Often we think of writing as an event. When we have an assigned paragraph, for example, we write out a paragraph and turn it in. If we are compelled to check it over, we look for obvious spelling, grammar, and capitalization errors. Seeing none, we are confident that we have done good work and should get at least a 90. After all, we did the assignment.
Doing good work often involves multiple steps. When I check back over what I have written, I should do so with the assumption that improvements could be made. When the drafters of the Declaration of Independence wrote that very important document, they wrote out a draft (it is the old document in the picture above). They then made some adjustments to the draft to express their exact thoughts and ideas more clearly.
Your assignment this week is to re-write the paragraph below. There aren't any spelling or grammar errors; you must re-write it in such a way as to make the meaning more clear. Feel free to move sentences, dramatically alter them, or eliminate them altogether. Your paragraph should clearly and completely state what mine rambles on about.
Edit the following:
I don't always love February very much. Sometimes I think it is like one of the months that I don't like too much, especially since I like some other ones better. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Sometimes, I just don’t like February very much. I like other months better, but some months I don’t like as much. It makes us happy, because of the warm weather, tricking us into thinking spring is almost here, raising our hopes, just to become cold and soggy again, crushing our spirits. When it’s warm out, you can play games outside, and exercise without worrying about the cold. When there is more daylight, like in February, you think this time is almost here, but then you realize that it is not when it gets cold.
Sean Mebust, Period 3
I dont like Febuary that much. It is one of my least favorite months, There many others I like better. Its not my favorite because it tempts you into thinking that spring is on the way, but then it surprises you and yanks the carpet out from under you and it becomes cold and misrible. I like it alot better when it is warm out because im more comfertable when outside. If I play in the snow for to long I get cold. The days start to get noticeibly longer and I will soon be spending more time outside. then I realize its another trick of Febuary. It will take more time to get warm.
I don`t like February very much. I feel like it tempts us to think that spring is on the way, and then becomes cold and miserable again. Warm weather makes me feel nice and comfortable, cold weather makes me feel depressed. Playing in the snow makes me cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I`ll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that it will take more time before it warms up and I can enjoy being outside again.
Kristin R.
Period 5
I don't always enjoy February. It is definitely one of my least favorite months. It is one of my least favorite months because I like most of the other months better. I feel this way because once it gets warm we all think spring is on the way. But our hopes are dashed when the cold weather returns. I really like the spring and warmer weather because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I usually don't like to play in the snow too often because I get cold very quickly. In February the days get noticeably longer. Then I get excited because the increased daylight makes me think soon I will be spending all my time outside in the sun. Then it gets freezing cold again and I realize February was only making fun of me.
Abby L. Per.3
I don't like February very much. Sometimes I think it is one of the months that I don't like too much, especially since I like some other ones better. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it tear your heart out from your chest by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable when I hunt. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just playing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again. :(
Josh.R per 2
I don't always like February. Sometimes I think it is like one of the months that I don't like soo much. Especially since i like some other ones better. It might be because its sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way. But then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February is just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
andrew miller per 3
febuary is not one of my favorite months but i like it because you can only play in the snow one part of the year then it is gone until next year.
I don't always love February very much. Sometimes I think I like one other months better. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Alina Bischof p.1
I don't always love February very much. Sometimes I think it is like one of the months that I don't like, especially since I like some other ones better. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside comfortably. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
I have never loved February very much. It might be because it tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then its clouds cover our sun of happiness by becoming dreary and cold again. I really do enjoy when it is warm out, because then I can do activities that I enjoy to do in summer. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because the snow always gets into my boots and soaks my socks and the bottom of his pants. I also get snow down my shirt and back, which has this weird feeling. In February, the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside again. Then it gets cold again, and I realize that February was just playing with me letting me think I could escape its claws of cold and it to the hands of warm, bright summer. I guess I will have to wait a little longer until I can finally escape the cold claws of February.
