1. The pig sat near the courthouse.
2. Cleverly disguised as a judge, the pig rested in the shade of a small maple in front of the courthouse.
3. Porky looked nervously around, wondering whether Fred the Farmer would recognize him in his costume and regretting choosing such a public place for his meeting with Chewy the Chicken.
All of the sentences above describe the picture. Which sentence do you like best? Why? Re-write sentence one to make it more descriptive. Feel free to add extra information that reveals more of the plot of the story (use sentence 3 as a guide).
i think i like the first answer because it explains about the picture and give ideas on what the pig is doing
Jasmine period 1
using better word to write would be much easier for everyone to read. we also wouldnt look as stupid or anything
-katie kleban
Jack Donnelly period 2
I think that the thrid paragraph is id the best because it really describes why he is didguested. this wasnt a very good decision by the pig to meet the chicken. They should have just met in a back ally. The quesstion is how did the pig and the chicken get away from the farmer. what is the farmer thinking.
Johnny Zhang period 2
I say that the 3rd paragraph is the best because it truely descibe how the pig is felling and that it
was the place the farmer was going to meet him and the 3rd sentance also has a great example for a meeting place and a costume so people don't reconize my qustion is how the farmer now they need to meet at the couthouse?
I like the third sentance the best because it is very descriptive abou what was going on. The cleverly disguised pig sat near the front of the courthouse waiting expectently for the chickens arivel.
Nate period 2
The pig sat in front of the cort house with no one around and he is just waiting there in a juge costume and pry waiting for the doors to open.
my faviroite sentence is sentence 3because it is very discriptive. "Porky the pig sat near the court house in the shade of a tree dressed as a judge hopeing not to be found bby the farmer."
emma 1
I like the third sentence the best of the three because it is funny and because it uses meaningful words that are above a second grade reading level.
sentence one: The pig sat, waiting for Chewy the Chicken near the large town courthouse, in the shade of a small maple tree that hovered above.
period 3
i like the first sencence the best because it was th most detail
The pig sat infront of the courthouse whatinh for his friends the chichen and the chewy.
broc gilbert 10/19/09 period 6
The pig sat angerly near the court house wearing a old jugde outfit with a powderd wig. My favorite sentance was the second one.
Kevin Frevele
My favorate sentance is sentance number two because it says the pigs name,porky, and what his partner was and what his name is.
My more detailed sentance for number one is-Porky the pig,disgiesed as a judge sat to the left of the town courthouse
waiting for his partner under a maple tree.
Suddenly Fred the farmer charged out of the court house chaseing chewey the chicken.
Porky threw off his disquise and charged like a wild bull at fred, knocked him doen and chewy and porky made their escape to antarctica.
I like sentence number 3 because it is very descriptive by saying the farmers name and the chicken's name and the pig's name compared to the first one. The first one is(The pig sat near the courthouse.) That is not very descriptive if you ask me. Katie Per 2
i liked the first sentance because it was simpale but yet also true and the big looked very cute. The pig sat near the courthouse.
olivia period2
My favorite sentence is number 3 because it tells the reader why he is dressed as a judge and what his goal is.
Porky the pig sat near the courthouse felling nervous about his meeting with his friend Chewy the Chicken.
Alex P2
I like sentences nummber three because that sentents is the most descriptive. the first sentence was. The pig sat near the courthouse.My sentence is. The pig dressed as a cort member is mysteriously sitting next to a tree infront of a white corthouse with huge cilinders in front looking franticly around to see if Fred the farmer will recognize him in his white curled wig and gown.
Sarah .H. 5
i think the first sentence could be more descriptive like "the pig sat near the courthouse he wore a judge wig with glases and a robe".
-Noah 1
I like this sentence the best because it is the most descriptive, I also added a few words:
Cleverly disguised as a judge, the pig rested in the shade of a small maple in front of the courthouse.He wanted to get into court so he could win his brothers case.
Dylan P3
Dylan For Pres!!
Katie Per 5
I like sentence 3 because it is descriptive. By saying the names of the characters and longer words. The first sentence should be like this,
Porky the pig was sitting next to a maple as a judge thinking if the farmer would recognize him.
