Click on the picture above to get all kinds of great information on corporate farming. In Gaia Girls Elizabeth does a little research into corporate farming, figuring that the more she knows the better she'll be able to defend her family's farm. What is the main benefit of corporate farming? Who reaps this benefit? What are two costs of corporate farming? Who bears these costs? Is this fair?
By the way, STC dudes, in eighth grade you'll take a field trip on which you'll learn all about the Chesapeake Bay and its watershed. Cooperstown is at the northern-most edge of the waters that feed the Chesapeake Bay, so water quality issues from farms here have a direct effect on water quality around the Bay. It's important to leisure activities and delicious crabs that people 500 miles from you take good care of their water!
i think it is not fair for the animals and the people living near the same river.how would it feel if the same thing happen to you. I mean who wants to go outside in the morning for breath of fresh air all you could small was the nasty smell of the waste dump into the river how your plumming mightbe.it is also not fair for those poor animals i mean they live in a very small place next to each other and bearly move.I say that corprete farming might be could for food and what not but its not good for the people who live down stream of the river the animals living in the river or in the farm and it is also not good to other part of the river where it flow into so I think that corporate farms.
Johnny Zhang Period 2
The main benefit of cooperate farming is to make money and for some people is just to make a living.The people who reap the benefit is the owners or workers of the cooperate farming.The two costs of cooperate farming is it is really mean to keep animals crammed in a tiny cage with other pigs where they get diaseases.Also it is mean when they kill the animals too.
Jennifer Snyder P.1
The main benefit of corporate farming is to make money and for some people is just to make a living. The company who planted the factory in the specific place reaps the benefit of corporate farming.Two costs of corporate farming are
1) poluting the earth
2) takeing up land that could be used for other things.
Emily Murphy
Period 1
The main benifit of corporate farming is that the farmers get money and they make food faster. You get get to sell what you make. Two cost of the coperate farming are you have to deal with where you put the wast, which might cost money and you have to buy the food for the animals.You bear the cost because you are in charge of the animals on the farm other people who buy the food also pay.I think that it is not fair because the animals become our food and we are paying for their waste to be dumped all over.
Krista period 1
:-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-( :-(
Grace Heneghan
The main benefit of corporate farming is that there are more jobs and food con be produced faster, that also means you might get you food cheaper.We do and also dos the corporate farming franchise.We get the food, and they get the money.One of the coasts of corporate farming is water polution downstrem.Another is the animals, there treated like dirt.No the caosts are not fair, we could just grow and breed our own food, in stead of locking up the animals i little pins.
The main benefit is that more food can be produced at a cheaper price. it also gives more jobs to people. who reeps the benefit? People have to pay for there products and the company gets the money. Two cost of corperate farming are pollution into the river, and animal not being treated well. The animals bear these cost Ian Period 2
I do not think it is fair because the people that live by the bay half to deal with all the things that flow into it they shouldn't be stuck with it because that is were the people catch crab's and outher sea food for us to eat and also it is outher people's things they put in it that is what causes it to be trashed by the people's things and the book on giga girls explains it aswell.
I thimk coroperate farming is kinda gross. All it is, is pretty much dumping wastes into the Chesepeake bay. Although we are helping the animals so we can eat them, I dont think its worth losing other animals and dumping toxic wastes into the water.
Alyssa Priod3
I think that it is absoulutly horrable that these animals are cooped up and butcherd and sold i dont think its fair because these animals have a right to live too. imagine if thats all your life was being locked up and butcherd=YUCKY.i dont know who benifets but they should be ashamed at least let them live a lfe before you eat them!!! I dont agree with this and someday i willo put a stop to it! :0 jordian period 1
I think the main reason for corporate farming is to raise animals to eat like cows. Normal average people eat the cows they raise so they can make money. The bad things about corperate farms is that the animals are cramped and they go to the bathroom a lot and it gets in the water wich is bad for the people down stream. The greedy people who own the corperate farms dont care abot the animals or the people who are getting bad water. This is very unfair who are getting the bad side of it.
Alex per.2
Well, one benefit of corporate farming is that it is much more efficient, and takes up less space.
The large companies are the ones who get the benefits, although the food is in the stores, so the consumers could also be rewarded.
