In the picture, there are young students dressed as Socs and greasers, looking ready to rumble. The instances of conflict in chapters 1 through 7 have been very different from this picture, though. Who do you think will win this fight? Why?
In order to earn full credit, you should use what you know from the book about Socs and greasers as well any evidence you can find in the picture to support your opinion.
I think that the greasers would win because they are strong and maybe have more experience with fighting they maybe ahve a backround of fighting and jail time. But that is my opinion so people's opinion maybe diffrent. But I really do believe that the greasers will win. And I do beleive this because of back rounds like with Darry, Dally,
Soda, Johnny and others.
Alex Janitz
I think the greasers would win in the fight becauuse if you look at the picture it shows that the greasers are bigger than the socs.
by brandon phillips
I think that the Greasers are going to win because in the picture the Greasers look like they have a lot of tougher guys than the Socs. In the book the Greasers have been more braver than the Socs have been. What I mean whan I say that they have been more braver by saying that they go reacuse kids from a buring fire. Johnny , Ponyboy, and some other Greasers risked their life to save kids. Johnny has a paralyzed back because want in there and save them. The Socs have been to scraed to do that kind of stuff.
-Vcitoria C.
I think the greasers are going to win’s. I think this because they are probably mad. The socs are always jumping them like in chapter 1.and they cannot use any weapons just hands. On the other hand it is going to be hard without Johnny.
Nolan rock 3rd
I think that the Greasers will win because they will want to beat up the Socs for attacking them. Even though Johhny might not be able to fight because he is in the hospital they might still win because Bob was killed and Randy is not going because he does not like fights. In the picture the Greasers are bigger than most of the Socs.
Travis T. Period 2
I think the Socs are most likely to win the fight. The Socs are better prepared because most often it has been the Socs who are looking for a fight. An example would be when the Socs surrounded Ponyboy in the alley. Although in the picture the greasers look bigger and more ready to fight, Ponyboy often talks about how greasers often just appear tough on the outside. The Socs have fewer feelings. Cherry told Ponyboy that Socs are cool to the point of not feeling anything.
Abby L. Period 3
I think the greasers will win because they are strong and dont give up easily and randy wont be there aand hes the strongest soc. even if the socs are bigger and taller the could still lose and the greasers will try even harder because they think of jonny and what could happen to him.
chantel huntington
I think in this fight the greasers will win. This is because the greasers are a little taller than the Socs so they could be intimidated. Also the greasers look more tough in this picture. My opinion is probably not the same as the evidence in the book because in the book the Socs win more fights than greasers.
Lauren L. Period 2
from this picture i think that the greasers will win becuase they look bigger and the greasers have nothing too lose soo they usually fight for a livin.
Elias P. Period 1
i think the SOCES are going to win because the SOCES are really mad at the GREASERS because Johnny killed (Bob) and they are proubaly really mad at johnny and the rest of the Greasers. But the picture does look fair.
Matt Burch P1.
i think the greasers are going to win cause they look strong and the socs don’t look strong and greasers are mean and the socs are a little mean but not as mean as the greasers.
tina wellman
per 1
In the fight in the picture, I think that the group on the right, dressed as greasers, will win. This is my opinion, because they look like they are larger and probably stronger that the group on the left, the Socs. Also, in the book, the greasers seem like they have more purpose for winning. They have been on the lower end of the Soc-greaser relationship, and they are in Ponyboy describes as a gang where everyone is together and cares about one another.
Sean Mebust, Period 3
I think the Greasers will win because by the looks of it they look like they have much bigger boys than the socs do they also have 6 boys and the socs have only 5. But on the other hand in the book it seems like usually the socs win, maybe the socs are just tuffer than the greasers and the greasers are scared and wimps.
period 2 Alexie T'Souvas
i think the greasers will win. i think this becuase the greasers are probably mad. there is also the fact that they may not use weapons.also the teams are even unlike most times.
Nolan r 3rd
I think the greasers are going to win. I do because they are tuffer than soces. Also they are more likely to have weapons. In the book greasers tend to steal weapons from stores.
kenneth per 3
I think that in this picture the greasers would win in this fight. Normally I would think the socs would win but in this picture the greasers have greater size over the socs.
Scott Segit,
period 1
I think that the greasers will win this fight. I think the greasers will win because according to the book, they mentioned how the greasers are good fighters and the Socs agreed to play fair. There are a lot of tough greasers who are going to attend the rumble for revenge. The Socs have less of a reason to fight than the greasers. The book also hints about a party after they beat the Socs at the rumble.
