Monday, October 5, 2009

Recess - good or bad?

Read the article below. What are Anthony's strongest two points? Do you agree with him, or are you skeptical of his argument?

Anthony Pantalena

Age 13

Some schools are taking away recess from kids, but that may hurt them more then help. Recess helps students focus, and can improve your school’s reputation. Also, students with recess have better social skills. Recess should be a part of the curriculum of HKMS. Studies at Texas University have shown that kids who have recess work better in school than kids who don’t. The studies show that kids need a break to run around after a lot of work. Then they will be less stressed and more focused on stuff like class work. Like one time I had a ton of homework on the weekend, and taking breaks after finishing something helped me to keep relaxed and stay focused. Also, the brain needs down time to recycle chemicals that help long term memory. This way, they will remember about a lesson a teacher gave, a project that is due, or what homework is due. Overall, recess will help the kids have better grades in every class.
Because kids will get better grades, recess should help your school to get a better reputation. People looking for a place to move would look to Easton for their wonderful school reputation. Thus, more people would move to the great town of Easton, bringing more money to our town because more people means more people buying houses, property, and paying taxes. Also, more kids in our school would mean more friends for everyone, for everyone would find new friends in the new kids.
Recess gives kids a taste of the real world. In recess, kids have to learn how to resolve conflicts on their own, without adult help. Also, they learn how to work with each other, and cooperate. Like if there is a controversial incident in a game, the teams must work it out with each other. This gives the kids a taste of the real world, because they will have to work it out without any adult help, and that is what life is like. This will help the kids build character, and make more friends. Making recess go back in HKMS should make these kids grow in to good, responsible young adults.
So overall, recess helps kids concentrate, raises your reputation, and if you don’t do it, bullying will increase. I hope that this has convinced you to add recess to HKMS.
© Copyright 2007 Anthony Pantalena (UN: tonythetiger at Writing.Com). All rights reserved. Anthony Pantalena has granted Writing.Com, its affiliates and syndicates non-exclusive rights to display this work.


Anonymous said...

I think recess is good because it gives you a break from work and you get fresh air!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Recess is good because kids need to get out and get active.I always belived that it was good for a growing kids health to get outside. Studies have even shown kids that get out and get active are much healther than kids that aren`t active

Anonymous said...

i would toatally suck if you never got a break from school for recess and it if it helps kids focus in school why would they want to cut recess??
brittany marino :)

Anonymous said...

Anthonys strongest two points is resese helps kids with school work and they should have reses. I agree with him becuse when i had reses it was somthing to look foward to after hard work in school.

Will Cadwalader for president

Anonymous said...

I think it is unfair for them to take away reses because that kids enjoy playing with outher kids and to get fresh air also kids enjoy makeing knew friends that come to that school but if they take it away they wont be able to talk to them and it is also unfair for the kids because they dont get a choice to pick when they should so I think it is unfair. Quentin Powers

Anonymous said...

I think its unfair to take reses away from at lest young kids they need time to let loose be crazy(faloing the rules crazy). Young kids love to play outside and be with friends.

Serena Howard

Anonymous said...

McKenna Hage

i think that they shouldnt take away recess because then if kids are really hiper how are they going to sit still in class????

Anonymous said...

i think recess i great for kids. he is right it does bild chacter and helps the kids make frends.


Anonymous said...

I think recess is a good thing because it is a time when kids get to play and to meet new people. I think it is a good thing they have recess because it also is a time to relax and to play.

Quentin Powers

Anonymous said...

JP Gertz

I argee with the artical kids need a brake from working hard and like the artical says it helps long termterm membry so I think kids should have resus.

giants rule!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

her two stongest points are that she thinks that taking away recess is not that bad becouse it will give you more time to study and get you a better school reputation. and that it will keep you focesd on work and study for testes that are next period

kenny eldred

Anonymous said...

Anthony's strongest two points are that they would have better socail skills.I agree with that because then they will learn to cooperate with each other and not call each other names and not be bullies to each other. The second strongest point is when Anthony said that if they they have recess they will get stress off of them. I agree with that because then they wont think about all the homework that they have and they would take time off of that.
By Sara Bowen

Anonymous said...

