistakes and look silly even if everone makes mistakes. Sometimes you can learn from your own mistakes as well as others. This will help you through your school year. :)

Alina Bischof p.1

Anonymous said...

One process I could change is my study habit. Instead of studying the knight before I should study every knight before my test or quiz.

C.CARR per.5

Anonymous said...

one thing i get to do is get good grade on my test and homework

tina wellman
period 1

Unknown said...

One Thing is changing my study hbits. Studymore, Study longer and take more pride in it.

Anonymous said...

I think that I need to do my homewok better and not rely on my test grades.

Scott Curtis pre.5

Anonymous said...

I am doing fine on all my classes' homework assignments, so what I think I need to work on are my studying tactics for tests and quizzes.

Hunter D Period 2

Anonymous said...

I think i should study more so i pass all of my testa and quizes.

JKM aprile
2 period

Alex Janitz ^.^ said...

Well one thing that I could/would change and adapt to achieve in one class would study more like for heath I really need to study more and hand in homework on time. And maybe even ask to do extra credit.

Alex Janitz

Anonymous said...

One process I think I could change would be to stop watching TV while studying or do my homework while studying.

nolan r. 3rd

Anonymous said...

One thing i can do to improve my grads is to studdy for tests and quizzes because some things that come easly but i am not one who can just take a test with out studding and pass the test allthough there are people out there that can,

Amber Brown ^.^ said...

What I would change would be to study for my tests/quizes, and hand in backwork that i owed.

Amber B.
Period 3

Anonymous said...

One process I think I should change or adapt to achieve better results in one of my classes is I will write down my assignments more because if I don't I will probably forget to do my homework

August S. period 1