Michelle Zhang Period 2
I think that the greasers will win because the soc's have everything handed to and the greasers don't so in my opinion the greasers would be tougher. In the picture it also shows 6 greaser wannabees and only 5 soc wannabees so the more in a fight at least the better.
The children on the right are all greasers and the ones on the left are socs. The reason i can tell is because in the book it gives a good description on the greecer uniform and the socs uniform. The greecer uniform is a white tee-shirt leather jacket jeans, work boots and long hair. The socs uniform is short hair un-mached cloths and not much of a uniform. I think that the socs will will win the fight because they are always are fighting with greecers so they kinda have experence.
Demi Card
Per 1
Who I think will win in the rumble is, it could be either one. One part of me says the greasers. Why I think that is because, they keep saying how tough some of their guys are, and what type of weapons they have. But another part says that the Socs could win. Why I think that is because, they are tough also but, they might have better weaopns because they have a little more of advanges. It could be either way. They are both good and exprienced fighters.
Kate Preston Pr.2
I think the Socs are going to win. I think the Socs are going to win because the Socs always are beating up the greasers and always wining the fights that they and the greasers are having.
Molly M. period 5
I think that the Greasers will win this fight because I think they want to win it for Johnny and to just beat the Socs. As you can see in the picture the “Greasers” look bigger and stronger then the “Socs” so this might be another reason.
Carmen Booan 2
I think the Greasers will win because they have the spirit. They will win this fight especially
to get the Socs to stop jumping the Greasers.Anyway they would not make a book like this if the hero loses.It would not have the "A HEROIC STORY" on the back of the book.
Joseph P.
I Think the Greasers would win because the Socs in this picture do not look like fighters. In the book the Socs are usually drunk and have weapons like switchblades.
i think that the greasers would win because theyre standing up for what they believe in. they are also stronger than most of the soc's and they are also bigger than most of them too.
genevieve:) per. 5
I think the greasers would win because they are tougher and they have bigger kids on there side and they are tougher.
Skyler T p.3
I think that the Greasers would win because they seem more suitable for a brawl than the soc do. The soc are good at jumping people when the odds are say 5 on 1but when the odds are even I dont think they'll do so well.
C.Carr Per. 5
I think that the Greasers are going to win the fight. I think that because they look like they have bigger and tougher guys. Also in the picture they are leaning forward more so it looks like they are more prepared.
Jennifer Flynn
Period 3
Based on this photograph, I believe the Greasers will win the supposedly upcoming fight. I believe this based on their appearances. The greasers give off an air of being tough and tuff. They seem bigger, rougher and more ready to fight. The Socs on the other hand seem smaller and more awkward in the situation. While the Greasers are dressed for a fight and look the cool, the Socs look more ready for a day at the country club rather than a fight with the greasers. The greasers also have more of a history of carrying weapons than the Socs which makes me think that perhaps this will help them win the upcoming fight.
Olivia Baker
Period 3
This picture does somewhat relate to the book but that doesn’t mean that it’s the same. In the book the greasers have a purpose in this fight. They aren’t completely fighting for their reputation or for money. They are fighting for a friend in need. Johnny has been hurt and I think they feel a sense of responsibility for him. Especially Ponyboy. In the picture I think that the greasers have a better chance of winning this fight. They look stranger and tougher than the little socs.
liz olmstead per. 3
happy groundhogs day!!
I think in the end the Socs are most likely to win the fight. A lot of people are rooting for the greasers though because the Socs can be very mean. In the picture it looks like the greasers are tougher, but it explains in the book the greasers just try to look a lot tougher than they are and the Socs have more experience fighting. The Socs aren’t necessarily better fighters they just tend to hurt the greasers with words. For example when the Socs came up to Ponyboy and Johnny at the park Bob said “You know what a greaser is, white trash with long hair.” That hit Ponyboy pretty hard but of course the greasers can not show any weakness. So in that case I think the Socs will win the fight.
Alex Russo
Period 2
I think the Socs would win because they are probably really mad about Bob's death which might cause them to fight harder with more intention. Although if the greasers make a drastic move in the rumble like if the greasers kill one of the Socs, the Socs might get scared and run away just like they did when Johnny killed Bob. In the the picture I think that the greasers look more intiminating but I still think because of the fact that Johnny killed Bob the Socs will really fight hard.