I do agree with Anthony because recess helps you forget about everything but having fun:0. Anthonys best point was recess helps your social level,
I thought that was clever because if you think about it you are very social during recess. Anthonys other great comment was recess helps your stress level and is better than staying in a classroom all day long taking in information and staring out the window.........jordi@n $ivEr

Anonymous said...

i agree that if u have recess that it will help u. some people stress out about school and recess is a good opertunity to play outside and have fun in school. also you dont always just have to play at recess u can study for a big test that is coming up. it is also a good way to make lots of new friends and get along with each other. it also gives u lots of good exercise. lots of kids can get a taste of the real world with recess because if u get in a fight it will help u work it out and see what it is like solving fights without parental help. in recess u can get a lot more healthy then u really r like running around, swinging, playing soccer or basketball. some kids get there exercise without realizing it. also recess lets u try new things i think recess is good.

Jennifer Snyder

Anonymous said...

i would disagree with anthony because you can have good soical skills without recess. also there are many other ways you can get excirsized then by playing an hour a day. i think it would be good for younger kids though. My reason is bec. 7th graders have tests and stuff and we need to do more studying than for say monkeying around we need to get a good education. It is good for younger kids bec. they are still young yet and need to learn more and communicate with the people around them............


Anonymous said...

Christina P5

I think that is really unsafe! It is unsafe because a kid may fall and break his/her neak, and the school would be in big trouble. Also having that many kids on there is also unsafe. They may run into eachother of sonething. At Morris a kid once fell off the firepole and brused her rib. She had to go to the Hopistable :-(

Christina P5

Anonymous said...

Anthony has two great points and they are both resonable. The first one is that recess helps kids with their social skills. How they have their own fights or different opinions and how the teacher don't help the children have to work it out by just themselfs. The secent reason was that it helps the students with their grads. Anthony had said that recess lets the brain rest and then when you work you seem to be more consontrated. I do agree with Anthony. There school should have recess. I think that also if that school has little kids well we all now how little kids are, they always have to be moving and that is why I think Anthony is corect.

Anonymous said...

I believe that this is a very good Idea because, he is absolutely correct. quite often when i have alot of homework I dont take breaks and it becomes very irritating and seems tedious. when I do take breaks, it really does help me think better.
Robert 5

Anonymous said...

In the article Anthy has two strong points. He says that kids who have reses focus better. He also thinks that schools where kids have reses focus better and that mains that schools who have reses have a better reputation. I agry with Anthy because if you are tired then you do not fokis as well in school I think that teachers will be happier when the kids in their afternoon classes` have had recess This is because kids with resses are able to contribute more ancers making teachers happyer . Usually when a kid's teacher is happier with them the kid has a better day in school. I think that resses is important for kids and teachers alike.
Patrick Dewey 10/5/09

Anonymous said...

Anthony's main argument is that recess keeps kids focused and will raise their grades.I am slightly skeptical about his argument, but I like the idea of going outside and being able to talk.I think it would be a good idea to give us a break during the day,we probably will remain focused longer ,but the whole getting to know the real world thing I don't really think is true ,because we would just call the adults to sort out the problem.I think that our school should let us go outside during lunch more often.I also think that having lunch later would help.

Anonymous said...

I think that his two strongest points are that recess can help a kid get better grades on school work and that it can raise the schools reputation and make the town money by having people move in to houses and paying taxes. I agree i some ways and in others not so much. like I agree that someone might want to move there because it can make a kid happier and parents probably want that. But a kid may be worried more about his or her friends than school work and make their grades drop.-Andrew B.

Anonymous said...

I think tah anthony is right and shares his opinions and proves them with fascts. his first srong point is that recess improves focusing becaus kids get to run around and meet friends and give the brain a brake. I liked that point. His second good point was the repuadation. If you play on this really cool playground, game etc. you would want to talk about it. it would make you want to move their. it was a great point made by anthony i like that.

Jack donnelly

2nd period

Nate Miller said...

I think his two strongest points are social skills, including preventing bullying, and making friends and having the chance to play with them and keep them.

I kind of agree and kind of disagree with him because if you let kids play for a while, they get off track and aren't focused as well after they play because they're all hyper from playing. But I also think kids need to have that free time to stretch out and be with their friends. It might also make you want to work again after you stretch and have some fun.

It's different for everybody. For me, I kind of get off track, but I really like having that fun time. It's a really hard decision between those two, and so I really have no idea which is better for a kid. But it's really nice to have some free time occasionally.

Anonymous said...

recess should not be takin away from kids because it gives a yung child a chance to hyave somthing to look forward to and have fun and play and get exercise its definetly somthing that should be a acomplishment to the kids to have a recess and now they are going tro take it away nol its WRONG

Jasmine Reed

Anonymous said...

i dont think that they should take away recess from kids because kids need their exercise. i think that recess is good and fun and everyone should have recess

{:..Katie Kleban..:}

Anonymous said...