I like the sentence when you are telling us were the pig sit because i just think its funny seeing a pig near the court house and and i like that he is next to a maple.
period 5
My favorite sentence is number three because it goes into more detail than the first two.
And now our feature presentation (drum roll)panting Porky sat down near the courthouse disguised as a judge wondering if he had shaken Farmer Fred.
Sarah- Period 3
The sentence that I like best is sentence 3. I like it the best because it describes how "Porky" is fretting about
"Fred the Farmer", who is a threat to him/her. Also, it tells that "Porky" is meeting with "Chewy the Chicken."
Sentence 1 re-written: Porky the Pig, cunningly garbed as a judge, sat down in front of the courthouse while waiting for her friend, Chewy the Chicken.
I like sentence two the best because it gives a more of a description of where and what the disguised pig is.
The pig star disguised as a judge is sitting in public by the courthouse. He is waiting to see if fred the farmer would recognize him.
Sara period 1
I think that the 2 sentence was the most discriptive, but I think that sentence 3 would be good if that was what the story was about.Polly the pig sat in front .of the court house waiting for carly the cow Hoping that she does not look to ugly so that Carly would reconize her.I am polly the pig in my story.
Eden period 2
3. Porky looked nervously around, wondering whether Fred the Farmer would recognize him in his costume and regretting choosing such a public place for his meeting with Chewy the Chicken.
I think that is the best, because it tells what is going on in the sensence. I thnik they will not get caught because they around alot of people and unless Fred sees Porky from the front! I would try to not make to much of a effort to not be noticed because he will be noticed.
Christina 5
Away from the hot sun blistering his skin,Porky rested in the shade of the tree,hoping no one would see through his disguise.Already people were giving him funny looks.Or did all judges get looked at that way?Maybe the wig was a bit much.
Renee Period 3
I like sentence three the best because it is the most descriptive sentence, it tells what the pig is doing, and it tells why the pig is dressed up in a judges outfit. It also tells the pigs name and introduces us to other characters.
Porky the pig looked around nervously while he sat cleverly, near the court house, disguised as a judge, in the shade of a small maple tree.
i like sentence two because it says what the pig is doing.
i would write A pig disguised as a judge is sitting in the shade near the courthouse!
krista 1
1. Porkey the pig sat in the shade of a small maple tree by the courthouse trying NOT to be seen!
My favorit sentences is #2 because it tells what he is doing!
Helen Per.5
I like the second sentence best. The third sentence is good, but it goes on too long. It should be broken up. The second sentence has enough information and keeps you wanting for more.
"The pig, disguised as a judge for his secret meeting in front of the courthouse, waited nervously and even the shade of the maple tree couldn't keep him from sweating."
Jacob R. Period 2
i think that the last one was much better becuse it adds more people in to the story. not the pig sat down near the corthouse. we need more detale in the short story.that makes the story more clever.
ryan period 1
i like the first sentence the best because you know exactly what the pigg is doing but i like the third one to because it says why hes doing it
brittany period 1
My favorite sentence is the 2nd one. Cleverly disguised as a judge, the pig rested in the shade of a small maple in front of the courthouse. I liked it because he described what he was dressed up as and it was kind of funny, also it was very clear about wre he was. I think that the sentences were very good and had detail and especially the 2nd one and thats why i like that one.
I like sentence two the best because it is the most descriptive out of all of the sentences. It tells not only where the pig was. It also tells what he was next to and what he was disguised as. Sentence one would be more descriptive if written in this why. Disguised as a judge the pig sat near the court house in the shade of the tree. Patrick period 3
well using better words wont get you in trubble and will help to learn.
kenny per.3
I liked the second sentence becuase It described #1 sentence very well and the third sentence was silly. The pig dressed as the judje waited outside the court house to go home.
Ian period 1
I like sentance 2 the best becuase it had the most detail about were the pig was. "The pig sat near the cort house disguised like a judge under a maple tree" is what sentance 1 should be like.
Will period 1
I liked paregraph 2 because it was discript of what he was doing. Dressed in a judge outfit I sat next to the courthouse waiting for the chicken
per 2 Lyman Townsend
Grace 2
I think the 3rd sentence is the best because the descriptions help picture in my mined unlike the other two.