Caroline Gozigian
period 5
I think that the greasers will win because the soc's have everything handed to and the greasers don't.also the greaser have a major fighting background compared to the socs. so in my opinion the greasers would be tougher. In the picture it also shows 6 greaser wannabees and only 5 soc wannabees so the more in a fight at least the better.
josh R per 2
In the picture shown I think that the Greasers are going to win. The reason why I think this is because the Greasers are bigger than the Socs but in the book are almost always being beaten up because the Socs are more prepared. Although in the picture shown it looks like the Greasers are most likely to win. I think this because the Greasers look bigger and stronger than the Socs, while the other group looks weak. So that is why I think that the Greasers will win this rumble.
Lauryn Makofske Period 5.
I think that in this fight the greasers are going to win. The greasers outnumber the Socs 5 to 6, which is unrealistic because most of the time Socs gang up on a greaser. Also in the picture the Socs look smaller, more intimidated and their posture suggests that they don't feel confident. In the book, greasers also have more motivation to fight better because the Socs will just forget it if they win or lose because they think no matter what they will be on the top. On the other hand, the greasers are more motivated because, if they win the fight, they believe they can keep the socs off their territory and help solve their problem with them. These greasers may also be mad at the socs for jumping and hurting someone they know, like Johnny, which is a good motivation too.
Alex G. period 2
I think the socs would win because they have won against the greasers before by cutting them up and leaving Johnny unconscious. Both the socs and greasers are missing a person. The socs are missing Randy and the greasers are missing Johnny. That is why I think that the socs would win.
Olivia L. per.2
I believe that the greasers are more likely to win because in the picture the greasers look stronger than the socs and in the book at the very first battle when Ponyboy was surrounded the socs took of running when the greasers came. Also the greasers also have more experience in fights since they stay on the streets a lot.
Hunter D period 5
I think that the boys on the left,who, I might add look like greasers, look like they are going to win this fight. I think that they will win this fight because because they all seem bigger and tougher than the boys on the left, who look like like soc's. Another reason I think the greasers will win is because the soc's don't look very tough. The greasers also have more experience with fights than the soc's, who's lives are easier. They don't rely on toughness as much as the greasers.
Maddy Kramer Per. 3
Well in this picture it is a very different situation then the situations where greases and Socs fight in the book. It is different because in this picture the greasers outnumber the Socs. This is almost never the case in the book. Usually the Socs drive around looking for a fight, and beat up a greaser by himself, of a very small group of greasers. The Socs are smart enough to know not to get into a fight where the greasers are equal to or outnumber the Socs. Also in the picture it is very bright and probally the middle of the day, whereas in the book the fights usually take place at night or in the evening. Also the greasers and Socs are fake fighting in some white set/backdrop, where as in the book, the greasers and Socs fight on some trashy, dark street in the city! One more thing……the guys fighting look like 10 years old!!!!!! I think the greasers will win this fight because they look bigger, tougher, and there are more of them.
Anna G.
Period 2
I would say that according to the book the Socs would win because they sound really tuff but according to this pictue I think that the greasers would because they look bigger then the Socs.
Carson H.
I think the greasers will win, based on this picture. The greasers look more focused and have more to win for. If the greasers win they will get more in the long run.
Sean M. per.2
I would have to say that the Socs would win this fight. Although the Greasers look much tougher, many times in the book the Greasers would flip up there collar or "light up a weed" so they would just seem tougher than they really are. Another reason I think the Socs would win this fight is the Socs are always looking for a fight like when they dunked Ponyboys head underwater in the park. The Socs, overall have the most fighting experience.
Josh Nicholson
Per. 2
I think the greasers would win because even though they are small they are tough. Also they have a dally that was in jail.
wade stahl
period 2
I think the greasers will win because they are biger and look stronger than the Socs. I think they will also win because the greasers have eachothers backs when the Socs don't. I know this because when Johnny killed bob all the other Socs left. But if something would happen to another greaser they would stay and help.
Philip Wasson
Per. 5
I think the greasers will win because they look much bigger than the Socs. Also the Socs are out numbered by one and with such a small group that does matter. Also the greasers in the book always carry around weapons.
Ciara M 5
As we all know the greasers usually are picking fights. Though on some occasions socs pick the fights. In this specific fight it is quite obvious that the greasers are going to win. You can tell that the greasers in this photo have more fighting experience than the socs. This is easy to see in the greasers body posture verses the socs body posture.