A couple of costs are that the animals suffer without enogh space to live a happy life. The Earth itself also suffers, because the animal waste usally ends up in bodies of water, which is extremely bad for the environment.
This is definitely not fair! Although corporate farming may be more efficient, but the environment, the animals, and even the local people must suffer from the corporate farm's costs. If I had a choice, I would definitely choose to buy food from family farms.
Some of the benefits of a corporate farm are that the goal of corporate farming laws are to make family farms still run. The family farm reaps the benefit. The state,banks,The Farm Credit System,and insurance pay the costs.I have found three costs of farming and there is many more too but here are some buying land,animal feed, and lots of farm equipment like the waste take aware.
Sarah.H. 5
The main benefit of corporate farming is you can have lots of animals--laying eggs, producing milk--in a small area. The production is quick. The benefit goes to the owner.
It's really smelly, and all their poop goes into a little stream behind the place so everybody downstream has to drink cow poo. This can spread disease and chemicals. The corporate farmer will have to lose cash to clean the river. It's no loss to him--he can get his water upstream.
The animals don't get to have a happy life. All chickens get to do is lay eggs. Imagine you are a cow or a chicken or a goat. Imagine having to lay eggs or give milk all day. Wouldn't that be so boring? The animals have to bear the cost of a bad way to farm.
Christina 5
I think it is so bad that all those chickens have to live in a little box for their whole life. Also just think of the people tat live near those farms that have to breath in the smell of that "STUFF" in. And think of the rivers that get gross from that "STUFF". When there are bad things like this all you can do is think of posivie things about this problem! But at least one good thing came out of this....... that less trucks harm the enviromnent, becaues if there is one farm not as many trucks have to go to bring goods to it. I hope someome or something puts a stop to this! I just hope I never swim a river that has that has that "STUFF" in it. I'm going to be in law when I grow up and I'm going to put a stop to this problem, if it is not to late.
Christina P5
the main benefit of corporate farming is money and for the workers a living. the ownens of that corporate farm reap the benefit. But i think it isen't fair for the aniamls there they are locked in tiny cages and they just there and lay eggs or maybe they are being milked. When they have to go to the bathroom they just go where ever they can and they might just have to sit in there watse entil all the waste gets suched out the back into a river which pollutes the river and the earth and i bet the houses around there dont like the smell of the waste
Grant 5
The main benefit of corporate farming is that they can produce larger amounts of products for a lesser cost. The benefit goes to consumers who buy the product because they can pay less and have more available. The benefit also goes to the corporate farmer as they make alot of money selling alot of products.
The costs of corporate farming are you can have corporate farms driving out family farms. For example, John D. Rockefeller and Cornelius Vanderbilt went into small towns, and made their prices be so low (selling below costs at times) that they, as big companies, were not affect, however the smaller companies had to have an even lower price to compete but they couldn't do that and survive so they went out of business. Corporate farms could do the same. Also, once Rockefellerand Vanderbilt had total control, they then increased prices tremendously - which again could happen with corporate farmers.
Another cost is the way corporate farms are run for example treatment of animals and environmental impacts. Corporate farms house as many animals as they can to make the greatest profits. Their treatment of the animals is for the greatest profit - it is a business and they are treated as a product, not a living thing. The envirmontal issues make a huge impact on the Earth. The corporate farms make tunneles going to the river to dump waste. That pollutes the water and also some of that waste can then get in your water system. Also some of that meat you eat might look good but it is anything but good. The corporate farms give the animals artificial growth hormones. They don't care about the animals they care about them growing quick so they can make money off of them.
It isn't fair, but in this society its hard for many people to pay more for a similar product that is just from a different farm. Ideally, family farms could produce alot more product for a good price. If they have to exist, ideally, corporate farms would be more responsible and more caring. But sometimes life isn't fair.
Jacob Russell Period 2
I think corporate farming is bad but, the best part about it is that you get alot of animals either milking, making eggs, turning animals into food and many more things. But I think they should make a law about dumping waste into rivers. Also when there is one corporate farm opposed to alot of little family farms there is less travle with trucks, importing and exporting goods. I think it is good that 9 states don't allow corporte farming. If there are too many corporate farms they may put family farms out of business.