Maddy Happy Kramer Per.3
I don`t enjoy February very much. I feel like i live in alska it gets so cold, and just makes me more anxious for spring. In February the days begin to get incredibly longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I`ll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that it will take more time before it warms up and I can enjoy being outside again.
genevieve fina:) per 5
Sometimes I don't always love February very much, especially since I like some of the other months better. It might be because it sort of teases us by getting warm, then suddenly becomes cold again. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold, but I really enjoy it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside, without having to worry about the cold weather.
Margie Knight per.3
I do not always enjoy the month of February. I tend to enjoy warmer months much more. I do not enjoy February because it temps us to think that spring is quickly coming but then it shows you the reality by becoming cold and miserable again. I like it when its warm out because I can play out side with out worrying about being cold. To me, it seems in the month of February the days become much longer and the increased daylight shows me that spring will shortly be here but then it get cold again and shows me that it will be a little longer for the cold season to end.
Josh Nicholson
Per. 2
I don't like February very much, but sometimes its one of those months I don't like too much. The other months are better because it sort of tempts me to think that spring is near by, but then it yanks the rug out from you by becoming cold and miserable. I like it when its warm out, because then I can play outside and be more comfortable. I enjoy playing in the snow too long because I eventually I'll get cold. In February the days become longer, and the increased daylight makes me begin to think I'll be spending more time outside. Then it will eventually get cold again, and I realize that February was just teasing me, and I'll have to be patient for spring to arrive.
some of the time i like Febuary, because it is the month right before my birth day, and because President's day is next week and instead of getting the day off we get the whole week off. Sometimes i dont like Febuary because when we get our spring break I tend to go off track. I like other months better like for ex: MARCH! i cant wait to get out side again when the weather gets nice!
Matt Burch P1.
I don’t really care for febuary.i like December better. It makes me happy when it is cold out because I like it cold. On other hand I don’t like it when it is freezing outside like last night.
Nolan r.3rd
I like February. It is my favorite month of the year because it is worm sometimes and cold. It gives us both at unexpected times. We can still do the winter activities and some of the spring activities outside.
Alexie Tsouvas Period 2
I don’t like February very much either, it is always a warning sign that spring is closely following. But it is three months away which isn’t very long. My favorite month is May because it is in the middle of spring and summer. Two reasons I don’t like February as much are it is cold and warm on and off I’d rather have it just to be cold of warm during the daytime. Another reason I don’t like this particular month is it is pretty much winter still. I love warm weather not cold weather.
Amber B. Period 3
I don’t always like february very much. It one of those long dreadful months that seems like it will never end. It be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yeanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. When it is warmer out it is easier to be more comfortable and play outside. It is harder in the winter beause to keep warm you must wear all these clothing garments. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think ill soon be spending more time outside. Then the tempature drops again and I realize that february ws just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
liz olmstead
Sometimes, I don’t love February very much.Most of the time I don’t like it because it isn’t like the other months. Maybe it is because it makes us think that spring is on the way. but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I like to play and be comfortable when it is warm out. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer. The increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me. So I have to wait longer to enjoy being outside.
Lauren Lionetti Period 2
I don't always love February as much as the other months. It might be because it tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable in shorts and a T-shirt, not my heavy snow stuff. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the sun tends to stay visable longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me! Then I realize that it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Liz Millea
Period 2
I don't like February very much. Sometimes I think February is like one of the months that are as interesting as other months. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but in reality we are still in February. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. I really like it when it is warm out, because I personally like playing in the spring more than winter.
August Stegman period 1
I don't always love February very much, especially since i likeother motnhs better. Maybe its because it makes us think that spring is coming and then yanks the rug out from under us turning cold again. When it is warm I can play outside but I can't play in the snow for long because I get cold. The days in Februaury get noticeably longer and it makes me think that soon I'll be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and February was just teasing me so I'll have to wait a little longer before I can go outside again.
Olivia L. Per.2
I just dont like February very much. I like some months better. It gets our hopes up because of the warm weather making us think spring is almost here , just to become freezing again.Like in February, you think spring is almost here, but then you realize that its going to get cold again.