Colin Wilcox per.5
I think greasers will win the fight because Dally asked Two-Bit for his prize possession; a 10 inch long, jet-handled switchblade. Dally also said; “We gotta win that fight tonight. We gotta get even with the Socs. For Johnny.” Those sentences also mean that the greasers are going to fight hard because they have something that they want to get back at the Socs for. Another reason I think this is because the look on the greasers faces are much more fierce and angry looking than the looks on the Socs faces. The greasers are, and look motivated to win the fight.
Margie K. per.3
I think that in this picture the greasers would win because they look much bigger and much stronger than the Socs but if I look back to the book I think that the Socs would win because the greasers are tough and have a good reason to fight for, but two of their members are hurt and cannot fight, also one of these greasers is one of the greasers toughest fighters and the Socs also have a drive to win, the greasers killed their friend and will most likely want to get even for that incident.
Christian Sepp
I think that the Greasers would be favored to win this "rumble". I think this because many of the Greasers have had fight there entire lives like the Sheppherd Boys or Dally. This image however, differs form evidence in the book because usually the Socs are equal in size to the Greasers or bigger. The image portrays that the Greasers are much stronger than the Socs.
Michael k. Per3
I think that the greasers would win because they seem to look a little bigger and tougher which would make their fighting much easier. Also they have a harder life. The Socs have a Mustang and the greasers don't have much money.
August S. period 1
I think the greasers will win. I think this because most greasers live a life of danger. They've been on the streets longer. Greasers stick together. Soc's get what ever they want and don't have to live on the streets. The cops trust them more then greasers. That is why I think the greasers will win.
Connor Fay period 3
I think that (in this particular fight) the Greasers would win because they seem to live a harder life than the Socs and they are probably in enough trouble as it is with Ponyboy and Johnny that it wouldn't matter to them if they got in anymore trouble. They also look alot tougher in this picture than the Socs. They are going through alot right now with Dally and Johnny in the hospital that they probably have alot of anger building up in them and during the fight they might let all this anger loose so they would be extremely violent. Although I think Greasers would win this particular fight, I think that Socs would truly win in the end because they will still be the ones favored by all the teachers and other people living in their city (like what Randy said).
Katlyn Palmatier period 2
I think that the greasers are going to win. I think this because the greasers don't have money and have a harder life. Therefore the greasers are stronger and can handle more. They also have less to loose. In the picture you can tell that the greasers are tough and strong and the Socs appear smaller and weaker.
In my point of view I think the Soc's will probably win. Though bigger in size, the greasers are probably unprepared for this fight that is presumably about to go down. Soc's are generally the ones looking for fights, being ready for a fight you’re looking are things that go hand in hand. For example, the Soc's on more than one occasion have jumped a greaser in greaser territory. On the other hand I know the greasers will put up a decent fight, however, the Soc's tend to be crueler. Greasers don't go to Soc territory hoping to beat the snot out of a single, small Soc, to the point where said Soc becomes so scared they swear they will kill the next person who jumps them. The Soc's, as we know, will do something like that, as they did to poor Johnny. This seems to be something they can do without taking a second thought. So, to draw a conclusion, I think the Soc's will win because they are probably well prepared, and more willing to fight with an advantage than the greasers are.
Mallory Arthurs Period 5
I think Thatnthe greasers will win because they are tougher than most Soc's. In the book it says the Soc's always outnumber the greasers and this loks like a fair fight also the Soc's in the picture look weak and frail
Peter B.
I think that the greasers are going to win because they are always talking about beating the Socs and getting the Socs out of their territory. The greasers have Cherry to spy for them and tell them all the Soc’s secrets. The Socs are going to play by the greaser’s rules according to Cherry so they are also used to playing like that. They really want to win the rumble for Johnny and go back to the hospital and tell him the good news and hope that it helps him recover. The greasers in this picture look tough and much bigger than the Socs, which also leads me to believe that the greasers are going to win.
Liz Millea
Period 2
I think the greasers are going to win because they seem tougher and braver than the socs.
Bella c
The Socs are the guys on the left and the Greasers are on the right. I think the Socs are going to win this fight. I think this because I think the Socs are better prepared for fights and the Greasers are not. An example of this is when the Socs surrounded Ponyboy in a alley. Also the Socs are more hard core and really have no feelings about what they are doing. The Greasers have the look of toughness on the outside but they are scared on the inside. I think whoever truely wants to WIN will because they will but everything they have into it. And in this picture I think it is the Socs because they just look determined and fearless. The Greasers look like they are trying to look tough.