I completly agree with the article. There were many strong points, but I think the most important were: that kids really do focus if they have alittle break. Everyone needs a little time to themselves. I should know i am a kid. Also that it kind of a way to act like an adult. you have problems and conflicts and you work them out. I agree with this article it is true, and this kid did a lot of research to prove his point.

Anonymous said...

I srongly diagree. I think kids defently need recess. It is a grate way to clear there mind and burn out some energy. I rember my frist day of school when all the new people came i couldent wate till recess because thats the only time you can meet them. If i moved someware I would qount on recess to meet people and hang out with my friends. I think all kids every ware should have rcess.You make a lot of memoryies when i was in the E school and other littel kids should make th same memorys.-Bella 5

Anonymous said...

i think that recess is important for kids to have. it is good for kids who are couch pototas to be active. but when kids get older there shouldnt be recess because they are older and more active and there might be more bulling.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anthony, because kids need some time from school, aside from lunch. I think that his two best points are

1) Studies show that kids who have recess work better than kids who don't.

2) In recess, kids have to learn how to deal with conflicts on their own. They can't have their parents help during recess.

Anthony makes many good points but I think that those two are his best.

Emily Murphy

Anonymous said...

Johnny Zhang

I say recess is good I made a report in 5th grade about recess and i food out that since recess is just like exercising it truely helps the body and besides every body like a small brake from shool.

Anonymous said...

Recess is important for children because then they will be able to speak and hang with friends.But I think that recess is a waste of time because when they get into middle school they will not have recess any more, also, in the real world, when you have a job, there is no "recess".
Dylan Snyder Period 3

Anonymous said...

I think Anthony's two strongest points are that students will be able not to stress as much if they have some time to play, and that kids are able to focus better if they are calmed down and don't want to run around. I sort of agree with Anthony but I actually like not having recess at my age, but I do believe that younger kids, in elementary school should have recess.I think in middle high school students don't need recess because the have too many other classes and not enough time.
Sophie Miller

Anonymous said...

I definatly agree with him because I remeber when I was in elementary school if I would have a day with no recess because of the weather I would have a hard time paying attention. His two biggest points was that kids have a harder time paying attention if given no recess and I would definatly agree with this 100%. Also the other point was that it introduces kids to a new world so they can devlop socail skills. I think recess is a good thing to have in the school progam because it helps kids become physically fit and it can also help them to not stress out. I think the best thing to have in a school is a scoail group of students and a stress free enviorment.

Emma Slaga

Anonymous said...

I think that recess is good for you because it gives the mind a break form all the work and it gives you a time to play and have fun plus it gets you ative and keeps you foucs and a time to relax and get fresh air i think recess would be get.

Lucas Busse

Anonymous said...

I think his strongest two points are that if kids dont get recess then they will get bored and not pay attention. If kids got recess it would be like their was 2 short days because you get to run arround. The other point is that if the school dosent offer recess then noeone will come to the school unless they have to. He says that it will ruin their reputation will be ruind and bullies will start bullying.

max ofer

the third doctor whoof said...

I believe his two strongest points were that recess will help your school get a better reputation and keep kids focused. After going into middle school, which has no recess, I find I agree with him as I have been like a highly stressed, unfocused zombie.

Anonymous said...

I think Anthony's two main points are that recess makes kids get better grades as they can focus more, and then from that it would give the school a better reputation.

I agree that recess helps kids focus more because when I was in elementary school whenever I had big tests I never stressed out because I knew I could forget about all that during recess. As some people may know, in middle school, 6th grade, I stressed out alot because I never forgot about it. I never had time to let out all that stress. My mom tells me to take a break from things sometimes as it helps me refocus and the answers will come. Recess is not just good mentally its good physically too. In recess you actually got to be a kid. Without recess more people want to act older, or feel the stress to act older, because they feel they have outgrown their time to play. Recess also helps you be more creative, as you have creative play, not just structured activities.

However, I don't agree that having recess will give a school a better reputation. In this modern society, where there is debate as to whether we should have a full year of school, a school that added recess would be fighting the power. Then the state would get mad and not give them as high a reputation and could possibly cut funding. Also, even with better test scores, rival schools would question what the school is doing and question the scores. Adding recess would be going against the current political trends, despite its advantages.

Overall, I think it is a great idea to have recess.

Jacob Russell

Anonymous said...