I really don't love February. I like other months a lot more.It might be because it is usually rainy and miserable. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be warm. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
I don't like Feburary that much. I always think that Feburary is a month i don't like. But i do like other months. Mabye it is because it kind of fools us. it makes us believe it is going to be warm but then it turns cold. I like the warm weather better then the cold weather because the warm weather we can play outside more often. if i play in the snow for to long i will get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Jennifer Flynn
Period 3
Sometimes I don't like February that much. I like some months better than others. February plays mind tricks on me. The days seem to get darker later, then the temps go up and down. This makes us say to ourselves that spring is near.I really like the warm weather, it makes me feel happy and I can play outside. I don't like playing in the snow. It's wet and cold. I just don't feel as comfortable when I am playing in the snow as I do when I am outside in the warm weather. February's days gets longer and that makes me think that it will be spring soon and I can stay outside and play. Then it makes a trick and snows and it's cold all over again. Then it makes it seem like spring will never come.
Kate Preston Pr.2
Most of the time, I do not enjoy the month of February. I like so many other months so much better than February that my dislike for February seems stronger compared to them. The thing about February is that it tempts us with thought of a soon-coming spring. Then, it crushes us by becoming damp and cold again. I prefer warm weather due to the fact that I can enjoy outdoors activities. I don't like playing in the snow because I quickly get cold. In February the days get longer, bringing with them hopes of the coming spring when I can play freely outside. Then the days get short again, the weather gets cold, and I realize that February is just playing a cruel joke and that I will have to wait a bit longer for spring.
I don't always love febuary.Its one of the months that sometimes I don't like
too much because I like others better. February sometimes makes that spring is
on its way, but then the weather acts like we're in the middle of winter again.
I love it when its warm outside, so I can play in the green grass. I don't like
playing in the snow for too long because i get cold and just want to go inside
and huddle next to the fire.In February you can tell the days are getting longer
Sean Miller per 2
I don't always love February very much. it is not one of the months that i like to much.Especially since I like some other ones better. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it tricks us by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Jillian Aprile
I don't always love February. Sometimes I think it is one of the months that I don't like too much. I like some other months better. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside.
Ray Smith Per.1
I don't like February very much. I like other months much better. In February we will have one day were it will be warm and then it will be cold the next day. I do not like that. I like warm weather all the time and i do not like that February is tricking me. I want ot go outside but when I go out it is very cold.
Raymond c Period 1
I like February somewhat it really does depend on the mode I am in. I think there is only a good things about February. Like when you are done playing outside and you come in and you get hot coca and you get nice and warm.
Alex Janitz
Sometimes I don't like February. Most of the time I think it is like one of the months that I don't like. It might be because it tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Noah Hecox Period 3
I always don't love February. It might be that it tempts us that spring is on the way, but then yanks the rug out from under you by becomeing cold and miserable. I really like it when it is warm out because then I can play outside and be comfortable. In February thedays seem to get longer and the incressed daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then I realize that it is just February teasing me, and it will take more time before I can enjoy being outside again.
Maya W. Per. 2
February comes once a year. I don’t love February like I love the other months. It is like one of the months that I don't like too much, only because I like some other ones better. It might be because of Groundhogs Day. It can trick us to think that spring is on the way if the groundhog sees its shadow. When we don’t see our shadow, it feels like February just yanked the rug out from under us by becoming cold and miserable again. When it is warm out, I really like it because then I can play outside and be comfortable. It’s not too cold and not too warm, but just the right temperature. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside playing in the sunshine, not the cold snow. After awhile, it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again. February is the shortest month out of the twelve. Still, it passes by ever so slowly. There are a lot of things to do, besides play in the snow for another month.
Michelle Zhang Period 2
Sometimes, I really Dont like February much although there are worse February is certainly not in my favorite, not for a long shot. February is always tricking you and giving you false hope that Spring is coming soon it distracts you with its nice warm days then sneaks up on you when you dont expect it and makes everything cold. The warm days of February are very fun I like to have snowball fights because the snow is at it's perfect state I enjoy playing in the snow but sometimes frost nip sneaks up on me and pushes me inside. During February the Days get longer and I I think that I will have more time to play and when I finally begin to take advantage of it February strikes again, always when you least expect it. and it will take time to for me to trust the month of February again.