1.In Dc whare politics ruled the world, a special meeting was being held.Next to a small maple dressd in black and a white powderd wig sat Porky the pig.He waited quitely hopeing no one would knowdess him and report him to Fred the Farmer.He had an importanr meeting with his friend Chewy the Chicken that could chang the world forever...
The pig sat unhappily by the courthouse waiting for someone to recognize him as he waited- Andrew B.
Elizabeth Russo Period:2
I think the third sentence is the best out of all of them because it is the most descripitive on what is happening. It tells you why the pig is dressed up as a judge and what the pig is doing there in the first place.
My sentence would be: A pig was sitting very still, disguised as a judge waiting for his friend "Chewy" the chicken to come meet him for there meeting.
I think that the third one was the best because it explains how the pig is feeling and how he is hoping the farmer will not see him. I think people are too busy to notice that he is a pig. But I'm not sure how he got off of the farm?
Bella Period 5
I think the best sentence was sentence 3 because it is really describtive and it desrcibes the scene, plus the situation and what the character is feeling.
The pig sat next to the courthouse waiting for his friend the chicken to come so they could make a good escape plan.
I like sentence #2 because it is descriptive without being too much.
The plumb and wrinkly pig sat beside the mountainous old courthouse.
I like the third one because I like the name porky for a pig and I thought that the sentence was the best described.
The pig quietly sat near the county courthouse in the middle of the day while people were walking by and looking puzzled.
Tae Livermore
Period 2
i think the best sentence is the third one because it is very descriptive and it tells why the pig is hiding. ''the pig is siting near the courthouse behind a tree hiding from the farmer and wait for the chicken to arrive''.
Grant 5
I like the 3rd answer, because has the best description, and detail.I cant't really think of a very good way to re-right the first sentence. Im sorry.
Kate O'Handley
The sentence I like best is the third sentence because it is descriptive, using words that not only describe appearances but also the feelings of regret and nervousness, and I like also that it includes names and common wondering(s) of those in disguise.
Re-write-- 'The pig sat on a bench near the courthouse, ill at ease, and showing so by tapping his feet together and blinking repeatedly so in a way seeming rather unlike a judge.'
Kate O'Handley, Period 2
McKenna 1
I think that the pig really thinks hes a judge because where else would he get the powederd wig. but i think that sentence one desribes it the best
I think the second sentence is the best because it is short and descriptive with good words that stand out. The nervous Porky the pig wated for his meeting right outside the court house doors.
Jimmy period 3
I think that sentence 2 is the best because it seems peaceful and cozy. The pig rested in the shade of a maple tree with his clever disguise of a man in a judges outfit while a bystander was reading a book.
max ofer period3
i think i like the seacand ansewer beacase it explanse what the pig is afirad of.
broc period 5
october 22,2009 10:15 am
I think the third sentence is better then the first two because it is more desciptive then just the pig sat near the courthouse.
Jennifer Snyder p.1
I like the "Cleverly disguised as a judge, the pig rested in the shade of a small maple in front of the courthouse" sentence. That sentence is my favorite.
Emily M.
period 1
I liked the second sentence because it gave detail, but didnt run on forever.
robert 5
i would choose sentence 3 because it is very discriptive and uses lots of adj.
I like the first one because it has a fact not just a thought.
♥☺♥Serena♥☺♥ Period 3
Johnny 5
My favorite sentence was the third one since it was the most descriptive and used good words to describe the picture.
Porky the pig sat nervously in front of the courthouse under a small shady maple tree wondering if Fred the Farmer would notice him in his clever costume of a judge.
That sentence above was sentence one except I added more details to make it more descriptive.
My favorite sentence would have to be the pig sat outside the courthouse.( the clever stinky pig sat ouside the elegant courhouse.(_i picked this sentence because there is so many interesting words you can add to make it more discriptive. Jordian period 1
I like sentence two better than any others because it is decriptive.Re-write sentence 1.
Porky the pig who was diguised a judge was nervously sitting near the courthouse at a maple tree and was waiting for Chewy the Chicken so they could have a meeting.
-Rebecca 1
I think number two is way better than the other ones because I think it goes into more detail than all the other ones that were up there!
I think Porky the pig was nervouse about the meeting with Chewy Chicken and so Porkey the pig sar near the courthouse.
Paige Period5
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