I think Anthony's first strongest point is that the school will get a better reputation if there is recess at HKMS. He said that if there is recess, the kids will have time to get everything into their heads that they have learned that day. Therefore, kids will get better grades have a better chance at getting into good colleges, and more people will come to the school, which means more money will come to the town and more friends for people. His second strongest point is that kids will get a taste of the real world at recess. For example, he said during a game, if there is a conflict, you do not have an adult to help you solve it. You have to solve it on your own. I agree with Anthony because I think it is good to have recess. Kids will get to play and have fun during the school day. They will also get fresh air and be physically active. When they come in, their minds will be all refreshed and ready to work.

Renee Friedman period 3

Anonymous said...

Sarah S.

Although not all of Anthony's article is well-written (he uses "like" too much), he does have two points that stand out to me. The first one is: "This gives kids a taste of the real world, because they will have to work it [their problems] out." I think that this is a good point because when you are young, you really do fight about that kickball that is really important to you, so you have to learn how to solve conflicts. The second point is: "People looking for a place to move would look to Easton for their wonderful school reputation." I know that my parents chose Cooperstown partially for the academics, opposed to several neighboring towns.

I partially concur with Anthony. I agree that recess is important for children, because some kids may have energy that they can not burn during school. However, throughout all of elementary school, I was bored during over half of recess. I think that it was a smart decision to cut recess in the Middle/High School, because most people do not need to run around.

Anonymous said...

I totally agree with Anthony that kids should have recess. I think that his first good point was that at recess you have to deal with any problems if they come up and you build chacter and make friends. Another good point was when he said that studys prove that kids that have recess have beter grades.Also even though I don't have recess any more I still have some very good memories from when I was little. Eden

Anonymous said...

Anthony has two great points and they are both resonable. The first one is that recess helps kids with their social skills. How they have their own fights or different opinions and how the teacher don't help the children have to work it out by just themselfs. The secent reason was that it helps the students with their grads. Anthony had said that recess lets the brain rest and then when you work you seem to be more consontrated. I do agree with Anthony. There school should have recess. I think that also if that school has little kids well we all now how little kids are, they always have to be moving and that is why I think Anthony is corect.


Anonymous said...

i think recess is good becase it will incereg kids to be more active in sports and after school activites. it is bad if kids do not get recess. it is importint becase kids need fress air and spase to play.
it also would not be far to the kids if they did not get recess. kids need time to play and time to and have fun as much as they can. when they get into the middel school they will not be abel to have recess. broc gilbert 10/08/09 period 5

Anonymous said...

I think that recess is a good thing for students. One thing that I thought that was good was that when students have recess they run around and it keeps them relaxed so they focus on class work. Another thing that was said that I thought was good about recess is that the brain needs down time to recycle chemicals that help long term memory which helps students remeber classwork and homework assignments.
- Rebecca Morosko

Anonymous said...

I agree with Anthony 100%. I think his two strongest points are 1. that it is a good way to take a break from class and relax for a half an hour and have some fresh air. It would probaly then help you with work because you took a break. 2. It's a good way to get to talk to your frends becase you don't rally have anytime in school but for lunch but if kids have recess than they probaly won'talk as much in class.
Jimmy Anania

Anonymous said...

I think they should not take away recess because as the said you do better in school with recess. It also is fun and the kids need freash air. I think i did better with recess at the elementary school.They should bring recess to the middle school. Befor i would look forword to recess after a long day of work. It also takes off a lot of stress on on coming tests. The kids wont be as strong and active when they grow up if they dont have recessand they will have better social skills. they will get bord in school and not pay attention andwish they were outside. Kids need to learn to solve conflicts on their own. per 2 Lyman Townsend

Anonymous said...

i think it would be a bad thing if they took away recess because kids have a lot of energy during school and its good to get some of it of there system and get some fresh air. It is also good to let the kids socilize with there friends. also its good to get there minds off tests and school work

Grant 5

Anonymous said...

Elizabeth Russo
I comptely agree with Anthony's opinion. I think one of his main points is that recess is a time to relax and talk to your friends. I also think another main point is that kids who have recess get better grades because they focus more. I strongly agree with Anthony's opinion because it is important to have recess and be able to relax and focus more during school after hard and long classes!

Anonymous said...

Recess is a good way to stay fit and relaxed during in school and outside of school. I agree with Athony, two of his strongest points are, (So overall, recess helps kids concentrate, raises your reputation, and if you don’t do it, bullying will increase.)

(Then they will be less stressed and more focused on stuff like class work.)

Also I would like to have a break during school because we come to school everyday but not week days. We should get a break besides lunch,go outside and get fresh air and do what we want to do.