Peter Buchanan
February and I don't always get along. Compared to other months February is definitely not my first choice. The problem with February, you see, is that it tempts you into thinking that spring is well on its way, in fact it might actually be here already, but then right out from under you it becomes miserable and cold, and you know spring wasn't really ever there or even close for that matter it was just February. Outside is the place to be. I enjoy playing out there for as long as possible and in the summer you are able to do so. However, in the winter you're only able to stay outside for so long before you get cold. February makes you feel as if you can leave the house with nothing but a sweatshirt, but by the end of the day the cold wind hits your face and you regret the choice, and what better to blame it on then the month that convinced you it was warm. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again, and I know that February was just playing me for a fool. The one good thing about February is that I know soon will be spring and I will be enjoying the outdoors once again, the question is how long will I have to suffer through the tricks of February?
Mallory Arthurs Period 5
don't always love February very much. Sometimes I think I don't enjoy it too much but if I think about it I like it much more than some of the other months. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it suddenly surprises you by changing climate and becoming cold and miserable again. I am extremely happy when it is warm out, because then I can play and frolic outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold and wet. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I finally realize that February was just playing a cruel joke on me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy the great sensation of being outside again.
Christian Sepp Period 2
Sometimes, I just don’t like February very much. I like other months better, but some months I don’t like as much. It makes us happy, because of the warm weather, tricking us into thinking spring is almost here, raising our hopes, just to become cold and soggy again, crushing our spirits. When it’s warm out, you can play games outside, and exercise without worrying about the cold. When there is more daylight, like in February, you think this time is almost here, but then you realize that it is not when it gets cold.
wade stahl
period 3
I dont like Febuary that much because of the cold, I like the summertime much better. I don't like February because you never have anything to look forward to after the snow because summertime is after spring and I don't like spring either. The summertime brings soccer, swimming, parties, and no school. The only thing I like about February is that I get to snowboard, but even then I still get cold after a while. Plus, I'm not a pro snowboarder so I still fall and I get wet, as usual. I don't like the cold, I'd rather be basking in the sun, but hey, it's mother nature.
Max Clinton
Period 1
I don't like Febuary as much I seems to temp us that spring is on its way.Then a big snow storm comes ans its misrible again.I like it better in March and April.
I don’t like February very much. It is my least favorite month. I don’t like February because the weather gets warm and makes me think spring is on the way, but then it just becomes cold and miserable again. I enjoy when it is warm out because I can play outside and be comfortable, rather than getting cold when I play in the snow. Also in February the days are obviously getting longer, and because it is so bright outside, it teases me into thinking winter is almost over. I hope February is over soon!
Alex Russo
P. 2
I don't like February very much. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug right out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me. It will take time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
I don't always love February very much. I like other months better. I feel like it tempts us that spring is on the way, but then it gets cold and miserabloe again. I like it when its warm outside because then I can play outside and be comfortable. Playing in the snow makes me cold. In the February days get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I'll have to wait longer to play outside.
Molly M. Period 5
I never really liked February too much. Sometimes I think it is one of the months that I don't like because I like some other months better. I think it might be because it makes us think that spring is on the way, but then it becomes cold and miserable again. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. If it gets cold again I realize that February isn’t over yet and I still have to wait to play outside. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and comfortable.
Caroline Leonard
Period 3
I do not like it February very much, It is one of my least favorite months. One of the reasons I don’t like it is that it’s weather makes you gets your hopes up by making you think that spring is almost here. Then it crushes you by becoming cold and miserable again. Warm weather is great, it makes it so you can have fun outside without having to put on any winter gear or much extra clothing at all. On the other hand, cold winter weather is much worse. I can't spend much time outsideI because I get very cold if I play in the snow too long. February days are noticeably longer too. The increased daylight makes me think that I will be able to spend more time outside. Then when it gets cold again I realize that I will have to wait before I get to spend any time outside.