Christina 5
it is not fair to put these helpless animals in these corporate farms. they need to be let out to graze and walk more so that they would be healthier and less and less animals would die so that we would be happier
-katie kleban period 2
i think anamils are like people its wrong to kill them if its wrong to kill us
Jasmine period 1
The main benift of corpate farming is that there is more products coming out of it because it has more animals. The things that they benift are the people that buy the products from the farm. the two costs of a corpate farm are feeding hte animals and giving them shelter. The people that bear the costs are the companys that sponcer the farms. i think it is fair because it was there own fault that they suporte the farm.
Coporate farming brings money into towns but its also bad for the people's health that live around it. all of the sewage and polution would go right into town and could even harm people. These days thats all some people care about, money and not others.
-Kara P3
The main benefit of corporate farming is that you make a lot of money off of the produce that your animals make. The person who reaps this benefits of the corporate farming is the farmer who works there and gives some of the money to who works there. The two costs of corporate farming is that it polutes that lake and maybe if that one animal gets sick the other animals might get sick. The person who bares these costs is the person who owns and who manages this farm. This is not fair because of the people who live down stream have to bare the poultion and its not fair for the animals!
The main benefit of corporate farming is being able to have more animals in less space. the diffuculties are that there is a ton of waste to take care of, and also, if one animal gets sick, it is easier for all the others to get sick in such a small space. two of the costs of corporate farming are the tons and tons of feed, and the waste being taken away. the farmers bear these costs by selling their livestock to be slaughtered for meat, and selling the eggs to grocery stores. I find this is fair because the people have to pay large fees, but I also find that this is Unfare for the animals, being stuck together in a tiny space.
Robert 5
I know how the people feel because I live across from a horse farm and it dosent smell all that great!!!
McKenna 1
i have to say this is very mean ... but sometimes this is what u have to do to mack a living ..thik about it...but othere than that its not roght to keep them in a confined speace like that and keeping that close can cuzz many problams....alicia peirod 3
Well if u ask me, this isn't fair. Animals should be free to graze in feilds or slop around in the mud. My family buys only organic or Amish farm meat.(or at least we try to)When you buy either organic or Amish meat you know that these animals were grazing on sunny green pastures before they ended up on your plates!I own Lamancha Dairy Goats and I know that what I feed them can affect the taste of their milk, so why encourge corporate farms to kill innocent animals that don't taste to good when we could encourge farmers that treat their animals alot better and taste better?!
Helen Per.5
Johnny 5
I don't think it is fair to the people and animals that live near this bay because the animals die and the people might think it is stinky and not a good sight. Also, people can't eat as much crabs or other delicious food located in this bay. That is what I think about the polluting in the river.
hi i dont think that corepret farms are good for animals. they cram the poor chickens into that tiny space! they expect to have healthy animals.i think they should be outlawed!
There are many chickens in that picture. A lot of them might get sick or get diseases with sp little space. If the farmer wants to make money he should give the chickens more space and feed them well to have quality eggs. The chickens also might not live as long if they are sp close together. That is my opinion on that farm.
Johnny 5
I think it is NOT fair to the animals and the people living near the same exact river because all you can smell when you first walk out of your house is other peoples waste. Your suposed to be able to walk out and the first thing you smell is possibly fresh cut grass.(:
If I lived by that kind of location I would move out right away!
Paige, Period 5
that is nasty! all those chickens packed in those pens like sardines. that is unreal and crule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
The benefit of corporate farming is that you can get more animals for a lower cost. If you have a small family farm you might have 25 to 50 pigs on that farm. On a corparate farm you have hundrends of thousands of pigs to produce much more meat. The problem with corprate farming is that all the waste is put into rivers and the waste all flows down river and the people living down that river will get the result of the pollution. For exemple if there was a corporate farm in Cooperstown and the waste was dumped into the Susqahanna River the people down in the Chesapeake Bay with have to deal with all the pollution.
Will Period 1
That picture is not right all the chickens I've seen wont even look at another chicken without attacking so i think that about 2000 chickens must die a year and there wood be no bodies to clean up because the chickens wood eat the corps so the farmers woodent know until they had a magor drop in egg production.
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