Anonymous said...

Well, I definitely think that recess is a good thing. The author makes some very good points such as recess impoving both social, academic, and life skills. I remember when I was in E. school, recess was the only thing that kept me sane after a day of sitting in one classroom for 6 hours.

Unknown said...

I agree with him because I think their should be a break for kids after you sit in a chsir munits on end!

Helen 5

Anonymous said...

The two things that anthony is trying to say is that schools are trying to take away recess time and that recess can help us by refreshing our minds, taking a break. I really agree with anthony very strongly because it really helps me calm down when i'm stressed and can help me concentrete!

:) Tae Livermore :)

Anonymous said...

I think recess is good. It is good becuase it gives kids a break and it lets them have fun. In sachool kids NEED something to look foward to. I kids are NOT modavated they will not do good in school. Kids also can't sit still so it helps them sit still. Kids also need fresh air. In Morris we had recess from Pre-k through 6!

Christina 5

Anonymous said...

i agree with anthony cause it is safe and it is fun and u get fresh air.
jEnnIfeR SnYdEr

Anonymous said...

i think kids sould have recess becase it will inspier kids to do after school activeates.

broc for president

Anonymous said...

yes theyshould because it woulld be hard to not control them.


Anonymous said...

I think its a great to be outdoors after all the work we go thru each day. Sometimes after school i get headaches from all of the assignments and not being able to take a break for 6 hours... It would also help kids stay active which is very important considering how alot of people are these days in the US.


Anonymous said...

I would think that it would not be fair to other students espesially when their younger. The reason is kids dont like to be sitting all day and do class work. They would like to go out and have a small brake to socialize and exersize. Some childeren might not at home go and play because possibly no childeren live by them. If they have nobody to play with it causes you to become bigger. And the exersize in a kids life is very important. It shows that they will want to go and do activitys such as sports. My point being is that kids need recess and I think that is not a fair advantige..

-paige hewitt
2nd period

Anonymous said...

The two strongest points that he made were the resses helps kids have the iformation that there teachers gave them sink in. The other is that resses gives kids a taste of the real world and they have to solve problems on there own. I agree with him completly and think that he has the right idea.
nate w period 2

Anonymous said...

I agree with anthony. He has a good point when he says it help you stay focused. we should have recess!


Anonymous said...

I have never actually had recess(if lunchtime doesn't count), so please excuse any comments that I make later in this that don't make any sense.
I think the two strongest points are that recess helps kids have better social skills, and also that it helps kids concentrate better.
Anthony put a lot of great information in the article, and I do agree with him. Everyone needs a short break time once a day, and I think Anthony put it into words very well.

Claire Period 2

Anonymous said...

I do agree with Anthony and he has a lot of good points. I do think that kids will have better social skills and it is good to have breaks once in a while. I also like the fact that Anthony used reserch he found to help support his point. Overall recess should not be taken away.

Alex 2nd per.

Anonymous said...

I think resess is good cause you get a chance to get freash air and go play have fun get a lay off talk to friends without getting in troubel

Austin peiroud 2

Timmy G Per. #1 said...

I think recess is good because it gives you some time to get all of the energy that you have building up inside of you out so you are not as hyper as you would be if you did not have time to go outside.

an Eighth Grader said...

does it really matter however, how the schools rep is? sure it will help them by making more families move to where ever, but, shouldnt people be more concerned about their grades then who goes to their school? i liked recess up till about 4th grade. by that time, everyone just kind of hung aroung and talked. we never really ran around or exerted our energy, which is good, because then, in MS/HS, it didnt come as a gigantic shock not having recess. I guess my point is, recess was good, and people may feel/work better with it. but there comes a time in everyones life, when you learn to forgive and forget... but not actually forget, just remember the good times and move on. and you also have to point to other factors as to why people wouldnt focus as well in class, doing hw etc. did they not sleep well? are they talking to friends?
dont get me wrong, i loved recess... almost as much as i loved nap time. but we all survive just fine with out it.

an eighth grader. 2009

Anonymous said...

After reading this article it convinced me that recess even helps you with school work! Recess is also a good time to make new friends and excercise. I'm sure many other parents and kids agree that we have recess too. I also believe that kids wil be able to face challenges easier in the future if they practice by facing them on the playground. Recess also gives a time for the brain to rest. That is what I think about having recess.

Johnny 5

Anonymous said...

taking away recess is CRAZY!!!!!
i loved receess when i was in ellemntary. evere year i had to wait 30 more minets to have recess. its a shame we dont have recess in middel/ high school.