Alex G. Period 2
I don't always like February as much as some other people I know. I think it is one of the months that make me really want it to be warm and hope that summer is coming soon. It might be because it tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold and the snow. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Ciara M. 5
I don't always love February very much. Sometimes it reminds me of the months I don't like because it's cold and wet, like January. Especially since I like months in spring and summer better. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I like it a lot when its warm out because we can play sports and games outdoors with out being cold and being comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold and wet. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February is another month that it snows and is cold and spring won't be for another more or two.
Tanner Clinton
Period 3
I don't alawys like February very much. Sometimes it is a good month sometimes it is not. I like other months better. I think that the reason that I don't like this month that much is because it reminds me that spring is on the way, but then it can becomes cold and riminds me that we are still in winter. I like it when it is warm out because I can wear shorts outside and do more activites. I like playing in the snow because I can do so many things at my house in the winter. In February the days get longer and they get warmer. Soon I will be spending more time outside and I will be done with school shortly. Suddenly it gets cold outside and I will have to wait for it to get warmer.
Travis T. Period 2
I am not always very fond of February. I enjoy other months more.This may be because February might seem like the weather is becoming warmer but then it becomes cold outside again. I really enjoy when it is warm out, it because I can then play outside without getting cold, unlike when I am playing in the snow because I often get cold. In February I feel like the days are longer and with the increase of daylight I think I get to pend time outside longer. Then i feel it getting cold outside and I realize that spring is not here yet, so I cannot enjoy the outdoors and the warmth.
Caroline Gozigian
Period 5
I really don't enjoy the month of February. I enjoy other months more because they are warm and February is cold. Sometimes February makes it seem as if spring is on its way, but then you take another look outside and it is cold and miserable looking. The reason why I prefer warm whether is that I love to play outside, but I don't enjoy playing in the snow because I get too cold very fast and when it is warm I can comfortably play outsude. February disapoints me because the days get longer and I feel as if i will be playing outside more often soon, but then it just gets cold again and I have waited for nothing. That is why i don't like February.
Katlyn Palmatier Period 2 ☺
Sometimes, I don't like February very much. I favor other months better than this one. February Sneakily gets you to think that spring is coming with the warm weather that it brings only to crush our hopes when it becomes cold again. When its warm out the whole world seems to smile as you enjoy the wonderful weather. When it is cold I keep grimacing when the snow goes into my boot freezing myself. When the daylight increases I go outside more . Seeing the longer days is a beacon of hope to me, for then I think spring is on the way but Then your spirits plummet when the days get colder again.
Hunter D period 5
I don't always enjoy February very much. Sometimes I think it is one of my least favorite months of the year. I usually enjoy other months better, I think it is because it tempts me to think that spring is coming soon. Once I get excited about spring, winter just comes right back around too quickly. I also don't like playing in the snow for a long time either because it gets too cold for me. In February the days seem to feel longer, and the sunlight makes me have more time to be outside. Then the coldness comes right back and I realize that February was trying to fool me. I think it will take more time before I start enjoying the great outdoors once again.
Lauryn Makofske Period 5
February is just one of those months that you don't love a lot. It might be because it gives us a false feeling that spring is coming, but then the rug gets pulled out from under you and winter is persistently there. When February leaves and it gets warm out, I am happy, because then I can play outside and enjoy the warm weather. In February I can’t enjoy the outdoors, because I get cold and the weather is miserable. But soon the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that it is just another one of February's tricks, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Anna G.
Period 2
Sometimes, I just don’t like February very much. It is one of the months that I am not to fond of, I like other months better. It might be because it tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like when it's warm out because I can play outside and be comfortable. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because it's so cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer and the increased daylight makes me think that I will soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February is just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Philip Wasson
Per. 5
I do not especially love February. February is one of the months that I don't enjoy for several reasons. Also, I appreciate some of the other Months better. I believe this because the month of February sometimes tempts us to think that spring is on the way. However, then old man winter yanks the rug out from under you, by causing the weather to be cold and miserable again. I really enjoy the weather when it is warm outside, because then I can play outside and be more comfortable than in the winter. In February, the days begin to get noticeably longer and the increased daylight makes me think that spring is on its way. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me and it shall be a much longer time before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Colin Wilcox per.5
I don't always like February very much. It tempts us to think spring is on the way then it becomes col and miscrable again. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer with increased daylight. I look forward to spending more time outdoors as it gets closer to spring. I really like it when it's warm ut then I can be comfortable outside when I am playing.