Noah Briggs Period 5
I think the greasers are going to win this fight because the Socs usually fight with some one if they are outnumbering them. The greasers also going to win because they do hand-to-hand cobat all the time and the Socs usually use weapons in a fight. One more reason the greasers are going to win is that said that the greasers have something worth fighting for.
Scott Curtis Per.5
I think the geasers would the fight because greasers are more experience with fighting because they get beaten up all the time by the Socs. I also think they could win because the greasers aren't spoiled like the Socs are so the greasers are more stronger than the Socs.
-Jasmine Martinez Period: 1
I think that the Greasers will win this fight. The Socs are more of a pack than a gang. As Ponyboy says, a gang sticks together more than a pack does. I think that the Greasers won`t stop fighting until they win. They will stick together no matter what.
Kristin R.
Period 5
In my opinion i think that the greasers would win the fight because they most likely have more experince with fighting and things like that because they practicly live on the streets
I think the greasers will win the fight because they live in a tough neborhood and they were problobly more expereance at fighting.
Trentin carentz
I Think The Greasers Will Win The Fight Because The Have A Right To Protect Their Teritory & The Rule Is The Socs Stay On The Socs Side And The Greasers Stay On The Greasers Side; But The Socs Come On The Greasers Side Which Is Unfair For The Greasers. I Think Another Reason Is Because Greasers Seem More Tougher Than The Socs ; Also Because The Greasers Are Actully Fighting For A Reason & The Socs Aren`t; Also Darry Bring The Strongest Should Be Able To At Least Kill 3 Guys & Also The Greasers Need To Do This For Johnny So He Can Feel Safe
& Thats What I Thinkk (:
Abbey Reese
I think the greasers would win because they have alot of experience. Darry, Soda, Two-Bit and Ponyboy have been through alot and they are not going to take no more nonsense from the Soces. Thats in my opinion.
Amber B. Per.3 :D
I think the greasers would win because they look taller and more stronger. In the book it says that they party a lot and I'm guessing that they party after they win a rummble. Also the greasers may feel stronger besause Johnny killed Bob who was kinda like the Socs leader so the mighgt not no what to do.
Maya W. Per. 2
I think the greasers will win because they look taller and tougher. Also they have people like Darry,Dally,Soda,and Two bit. They will probably fight hard because the Socs attacked Jhonny, and the Socs won't have Bob or Randy.
Alina Bischof:) p.1
I think the greasers would win because they have alot anger and rage built up inside them and they realease it with fighting. Also the greasers have a different body structers than the socs.
Christopher schulz PER.3
I beileve that the greasers would win this battle considering the height and other body features the socs. The greasers look very large and from what i read in the book the greasers have more experiance fighting physicly like in the photo.
BY: MacGuire B PER.5
I think that the greasers will win. They usually are outnumbered when they are jumped by socs, so after fighting 1 against 3they'll be better than the socs in an equal fight.
Sylvia Johnson 5
I think that the greasers will win because they look tougher.
Ray Smithper.1
I think the Socs are most likely to win this fight. This is because they seem more prepared. Another reason I think that the Socs are going to win the fight it because the Socs are usually the ones who go out looking for a fight. Meaning the Socs will go out looking for the greasers. For example they went out and found Ponyboy in the Alley. And when they found Johnny and really did damage. So if the Socs are going after the greasers there most likely to be prepared.
Kim Gertz period 2
i thinck that the greesers would win because they have people that are more meety and the socs arent loking very big look at them thier scrony where as the greeser have meat on thier bones and in the book the greeser were fighting and later on more of the greeser come and help ponyboy and the soc's run away
austin cleaveland
I think the greasers will win. I think they will win because they will not give up easily. The socs already have money, and fancy cars so winning a fight with the greasers will not matter as much to them.
Caroline Leonard
Period 3
(I know I already knew the outcome when writing this, but I thought back to how I would have thought if I didn't know the outcome)
I beileve that the greasers would win this battle. They clearly fight much more often get in more truble and spend alot of time in a jail ceil accroding to the outsiders book. The socs are decriped in the book as not as vilet as the greasers. Its true
that some would completely disagree.
Mac Benton
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