-Victoria C.
I dont love febuary often anymore. Sometimes I think it's like one of the months that I don't like too much, especially since I like some other ones better. It might be because it sort of tempts us to think that spring is on the way, but then it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I really like it when it is warm out, because then I can play outside and play sports.I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold and my hands get numb. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that February was just teasing me, and it will take more time before I get to enjoy being outside again. But when i get back outside again when its nice and warm out I will take it for granite.
Christopher Schulz per.3
I don't always like February very much especially since I like some other months better. February is not one of the months that I look forward to every year. I think the reason why I don't like February is because it sort of tempts me into thinking spring is on its way. Suddenly, the rug is yanked out from under me because it becomes cold and miserable again. I don't like playing in the snow for too long because I get cold. I really like it when it is warm and I can be outside and comfortable. The days begin to get noticeably longer in February and the increase daylight reminds me that I will eventually be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize February is just teasing me. It will take some more time but I will get to enjoy being outside again.
Noah Briggs Period 5
I don't always like February very much. Sometimes, I think we could do without February altogether. Just when you think that Spring is on the way, it yanks the rug out from under you by becoming cold and miserable again. I like playing outside when it is warm and comfortable. I don't like playing outside when there is snow on the ground because I always get cold. In February the days begin to get noticeably longer, and the increased daylight makes me think I'll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that winter will be here to stay for awhile.
Carmen Booan 2
I don`t like February very much. I feel like it tempts us to think that spring is on the way, and then becomes cold and miserable again. Warm weather makes me feel nice, happy and not cold. Cold weather makes me feel sad or boring. Being out in the snow makes me cold and stuffy. In February the days begin to get longer because spring is on the way, the earlier i see sunlight in the morning it makes me remember I`ll soon be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and I realize that it will take more time before it warms up and I can enjoy being outside again.
MacGuire B. Per.5
I don't always love or hate the month of February. Sometimes I just don't like this month, especially because there are months that I always like. I don't like this month because spring is so close but yet it is so far away. I like warm weather. I like it because I can play outside and not get cold if I stay outside to long. I don't like playing in snow because of this reason. The days in February get longer and longer that I can't help it but to think that I will be spending more time outside. Then it gets cold again and again that it seems that someone is controling the weather to make me mad. But I know that it will take just a little longer tobe able to play outside and play in the heat again.
Scott Curtis Per.5
I don’t always like February. Sometime I think that it is one of my least favorite months. One of the reasons I dislike February is because it makes you feel like spring is on its way, and then it becomes cold and miserable again. I like when it is warm out, because then I can be comfortable when I play outside. It doesn’t take long before I get cold playing outside. In February the days get noticeably longer, making me believe I’ll soon be spending more time outside. Then it becomes cold again I realize more time will have to pass before I get to enjoy being outside again.
Sylvia J. 5
When I think about Februray, I notice that I feel that I don't like the month that much. I noticed this when I thought about it being almost spring, and the days are getting longer, but really that doesn't matter, because February is still here, and it is still very cold. I like it when it is warm outside, because I can play outside with friends and be comfortable. I can take the dogs out without having to worry about putting on a hat, boots, gloves and my coat as the dog is bugging me to be taken out. And Februray just seems so much longer, because it knows that spring is a better time of year.
Emmy Dolan Period 2
I just dont enjoy any of the winter months, being outside in the warm summer sun. i feel like winter is a depressing season cold, wet, icy, gray i just dont enjoy it during the winter it feels like the day flys by. The feeling of spring on its way is amazing. The feeling that i will soon be outside having a good time. Febuary is one of my least favorite months.
MacGuire Benton, PER.3
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